I'll say it plain; the panther is as useless as a spud cannon against a dinosaur. I'm stuck using my L15 "Man-At-Arms" if I want an effective companion but, with a rank cap of 15, I'm likely going to be forced to pay for a fundamental part of the game. I
could buy a companion from the AH, sure, but then what is the point of the panther?
The most satisfactory way to resolve this is to give founders a choice of their companion. This could use a "unique-equipped" system where a player could only have one of the companions at a time. The choices would likely be;
- Tank
- Melee DPS
- Ranged DPS
- Healer
Thoughts, founders?
Since the Panther cant taunt or anything useful its basicaly a + to your DPS. But the Panther doesnt really do that much damage, at all.
And besides that the "attack animation" of the Panther takes forever. I always kill the mob before the Panther will "pounce" and miss of course.
Unlikely they will give this any thought.
It would be nice for a choice for players in all aspects, instead of the same linear min-maxing ladder that forces anything to become #1, while all others are scrapped.