I honestly haven't tried any of the other trees. The Tactician tree does look fun though. I'd say give it a shot.
Think Imma Gonna make a build with Improved Lunging Strike + Anivl of doom + Knee breaker in mind. 3 CC + Crits + Trample the fallen shd equate to big damage
cihuacoatlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
@OP do you ever do PvE dungeon runs... I am curious on how well you hold threat on bosses using that build.
cihuacoatlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Hey OP do you think its possible for a crit specced Tactician to hit ur levels of dmg by using Trample the fallen's effects ? Cause I really dig the bonus damages Tactician gets against CCed targets but on the other hand Conqueror just seems really superior
The question I still have is.. do marks count as CC.
PvE AoE - Terrifying Strike if full AC, Frontline Surge, Lunging Strike to gap close , Enforced Threat. Repeat when CDs allow (Weave Cleave combo's when efficient)
PvE Single Target - Tide of Iron, Griffon Strike, Lunging Strike, Griffon Strike, Knee Breaker, Griffon Strike, Indomitable Strength. Repeat. (Weave Cleave combo's when efficient)
PvP - Very Similar to the PvE single target, as PvP is all about the burst. You might want to mess around with a different build but I find my single target PvE to be successful
Make sure you have the enhanced mark passive and also the threatening rush at will you get from your paragon path. Your mark does disappear but you can reapply it instantly. My true tank power set up is Knight's Valor, Enforced Threat, and Frontline Surge. Tanking is a breeze!
hey, really like your guide. is it possible that you upload a screenshot of your powers-section (or more than one screen since they dont fit in only one) - like you did with your feats. really would appreciate it. keep up the good work!
Can you please make any suggestions or recommendations for the companion, thanks in advanced.
ps. very informative guide, much obliged.
I use the cat companion. He costs 980k AD and gives you bonus crit + recovery. He also gives you all the stats of the runes and items you equip him with.
astos2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited May 2013
How does a ranked up Combat Superiority work? If you are getting Tactical Superiority Rank 5, which makes it so enemies don't have to hit you first, then what's the point of Ranks II and III of Combat Superiority (which only increase the duration of the buff by 5 seconds per rank)? Wouldn't the buff effectively be "always on" even at Rank I Combat Superiority? I'm probably missing something here.
How does a ranked up Combat Superiority work? If you are getting Tactical Superiority Rank 5, which makes it so enemies don't have to hit you first, then what's the point of Ranks II and III of Combat Superiority (which only increase the duration of the buff by 5 seconds per rank)? Wouldn't the buff effectively be "always on" even at Rank I Combat Superiority? I'm probably missing something here.
There's still a duration on the buff. The buff starts when you first hit an enemy, or they first hit you. Then, it lasts the duration stated. Hitting the same enemy again wont start the duration over. However, you can hit another enemy for the first time and it will re-apply the buff.
There's still a duration on the buff. The buff starts when you first hit an enemy, or they first hit you. Then, it lasts the duration stated. Hitting the same enemy again wont start the duration over. However, you can hit another enemy for the first time and it will re-apply the buff.
So, from the way it sounds, it just adds a proc for initiating combat to the normal proc for getting hit. Right?
derresshMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
Not going to lie, a small bit disappointed that it's not just a solid 15% buff like I thought it was, but you can probably keep it on indefinitely during combat anyway, so not a huge deal.
Also, a question. The final 100% power feat in the Conqueror tree. Does that calculate power received from buffs as well? Like from +power gear on cats/Ioun Stones?
Not going to lie, a small bit disappointed that it's not just a solid 15% buff like I thought it was, but you can probably keep it on indefinitely during combat anyway, so not a huge deal.
Also, a question. The final 100% power feat in the Conqueror tree. Does that calculate power received from buffs as well? Like from +power gear on cats/Ioun Stones?
Nice guide and it's good to see all the interest in improving our playstyles.
Anyone else noticed the feat bugs that we've listed for GF in the bug thread below? We've got 3 for sure so far, including Fight On not providing the cool down reduction listed. Looking for some support on the thread if you have noticed any similar issues!
Sorry for the slightly off-topic post, but I'd hate for folks to be respeccing into feats that aren't current working(or at least appearing to work) as intended.
Can anyone explain what Staggering Challenge does? It reads "Gain 4/8/12/16/20% damage bonus to Griffon's Wrath when the target has recently been struck by Staggering Challenge empowered Griffon's Wrath. Additionally your damage bonus from Knight's Challenge is increased by 2/4/6/8/10%." Now to me that seems like inception and you get Staggering Challenge when you use Staggering Challenge. I don't understand it at all. Also, sorry if it was already asked, skimmed through and didn't see it.
OK, so you've told us starting stats don't matter that much, and you've told us STR > CON for adding stats, but how about you telling us what ratio of STR to CON? Is there a number cruncher out there who can guide us in the balancing act between damage and survivability?
lvlperxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
One of the best guides I've seen so far. Thanks for your hard work!
dietaryfiber111Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 26Arc User
edited May 2013
At first, I went down the Tactician and I did fairly well, then I followed rokuthy's feat build with points in Reinforced Surge over Plate Agility. Very happy with the results.
blackwolllllfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
Hey men, great guide, I buit something just like you did! Would like to hear your thoughts one the diference between our builds:
on the feats choices instead of puttings points on Improved Vigor I have selected the Battle Trample feat, and on power I have Trample the Fallen over Ferocious Reaction. I know feroucious reaction is amazing but I find that I only reach 15% of heath rarily on pvp and on pve, and the increase of dmg is very nice, although in more diff matches I change to Ferocious Reaction, but as I said is very rare. I also find that the gain of Action Points is actually really fast.
nice guide. Just curious about knight's challenge. Assuming this doesnt work in PVP, cause it would be absolutely mandatory/overpowered if it did. (the DPS boost)
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Think Imma Gonna make a build with Improved Lunging Strike + Anivl of doom + Knee breaker in mind. 3 CC + Crits + Trample the fallen shd equate to big damage
The question I still have is.. do marks count as CC.
Very first post.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Can you please make any suggestions or recommendations for the companion, thanks in advanced.
ps. very informative guide, much obliged.
Hey! I went ahead and put up a screenshot. Warning though, these might not be the most efficient but they work with me so use at your own risk!
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
I use the cat companion. He costs 980k AD and gives you bonus crit + recovery. He also gives you all the stats of the runes and items you equip him with.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
NP let me know if you need any more advice.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
There's still a duration on the buff. The buff starts when you first hit an enemy, or they first hit you. Then, it lasts the duration stated. Hitting the same enemy again wont start the duration over. However, you can hit another enemy for the first time and it will re-apply the buff.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
So, from the way it sounds, it just adds a proc for initiating combat to the normal proc for getting hit. Right?
Exactly. Don't forget the 5% more damage though!
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Also, a question. The final 100% power feat in the Conqueror tree. Does that calculate power received from buffs as well? Like from +power gear on cats/Ioun Stones?
I believe so I'd have to double check though.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Anyone else noticed the feat bugs that we've listed for GF in the bug thread below? We've got 3 for sure so far, including Fight On not providing the cool down reduction listed. Looking for some support on the thread if you have noticed any similar issues!
Sorry for the slightly off-topic post, but I'd hate for folks to be respeccing into feats that aren't current working(or at least appearing to work) as intended.
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
on the feats choices instead of puttings points on Improved Vigor I have selected the Battle Trample feat, and on power I have Trample the Fallen over Ferocious Reaction. I know feroucious reaction is amazing but I find that I only reach 15% of heath rarily on pvp and on pve, and the increase of dmg is very nice, although in more diff matches I change to Ferocious Reaction, but as I said is very rare. I also find that the gain of Action Points is actually really fast.
Anyway great job men!
Wrath - 60 Great Weapon Fighter - Mindflayer
Envy's Guardian Fighter DPS Conqueror Guide
Youtube Channel
Thanks. I will try to finds those stats. Armor penetration useless?