So, I am a lvl 60 mage, in fact, I am 2 lvl 60 mages. The first one was using a crit dmg as a base for the build. Not much in the way of CC, since teamwork would negate the need.
However, there are barley any Crit chans gear besides 1 orb that would allow me to go past tier 1 of epic dungeons.
So I restarted a new mage that uses a different build. However, that mage is not as much fun for me. So I was wondering, will there ever be gear that allows me to play a crit-based bage?
If not, it would be nice to know. I am gonna be a bit less online right now because of real life stuff. And I hope that in a month or so, there will be a higher amount available.
I guess I will try to like the necessary build, but I am hoping that the builds present in the feat tree will be supported.
Thanks for a great game though. It has been worth the 60 bucks I payed (66 really, since I am european), and anything else is just icing on the cake.