Before I start, I understand this is a Beta and there is bound to be alot of bugs, however the game has nearly became unplayable due to these issues I seem to be the only one getting this issues (Talked to other players)
The first problem is that I get the connection issues when I go to attack every time, it's only for about 3 seconds but if it's a large group I most get completely disconnected and when I come back on, I've died.
Secondly if I'm moving items in my inventory I get connection issues from 5 seconds to completely disconnected, the same happens when selling items to a shop
Thirdly if I do the sprint action with the half orc it disconnects or takes about a minute to catch up.
Lastly EVERY time I load travel to another place, for example returning to town, It's a guarantee disconnect, or entering a dungeon.
I haven't found anyone with the same issues, my internet should be fine (14Mbps down) and it's defiantly not hardware related, any one experiencing the same issues or know a fix?
(I've downloaded the whole game, and turned off on demand patching)