Thank you! I've only ran 6 or 7 Foundry quests but they were all amazing. Some I had to read much more than I would have liked, but it was well worth it. The stories you all have created are amazing. I've played almost every single mmo (nerd here) and these foundry quests are the most entertaining, interesting, and engaging stories yet. If I could tip actual money to all of them, I would because this type of creativity deserves compensation. I've noticed that some quests could tie together and I know a lot of you are thinking the same thing.
Now if Cryptic would just be so kind as to give me back my crack without standing in line behind 20,000 people, I would be much obliged.
Also the idea of allowing a tip was nice too
That 3 weeks spended on making Blood and Sand was worth it.
Thank you
Old "Blood and Sand: Unchained" quest
Played more than 100 000 times!