I'm really excited to start playing Neverwinter and would definitely like to get the most out of my experience by joining a guild and meeting new people. I've played many different MMOs over the years, but never really had a guild I stuck to because I was usually joining guilds that friends or family were already in and they weren't usually a good match for me. Guilds for me have been more of an afterthought, but I decided that I would like to do it right with Neverwinter.
I realize that due to my play style (more on that later) that I may not be a good fit for just any guild. I figured I would post here and see If I could a new home...
*Due to a pre-planned vacation, I will be out of town starting the 27th and will not be able to play until the 4th.
Play style: Casual - I'm not a hard core player, but will dabble in end game and pvp. For me, the journey is what I find fun.
Play times: 9:30PMish - 12:00AM Central Time (I usually don't start playing until after I put my son to sleep, and sometimes I will play during his naps on the weekends)
Class: I'm leaning towards Guardian Fighter - I don't usually play tanks, but am willing to reach outside my comfort zone and the GF looks pretty fun.
Race: Probably Human or Half-Elf
RP: I've PnP RP'd in the past, but not so much in MMOs. I'm not really sure what it entails, but not against the idea either.
Voice chat: Need this to be optional - my game room is pretty close to my son's room so I usually avoid voice chat in fear of waking him. This does not mean I will never be in voice chat, but would like it not to be a requirement.
There seem to be a lot of great guilds and I'm sure I could read through a bunch and just pick one, but figured it would not hurt to put my request out there and see if I could find a match.
I think you would fit in well at Menzoberranzan. We are a very casual, roleplaying-based guild. No pressures or requirements, just come join us and have fun! There is a link to our website in my signature below. Stop by and introduce yourself!
Good luck in your search, we would love to have you!
You can try our guild: The Wild Hunt. Our peak times seem to match fairly close to yours and we have no intentions of using voice chat. That being said, we are a roleplay guild. If you are interested, check the link on my sig for more information or you can PM me. Good luck to ya!
Good luck in your search, we would love to have you!
Join our Neverwinter Discussions: http://www.menzoberranzan.net
Now Recruiting - All races and classes! Menzoberranzan Guild Recruitment