an unstoppable gwf is immune to any control effect enemy casters could try to throw at them, can close distance very fast and demolish them. also rogues can't really take a gwf with their stealth down and AoE attacks can force a rogue off stealth. so i'd say their role is to kill CW when they can enter unstoppable status and protect their own casters from rogues.
pretty much pvp right now is centered around CW, other classes are either CW counters or CW supporters...
why yes, i did pvp quite enough to say that. if you're stating your opinions around low level pvp i can see where that comes from because gwf are late bloomers and kind of suck at low level but if a gwf can build up it's unstoppable meter it's serious business to control wizards which can at best throw a magic missile in their face at -50% damage. the problem comes from building up the meter whitout getting killed in the process of course.
on the other hand GWF got their damage nerfed to the ground, they used to deal way too much now it's way too little so if you're basing your argument on the "right now" situation i can see why you think gwf sucks, i think so too. but i also believe the devs will find a sweetspot between the too high damage it had and the too little damage it has.
and don't forget gwf really are serious business to rogues which means they make great bodyguards to squishy CW and clerics.
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
why yes, i did pvp quite enough to say that. if you're stating your opinions around low level pvp i can see where that comes from because gwf are late bloomers and kind of suck at low level but if a gwf can build up it's unstoppable meter it's serious business to control wizards which can at best throw a magic missile in their face at -50% damage. the problem comes from building up the meter whitout getting killed in the process of course.
on the other hand GWF got their damage nerfed to the ground, they used to deal way too much now it's way too little so if you're basing your argument on the "right now" situation i can see why you think gwf sucks, i think so too. but i also believe the devs will find a sweetspot between the too high damage it had and the too little damage it has.
and don't forget gwf really are serious business to rogues which means they make great bodyguards to squishy CW and clerics.
The problem is a TR and a GF can do it better than a GWF can. Being third best CW counter in a game with 5 classes doesn't really put you in a good spot.
The role it's can run better than other a lot and try to confuse your oppenets
lol this is great, i'm just imagining a GWF running around in circles in the back of the battle confusing everyone wondering what he's doing. thanks for the laughs.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
well sure, being 3rd best X isn't great. however gwf are (assuming damage is partially restored) arguably capable of taking on any enemy class decently. they win 1vs1 vs guardians, they deal with CW decently, they can kill rogues 1vs1 and so on. other classes are better at this or that role but gwf can do a bit of everything... and that's pretty much how the class is designed right now: good dps but not the best, good survivability but not the best...
that's the design choiche developers made, can argue with it being a good or bad one but the result is coherent with that view. the only class that really needs reworking right now imho is cleric, it sucks. some players even came to the conclusion -not- having a cleric in your party is better than having one.
gwf just needs some of it's damage back and i guess some of it's powers order reworked, i'll trust you on that one.
volcxxxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
LoL Volcxxx, that video is 10 hours long and what's even scarier, it's been viewed 12 million times!
What are people doing with themselves on youtube?
Hilarious video tho.
And there definitely is no close distance very fast and demolish them, especially "while unstoppable" seeing as while unstoppable the damage to your At-Will attacks are reduced and hit for HAMSTER.
Probably at lvl 50-60 it's okay, but you can't say it's fine at lower level PvP.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
if you read my other posts (i do admit i might have overtyped myself) i said both that gwf sucks at low level and is a very late bloomer and that it's damage has been nerfed way too much at the moment (but i'm confident it will go up again if not as much as it was).
also at will might not do huge damage while unstoppable but the thing is CW can't apply any form of control on you and they are not going to outrun you either. basically they can't stop you and can't run away either unless your health was so low they can kill you even through unstoppable damage reduction. you can proceed to unleash all of your encounters on them before resorting to at wills.
of course, if you're outnumbered that's not a class problem.
I honestly haven't seen a good CW have problems dealing with a GWF while under unstoppable.
If they know the mechanic and are smart, they usually can always get away, 3 teleports being plenty enough to dodge a GWF under the duration of unstoppable.
If the GWF has takedown or something, he might have a chance at stopping the CW, but again i'm talking about low level PvP and not having Punishing Charge makes it awfully hard to catch a CW.
A CW can teleport away, wait for unstoppable to end, then choke him and get away long enough for teleport to regen. If you try to unleash all your encounters on them while unstoppable is up, they can just evade them by dodging.
All in all, i'd say the point to all this is a good CW in my opinion is gunna beat a GWF every time. I've done PvP on my TR plenty of times and I have to say, CW being able to teleport 3 times is utter bull****. In 1 extremely unlucky encounter, a CW was able to dodge both my encounters and even my Daily power, it was utterly ridiculous lol.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
You know you need to build determination before you can shift to Unstoppable right?
That means either killing something or taking damage. Taking damage is pretty easy, particularly when being chained cc'd. Trouble is you'll probably be dead by the time your Determination is full to activate Unstoppable....
fine, i'm trying to give an analysis of both good and bad points about gwf (also agreeing on their damage being nerfed too much and whatnot), you feel free to fixate yourself on 1 phrase. i'm sure that will have positive results.
Well even though I don't agree with much of where that original phase came from, i'll lay off because I truthfully won't be doing much PvP on my GWF and don't really care about that kind of stuff.
Although i'm sure you are a very excellent PvPer when it comes to high level GWF.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
zingarbageMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
A) CW is pvp king. low level GWF sucks, GWF develops late.
(c - why would you not use takedown in pvp?)
i feel like i keep running circles now
I haven't agreed with all you have said, but I can agree with these points. I don't believe the GWF becomes very good though late. Unfortunately no one at 50 cares about PvPing, so can't really get a solid gauge on the classes.
pretty much pvp right now is centered around CW, other classes are either CW counters or CW supporters...
Although I didnt try PvP, but that sounds very D&Dish...
you're a funny guy, pvp much?
on the other hand GWF got their damage nerfed to the ground, they used to deal way too much now it's way too little so if you're basing your argument on the "right now" situation i can see why you think gwf sucks, i think so too. but i also believe the devs will find a sweetspot between the too high damage it had and the too little damage it has.
and don't forget gwf really are serious business to rogues which means they make great bodyguards to squishy CW and clerics.
The problem is a TR and a GF can do it better than a GWF can. Being third best CW counter in a game with 5 classes doesn't really put you in a good spot.
lol this is great, i'm just imagining a GWF running around in circles in the back of the battle confusing everyone wondering what he's doing. thanks for the laughs.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
that's the design choiche developers made, can argue with it being a good or bad one but the result is coherent with that view. the only class that really needs reworking right now imho is cleric, it sucks. some players even came to the conclusion -not- having a cleric in your party is better than having one.
gwf just needs some of it's damage back and i guess some of it's powers order reworked, i'll trust you on that one.
i love you man
Old "Blood and Sand: Unchained" quest
Played more than 100 000 times!
Old "Blood and Sand: Unchained" quest
Played more than 100 000 times!
What are people doing with themselves on youtube?
Hilarious video tho.
And there definitely is no close distance very fast and demolish them, especially "while unstoppable" seeing as while unstoppable the damage to your At-Will attacks are reduced and hit for HAMSTER.
Probably at lvl 50-60 it's okay, but you can't say it's fine at lower level PvP.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
also at will might not do huge damage while unstoppable but the thing is CW can't apply any form of control on you and they are not going to outrun you either. basically they can't stop you and can't run away either unless your health was so low they can kill you even through unstoppable damage reduction. you can proceed to unleash all of your encounters on them before resorting to at wills.
of course, if you're outnumbered that's not a class problem.
If they know the mechanic and are smart, they usually can always get away, 3 teleports being plenty enough to dodge a GWF under the duration of unstoppable.
If the GWF has takedown or something, he might have a chance at stopping the CW, but again i'm talking about low level PvP and not having Punishing Charge makes it awfully hard to catch a CW.
A CW can teleport away, wait for unstoppable to end, then choke him and get away long enough for teleport to regen. If you try to unleash all your encounters on them while unstoppable is up, they can just evade them by dodging.
All in all, i'd say the point to all this is a good CW in my opinion is gunna beat a GWF every time. I've done PvP on my TR plenty of times and I have to say, CW being able to teleport 3 times is utter bull****. In 1 extremely unlucky encounter, a CW was able to dodge both my encounters and even my Daily power, it was utterly ridiculous lol.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
(c - why would you not use takedown in pvp?)
i feel like i keep running circles now
That means either killing something or taking damage. Taking damage is pretty easy, particularly when being chained cc'd. Trouble is you'll probably be dead by the time your Determination is full to activate Unstoppable....
cuz you said
and that's not really the case
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Although i'm sure you are a very excellent PvPer when it comes to high level GWF.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I haven't agreed with all you have said, but I can agree with these points. I don't believe the GWF becomes very good though late. Unfortunately no one at 50 cares about PvPing, so can't really get a solid gauge on the classes.