karischMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
Sarcastic Malevolence
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kwsapphireMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 671Arc User
edited March 2013
Welcome to Neverwinter! I'm a gamer chick as well. :]
There are lots of female gamers around here, so you are definitely not alone!
Where were you/what game did you play before that you were the only female? I'm surprised there are still pockets of all or mostly males left in any genre.
As a male gamer, I appreciate that there are females who enjoy playing as well. Not because OHMEHGHRRRD GURL GAMER WHATAREYOUWEARING or anything, but it's nice to have a balance. I miss my wife playing with me (5-year old daughters and grad school seriously cut into gaming time).
I think, for those of us who see female gamers honorably, it's nice that you're represented, and it helps dispel the stereotype that gamers are middle-aged dough-boys living in their mother's basement. Now if you'll excuse me, my mom wants me to take out the garbage...
As a male gamer, I appreciate that there are females who enjoy playing as well. Not because OHMEHGHRRRD GURL GAMER WHATAREYOUWEARING or anything, but it's nice to have a balance. I miss my wife playing with me (5-year old daughters and grad school seriously cut into gaming time).
I think, for those of us who see female gamers honorably, it's nice that you're represented, and it helps dispel the stereotype that gamers are middle-aged dough-boys living in their mother's basement. Now if you'll excuse me, my mom wants me to take out the garbage...
Female gamers have been around for as long as games have been around. I'm one. I got kinda irate after I saw someone post here "women don't play online games" and that set me off. *shrugs* The smart gals usually just play and don't go in for the drama-rama. Me, I'm usually the one with the baseball bat smackin' guys with the testosterone-induced 'tude that online gaming is for guys only.
I can't help it. My daddy taught me not to take HAMSTER from anyone.
/wave Yeah, I hate the stereotype too. Annoys the heck out of me. Why some people still seem to think women don't like games is beyond me, we're not kitchen slaves!
/wave Yeah, I hate the stereotype too. Annoys the heck out of me. Why some people still seem to think women don't like games is beyond me, we're not kitchen slaves!
"I'm not a kitchen slave." You should speak for yourself, ravenrabbit.
The women gamers I've known, held careers, raised children, and still found time to game.
Wanna call yourself a "kitchen slave" go for it. Leave my women gamer friends out of your stereotype.
I am a guy and I am a kitchen slave. I enjoy cooking and work to provide for my kitchen. Cooking is very enjoyable imo. Infact I am very skilled at it.
Goin' a bit off-topic gillrmn there. But that's ok.
jezathforumMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
errr jus poppin in here too say you need to reread ravenrabbits post, she not saying your all kitchen slaves she agreeing with you and saying she is not a kitchen slave and neither are you lol...
Anyways... Im happy that women are coming into gaming more and more now, still a minority i think but its good to see, the more diversity in an mmo the better! Its one huge melting pot of culture...
I facepalm every time some teenager makes silly remarks to a perceived female on an mmo..
"There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
"If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
I'm thinking that every time I encourage a female gamer to play (and to ignore the comments of "less evolved" people) I help NW to increase its sphere of gamers and the game becomes more like a savory mix, rather than a monotone.
In the spirit of the topic, I'll speak more in "I" mode, and not in "We" mode.
I can do that. Can y'all do that?
draconixs0Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 18Arc User
I am a guy and I am a kitchen slave. I enjoy cooking and work to provide for my kitchen. Cooking is very enjoyable imo. Infact I am very skilled at it.
Wish my husband could cook lol....
But sweet seeing my fellow genders are active ^_^ makes me happy. Seems a quite few female players ^_^
And we def enjoy games lol I even purchased a bether laptop to enjoy maxed graphics, I will admid that I am more focused on details and gear looks :-p don't want to look like a clown like some other mmo :-p must be a chick issue I gues lol....
I am only a kitchen slave when it comes to breakfast. Any other time you only want me in there if you need condensed soup or something in the microwave made.
Just kidding heehee, welcome to Neverwinter and it's a relief for me to see this as a male. My two favorite MMO "homes" before Neverwinter were Ultima Online and City of Heroes, both of which have/had very diverse playerbases and I always felt it added to the atmosphere of the community and value of the game. Here in the Twenty-first Century it should go without saying that female players can be found in games excelling at everything male players do, monster-bashing, PvP, griefing, whatever. However, when games were perceived as male-dominated, one of the unfortunate side-effects was less "stuff" to do.
The stuff Draconix mentions above benefits guy gamers too. A lot of guys would hate to be told they're "playing dolls", but when I think about tailoring or house-design in UO or costume editing and base-building in CoH, it's kind of funny ya'know? Sure did burn a lot of time and money on that stuff.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
I dont really see the point in the question. Female players are growing more and more as time goes on. There will always seem to be more male players of course. But that fact that female players are growing to a great deal in a consistant basis shows something. Especially in the point now. There are near just as much female players as there are male players. This question would seem relevant maybe 10 years ago..
I've been gaming since about 87. Gamers Guild Perth currently. EarthdawnRPG.
I'm also on Champions, where I got picked as a female by a Chat channel because my character didn't have maxed size bust.(the standard size for character creater)
There's student's, couples, parents.
and if this game eventually decides that it has installed all the patches, one at a time. I'll be able to wander around in here... and there better be halflings
I'd bet that most in-game characters are female because for some reason it seems that most male players of online role-playing games seem to be trapped in the wrong body and deeply deeply wish to have been born a girl and wear women's clothing, mmyes.
xhritMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
I normally play duo w/ my gf, but she never posts on forums.
Ok she has posted a few times, but only to rag on ppl qqing about us ganking them in pvp.
I'm pretty new to MMORPs. Only other game played was DDO for the last 2...2.5 years. lol..I thought all the girl toons were played by girl players. Blinked when the first time I heard a girl toon with a male voice over headphones. Finally one day I asked a guildie... "OK, I got to ask. Curiosty is killing me. Why you playing a girl toon?" He said if he had to look at a backside for hours he at least wanted it to be a female backside.
Anyway...Now I know his reason. Hmm...what else. Oh yes, My husband does all the cooking.
ardavahishtMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Why you playing a girl toon?" He said if he had to look at a backside for hours he at least wanted it to be a female backside.
As a female gamer, I admit that's kinda why I play a male Tiefling...
--Or any MMO that will let me play a fairly sexy male toon. Most games feature a male protagonist anyway so it doesn't bother me in the least to play a male avatar. And female avatars are almost always uncomfortably unrealistic for me to play them for very long.
Playing a male toon is also an easy way to avoid quite a bit of discrimination while pugging (pick up group) in various games.
I'm a mom player as well. The hubby and son play with me and its a blast. Been gaming for quite a few years along with costuming for a few Star Wars Lucas Films groups. Mainly the Mandalorian Mercs.
There is a fine line between genius and insanity....I have replaced that line with a trout!
Gaming online since oNWN which was early 90s. Met husband over D&D in college. Raising 2 gamer girls for the next generation. Hope this place gives us a place to expand our little family based guild and maybe reconnect with some of those old time folks as well as meet some new ones, once we've all leveled and gone through all the stages far enough to get to the RP stage.
Ask me about oNWN....we remember it well Xolaniara d'Lylyl of ToL, Emmrald Glanderlin-Hammersmith of Clan Axepeak, Kiko Hibou d'Hiver of PoN, Sparxy FyreSpryte }x{ - also of PoN
I like the mix and for things to not be one sided. If guys get female avatars to drool over I'm glad females get male avatars to drool over. Fair right? I've known several female gamers and dated a few. There are always more then there seems to be. They hide for good reasons, I swear.
<cheers> To the Female gamers! I play with a friend who has gamed with me for several MMOs now and it was then and is now a shock when people find out she isn't a guy
Welcome to Neverwinter!
Recruitment is CLOSED!!
There are lots of female gamers around here, so you are definitely not alone!
Where were you/what game did you play before that you were the only female? I'm surprised there are still pockets of all or mostly males left in any genre.
Suprised as well! But I'm glad to see this game is 'multi' gender as well.. :-D
I think, for those of us who see female gamers honorably, it's nice that you're represented, and it helps dispel the stereotype that gamers are middle-aged dough-boys living in their mother's basement. Now if you'll excuse me, my mom wants me to take out the garbage...
ROFL XD Nice pun there
Welcome to the forums
I can't help it.
"I'm not a kitchen slave."
The women gamers I've known, held careers, raised children, and still found time to game.
Wanna call yourself a "kitchen slave" go for it.
No offense.
Anyways... Im happy that women are coming into gaming more and more now, still a minority i think but its good to see, the more diversity in an mmo the better! Its one huge melting pot of culture...
I facepalm every time some teenager makes silly remarks to a perceived female on an mmo..
"There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
"If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
In the spirit of the topic, I'll speak more in "I" mode, and not in "We" mode.
I can do that. Can y'all do that?
Wish my husband could cook lol....
But sweet seeing my fellow genders are active ^_^ makes me happy. Seems a quite few female players ^_^
And we def enjoy games lol I even purchased a bether laptop to enjoy maxed graphics, I will admid that I am more focused on details and gear looks :-p don't want to look like a clown like some other mmo :-p must be a chick issue I gues lol....
Just kidding heehee, welcome to Neverwinter and it's a relief for me to see this as a male. My two favorite MMO "homes" before Neverwinter were Ultima Online and City of Heroes, both of which have/had very diverse playerbases and I always felt it added to the atmosphere of the community and value of the game. Here in the Twenty-first Century it should go without saying that female players can be found in games excelling at everything male players do, monster-bashing, PvP, griefing, whatever. However, when games were perceived as male-dominated, one of the unfortunate side-effects was less "stuff" to do.
The stuff Draconix mentions above benefits guy gamers too. A lot of guys would hate to be told they're "playing dolls", but when I think about tailoring or house-design in UO or costume editing and base-building in CoH, it's kind of funny ya'know? Sure did burn a lot of time and money on that stuff.
[SIGPIC]Captain Electric and the Sapien Spider[/SIGPIC]
Vote YES for the Foundry in Champions Online.
@Captain-Electric | CoH/Virtue veteran | Proud new Champion
I'm also on Champions, where I got picked as a female by a Chat channel because my character didn't have maxed size bust.(the standard size for character creater)
There's student's, couples, parents.
and if this game eventually decides that it has installed all the patches, one at a time. I'll be able to wander around in here... and there better be halflings
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Ok she has posted a few times, but only to rag on ppl qqing about us ganking them in pvp.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
I'm pretty new to MMORPs. Only other game played was DDO for the last 2...2.5 years. lol..I thought all the girl toons were played by girl players. Blinked when the first time I heard a girl toon with a male voice over headphones. Finally one day I asked a guildie... "OK, I got to ask. Curiosty is killing me. Why you playing a girl toon?" He said if he had to look at a backside for hours he at least wanted it to be a female backside.
Anyway...Now I know his reason. Hmm...what else. Oh yes, My husband does all the cooking.
As a female gamer, I admit that's kinda why I play a male Tiefling...
--Or any MMO that will let me play a fairly sexy male toon. Most games feature a male protagonist anyway so it doesn't bother me in the least to play a male avatar. And female avatars are almost always uncomfortably unrealistic for me to play them for very long.
Playing a male toon is also an easy way to avoid quite a bit of discrimination while pugging (pick up group) in various games.
Xolaniara d'Lylyl of ToL,
Emmrald Glanderlin-Hammersmith of Clan Axepeak,
Kiko Hibou d'Hiver of PoN,
Sparxy FyreSpryte }x{ - also of PoN
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