I started this game as a GWF and have no trouble at all, its been great fun and still is at lvl 41 now. I don't use a companion as I dont need one, i move out of the way of incoming attacks as most I can, I don't stand on the big red circles when they come up to avoid even more damage. I have no problem.
Stop whinning like little girl and play the game, if you say you cant then i suggest another game with that is easier to play or try a different class to complain about :P
*note* this is for PVE only i say this as I don't PVP at all.
I 100% agree with this, while my GWF is only 28 and I do use the Cleric. I have yet to buy any HP potions as I found plenty of them while grinding and only use during mini boss fights if I didn't not time my movements quick enough. Yes GWF seem to not scale very well during the grind to 60 but from watching people stream and doing some research @ lvl60 there are one of the top DPS in PvE content. There also pretty solid for PvP with the right build.
Maybe it comes down to your just not ment to play a Melee class. I know Ranged class's don't fit my play style.
junkiesnationMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
Why wouldn't you use any companion? It's like saying you don't use two armor slots because you don't really need them.
diyasi9000Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
The main difference I found with GWF and TR is the defense trade off. I level'd my GWF in about 6 days from 1-60. When I got to level 60, I had about 40 gold and a full 1, 2, and 3 bar full of 99 of the level 60 potions. I rarely had trouble affording anything, and I've spent no money on Zen. At lower levels, I did feel really weak compared to the TR's and CW's, until I got into some dungeons. Now in epic dungeons, I find myself tanking the bosses while the TR's, CW's, and GF's work to keep adds off the healer. GF's have better CC than GWF, and produce less dps, so it makes more sense to stick your GWF on the boss instead of your GF. I've successfully tanked the end boss in epic crypts without a healer. I'm usually at about 4-8 million damage in an epic dungeon, whereas TR's and CW's are pushing 9-10 million. But if they get hit once by a boss's big attack, that's a death.
One thing that I was really confused about while leveling was do I gear for power, armor pen, or crit? At first, I was enchanting and selecting gear with the most crit on it. I noticed a huge improvement in damage when I switched over to power. I also probably use different encounter powers than most GWF's. I take all single target encounter powers, and for my passives, I use the crit chance stacking and the damage bonus for hitting more than 3 targets (later in your paragon powers, you have a 25% chance to proc the damage increase when hitting any number of targets). Needless to say, they're pretty much always stacked. With the stacks on and a rogue buff, I'm looking at about a 45% crit chance with my whopping 13 dex, at 90% severity.
It really boils down to whether you want to be a glass cannon dps, or a slightly less powerful beefy dps.
nerdbaneMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 18Arc User
edited May 2013
Protips for low-lvl GWFs
- Stand in all red circles!
- Carry 50+ pots all times!
- Remove Reaping Strike and forget it's existence
- SLAM get SLAM 3 point SLAM use SLAM
- Stack Power (60 power or 35 power&arp item? 60 POWAH!)
- If you want to avoid big attacks (why would you?) start sprinting right after their IM COMING FOR YOU signal, don't even waste a second.
- Grab the cleric at 16
- Dungeon tip, hug your cleric because the enemy will do the same!
- Find ways to keep yourself motivated, like screaming WAAAGH!(sprint) , SIT DOWN SON! or NOPE! (takedown), DEMACIAAAAA (Spinning), NOBODY TOSSES A DWARF! (Leap)
All you need to know until you reach the higher levels
The main difference I found with GWF and TR is the defense trade off. I level'd my GWF in about 6 days from 1-60. When I got to level 60, I had about 40 gold and a full 1, 2, and 3 bar full of 99 of the level 60 potions. I rarely had trouble affording anything, and I've spent no money on Zen. At lower levels, I did feel really weak compared to the TR's and CW's, until I got into some dungeons. Now in epic dungeons, I find myself tanking the bosses while the TR's, CW's, and GF's work to keep adds off the healer. GF's have better CC than GWF, and produce less dps, so it makes more sense to stick your GWF on the boss instead of your GF. I've successfully tanked the end boss in epic crypts without a healer. I'm usually at about 4-8 million damage in an epic dungeon, whereas TR's and CW's are pushing 9-10 million. But if they get hit once by a boss's big attack, that's a death.
One thing that I was really confused about while leveling was do I gear for power, armor pen, or crit? At first, I was enchanting and selecting gear with the most crit on it. I noticed a huge improvement in damage when I switched over to power. I also probably use different encounter powers than most GWF's. I take all single target encounter powers, and for my passives, I use the crit chance stacking and the damage bonus for hitting more than 3 targets (later in your paragon powers, you have a 25% chance to proc the damage increase when hitting any number of targets). Needless to say, they're pretty much always stacked. With the stacks on and a rogue buff, I'm looking at about a 45% crit chance with my whopping 13 dex, at 90% severity.
It really boils down to whether you want to be a glass cannon dps, or a slightly less powerful beefy dps.
At my level (30's) I'm gearing Power > Crit > Armor Pen > Recovery and going with AoE Cleaves and Stuns and have no problem dpsing 2-3 packs of mobs at a time.
muzrub333Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Have tried all the classes except DC so far, and I gotta say that Cryptic and by association PWE will be hemorrhaging potential income if they do not bring up the early game performance of GWF; while playable (if you are determined enough) the difficulty is just enough that I can easily see someone trying this as their 1st character might also make it their last one, all the while cursing the devs and publisher for making another dirty grindy pay to win game.
And this class by virtue of appearance alone is going to be a go to choice for many people for their first taste of the game.
It won't matter if the late game changes for GWF, or that the other classes offer a far difference experience, in the era of F2P, first impressions are EVERYTHING.
This is why we can't have nice things. Not directed at you personally, just the lame whimpy kid syndrome that has infected seemingly everyone. The only reason I am still playing is the fact that the GWF is a tiny bit challenging. People cry if they can't face roll through games; it's really sad. /shrug In before ultra EZ mode nerf.
junkiesnationMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited May 2013
Honestly, if you having issues with any class in this game in the first 20 levels you're doing something very very wrong.
I dont know which one is it - are so many people addicted to the grind to a point that they dont mind waiting for "sometime in the future when the class they prefer starts feeling OK" or are they simply only looking towards the endgame which by my standards is a waste of time ( if its not fun and its a game then its a waste of time). Suppose you marry Angie Jolie but only get to enjoy her in +30 years how are you gonna feel eh ? My point is your fave class in any game should be satisfactory from lvl 1 or its a turn off for me and I dont think Im alone in this.
And the reason I take my time to write about all this is because I care for this game and want it to be good ( good for me and good for the ppl who put their time and money into making it). So yes the GWF needs fixin', how and in what way ill let the specialists decide but if it was me Id give him more dps.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Well at level 16 you get a companion. I would recommend the Cleric. I have an abundance of potions that have drop off of mobs due to the Cleric healing me all the time. Plus it does it get better. I just dinged 30 last night on my GWF.
Personally I really like the GWF, they have gotten a bad rap but they are still fun to play.
junkiesnationMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 17Arc User
I dont know which one is it - are so many people addicted to the grind to a point that they dont mind waiting for "sometime in the future when the class they prefer starts feeling OK" or are they simply only looking towards the endgame which by my standards is a waste of time ( if its not fun and its a game then its a waste of time). Suppose you marry Angie Jolie but only get to enjoy her in +30 years how are you gonna feel eh ? My point is your fave class in any game should be satisfactory from lvl 1 or its a turn off for me and I dont think Im alone in this.
And the reason I take my time to write about all this is because I care for this game and want it to be good ( good for me and good for the ppl who put their time and money into making it). So yes the GWF needs fixin', how and in what way ill let the specialists decide but if it was me Id give him more dps.
That is probably the worst analogy I've ever read. Congrats.
This thread needs to be deleted considering the OP is ranting about a class he played to level 15.
sithisheMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
Avalence of Steel = Man of Steel !
kineticv3Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Stick with it. My GWF is now level 38 and past 30 its been a blast. In the Throne of Idris dungeon I'm topping charts since 36 or being beaten slightly by someone who's over level 40. Single target damage is OK but AoE is where you will shine.
epixcomixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
This thread needs to be deleted considering the OP is ranting about a class he played to level 15.
Well I agree that a level 15 character has no where near the whole picture, but you don't really see lots of posts about the other classes at level 15 complaining about their game play. It's pretty common knowledge to most people that look around the forums or have actually played the class up...but the GWF pretty much sucks in comparison to the other classes until 30+. Even becoming competitive later on doesn't justify the fact that its the only class that has to slog through 30 levels in order to be able to be decent at something. The class may not be completely broken, but yes, there are some serious problems with it in various areas that need to be addressed.
daradalMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I dont know which one is it - are so many people addicted to the grind to a point that they dont mind waiting for "sometime in the future when the class they prefer starts feeling OK" or are they simply only looking towards the endgame which by my standards is a waste of time ( if its not fun and its a game then its a waste of time). Suppose you marry Angie Jolie but only get to enjoy her in +30 years how are you gonna feel eh ? My point is your fave class in any game should be satisfactory from lvl 1 or its a turn off for me and I dont think Im alone in this.
And the reason I take my time to write about all this is because I care for this game and want it to be good ( good for me and good for the ppl who put their time and money into making it). So yes the GWF needs fixin', how and in what way ill let the specialists decide but if it was me Id give him more dps.
Maybe people are just taking it for what it is and enjoying themselves. Does it take us longer to level? Sure It does, but look at it this way we get to enjoy the content longer than the other guys. If it frustrating? Yeah a little, but not enough to sit here and complain about it all day. Its not that bad, its not that much of a grind.
First off, I'd like to thank all the the folks who left a well thought out and written opinion on GWF. There were ones in support of GWF, and ones who bashed GWF. I came to this thread looking for a reason to play GWF, and I found one. I am determined to level and play a GWF successfully. I'll come back to this thread when I'm level 30 to leave my well-thought out opinion so far.
This thread needs to be deleted considering the OP is ranting about a class he played to level 15.
This is a F2P game in an era flush with competition in the genre. If you don't hook someone within the first few hours of game play, good luck getting even one cent out of them.
If anything the thread needs to be stickied as a glaring example of how not to have the classes balanced in the early game.
I was brought to neverwinter by a friend who plays lvl 60 CW(He warned me about GWF being useless HAMSTER, but hey u can't reason with a guy who just saw a two handed sword character). Was looking through classes and 'OH MY GOD THIS IS MY DREAM' I saw GWF.... a top specimen of a man who lives by the sword etc etc bla bla bla...should be rly good damage\gameplay char I thought....what can CW know about GWF, how I was wrong... leveled him to 30, it was a pure pain, dmg is low, skills useless, all in mostly blue gear. After 30 nothing changed... he still lacks dps... any rogue in a bathing suit can take same dmg and dish out 5 times more. And CW can do more aoe damage while ccing half the dungeon at the same time.
The class idea is very nice and appealing cause 7 feet tall barb with a two hander is irresistible. But in game reality CW does more aoe dps and has CC, rogue HAMSTER l33ts like crazy etc etc.... and GWF is just that useless guy there just for extra party slot who does somewhat contribute to the party but there is no role for him, nor there a need. While at my friends place I watched them do epic dungeon with 1 tank+2 rogue+1cw+1healer, easy. I asked why don't they have GWF in the party, he's the go to aoe guy at those levels, answer was 'LOL', nuf said.
If GWF ever get's the love from devs I will most surely revisit the game but in this state....not.... I'm just not the Harry Potter\Legolas character kinda guy.
PS: The game itself is rly good thou. Too bad the class that i would like to play is pure garbage.
Carnage TR Dragon shard - retired? hell yea it's retired along with Nevewinter
Some people are just bad at games like this. I haven't even started playing my GWF yet, but i've done enough research to already know my plan of attack. Dont go insane in the membrane yo, do some research on specs and rotations.
I don't feel so antagonistic towards the OP as my original perceptions playing GWF just to lev 10ish were similar to theirs. I'm swinging this big sword with wide-arcing slashes and maybe glancing a second mob if I'm lucky unless I use the Encounter whereas, in other games, a great weapon-style fighter is hitting everything in their path regardless. And then there's the less than clear descriptions on powers like Slam.
But then I came back to it after leveling my other classes and realizing that the entire game's play-style is going to be different so I rolled with it. I have every character class and I find Sprint to be the most versatile tab power for avoiding dmg. You can sprint right into the mob and it'll bump you around it so you end up behind it. I love it and use it all of the time. And Slam? Thank GAWD I read to forums and learned how great a power it is; especially in low-levs! Get Slam, rank it, get the Knockdown power, rank it, get & use ANYthing that builds determination, knock that boss down and wail on it. Do the Skirmish and Foundry events, rack up those AD's and spend them on lev 16 Blue Gear at the Auction House since the same damned thing drops so often in the Dungeons that people are getting rid of the multiple copies for a pittance.
Do this and hop in the Orc Skirmish and then tell me you aren't topping the dmg charts. That'll make you feel a lot better along with your Cleric companion.
I don't feel so antagonistic towards the OP as my original perceptions playing GWF just to lev 10ish were similar to theirs. I'm swinging this big sword with wide-arcing slashes and maybe glancing a second mob if I'm lucky unless I use the Encounter whereas, in other games, a great weapon-style fighter is hitting everything in their path regardless. And then there's the less than clear descriptions on powers like Slam.
But then I came back to it after leveling my other classes and realizing that the entire game's play-style is going to be different so I rolled with it. I have every character class and I find Sprint to be the most versatile tab power for avoiding dmg. You can sprint right into the mob and it'll bump you around it so you end up behind it. I love it and use it all of the time. And Slam? Thank GAWD I read to forums and learned how great a power it is; especially in low-levs! Get Slam, rank it, get the Knockdown power, rank it, get & use ANYthing that builds determination, knock that boss down and wail on it. Do the Skirmish and Foundry events, rack up those AD's and spend them on lev 16 Blue Gear at the Auction House since the same damned thing drops so often in the Dungeons that people are getting rid of the multiple copies for a pittance.
Do this and hop in the Orc Skirmish and then tell me you aren't topping the dmg charts. That'll make you feel a lot better along with your Cleric companion.
I played the other classes and enjoyed the blink ability until I used Sprint. So much easier to dodge multiple attacks/spells!
I've been playing the GWF for about 25 levels now and I have to say they don't feel nearly as good as the rogue or wizard classes. I figured my job in dungeons was going to be tanking related, but most of the classes can just use their dodge ability to avoid problems. And while I can easily grab mobs and hold aggro, I don't feel like I'm a necessary part of the fight. I feel like I'd be better off just playing a rogue or wizard to add more DPS to the situation while using my dodge and the cleric's support healing to stay alive. The problem with me isn't about damage, (I came into this character expecting to tank) my problem is that my role doesn't feel all that necessary. I love tank roles, (I've been playing tanks and doing end game content in four different MMOs now and this game is sort of missing a satisfying tank experience for me.) Maybe they'll fix that and adjust/balance the classes some more, but right now it feel disappointing. I don't want the tanking in this game to be like the tanking in other MMOs, I just want it to feel satisfying and necessary. Most of the MMOs I've played and enjoyed had very different tanking experiences, but each one was satisfying. This MMO leaves me wanting a bit in that area. (So far anyway.)
I made a GWF after reading all the whining on the forums and cannot see the problem. I had no problems leveling and even ditched my cleric for a Sellsword(GWF). I wonder if the average player just wants to stand in 1 spot and faceroll like you can in other games? Active combat seems to be hard for many to learn. GWF is a very mobile fighter, use it to your advantage.
Groups are where you see really bad players. Smart groups pull mobs into 1 spot, usually around the tank, so they can be dispatched fast. Too many people play like they're soloing still. Also you should notice that GWF DPS is lower on the chart when the Boss-type does not spawn a lot of adds and is just Tank+Spank(old problem w/MMOs that made players lazy). Watch how many TR/GF/CW just seem afk on the boss while the DC runs around from adds. I've been thanked by many DC for coming to their aid and that's what a GWF does well in Boss fights. Look on the team chart for Kills to see if your GWF did his job or not(if you had a decent team).
I made a GWF after reading all the whining on the forums and cannot see the problem. I had no problems leveling and even ditched my cleric for a Sellsword(GWF). I wonder if the average player just wants to stand in 1 spot and faceroll like you can in other games? Active combat seems to be hard for many to learn. GWF is a very mobile fighter, use it to your advantage.
Groups are where you see really bad players. Smart groups pull mobs into 1 spot, usually around the tank, so they can be dispatched fast. Too many people play like they're soloing still. Also you should notice that GWF DPS is lower on the chart when the Boss-type does not spawn a lot of adds and is just Tank+Spank(old problem w/MMOs that made players lazy). Watch how many TR/GF/CW just seem afk on the boss while the DC runs around from adds. I've been thanked by many DC for coming to their aid and that's what a GWF does well in Boss fights. Look on the team chart for Kills to see if your GWF did his job or not(if you had a decent team).
You have to be more specific. The Guardian works alright at certain levels but then begins to lag behind the other classes in the mid levels. Solo is especially painful if you don't have the spec for it. I'm wouldn't say the class is unplayable or useless, it just seems like other classes are much better and I'm not sure how useful the tanking roll is overall. For example, I was doing a dungeon with a pretty bad healer and he let me die on the last fight. I figured we were dead for sure, then I realized that the other players were just DPSing and using their dodge to kill off the boss while staying alive. If this is possible, I'm thinking I should just bring another DPS to the battle and leave the tank at home. In addition to this, solo leveling can be painful if you don't have the right spec. All in all the mage and rogue seem to leave the guardian in the dust. I've heard the tank becomes a little more viable at higher levels, but I don't like having to wait to be useful.
See, OP, what it is to play a gwf? Remember your posts in the forum when you were playing your main?
Hey gwfs stop qq-ing and learn how to play, all the classes have their pros and cons but all in all it's perfectly balanced, and so on.
Now you can see.
This class only has cons. Even the double-tap on the "W" key. On your CW it will teleport you. On the GWF... nothing. A gwf wanting to sprint has to find the Shift key while at the same time also hitting the W key. Small detail you may say, but oh so typical: more work for lower results.
You drink lots of potions till you get the cleric.
Once you get the cleric, it's a joke.
Then you get to lvl 60 and if you build your GWF right and manage to practice the right PvE strategies, it's easy to do solo dungeons.
In general, didn't find it difficult to level up after level 15.
To vortix: double hit on W makes my GWF sprint...
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited September 2013
*the mage waves his hands, stealing time from the undead scrolls then freezes them in time as a cleric of Kelemvor rushes in and chants words from faith to undo the Necromancy worked here*
I 100% agree with this, while my GWF is only 28 and I do use the Cleric. I have yet to buy any HP potions as I found plenty of them while grinding and only use during mini boss fights if I didn't not time my movements quick enough. Yes GWF seem to not scale very well during the grind to 60 but from watching people stream and doing some research @ lvl60 there are one of the top DPS in PvE content. There also pretty solid for PvP with the right build.
Maybe it comes down to your just not ment to play a Melee class. I know Ranged class's don't fit my play style.
One thing that I was really confused about while leveling was do I gear for power, armor pen, or crit? At first, I was enchanting and selecting gear with the most crit on it. I noticed a huge improvement in damage when I switched over to power. I also probably use different encounter powers than most GWF's. I take all single target encounter powers, and for my passives, I use the crit chance stacking and the damage bonus for hitting more than 3 targets (later in your paragon powers, you have a 25% chance to proc the damage increase when hitting any number of targets). Needless to say, they're pretty much always stacked. With the stacks on and a rogue buff, I'm looking at about a 45% crit chance with my whopping 13 dex, at 90% severity.
It really boils down to whether you want to be a glass cannon dps, or a slightly less powerful beefy dps.
- Stand in all red circles!
- Carry 50+ pots all times!
- Remove Reaping Strike and forget it's existence
- SLAM get SLAM 3 point SLAM use SLAM
- Stack Power (60 power or 35 power&arp item? 60 POWAH!)
- If you want to avoid big attacks (why would you?) start sprinting right after their IM COMING FOR YOU signal, don't even waste a second.
- Grab the cleric at 16
- Dungeon tip, hug your cleric because the enemy will do the same!
- Find ways to keep yourself motivated, like screaming WAAAGH!(sprint) , SIT DOWN SON! or NOPE! (takedown), DEMACIAAAAA (Spinning), NOBODY TOSSES A DWARF! (Leap)
All you need to know until you reach the higher levels
At my level (30's) I'm gearing Power > Crit > Armor Pen > Recovery and going with AoE Cleaves and Stuns and have no problem dpsing 2-3 packs of mobs at a time.
This is why we can't have nice things. Not directed at you personally, just the lame whimpy kid syndrome that has infected seemingly everyone. The only reason I am still playing is the fact that the GWF is a tiny bit challenging. People cry if they can't face roll through games; it's really sad. /shrug In before ultra EZ mode nerf.
And the reason I take my time to write about all this is because I care for this game and want it to be good ( good for me and good for the ppl who put their time and money into making it). So yes the GWF needs fixin', how and in what way ill let the specialists decide but if it was me Id give him more dps.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Personally I really like the GWF, they have gotten a bad rap but they are still fun to play.
That is probably the worst analogy I've ever read. Congrats.
Well I agree that a level 15 character has no where near the whole picture, but you don't really see lots of posts about the other classes at level 15 complaining about their game play. It's pretty common knowledge to most people that look around the forums or have actually played the class up...but the GWF pretty much sucks in comparison to the other classes until 30+. Even becoming competitive later on doesn't justify the fact that its the only class that has to slog through 30 levels in order to be able to be decent at something. The class may not be completely broken, but yes, there are some serious problems with it in various areas that need to be addressed.
Maybe people are just taking it for what it is and enjoying themselves. Does it take us longer to level? Sure It does, but look at it this way we get to enjoy the content longer than the other guys. If it frustrating? Yeah a little, but not enough to sit here and complain about it all day. Its not that bad, its not that much of a grind.
This is a F2P game in an era flush with competition in the genre. If you don't hook someone within the first few hours of game play, good luck getting even one cent out of them.
If anything the thread needs to be stickied as a glaring example of how not to have the classes balanced in the early game.
Didn't like them in swtor and don't like them in this game either.
Its like a babysitter (oh please protect me or heal me my silent companion, please don't have me use a heal pot or fight my own battles noooooo)
which I don't need
The class idea is very nice and appealing cause 7 feet tall barb with a two hander is irresistible. But in game reality CW does more aoe dps and has CC, rogue HAMSTER l33ts like crazy etc etc.... and GWF is just that useless guy there just for extra party slot who does somewhat contribute to the party but there is no role for him, nor there a need. While at my friends place I watched them do epic dungeon with 1 tank+2 rogue+1cw+1healer, easy. I asked why don't they have GWF in the party, he's the go to aoe guy at those levels, answer was 'LOL', nuf said.
If GWF ever get's the love from devs I will most surely revisit the game but in this state....not.... I'm just not the Harry Potter\Legolas character kinda guy.
PS: The game itself is rly good thou. Too bad the class that i would like to play is pure garbage.
Seze - Rogue - Necropolis -
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But then I came back to it after leveling my other classes and realizing that the entire game's play-style is going to be different so I rolled with it. I have every character class and I find Sprint to be the most versatile tab power for avoiding dmg. You can sprint right into the mob and it'll bump you around it so you end up behind it. I love it and use it all of the time. And Slam? Thank GAWD I read to forums and learned how great a power it is; especially in low-levs! Get Slam, rank it, get the Knockdown power, rank it, get & use ANYthing that builds determination, knock that boss down and wail on it. Do the Skirmish and Foundry events, rack up those AD's and spend them on lev 16 Blue Gear at the Auction House since the same damned thing drops so often in the Dungeons that people are getting rid of the multiple copies for a pittance.
Do this and hop in the Orc Skirmish and then tell me you aren't topping the dmg charts. That'll make you feel a lot better along with your Cleric companion.
I played the other classes and enjoyed the blink ability until I used Sprint. So much easier to dodge multiple attacks/spells!
Groups are where you see really bad players. Smart groups pull mobs into 1 spot, usually around the tank, so they can be dispatched fast. Too many people play like they're soloing still. Also you should notice that GWF DPS is lower on the chart when the Boss-type does not spawn a lot of adds and is just Tank+Spank(old problem w/MMOs that made players lazy). Watch how many TR/GF/CW just seem afk on the boss while the DC runs around from adds. I've been thanked by many DC for coming to their aid and that's what a GWF does well in Boss fights. Look on the team chart for Kills to see if your GWF did his job or not(if you had a decent team).
You have to be more specific. The Guardian works alright at certain levels but then begins to lag behind the other classes in the mid levels. Solo is especially painful if you don't have the spec for it. I'm wouldn't say the class is unplayable or useless, it just seems like other classes are much better and I'm not sure how useful the tanking roll is overall. For example, I was doing a dungeon with a pretty bad healer and he let me die on the last fight. I figured we were dead for sure, then I realized that the other players were just DPSing and using their dodge to kill off the boss while staying alive. If this is possible, I'm thinking I should just bring another DPS to the battle and leave the tank at home. In addition to this, solo leveling can be painful if you don't have the right spec. All in all the mage and rogue seem to leave the guardian in the dust. I've heard the tank becomes a little more viable at higher levels, but I don't like having to wait to be useful.
Hey gwfs stop qq-ing and learn how to play, all the classes have their pros and cons but all in all it's perfectly balanced, and so on.
Now you can see.
This class only has cons. Even the double-tap on the "W" key. On your CW it will teleport you. On the GWF... nothing. A gwf wanting to sprint has to find the Shift key while at the same time also hitting the W key. Small detail you may say, but oh so typical: more work for lower results.
Once you get the cleric, it's a joke.
Then you get to lvl 60 and if you build your GWF right and manage to practice the right PvE strategies, it's easy to do solo dungeons.
In general, didn't find it difficult to level up after level 15.
To vortix: double hit on W makes my GWF sprint...
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