Man, this would be -so- useful. Currently staring at a dialogue editor that, according to the horizontal scroll bar, is 10 times the width of my monitor.
And that's not the largest dialogue I have (or have planned)
I'd love to be able to use the mousewheel and zoom out to get an overview of the dialogue. Sure, the text will scale with the boxes, and eventually will disappear, but you'll still be able to get an overall picture of the flow of the text.
If this Neverwinter is going to come anywhere close to the original, it's going to need conversations and plot branches---especially since there is currently NO real sense of "companions" in the basic game, just "pets that happen to look like characters".
The current method for drafting/displaying/editing dialogue is miserable. The whole decision to lay dialogue out horizontally is a mistake, IMHO. The vertical layout of the original NW was a better approach, as any usability professional will attest: if scrolling is required, vertical scrolling is better than horizontal.
An even better solution would be to reduce completed dialogue options down to an icon. That would enable the author to scan over the entire conversation, the visual cues helping remind where the decision points and flow is going. Maybe icons like Green Light for when the player agrees with the NPC statements and Red Light for objecting to NPC. Etcetera.
Lets not even discuss the ridiculously small text box, or the text cursor that randomly keeps jumping to the first line in the text box. Or if you move a secondary or subsequent conversation branch(es), it deletes the response in the previous conversation branch.
Bug Powder Dust: Chapter 1, 15 mins of Cleric friendly hack and slash, with a nod to Pratchett and G Naylor:- NW-DKHPBAVBO
If this Neverwinter is going to come anywhere close to the original, it's going to need conversations and plot branches---especially since there is currently NO real sense of "companions" in the basic game, just "pets that happen to look like characters".
The current method for drafting/displaying/editing dialogue is miserable. The whole decision to lay dialogue out horizontally is a mistake, IMHO. The vertical layout of the original NW was a better approach, as any usability professional will attest: if scrolling is required, vertical scrolling is better than horizontal.
An even better solution would be to reduce completed dialogue options down to an icon. That would enable the author to scan over the entire conversation, the visual cues helping remind where the decision points and flow is going. Maybe icons like Green Light for when the player agrees with the NPC statements and Red Light for objecting to NPC. Etcetera.