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Looking for a Guild to call home...

taeryltaeryl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 41
Hello All,

I'm really excited to start playing Neverwinter and would definitely like to get the most out of my experience by joining a guild and meeting new people. I've played many different MMOs over the years, but never really had a guild I stuck to because I was usually joining guilds that friends or family were already in and they weren't usually a good match for me. Guilds for me have been more of an afterthought, but I decided that I would like to do it right with Neverwinter.

I realize that due to my play style (more on that later) that I may not be a good fit for just any guild. I figured I would post here and see If I could a new home...

*Due to a pre-planned vacation, I will be out of town starting the 27th and will not be able to play until the 4th.

Play style: Casual - I'm not a hard core player, but will dabble in end game and pvp. For me, the journey is what I find fun.

Play times: 9:30PMish - 12:00AM Central Time (I usually don't start playing until after I put my son to sleep, and sometimes I will play during his naps on the weekends)

Class: I'm leaning towards Guardian Fighter - I don't usually play tanks, but am willing to reach outside my comfort zone and the GF looks pretty fun.

Race: Probably Human or Half-Elf

RP: I've PnP RP'd in the past, but not so much in MMOs. I'm not really sure what it entails, but not against the idea either.

Voice chat: Need this to be optional - my game room is pretty close to my son's room so I usually avoid voice chat in fear of waking him. This does not mean I will never be in voice chat, but would like it not to be a requirement.

There seem to be a lot of great guilds and I'm sure I could read through a bunch and just pick one, but figured it would not hurt to put my request out there and see if I could find a match.

Thanks in advance.
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