Yesterday evening, I ran into a bug within the Foundry and I thought I would share it here. I had an interior room that I auto-populated. This created several columns and walls linking them. The columns were made up of five individual objects: two column pieces and three column cap pieces.
I kept one set of two full columns and wall piece joining them while deleting the other three groups of these items. I add some cosmetic changes to the columns and then selected everything in that "set" and hit CTRL+C to copy them. Then CTRL+V to paste another columns / wall set because I wanted to replace the other three I had previously deleted. Upon pasting them, the column pieces had maintained their Y values in relationship to each other, but the "base" column piece had not retained its Y value of 0. It was, instead, given a Y value of -9.something-or-other, so my columns were now dug into the floor and didn't reach to the ceiling completely. The wall piece that joined the two columns retained its Y value of 0, however.
I'm not sure if this was an error in the Copy function or the Paste function, but I thought I should make mention of it here.