I tried to record the bug and send it but seems a bit difficult so am posting here... ( please include a simpler screenshot sending system...)
There are shadows that come and go on the floor looks odd... they can sometimes be stagnant or they can be reactive to item pick up during which they vanish.. You might want to retriangulate the floor( I face similar "black face" problems in 3ds max and I select all vertex and connect and select all the recently connected edges and ctrl remove them.. If this doesnt work then i change triangulation coordinates by connecting two vertices against their triangle flow... and then repeat the former method and it works out most of the times...) I Hope this helps the screenshot is from the Quest fists of warbrand... though i have seen this issue elsewhere such as nest egg in the sewers...
Also some places the character that has had voice previously doesnt voice... such as sergeant knox and the starting crown quest where while stealing the crown the nashers have no vocals... Is this intentional?
Hope this helps...
it keeps happening in this level and it seems to be a lighting issue also happens when running over faces.. or doing power moves with light involved...