Where can I buy a bigger bag (or same bag if I can use them at the same time)? I searched places where they sell stuff, but no bags there. My bag is full after every mission.
Where can I buy a bigger bag (or same bag if I can use them at the same time)? I searched places where they sell stuff, but no bags there. My bag is full after every mission.
You get two bags as quest rewards, one from Blacklake early on and one from the Neverdeath Graveyard quests (towards the end of that area, maybe level 30ish). Those are, unfortunately, the only free bags available - others are only available via the Zen store or as part of Founder packages.
I don't think the Zen store bags are bound on purchase, so it may be possible for them to turn up on Auction for sale - but ultimately someone paid cash for that and is just reselling it.
I new this game would bring in fans from the never winter series that have never played online games before just like ESO will do.
Welcome to the world of mmo online gaming mate, I hope you really enjoy this as its one of the best Free mmos out there right now, I remember my 1st mmo way back in 2002 runescape. I got scammed on my 1st day took into the wild and killed =D. There will be many ups and downs in your journey's the one thing you have to do is take it slow enjoy everything the game has to offer. If you make friends in never winter and the level past you dont let it discourage your efforts and do things your way.
Joining a relaxed guild is a nice way to learn more about the game, just make sure the guilds demands are not to serious as you dont want to be dragged into the deep end just yet as its your 1st mmo.
Thats all i wanted to say as the guys on here seem to be spitting out enough relevant information, good luck mate and have fun.
You get two bags as quest rewards, one from Blacklake early on and one from the Neverdeath Graveyard quests (towards the end of that area, maybe level 30ish). Those are, unfortunately, the only free bags available - others are only available via the Zen store or as part of Founder packages.
I don't think the Zen store bags are bound on purchase, so it may be possible for them to turn up on Auction for sale - but ultimately someone paid cash for that and is just reselling it.
ok, i am lvl 28 at the moment so I should recieve that secong bag. Though I did not recieve it for the Blacklake quest.
Thank you for your help.
elawynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
ok, i am lvl 28 at the moment so I should recieve that secong bag. Though I did not recieve it for the Blacklake quest.
Thank you for your help.
Go back to Blacklake and talk to Zoey Fargo, you should still be able to do the quest even tho it doesn't show in your journal. It's quite likely that you leveled enough to skip forward to the cemetery.
Go back to Blacklake and talk to Zoey Fargo, you should still be able to do the quest even tho it doesn't show in your journal. It's quite likely that you leveled enough to skip forward to the cemetery.
The advice is useful, since much of the game is done without a tutorial. Also, another thing to remember, Neverwinter was origionally a single player game with multiplayer capabilities. So far, this is just like the single player games, except you don't have to host the online multiplayer portion. I have grouped once only because I thought it was required. But it is not, yet. I dunno anything past lvl 25.
MMO game i have played for more than 10 years, but there is still soo much to learn for me in Neverwinter-Online. Best thing to do is to find a guild and joing the voice chat and ask.
Greetings to all new players, i am on the server called "Beholder". I wanted to know who i should know/meet? Please feel free to contact me in-game, if you are on the same server and have a chat with me. My name in-game is JoeBlk. I speak english and german.
I love the Neverwinter series of games and was very excited to see a new game being developed in the NW world. I am totally new to MMO's and have not a clue what a lot of the things are to do or how to accomplish some things. Any suggestions for me? I just finished the Dragonbridge quest and entered Neverwinter for the first time.
1. What kind of item is a "sword knot"? It can be equiped to companion. Where to get it?
2. Is it possible to get my companion over level 15?
3. What to do with all the stones (radaint, sivler etc)? I have attached a lot of them to my items, companion, but they take about 25 slots in my bags.
elawynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
1. off hand boost for a great weapon fighter. From mob drops, treasure chests or the auction house.
2. not yet. the 'white' ones only go to 15. At some point they'll add 'training manuals' which yo can purchase from the vendor.
3. If you have 4 or more of a level 1,2 or 3, 'fuse them'. (double click on them). 4 level ones can be fused (combined) into a single level 2 (with 95% chance of success). level 2's have a 90% chance of becoming 3's, 3's have an 85% chance of becoming 4's. Managing the inventory is challenging tho, since there are so many different types.
I notice this wasn't commented on. The basic mounts you can purchase can be upgraded. The mount merchant vendor NPC has a second tab where you can buy items to upgrade a mount. The maximum rank/level/grade is 3, your purchased mount is probably 1.
The difficulty is that the items to upgrade mount speed cost a lot of Astral Diamonds, I believe somewhere in the region of 700k to go from 1 to 2, and something like 2 mil to go from 2 to 3.
Zen store purchased mounts are rank 2 and rank 3, and buying one unlocks them for all current and future characters on your account. The pricing is probably to give incentive for people to buy the zen store mounts rather than upgrading the 'free' ones.
I notice this wasn't commented on. The basic mounts you can purchase can be upgraded. The mount merchant vendor NPC has a second tab where you can buy items to upgrade a mount. The maximum rank/level/grade is 3, your purchased mount is probably 1.
The difficulty is that the items to upgrade mount speed cost a lot of Astral Diamonds, I believe somewhere in the region of 700k to go from 1 to 2, and something like 2 mil to go from 2 to 3.
Zen store purchased mounts are rank 2 and rank 3, and buying one unlocks them for all current and future characters on your account. The pricing is probably to give incentive for people to buy the zen store mounts rather than upgrading the 'free' ones.
Figured it out already, but still thanks.
I have one question, I reached level 60 and now fighting in dungeons I could really use potions (recovery, power, reju.. and so on). I can't find where to buy them, I only recieve them after fighting with some mobs. Is it even possible to buy them?
E: after reaching lvl 60, is there any way to increase my "Feats" stats?
The first time I ever played and mmo it was like "this is what Internet Games were created for". Since then I have seen a lot; like the reason I loved them to being a weird sensation when bankruptcy threatens the game you love. But in a real sense you can do nothing wrong and the first mmo is an exciting ride until you hit your 3rd of 4th and then you see yourself as a veteran mmo gamer.
Have fun.
Do not worry and if anyone chats you wrong (since no pvp servers) IGNORE THEM (button).
cheers, Big Ears!!!
Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
could someone explain the set bonuses for me? Is it correct that when I want Swash set bonus (450 recovery) then I need to equip all 4 items? I have seen people arguing in chat where one says that he can equip 2 items from Master Assassin's(+450 power) and 2 items from Swash(+450 recovery) and he gets both bonuses. Is that right? If yes, then would it be better to put 2/2 instead of 4?
Also, what is the reinforced bracers?
elawynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
sets give you a bonus for having two equipped and a second bonus for 4 equipped.
So yes, that combo would give you two +450's in different attributes.
If you see one that lists the set as armor, helm, bracers, reinforced bracers, boots, thats five items. the reinforced bracers is either a typo or there are two different types that both count even tho there's only one slot (so try either the regular bracers or the reinforced ones ).
Thank you for quick and informative response. Which would be better, set of 2/2 or set of 4 swashbuclking? Which would you prefer?
That's a bit like asking me whether I prefer a Sam Adams over an Irish Coffee.
My answer is going to be purely a personal opinion. Having something that gives a bonus for using a daily is not my preference, about the only time I use daily powers is once a day or so, when on the last boss. Which is better? Depends on the situation.
I'm not going for the max possible tho, but rather something that works for me. Very very highly subjective. Right now I have high power and crit, but low armor penetration, seems to work quite well in pve, not so good in pvp.
There's no one correct answer, since it depends on feats, powers, enchants and so on.
I love the Neverwinter series of games and was very excited to see a new game being developed in the NW world. I am totally new to MMO's and have not a clue what a lot of the things are to do or how to accomplish some things. Any suggestions for me? I just finished the Dragonbridge quest and entered Neverwinter for the first time.
You can do pretty much what you want! you can continue with the main story line (Youll have to do it eventually) or you can complete the side quests to get some extra Exp and money. You can head to the shops and upgrade your armor when available.
This is my first 3D MMO. I'm coming over from Ultima Online and was pretty overwhelmed at first, but thankfully the game has been pretty easy to grasp and I was level 60 and in my PVP gear in a month or so.
If you (or anyone else) is on Mindflayer and needs help you can PM or mail me Silp@drclawisdead
You get two bags as quest rewards, one from Blacklake early on and one from the Neverdeath Graveyard quests (towards the end of that area, maybe level 30ish). Those are, unfortunately, the only free bags available - others are only available via the Zen store or as part of Founder packages.
I don't think the Zen store bags are bound on purchase, so it may be possible for them to turn up on Auction for sale - but ultimately someone paid cash for that and is just reselling it.
Welcome to the world of mmo online gaming mate, I hope you really enjoy this as its one of the best Free mmos out there right now, I remember my 1st mmo way back in 2002 runescape. I got scammed on my 1st day took into the wild and killed =D. There will be many ups and downs in your journey's the one thing you have to do is take it slow enjoy everything the game has to offer. If you make friends in never winter and the level past you dont let it discourage your efforts and do things your way.
Joining a relaxed guild is a nice way to learn more about the game, just make sure the guilds demands are not to serious as you dont want to be dragged into the deep end just yet as its your 1st mmo.
Thats all i wanted to say as the guys on here seem to be spitting out enough relevant information, good luck mate and have fun.
ok, i am lvl 28 at the moment so I should recieve that secong bag. Though I did not recieve it for the Blacklake quest.
Thank you for your help.
Go back to Blacklake and talk to Zoey Fargo, you should still be able to do the quest even tho it doesn't show in your journal. It's quite likely that you leveled enough to skip forward to the cemetery.
See http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/List_of_quests
Thank you, I have my 3 bags now
Yaay! Glad it helped you.
Or did you buy yours from a gypsy?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Mount merchant, yes.
MMO game i have played for more than 10 years, but there is still soo much to learn for me in Neverwinter-Online. Best thing to do is to find a guild and joing the voice chat and ask.
Greetings to all new players, i am on the server called "Beholder". I wanted to know who i should know/meet? Please feel free to contact me in-game, if you are on the same server and have a chat with me. My name in-game is JoeBlk. I speak english and german.
--- Stay heavy! \m/ ---
1. What kind of item is a "sword knot"? It can be equiped to companion. Where to get it?
2. Is it possible to get my companion over level 15?
3. What to do with all the stones (radaint, sivler etc)? I have attached a lot of them to my items, companion, but they take about 25 slots in my bags.
2. not yet. the 'white' ones only go to 15. At some point they'll add 'training manuals' which yo can purchase from the vendor.
3. If you have 4 or more of a level 1,2 or 3, 'fuse them'. (double click on them). 4 level ones can be fused (combined) into a single level 2 (with 95% chance of success). level 2's have a 90% chance of becoming 3's, 3's have an 85% chance of becoming 4's. Managing the inventory is challenging tho, since there are so many different types.
I notice this wasn't commented on. The basic mounts you can purchase can be upgraded. The mount merchant vendor NPC has a second tab where you can buy items to upgrade a mount. The maximum rank/level/grade is 3, your purchased mount is probably 1.
The difficulty is that the items to upgrade mount speed cost a lot of Astral Diamonds, I believe somewhere in the region of 700k to go from 1 to 2, and something like 2 mil to go from 2 to 3.
Zen store purchased mounts are rank 2 and rank 3, and buying one unlocks them for all current and future characters on your account. The pricing is probably to give incentive for people to buy the zen store mounts rather than upgrading the 'free' ones.
Figured it out already, but still thanks.
I have one question, I reached level 60 and now fighting in dungeons I could really use potions (recovery, power, reju.. and so on). I can't find where to buy them, I only recieve them after fighting with some mobs. Is it even possible to buy them?
E: after reaching lvl 60, is there any way to increase my "Feats" stats?
Have fun.
Do not worry and if anyone chats you wrong (since no pvp servers) IGNORE THEM (button).
cheers, Big Ears!!!
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
could someone explain the set bonuses for me? Is it correct that when I want Swash set bonus (450 recovery) then I need to equip all 4 items? I have seen people arguing in chat where one says that he can equip 2 items from Master Assassin's(+450 power) and 2 items from Swash(+450 recovery) and he gets both bonuses. Is that right? If yes, then would it be better to put 2/2 instead of 4?
Also, what is the reinforced bracers?
So yes, that combo would give you two +450's in different attributes.
If you see one that lists the set as armor, helm, bracers, reinforced bracers, boots, thats five items. the reinforced bracers is either a typo or there are two different types that both count even tho there's only one slot (so try either the regular bracers or the reinforced ones ).
2pc - +450 Recovery
4pc - Your powers have a 25% chance to grant, 338 power & recovery for 6 secs. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
2pc - +450 Power
4pc - When you use a Daily you gain 1,350 Power for 6 secs.
So, yes (from http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?246152-T1-amp-T2-Armor-Sets )
Thank you for quick and informative response. Which would be better, set of 2/2 or set of 4 swashbuclking? Which would you prefer?
That's a bit like asking me whether I prefer a Sam Adams over an Irish Coffee.
My answer is going to be purely a personal opinion. Having something that gives a bonus for using a daily is not my preference, about the only time I use daily powers is once a day or so, when on the last boss. Which is better? Depends on the situation.
I'm not going for the max possible tho, but rather something that works for me. Very very highly subjective. Right now I have high power and crit, but low armor penetration, seems to work quite well in pve, not so good in pvp.
There's no one correct answer, since it depends on feats, powers, enchants and so on.
You can do pretty much what you want! you can continue with the main story line (Youll have to do it eventually) or you can complete the side quests to get some extra Exp and money. You can head to the shops and upgrade your armor when available.
This is my first 3D MMO. I'm coming over from Ultima Online and was pretty overwhelmed at first, but thankfully the game has been pretty easy to grasp and I was level 60 and in my PVP gear in a month or so.
If you (or anyone else) is on Mindflayer and needs help you can PM or mail me
Good luck!
What's wrong with Dwarf tossing? I love to get tossed! Folks loose their minds when they see a flying Dwarf coming straight at them!