This evening when I logged in I opened the powers tab to see that three of the powers are constantly changing position which causes a flickering effect. One power is on one line and two are on the line under that. The first power keeps dropping down to the 2nd line pushing the other two over, then it jumps back up to where it was and the other two move back. This is happening repeatedly and so fast that it looks like 4 different icons/descriptions flickering, except that on two of them the icon picture and text are constantly changing. This also means that if you're trying to switch powers you have to keep clicking and dragging until you get lucky enough to snag the one you want. I tried logging out and back in and exiting completely but it didn't resolve it. This is something that just started today.
Played around with it a bit and this happens when the character window is in the middle of the screen, the default position when it opens. If I move it right or left the powers will eventually stay in one spot. This seems to be happening on all my characters.
Post edited by tedebearnc on
daed76Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
yeah same thing is happening to me..only thing that fixes it, is changing to just windowed mode.
akkzoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
It seems to be the screen resolution that causes the problem. If I run in windowed mode I can get the icon flickering to stop; however, if I open the window too large the problem returns. I find changing from my desktop res (1920x1080) to a lesser screen resolution (1600x1024) also gets rid of the problem. The first five abilities in the powers tree seem to want to shift left once the screen reaches a certain size.
Aparently I have the same problem, and I am a Rogue.
I uploaded a video to show what is happening, and before posting in there I've found this topic.
Although the topic is quite old the problem still exists.
It seems to be the screen resolution that causes the problem. If I run in windowed mode I can get the icon flickering to stop; however, if I open the window too large the problem returns. I find changing from my desktop res (1920x1080) to a lesser screen resolution (1600x1024) also gets rid of the problem. The first five abilities in the powers tree seem to want to shift left once the screen reaches a certain size.
Tried in fullscreen, maximized window and window. All options have the same problem, but switching to a lower resolution (currently mine is 1920x1080) seems to solve the problem.
The problem is that I do not want to play in a lower resolution . Sounds a bit selfish but if it is a bug I believe that this should be fixed. This is nothing that prevents me from playing, but it bothers a bit see them jumping on my screen.
I uploaded a video to show what is happening, and before posting in there I've found this topic.
Although the topic is quite old the problem still exists.
The video showing the bug:
Tried in fullscreen, maximized window and window. All options have the same problem, but switching to a lower resolution (currently mine is 1920x1080) seems to solve the problem.
The problem is that I do not want to play in a lower resolution