When picking up my dog when i reached the level, i noticed behind the vendor was another person, who i couldnt talk to called "Beast trainer" or something similar. Then i noticed it
Grizzly (Cave) Bear.
Are these available now? I had a look around but couldn't see any for sale
Or are these a thing to come?
I'd quite happily throw money at the screen for this, Prefrably as a battling companion but a mount would still be pretty awesome.
Loving the game so far btw, Haven't played anything else for the last few days.
Yeah, Otherside of the room to the Zen and Normal vendors
The companion trainer says something like, "How would one train a gelatinous cube?..." and I was all like "Must.. get... cube...", but sadly there does not appear to be any gelatinous cube companion either.
Awwww, Bummer.
See Cryptic?
Cubes + Bear = Many Zens for you!