Thanks for this guide, powerwise exactly what I have found to work on dungeon runs as solo cleric. The feats I was still looking at, but after testing this build today it works well.
Thanks for keeping up on the boards...i'm sure all the Cleric community appreciates it.
Question: If you could start over, would you roll...
WIS: 18
CHA: 14
STR: 14
I ask because I read somewhere that getting 20/20/20 was a better point allocation (this was an opinion from some other forum boards and was not directly compairing it to your point allocation).
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
Thanks for keeping up on the boards...i'm sure all the Cleric community appreciates it.
Question: If you could start over, would you roll...
WIS: 18
CHA: 14
STR: 14
I ask because I read somewhere that getting 20/20/20 was a better point allocation (this was an opinion from some other forum boards and was not directly compairing it to your point allocation).
Do you mean 16/14/14 and putting +2 into wisdom? to get 18/14/14.
I would consider it, but at the same time perhaps not I still find it fairly easy with the current gear situation to get the numbers needed/desired, while it would mean I could put less into critical or recovery, I would not be able to put less into them because of the gear used carry's most of the stats.
20/3 is good because it gives you a flat 10% base to work from but I do enjoy the increased healing from wisdom especially when going into skills like healers lore with mark of mending linked with deepstone blessing.
The flat 1% critical and 1% recovery/APG would be nice but I do like 3% increased healing too... hard choice with little impact in the games current state ^^.
the difference between 20/20/20 and 26/15/19 is 9% healing/damage vs 5% critical and 1% recovery/APG. The diffrences are fairly minor I'd suggest using what you are happy with, I enjoy the flat increased healing.
I think I like your idea of a more consistant healing/damage of your build.
I also have the same question as deviltyphoon2. Is your build of...
20 - WIS
13 - STR
13 - CHA
...from May 4th, still your recommended starting stats, along with your leveling point distribution?
thanks again
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
...from May 4th, still your recommended starting stats, along with your leveling point distribution?
thanks again
I am a fan of 20/13/13 yes, do I think its vital to have this? no. But I have not tested other starting stat base lines to be able to give you a fool-proof answer to that. I'm sorry that I cannot be anymore clear on it, not until they give us better means of testing other than re-rolling a great many clerics.
At the bottom of each post you can see when it was lasted edited to make sure information is up to date. "Last edited by mewbrey; 06-18-2013 at 07:02 AM."
Any reason to favor Divine Glow over Chains for pre-60 solo play? I find that daunting light + KB sunburst + Chains x2 yields flawless kills every time. Clearly you can't get Divine glow until 50 (or whatever) but what's the reason to favor it over Chains at 60?
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
Any reason to favor Divine Glow over Chains for pre-60 solo play? I find that daunting light + KB sunburst + Chains x2 yields flawless kills every time. Clearly you can't get Divine glow until 50 (or whatever) but what's the reason to favor it over Chains at 60?
At 60 in general you'll find it less and less of an issue to have a few mobs licking your face, so it works out easier to hit them fairly hard and increase your damage. Pre-60 chains do work well if your under geared and can also help party members by CCing mobs so they can better move away from area of effect attacks.
The displayed skills I've put in the post are with the intention of being 60 and having a standard of gear. Hope this helps!
Heya, if you click the build links, you can see the power and the feats, you can view the feats by clicking the feat tab next to the power tab, I hope this helps!
Just wanted to chime in and say how awesome this build is. I ran the crit cleric build for a while and switched to your build today and the difference is huge. My groups end every fight at max HP and I can safely do all of my abilities at range (which is a huge, welcome change!). Thank you so much for posting this and please keep maintaining it! People like you add a ton of value to this game.
It's a good build, ingenious in fact. Divine Fortune is a particularly good addition.
Normally, the reason why builds like this have trouble working is because of the low divinity/AP generation if you don't like to overheal (and waste encounter cds) or during especially in hectic battles, which forces you keep using your powers and making your heals altogether unreliable. Enter Divine Fortune. The result is that this build actually rewards you for healing more by giving you higher divinity. This is the foundation of her build. It all starts to come together when you add the extra heal encounters, Sacred Flame/Divine Armor and Deepstone Blessing, Linked Spirit, Healing Action, Righteous Rage of Tempus for just a bit more divinity gain and then all the other +healing feats and Healer's Lore. Rounding the build off are two of our strongest damage mitigation powers.
The result is not just lots of heals + extra goodies from Linked Spirit. Her build allows her to actively control her healing, going from slow, steady healing to burst healing as needed, without sacrificing either divinity or AP gain.
Solid build.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
It's a good build, ingenious in fact. Divine Fortune is a particularly good addition.
Normally, the reason why builds like this have trouble working is because of the low divinity/AP generation if you don't like to overheal (and waste encounter cds) or during especially in hectic battles, which forces you keep using your powers and making your heals altogether unreliable. Enter Divine Fortune. The result is that this build actually rewards you for healing more by giving you higher divinity. This is the foundation of her build. It all starts to come together when you add the extra heal encounters, Sacred Flame/Divine Armor and Deepstone Blessing, Linked Spirit, Healing Action, Righteous Rage of Tempus for just a bit more divinity gain and then all the other +healing feats and Healer's Lore. Rounding the build off are two of our strongest damage mitigation powers.
The result is not just lots of heals + extra goodies from Linked Spirit. Her build allows her to actively control her healing, going from slow, steady healing to burst healing as needed, without sacrificing either divinity or AP gain.
Solid build.
Even though I love this build I do have one question. Why is BoH preferred over FF? He mentions linked spirit, does the group heals associated with FF not trigger that? The healing from FF is over 2x what BoH does, and it has a shorter cooldown. Has anyone tested this?
Edit: Nevermind, found the post where this was tested HERE
It's all here. I've been trying to get scozzer's thread stickied.
Divine Forgemaster's Flame basically does not proc Linked Spirit, Healing Action, etc... and Divine Fortune. The extra healing is (generally) not worth messing with what makes the build great. Based on the vids FF isn't really required for this build anyway.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
Thank you for the guide - it is much appreciated !
I changed my Lvl 45 (Tiefling) and the transition has been quite smooth, although I completely forgot to add points to Sacred Flame (with the one point in Lance of Faith) - haha! I'll add them in as I continue to level...
Pls add picture your character page i wanna see your full of gear
My gear was overkill for the content, I have since stopped playing the game however, and will update the front page to reflect this. I stopped playing due to all of my close friends losing interest in the game over time and as my friends have left I feel very little desire to play the game anymore.
My friends lost interest in the game due to the direction it is heading and the content they are deciding to priorities for example leaving classes less than 50% done from launch up until now (when Im posting this) a few of them have not had a real choice to play characters they enjoy and in the end it led to an unproductive feeling between friends as many of them didn't enjoy playing what they ended up lumped with.
I feel its a little premature to leave the game already, but with the 12 of my close friends stopping, its left me with little choice but to also follow. It's been great spending time with people from the community, and the general forum users have been great.
My gear was overkill for the content, I have since stopped playing the game however, and will update the front page to reflect this. I stopped playing due to all of my close friends losing interest in the game over time and as my friends have left I feel very little desire to play the game anymore.
My friends lost interest in the game due to the direction it is heading and the content they are deciding to priorities for example leaving classes less than 50% done from launch up until now (when Im posting this) a few of them have not had a real choice to play characters they enjoy and in the end it led to an unproductive feeling between friends as many of them didn't enjoy playing what they ended up lumped with.
I feel its a little premature to leave the game already, but with the 12 of my close friends stopping, its left me with little choice but to also follow. It's been great spending time with people from the community, and the general forum users have been great.
Very sad to hear that, mewberry! (Yes, I shall forever remember you as a cat fruit)
I'm going to keep playing regardless if my friends keep playing or not. They have their choices, I have mine. I'm personally tired of dropping games on a whim just because someone isn't interested anymore. I've never stuck with any game through the bitter and sweet. Figured it might as well be this one!
I'm sad to see that you stopped playing. You did a great job helping this community players with your knowledge and videos.
I updated the last version of your guide on
Sorry for being so late but is hard to keep a track on everyone's guide when I don't get the msgs telling me that the guides got updated.
Thank you
Looking forward to watching them! Thanks!
Thanks for keeping up on the boards...i'm sure all the Cleric community appreciates it.
Question: If you could start over, would you roll...
WIS: 18
CHA: 14
STR: 14
I ask because I read somewhere that getting 20/20/20 was a better point allocation (this was an opinion from some other forum boards and was not directly compairing it to your point allocation).
Do you mean 16/14/14 and putting +2 into wisdom? to get 18/14/14.
I would consider it, but at the same time perhaps not I still find it fairly easy with the current gear situation to get the numbers needed/desired, while it would mean I could put less into critical or recovery, I would not be able to put less into them because of the gear used carry's most of the stats.
20/3 is good because it gives you a flat 10% base to work from but I do enjoy the increased healing from wisdom especially when going into skills like healers lore with mark of mending linked with deepstone blessing.
The flat 1% critical and 1% recovery/APG would be nice but I do like 3% increased healing too... hard choice with little impact in the games current state ^^.
the difference between 20/20/20 and 26/15/19 is 9% healing/damage vs 5% critical and 1% recovery/APG. The diffrences are fairly minor I'd suggest using what you are happy with, I enjoy the flat increased healing.
I think I like your idea of a more consistant healing/damage of your build.
I also have the same question as deviltyphoon2. Is your build of...
20 - WIS
13 - STR
13 - CHA
...from May 4th, still your recommended starting stats, along with your leveling point distribution?
thanks again
Yep, the "balance" change has already taken place and this build (1.04) is what I now use since the changes.
I am a fan of 20/13/13 yes, do I think its vital to have this? no. But I have not tested other starting stat base lines to be able to give you a fool-proof answer to that. I'm sorry that I cannot be anymore clear on it, not until they give us better means of testing other than re-rolling a great many clerics.
At the bottom of each post you can see when it was lasted edited to make sure information is up to date. "Last edited by mewbrey; 06-18-2013 at 07:02 AM."
Just hit 60 and decided to use this build, healed T1 and then T2 without any issues.
Good job on this! and thank you!
At 60 in general you'll find it less and less of an issue to have a few mobs licking your face, so it works out easier to hit them fairly hard and increase your damage. Pre-60 chains do work well if your under geared and can also help party members by CCing mobs so they can better move away from area of effect attacks.
The displayed skills I've put in the post are with the intention of being 60 and having a standard of gear. Hope this helps!
Keep awesoming.
Heya, if you click the build links, you can see the power and the feats, you can view the feats by clicking the feat tab next to the power tab, I hope this helps!
Normally, the reason why builds like this have trouble working is because of the low divinity/AP generation if you don't like to overheal (and waste encounter cds) or during especially in hectic battles, which forces you keep using your powers and making your heals altogether unreliable. Enter Divine Fortune. The result is that this build actually rewards you for healing more by giving you higher divinity. This is the foundation of her build. It all starts to come together when you add the extra heal encounters, Sacred Flame/Divine Armor and Deepstone Blessing, Linked Spirit, Healing Action, Righteous Rage of Tempus for just a bit more divinity gain and then all the other +healing feats and Healer's Lore. Rounding the build off are two of our strongest damage mitigation powers.
The result is not just lots of heals + extra goodies from Linked Spirit. Her build allows her to actively control her healing, going from slow, steady healing to burst healing as needed, without sacrificing either divinity or AP gain.
Solid build.
100% agree
Edit: Nevermind, found the post where this was tested HERE
Divine Forgemaster's Flame basically does not proc Linked Spirit, Healing Action, etc... and Divine Fortune. The extra healing is (generally) not worth messing with what makes the build great. Based on the vids FF isn't really required for this build anyway.
I changed my Lvl 45 (Tiefling) and the transition has been quite smooth, although I completely forgot to add points to Sacred Flame
My gear was overkill for the content, I have since stopped playing the game however, and will update the front page to reflect this. I stopped playing due to all of my close friends losing interest in the game over time and as my friends have left I feel very little desire to play the game anymore.
My friends lost interest in the game due to the direction it is heading and the content they are deciding to priorities for example leaving classes less than 50% done from launch up until now (when Im posting this) a few of them have not had a real choice to play characters they enjoy and in the end it led to an unproductive feeling between friends as many of them didn't enjoy playing what they ended up lumped with.
I feel its a little premature to leave the game already, but with the 12 of my close friends stopping, its left me with little choice but to also follow. It's been great spending time with people from the community, and the general forum users have been great.
Who will be my cleric guide!?
Very sad to hear that, mewberry! (Yes, I shall forever remember you as a cat fruit)
I'm going to keep playing regardless if my friends keep playing or not. They have their choices, I have mine. I'm personally tired of dropping games on a whim just because someone isn't interested anymore. I've never stuck with any game through the bitter and sweet. Figured it might as well be this one!
I updated the last version of your guide on
Sorry for being so late but is hard to keep a track on everyone's guide when I don't get the msgs telling me that the guides got updated.
Thank you