Ok, so after hours and hours of searching I gave up and have to ask. I've seen a lot of people talking about phased and costumisable encounters... The furthest I got was selecting the "skin" and the difficulty of encounters. Is it possible at this point, to put in things like at so and so % do this or that, at least spawn minions or set traps off or something in those lines...
Hopefully someone will answer.
glugglesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
I am trying to do a 'tower', and having some trouble. I've figured that I need to connect "floors" with paired teleport objects in rooms, and there's one that has a ladder going up and a pit coming up, which works fine. However.. I need to either have a one-way teleport, or disable or redirect the second part of a teleport, either through a conversation or other trigger.
Is this possible in any way, beyond having a weird 'drop from the ceiling' teleport I've seen people mention as a one-way, which probably won't work well in indoor rooms with low ceilings?
ancillaryMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
Is it possible at this point, to put in things like at so and so % do this or that, at least spawn minions or set traps off or something in those lines...
Not at the moment, no. I believe atomic states (e.g., at 33% health, spawn this encounter) are being worked on.
Is this possible in any way, beyond having a weird 'drop from the ceiling' teleport I've seen people mention as a one-way, which probably won't work well in indoor rooms with low ceilings?
You might be able to do it by just barely covering the second teleporter with a static object (like a wall or a rock or such) so that interaction is no longer possible. I'm not certain if it would cause a player to get stuck or not, but it's worth giving a shot.
glugglesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm already looking for floors to drop over it, wishing I had a trapdoor graphic to throw there as well for continuity. Although, I just want to direct them to the next stairs down, so it might work.
Of course, it all falls apart if they go down before talking to the npc/fighting their encounter. Man, you can't even turn off teleporters until an encounter is complete can you
Thank you for the reply. Hopefully they'll do it soon.
I have another question though. When I want the wolf npc to be "dead", and I set both the behavior to dead body and the interact to laying down, he's still standing there happily wagging his tail and shaking his head. Is that a bug, as I found that someone stated it's "working as intended", but there wasn't much explanation as to what was working as intended in the "dead body" part.
antisocialeenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited May 2013
Hi, love the manuals, bookmarked them for reference later
I'm having problems tho with conversations and restricting dialog options using 'Enable When' and 'Objective Complete'. so far I have teh character going to an area, and then they have 2 objectives, talk to a guard or talk to a kid. I want certain dialog options to only be showing if they talked to the other person. Whenever I choose 'Objective Complete' for the Enable when, it gives me an 'add objective button' but nothing happens when I click on it.
I have the story going to an area point, then branching to 2 dialogs(that are side by side). I've tried redoing it, incase I messed something else up, but I can't get ti to work on a blank slate quest either.
Am I doing something wrong? or missing something?
fresnoneverMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
There is a bug with dialog that prevents objective complete from working in some cases, like you are noticing. I believe this happens only on story dialog.
fresnoneverMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I have finnished my quest right now, but I have a basic question:
How can I change the image where my quest name and ID appears?
I have finnished my quest right now, but I have a basic question:
How can I change the image where my quest name and ID appears?
The image is based on the icon you pick for the location of the first map in your storyboard. So if you use the lighthouse icon for the first map, your quest will get the lighthouse image.
What's the difference between the Human Interior Door and the Human Interior Door Static? The static door says it's "A non-moving door" but I can't figure out how to make the non-static door move. The non-static door also has 2 door geometry pieces 90 degrees to each other, which seems less than useful. I assume I'm missing something here.
I'm having problems tho with conversations and restricting dialog options using 'Enable When' and 'Objective Complete'. so far I have teh character going to an area, and then they have 2 objectives, talk to a guard or talk to a kid. I want certain dialog options to only be showing if they talked to the other person. Whenever I choose 'Objective Complete' for the Enable when, it gives me an 'add objective button' but nothing happens when I click on it.
I'm having the same issue. Doesn't matter what type of dialog, or where I am in the dialog tree, as far as I can tell. Tried every combination I can think of.
antisocialeenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
There is a bug with dialog that prevents objective complete from working in some cases, like you are noticing. I believe this happens only on story dialog.
Is there a fix or work around? I don't know what else to do for my quest til this is fixed.
I added a post to the bug forum for this since I didn't see one posted already link Hopefully we can get this fixed soon-ish. I'm really eager to use the foundry as a creative release.
Just started playing around with the Foundry and am loving it so far! Along with gill's guides, I found some very easy to follow tutorials on YouTube that helped make sense of it all:
However, one thing I've not found an answer to yet is how do you place treasure chests (not the quest end chest) on your map?
Also, is there any way to have a specific mob drop an item (eg a key) once defeated?
Last but not least, how can I add items onto the map that are useable by the various skills (dungeoneering, thievery, etc) and which give profession materials as rewards for using them?
Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Is there currently a way to place an NPC so that its sitting. I haven't been able to figure how how to sit an npc down on something. Example; I'd like to place an npc sitting on a log.
I have a problem. I like to add dialogue options that would be avaiable when you complete some objective. Im using ADD OBJECTIVE option but i guess its not working. I only get info "state transition has no objective selected". What to do?
I can't make my own help topic about this, despite being Founder for a few days now I still cannot make forum threads.
Anyway, it seems the foundry XP is bugged. My main character cannot gain XP from them but my current character can. I'm not just on about the silly abused AOE ones etc, I mean all foundry quests. Pure roleplay ones are even bugged out for me.
I have taken two daily foundry quests ' Blacklake Gold' and ' The Hidden blade'.
There appear greyed in my quest log and when I try to enter the quest area by pressing 'F' nothing happens.
Are they only available at certain times or something?
My character is a level 11 Control Wizard.
Can you help?
Is there a way to make an NPC disappear when it reaches a certain point? I want an NPC to one-way patrol to a door (this part I can do) and then disappear to indicate it left the building. The "disappear when" "component reached" option seems to be for when the player raches the point, and not the NPC.
I have an NPC that you can talk to, and at the end of the conversation they die (replaced by a "dead" NPC), a sound is supposed to play (it's set to play at a specific dialog prompt, though for some reason it doesn't play), and the boss appears. The player is then instructed to defeat the boss.
The boss is set to Fight to Submission and is set to Disappear When Objective "Defeat the Boss" is complete in order to be replaced by an NPC with the same costume with whom you can interact as the final stage of the quest. However, the boss doesn't disappear after you defeat him. The NPC still spawns, though, meaning there are now 2 of the same character present.
Why is it that the boss doesn't disappear after being defeated?
Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Is there a way to make an NPC disappear when it reaches a certain point? I want an NPC to one-way patrol to a door (this part I can do) and then disappear to indicate it left the building. The "disappear when" "component reached" option seems to be for when the player raches the point, and not the NPC.
There are no NPC triggers in the game right now. Hopefully we'll get them in the future. For now, try to design your quest around the concept that all things that happen in the game are a direct result of player action.
I have an NPC that you can talk to, and at the end of the conversation they die (replaced by a "dead" NPC), a sound is supposed to play (it's set to play at a specific dialog prompt, though for some reason it doesn't play), and the boss appears. The player is then instructed to defeat the boss.
The boss is set to Fight to Submission and is set to Disappear When Objective "Defeat the Boss" is complete in order to be replaced by an NPC with the same costume with whom you can interact as the final stage of the quest. However, the boss doesn't disappear after you defeat him. The NPC still spawns, though, meaning there are now 2 of the same character present.
Why is it that the boss doesn't disappear after being defeated?
I think that's a result of "Fight to Submission". You probably don't want that behavior, as that's what you use when you do want the enemy to stick around. You don't, so just get rid of it when it dies and replace it. Fight to Submission wouldn't have done anything useful to you anyway in this case.
I think that's a result of "Fight to Submission". You probably don't want that behavior, as that's what you use when you do want the enemy to stick around. You don't, so just get rid of it when it dies and replace it. Fight to Submission wouldn't have done anything useful to you anyway in this case.
Ah, ok. Is there any way to interact with the submissive enemy after you've defeated them? If so I can do that instead of replacing it with an NPC.
As for the regular fight, I had that originally but was hoping that Fight to Submission wouldn't result in the transition between beating the boss on one side of the room and having the NPC version of same spawn on the other. That just feels clunky and immersion breaking.
Thanks for the response, btw!
Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Ah, ok. Is there any way to interact with the submissive enemy after you've defeated them? If so I can do that instead of replacing it with an NPC.
Not that I know of. The character is considered an enemy encounter, which is different from an NPC. Fight to Submission, at least as currently implemented, is a fancy feature with only limited use. I saw it used very well in a quest I played recently where you had to defeat a bunch of farmers without killing them. Use it for NPCs you don't interact with, but who you still don't want to kill.
endaline91Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited May 2013
When you Customize a character in the Foundry is it possible to just change the color of the gear that they are already wearing?
Also are there certain clothing options that are not available in the Foundry? Because there are some of the NPCs you can chose that appear to be wearing gear that I cannot in any way find when I go through the different options.
I am making a dungeon with the caves and some have a small path wich you can fall from but when I walk off the path into the hole's I don't fall and in some cases I do fall but I won't die, is there anyway to make a certain area to kill you instantly?
Hi, I'm working on a dungeon map at the moment and I'm having a few issues. My bosses at the end of the floor keep disappearing as soon as I label them as an objective. They are there right up until I do that part though so its confusing the heck outta me. I am also experiencing a technical glitch in which several of the objects and encounters I place on the map spawn under the floor all the way at the bottom of the world. Any suggestions/tips? Thanks.
Hopefully someone will answer.
Is this possible in any way, beyond having a weird 'drop from the ceiling' teleport I've seen people mention as a one-way, which probably won't work well in indoor rooms with low ceilings?
Not at the moment, no. I believe atomic states (e.g., at 33% health, spawn this encounter) are being worked on.
You might be able to do it by just barely covering the second teleporter with a static object (like a wall or a rock or such) so that interaction is no longer possible. I'm not certain if it would cause a player to get stuck or not, but it's worth giving a shot.
Of course, it all falls apart if they go down before talking to the npc/fighting their encounter. Man, you can't even turn off teleporters until an encounter is complete can you
I have another question though. When I want the wolf npc to be "dead", and I set both the behavior to dead body and the interact to laying down, he's still standing there happily wagging his tail and shaking his head. Is that a bug, as I found that someone stated it's "working as intended", but there wasn't much explanation as to what was working as intended in the "dead body" part.
I'm having problems tho with conversations and restricting dialog options using 'Enable When' and 'Objective Complete'. so far I have teh character going to an area, and then they have 2 objectives, talk to a guard or talk to a kid. I want certain dialog options to only be showing if they talked to the other person. Whenever I choose 'Objective Complete' for the Enable when, it gives me an 'add objective button' but nothing happens when I click on it.
I have the story going to an area point, then branching to 2 dialogs(that are side by side). I've tried redoing it, incase I messed something else up, but I can't get ti to work on a blank slate quest either.
Am I doing something wrong? or missing something?
How can I change the image where my quest name and ID appears?
The image is based on the icon you pick for the location of the first map in your storyboard. So if you use the lighthouse icon for the first map, your quest will get the lighthouse image.
Is there a fix or work around? I don't know what else to do for my quest til this is fixed.
I added a post to the bug forum for this since I didn't see one posted already link Hopefully we can get this fixed soon-ish. I'm really eager to use the foundry as a creative release.
However, one thing I've not found an answer to yet is how do you place treasure chests (not the quest end chest) on your map?
Also, is there any way to have a specific mob drop an item (eg a key) once defeated?
Last but not least, how can I add items onto the map that are useable by the various skills (dungeoneering, thievery, etc) and which give profession materials as rewards for using them?
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
You can have the mob drop an item - There are youtube videos on that.
You can not place skill nodes on the ground, it is randomly generated.
Website Dedicated to Foundry Tutorials: www.NWUGC.com Twitter: @NWUGC
Gold or Bones!!
Well that sucks
I watched the four NWUGC videos (thanks heaps for those! they really helped
Really? Do they show up randomly on pre-published maps?
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Reference the mats for crafting, are randomly generated by the game.
Website Dedicated to Foundry Tutorials: www.NWUGC.com Twitter: @NWUGC
Gold or Bones!!
Anyway, it seems the foundry XP is bugged. My main character cannot gain XP from them but my current character can. I'm not just on about the silly abused AOE ones etc, I mean all foundry quests. Pure roleplay ones are even bugged out for me.
There appear greyed in my quest log and when I try to enter the quest area by pressing 'F' nothing happens.
Are they only available at certain times or something?
My character is a level 11 Control Wizard.
Can you help?
I have an NPC that you can talk to, and at the end of the conversation they die (replaced by a "dead" NPC), a sound is supposed to play (it's set to play at a specific dialog prompt, though for some reason it doesn't play), and the boss appears. The player is then instructed to defeat the boss.
The boss is set to Fight to Submission and is set to Disappear When Objective "Defeat the Boss" is complete in order to be replaced by an NPC with the same costume with whom you can interact as the final stage of the quest. However, the boss doesn't disappear after you defeat him. The NPC still spawns, though, meaning there are now 2 of the same character present.
Why is it that the boss doesn't disappear after being defeated?
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
There are no NPC triggers in the game right now. Hopefully we'll get them in the future. For now, try to design your quest around the concept that all things that happen in the game are a direct result of player action.
I think that's a result of "Fight to Submission". You probably don't want that behavior, as that's what you use when you do want the enemy to stick around. You don't, so just get rid of it when it dies and replace it. Fight to Submission wouldn't have done anything useful to you anyway in this case.
Ah, ok. Is there any way to interact with the submissive enemy after you've defeated them? If so I can do that instead of replacing it with an NPC.
As for the regular fight, I had that originally but was hoping that Fight to Submission wouldn't result in the transition between beating the boss on one side of the room and having the NPC version of same spawn on the other. That just feels clunky and immersion breaking.
Thanks for the response, btw!
The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F
Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93
Quest #2 Coming Soon!
Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
Not that I know of. The character is considered an enemy encounter, which is different from an NPC. Fight to Submission, at least as currently implemented, is a fancy feature with only limited use. I saw it used very well in a quest I played recently where you had to defeat a bunch of farmers without killing them. Use it for NPCs you don't interact with, but who you still don't want to kill.
Also are there certain clothing options that are not available in the Foundry? Because there are some of the NPCs you can chose that appear to be wearing gear that I cannot in any way find when I go through the different options.