Having played the beta a little over the weekend I was impressed with what I have played so far. I have one minor, minor suggestion that I think would make a great addition to the game. In the character creation process you have the opportunity the select the Deity you worship as a cleric. Would it be possible to make the holy symbol the cleric class uses as a weapon reflect that decision? That is, I made a cleric of Sune, therefore the holy symbol I wield should look like a holy symbol of Sune. Currently the 'weapon' is just a generic circle thing that is ubiquitous across the class. Why not hold up the skeletal scales of Kelemvor, or Moradin's hammer as you blast and heal your way to victory? I think it would be another bit of flavor to the game, and it would allow other player characters to see your choice in deity. Whether you are walking down the streets of Neverwinter, or battling a frost giant in the Spine of the World, the other player characters would know which Deity just saved their life, or got the killing blow on some great evil.
I agree that this should be the case. Though more specifically, I think it would be easier on the devs to simply add the icon (like Moradin's hammer, Kelemvor's scales, Sune's face, etc) on the center of the holy symbol. It would work like dyes.
I might have simply misheard, but I could have sworn I saw a youtube video of a dwarf Devoted Cleric who was spouting deity-specific quotes when he cast spells; stuff like "Kelemvor guide us through these dark times." Can't find the video now, but I'll add it if I do.
cwiyk13Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited March 2013
I would very much like to see my cleric's deity choice visually represented in/on his gear in some manner.
I'd really like to see Devoted Clerics get shields for their offhand items with deity symbols on the shields. Of course, I'd also like to equip a morning star in my cleric's main hand, even if my cleric never melee'd with it, I'd just like to use it as an implement rather than the dangling chain symbol thing. Barring that, I would like implement to visually represent my deity choice in some manner.
Krae Vull - Devoted Cleric
l1zardo1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
Kinda hard to see, since they are such tiny files, but there are +1 to +4 versions of deity implements in the game files
I might have simply misheard, but I could have sworn I saw a youtube video of a dwarf Devoted Cleric who was spouting deity-specific quotes when he cast spells; stuff like "Kelemvor guide us through these dark times." Can't find the video now, but I'll add it if I do.
I'd really like to see Devoted Clerics get shields for their offhand items with deity symbols on the shields. Of course, I'd also like to equip a morning star in my cleric's main hand, even if my cleric never melee'd with it, I'd just like to use it as an implement rather than the dangling chain symbol thing. Barring that, I would like implement to visually represent my deity choice in some manner.
I literally loled