@kwsapphire: Because of the combat feedback in City of Heroes that declared "Miss!" and "Deflected!", I made a bubfender named "Miss Deflected". I can't believe someone else hadn't thought of that name before.
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
@kwsapphire: Because of the combat feedback in City of Heroes that declared "Miss!" and "Deflected!", I made a bubfender named "Miss Deflected". I can't believe someone else hadn't thought of that name before.
That's outstanding, I love the name! My bubbler BubbleYumm was so named because she was a sentient piece of bubblegum who melded with a semisentient robot. ^_^
I think one of my most creative toon was Booster Packrat. She had at least one piece from every available costume (booster) pack, until the game went F2P. After that they started creating so many costume sets that I ran out of places to put more costume pieces. ^_^
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
I still wouldn't call someone a jerk. My husband was terrible to people, picked on random people in the store. I didn't say "You're a jerk!" - that's not helpful, it's inflammatory. Yes, my opinion was he was a jerk, but I kept it to myself. Instead I said "Please can you not pick on people like that? At least not around me? It makes me uncomfortable." - Do you see the difference? When I dislike something (which is my right), I don't throw it back in the person's face. I keep my negativity to myself. On the other hand, I will let someone know if I think their (whatever) is cool, because spreading positivity is good!
My apologies. generally when someone says "don't pick on this person/group" it has nothing to do with them trying to be a good person, it is just because they happen to empathize with that group. Like its wrong to insult unemployed people because my uncle is unemployed, but its ok to insult drug users because I don't know any. It seems that isnt the case with you, so I'll stop trying to trap you in convoluted logic, lol.
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
agnibaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
At a Sabbat festival with, you guessed it, Sabbat the Brotherhood mascot \m/
I work with a guy whose last name is Sabbat. I'm guessing his family is famous and they have their own festival.
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
agnibaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited April 2013
A Sabbat festival speaks of the ways of ancient celebration. Just like in contemporary celebration of the holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, the names spoken of old of these originally Pagan traditions are Samhain and Yule respectively.
I don't think it's ever TMI. Everyone should be comfortable in their own home. :P Unless of course you're using your phone at Wal-Mart to post on the forums while you shop for peanutbutter and spam.
A Sabbat festival speaks of the ways of ancient celebration. Just like in contemporary celebration of the holidays such as Halloween and Christmas, the names spoken of old of these originally Pagan traditions are Samhain and Yule respectively.
I always make the distinction between Christmas and Yule. They're totally different things.
I don't think it's ever TMI. Everyone should be comfortable in their own home. :P Unless of course you're using your phone at Wal-Mart to post on the forums while you shop for peanutbutter and spam.
Ewww...! I would never do that! I get my peanut butter and spam from Target!
sadgfhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Ewww...! I would never do that! I get my peanut butter and spam from Target!
I'm kind of confused on this one. Is the joke/eww being pant-less in walmart, or buying spam? From what I've seen at walmart, being pant-less would hardly stand out; however, buying spam is always weird.
Let's pretend like my account name isn't just a random string of characters I got by punching my keyboard.
Found a picture of me and my messy unorganized computer. I lost the stock to this image so all i have is this one. Was taking pictures for college and didnt know what to shoot so I took pictures of myself lol. Oh and this one too with high contrast!
deohnoehMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Oh not just India my friend. I am a staunch feminist and fight tooth and nail for women's rights, but the last bastion of pure manhood is prominent facial hair.
I grow it out, I shave it, I trim it, I sculpt it, then scrape it all off and do it again. I want women's rights and equality in all things but this, it remains the one and last thing that men can do, that most women cannot. So says the mighty zen-master Steve Raible!
"A man's mustache is a man's freedom" - Steve Raible
I think what he meant was that he approves of pictures of large glasses of alcoholic beverages, not that you enlarged it or whatnot.
And Vegas, huh? I swear that pic of your husband shows the skyline of Perris, CA (where I used to live). Then again, I should know that the 'burbs look like the 'burbs no matter where you go, right?
juumillerMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
I live in Vegas and that picture isn't enlarged. It's a really big martini glass.
Wow! That's an awful lot of martini!
I posted myself with a beverage earlier, let's see if we can get a stream of photos of ourselves with our favorite beverage, or just the beverage themselves!
This was me last year on a trip to Manhattan, (one of my favorite places in the whole world), holding a Guinness (my favorite beverage in the whole world):
SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power. Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
edited April 2013
I also approve of the big pink drink. I hope there's enough to share! (And those 'burbs look like FL to me, so yeah, burbs are burbs!)
I don't think I have any photos of me with any of my favorite beverages, but I'll poke around. I did post a whole video during which I'm pretty inebriated, but I don't think anyone watched the video. (It's post #153 if anyone cares to go back. :P)
OMG, you are so right! The same thing had been tickling the back of my brain but I couldn't place it!
That's outstanding, I love the name! My bubbler BubbleYumm was so named because she was a sentient piece of bubblegum who melded with a semisentient robot. ^_^
I think one of my most creative toon was Booster Packrat. She had at least one piece from every available costume (booster) pack, until the game went F2P. After that they started creating so many costume sets that I ran out of places to put more costume pieces. ^_^
My apologies. generally when someone says "don't pick on this person/group" it has nothing to do with them trying to be a good person, it is just because they happen to empathize with that group. Like its wrong to insult unemployed people because my uncle is unemployed, but its ok to insult drug users because I don't know any. It seems that isnt the case with you, so I'll stop trying to trap you in convoluted logic, lol.
I work with a guy whose last name is Sabbat. I'm guessing his family is famous and they have their own festival.
I don't think it's ever TMI. Everyone should be comfortable in their own home. :P Unless of course you're using your phone at Wal-Mart to post on the forums while you shop for peanutbutter and spam.
I'm kind of confused on this one. Is the joke/eww being pant-less in walmart, or buying spam? From what I've seen at walmart, being pant-less would hardly stand out; however, buying spam is always weird.
People of Wal-Mart
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
My girlfriend and my son(youngest)
My son riding shotgun! (were really not driving hes just sitting up there watching me fix the van lol)
I stopped at the "ME" part....
Please.. for the love of Neverwinter.... tell us your MAIN will be a 1/2 Orc !!!
You got the perfect RP name for a 1/2 orc...
classic bro
Cool family pix also !
Oh and this one too with high contrast!
I agree! Charlize Theron it is! I was also wondering how your face was so familiar, Rick just put it in words
I have the same Keyboard!! I love my G15!!
Hahahaha!! Yes! It sure is!
My husband and our dog
View from my condo and my favorite drink
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
*~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
And Vegas, huh? I swear that pic of your husband shows the skyline of Perris, CA (where I used to live). Then again, I should know that the 'burbs look like the 'burbs no matter where you go, right?
Wow! That's an awful lot of martini!
I posted myself with a beverage earlier, let's see if we can get a stream of photos of ourselves with our favorite beverage, or just the beverage themselves!
This was me last year on a trip to Manhattan, (one of my favorite places in the whole world), holding a Guinness (my favorite beverage in the whole world):
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
I don't think I have any photos of me with any of my favorite beverages, but I'll poke around. I did post a whole video during which I'm pretty inebriated, but I don't think anyone watched the video. (It's post #153 if anyone cares to go back. :P)
Diesel and Rogue, my beautiful doggies - Rogue is the Rhodesian Ridgeback and Diesel is the crazy Dalmatian.
and drunken women... me a couple of years ago but i haven't changed much except i have bright red hair.