I saw Eirideita's post and felt it was an excellent way to get a good fit in a guild, so thank you for the idea

I'm 22, and I live in US East. My schedule is usually open except for my college classes on certain nights.
I'm a pretty "hardcore gamer" to be honest. I've been playing MMO's since I was very young, in the days of EQ1 and Asheron's Call. I have lead guilds, I have been an officer in some , and I have just been an active member of some. I have played more MMO's than I could recall to put into a list, to be honest. Some of my favorites/best experiences were Asheron's Call, WoW (vanilla + BC specifically), RIFT was decent, GW2's WvW, and Aion.
When playing Aion I was on the top 25 players on my server, and I Co-founded a guild that we got to the top 20. (before it went Free to Play). When I want to be I can be seriously devoted to a game (as nerdy as that is). I am open to role playing but nothing hardcore/ no out of character allowed. Normally I don't role play in games but as I said I am OPEN to it.
I will be more than happy to use a Voice communication program, tho not a huge Mumble fan...I kinda hate it actually.
I have made many friendships/relationships through guilds that have lasted for quite a few years, and I am interested in making friends with similar interests/skill. I like to help others, but also like to have some more hardcore content groups at times.
I usually play both PvE and PvP, I will be rolling a Guardian Fighter and will be tanking. My main roles in games have almost always been a tank or a healer. In Neverwinter I will likely be primarily PvE as the PvP seems a little lacking currently (but it's Beta so who knows).
tl;dr : I am looking for a friendly guild, preferably relaxed sense of humor. I am a "hardcore MMO gamer" and I will be tanking. I am looking to make some friends and will both PvE and PvP. Will use Voips.
Any questions or comments are welcome.
Will edit more after class to flesh it out.
If youd like to check us out I have links to both the thread and site in my signature
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
I appreciate it bro but I'm not a Christian :-\ Dunno if I could deal with God/Jesus talk all day tbh :-\
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
www.guildmedieval.com If you care to take a look.
We are currently playing in:
Dungeons and Dragons Online
Neverwinter Online (beta)
We are Kickstarters / Crowd Forgers for Pathfinder Online.
A few of us also play EVE Online and Mech Warrior Online, and you would be welcome to join us in any of the games we play.
Check us out:
Master The UnNamed Company
Icewind Dale is the right place.....and when u asked if u fit in....HELL U DO BRO!
we are trying to get the most active members of neverwinter in our guild.....u will find everything u want there.....so check this out
(http://icewinddale.shivtr.com/) if ur intersted...just register and enjoy
No Way Out
My name is Scarlet Mythflower and I'm the Guidance Counsellor and Recruitment
Officer for BLOOD, a Neverwinter guild. We're a group of international players
who are here to have lots of fun as we explore Neverwinter together.
I'm interested in you possibly becoming a member and would love to have you come
fill out our application here.
Scarlet Mythflower
Knight of Sinister Swarm
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