Neverwinter is based on 4th edition right? Well, in 4th edition we have the Drow AND Dark Elves.
Instead of pissing off a bunch of people who wanted to play "Drow" from the start, why not just take advantage of the fact this IS 4th edition, and make Drow AND Dark Elves?
Leave the Drow aka 'Menzoberranzan Renegades' to the Hero's who are supporting the game with their $200.
Make a reskinned Elf and call it a Dark Elf, or a Redeemed Drow, and release that at launch. Problem solved. If people want the Drow look instead of Dark Elf look (obsidian skin instead of brown, white hair instead of regular elf hair) then let them buy cosmetic changes in the C-Store.
Neverwinter is based on 4th edition right? Well, in 4th edition we have the Drow AND Dark Elves.
Instead of pissing off a bunch of people who wanted to play "Drow" from the start, why not just take advantage of the fact this IS 4th edition, and make Drow AND Dark Elves?
Leave the Drow aka 'Menzoberranzan Renegades' to the Hero's who are supporting the game with their $200.
Make a reskinned Elf and call it a Dark Elf, or a Redeemed Drow, and release that at launch. Problem solved. If people want the Drow look instead of Dark Elf look (obsidian skin instead of brown, white hair instead of regular elf hair) then let them buy cosmetic changes in the C-Store.
What you are saying makes some sense. After all drow ARE elves.
I wouldn't mind doing what you are saying if they hadn't had drow in the list of races since I have been aware of this game (for many months at least). BUT...To do that now would be extremely unfair and misleading to people who've been following the games. They just came up the with the founder's packs recently. The drow were always intended to be part of the game as far as I am aware. They had videos with drow in them months and months ago.
And we Guardians are supporting the game too you know...
Neverwinter is based on 4th edition right? Well, in 4th edition we have the Drow AND Dark Elves.
Instead of pissing off a bunch of people who wanted to play "Drow" from the start, why not just take advantage of the fact this IS 4th edition, and make Drow AND Dark Elves?
Leave the Drow aka 'Menzoberranzan Renegades' to the Hero's who are supporting the game with their $200.
Make a reskinned Elf and call it a Dark Elf, or a Redeemed Drow, and release that at launch. Problem solved. If people want the Drow look instead of Dark Elf look (obsidian skin instead of brown, white hair instead of regular elf hair) then let them buy cosmetic changes in the C-Store.
I like this lawyery solution
bruddajokkaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 447Bounty Hunter
In 4th edition, there are redeemed Drow who are called Dark Elves. They are brown skinned instead of black, and no longer have their light sensitivity or other Drow racial features. They are how they were before Lolth corrupted the original Dark Elves.
In 4th edition, there are redeemed Drow who are called Dark Elves. They are brown skinned instead of black, and no longer have their light sensitivity or other Drow racial features. They are how they were before Lolth corrupted the original Dark Elves.
Kick *** storyline btw. Loved that series. I think this would be a sweet idea by itself anyways.
The simplest solution is to just sell the Drow race in the store from day one for something in the neighbourhood of $20, then make it free 60 days later. That way everyone still gets it eventually, but those who really feel it is needed right away can purchase it. $20 is not a whole lot given it is optional and patience would have seen it be free. It also fills the coffers a bit, though perhaps Cryptic is counting on this selling enough $200 Heroes of the North packs to have that be the superior revenue generator. At $200 they only need to sell 1/10 as many as they would Drow race unlocks priced at $20.
Personally, I really do not care even if it were free from day one, and I plunked down $200. I will be able to make Drow but will not, because I am not a fan of them, but even if I were I doubt I would care that others could make one freely. I got the Hero of the North pack for the whole thing and to support the game, not so I could flaunt being a Drow.
However, if the Drow race was free then some Heroes of the North would be upset because their precious exclusive is not exclusive, so Cryptic is in a bit of an unwinnable situation. Granted, they put themselves there by communicating the availability of the Drow race and the benefits of the various packages so poorly to begin with.
In short, the whole thing is a bit of a mess; Cryptic handled it poorly, but player reaction has been a bit insane, too. To satisfy Heroes of the North, Cryptic's need to generate revenue, and Drow fanatics, pricing the race at a fair value seems like the best solution. Keep in mind, the Menzoberranzan background will still always be exclusive to Heroes of the North, so they always have that to show off.
Neverwinter is based on 4th edition right? Well, in 4th edition we have the Drow AND Dark Elves.
There are no stats for a "dark elf" race in 4E. Were they to go this route, Cryptic would need to devote one of those Tuesday phone calls to hammering out specifics for a dark elf race for the game. Most likely, you can make a dark elf via the drow option, and the Menzo Renegade is the "Dark Elf."
I'd be all for it, though. I know there is a subset of the D&D playerbase that loves them some drow. I do on occasion as well, and I plan to make a drow rogue at some point. It'd be a shame to make these people wait two months or more to play the characters they want to play.
The simplest solution is to just sell the Drow race in the store from day one for something in the neighbourhood of $20, then make it free 60 days later. That way everyone still gets it eventually, but those who really feel it is needed right away can purchase it. $20 is not a whole lot given it is optional and patience would have seen it be free. It also fills the coffers a bit, though perhaps Cryptic is counting on this selling enough $200 Heroes of the North packs to have that be the superior revenue generator. At $200 they only need to sell 1/10 as many as they would Drow race unlocks priced at $20.
Personally, I really do not care even if it were free from day one, and I plunked down $200. I will be able to make Drow but will not, because I am not a fan of them, but even if I were I doubt I would care that others could make one freely. I got the Hero of the North pack for the whole thing and to support the game, not so I could flaunt being a Drow.
However, if the Drow race was free then some Heroes of the North would be upset because their precious exclusive is not exclusive, so Cryptic is in a bit of an unwinnable situation. Granted, they put themselves there by communicating the availability of the Drow race and the benefits of the various packages so poorly to begin with.
In short, the whole thing is a bit of a mess; Cryptic handled it poorly, but player reaction has been a bit insane, too. To satisfy Heroes of the North, Cryptic's need to generate revenue, and Drow fanatics, pricing the race at a fair value seems like the best solution. Keep in mind, the Menzoberranzan background will still always be exclusive to Heroes of the North, so they always have that to show off.
I think paying $20 to buy the drow at launch is reasonable. Or maybe let us buy it with astral diamonds. I don't care to support the game but really, not everyone can just plunk down $200 like that for what is essentially a luxury.
They did really mislead the community on this one. Before founders packs were even presented, it was assumed that drow would simply be another race like the dwarves or halflings or regular old elves. Nothing ever indicated that they would be exclusive to anyone and they really put themselves in a hole trying to sell this Menzo Renegade thing (which I don't care about btw. I just want a regular drow!)
There are no stats for a "dark elf" race in 4E. Were they to go this route, Cryptic would need to devote one of those Tuesday phone calls to hammering out specifics for a dark elf race for the game. Most likely, you can make a dark elf via the drow option, and the Menzo Renegade is the "Dark Elf."
I'd be all for it, though. I know there is a subset of the D&D playerbase that loves them some drow. I do on occasion as well, and I plan to make a drow rogue at some point. It'd be a shame to make these people wait two months or more to play the characters they want to play.
Dark Elf = Elf, so they have stats for Dark Elf in 4E, it's the same stats as a standard Elf.
I think paying $20 to buy the drow at launch is reasonable. Or maybe let us buy it with astral diamonds. I don't care to support the game but really, not everyone can just plunk down $200 like that for what is essentially a luxury.
They did really mislead the community on this one. Before founders packs were even presented, it was assumed that drow would simply be another race like the dwarves or halflings or regular old elves. Nothing ever indicated that they would be exclusive to anyone and they really put themselves in a hole trying to sell this Menzo Renegade thing (which I don't care about btw. I just want a regular drow!)
I understand, but one thing you always seem developers do as they are designing games is they always tell people things are subject to change. Nothing is final until it's actually released; also, I don't think there was every an official post or announcement that said "Drow will be available at launch for everyone.", they have just said the Drow will be a free race for everyone to play. Sure, it's just semantics, but they have to capitalize on it somehow.
Neverwinter is based on 4th edition right? Well, in 4th edition we have the Drow AND Dark Elves.
Instead of pissing off a bunch of people who wanted to play "Drow" from the start, why not just take advantage of the fact this IS 4th edition, and make Drow AND Dark Elves?
Leave the Drow aka 'Menzoberranzan Renegades' to the Hero's who are supporting the game with their $200.
Make a reskinned Elf and call it a Dark Elf, or a Redeemed Drow, and release that at launch. Problem solved. If people want the Drow look instead of Dark Elf look (obsidian skin instead of brown, white hair instead of regular elf hair) then let them buy cosmetic changes in the C-Store.
Why not just give Eladrin free from the start, those who have not bought packs must wait the 60 days before playing a drow, Guardians packs take 30 days and Hero of North get instantly.
Yes I know Eladrin and Drow are nearly if not opposite end of the elf spectrum, but it would give another elf race that is already in PH1 that would be playable at launch.
I understand, but one thing you always seem developers do as they are designing games is they always tell people things are subject to change. Nothing is final until it's actually released; also, I don't think there was every an official post or announcement that said "Drow will be available at launch for everyone.", they have just said the Drow will be a free race for everyone to play. Sure, it's just semantics, but they have to capitalize on it somehow.
Found an old interview from truths old FAQ Thread.
"Half-elfs, tieflings, halflings, and drow I believe, is the other one we've officially announced. That's just what we've announced, not even the full roster for launch"
A) That's less than the full roster. Drow's included in that list of the roster for launch.
There's also several interviews that state drow is a confirmed race. I know, they're still confirmed. You'd think they would have mentioned this tidbit earlier though.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2013
It wasn't decided that they would be put as an exclusive for the first 60 days past launch at that time.
As another player elegantly put, everything is subject to change during development. The choice to keep drow as a temporary exclusive was made later on.
"Half-elfs, tieflings, halflings, and drow I believe, is the other one we've officially announced. That's just what we've announced, not even the full roster for launch"
A) That's less than the full roster. Drow's included in that list of the roster for launch.
There's also several interviews that state drow is a confirmed race. I know, they're still confirmed. You'd think they would have mentioned this tidbit earlier though.
If you go to the Home page, and scroll down to the bottom, this is what you'll see:
Due to the nature of game development, information and content found on this website may not be representative of the gameplay experience.
That's pretty much their free pass to change whatever they want.
I believe the Menzo Renegade IS essentially the Dark Elf race. If you wanna call it one. They should be playable at launch for all those who bought the Hero of the North pack. However the regular Drow will be unavailable to anyone, including the HotN pack holders, until 60 days after release. There is nothing saying that the HotN owners get anything other than the Menzo-Renegade. Now this tells me that Cryptic has something up their sleeve. Which may not be a bad thing and is probably not influenced by greed.
My guess is that they have some sort of plan to release it with some sort of end game content story line explaining why the actual Drow are coming to the surface in greater numbers. Honestly it is the only thing that makes sense to me seeing as there are indeed very few surface Drow and those that have been on the surface long enough have indeed, as was stated, become almost transformed back to their original Dark Elf selves. At least this is where the 4e lore seems to be headed. Now there would not be an insane amount of these Dark Elves so it makes sense that they would want to keep the Menzo-Renegade(Dark Elf) class very limited by keeping it exclusive to the Hero of the North pack and then when this event occurs(something like the Underdark Drow start fleeing in fear of Lolth eating them all, idk haha) releasing the other Drow as a playable race finally. Maybe they are even making them better some how. Who knows. This might just be wishful thinking tho. My opinion on the whole situation.
Two months really isn't very long to wait if you would be creating an Underdark Drow to RP or even just play as. It does suck but all good things come to those who wait. It will give me plenty of time to perfect my class builds.
My guess is that they have some sort of plan to release it with some sort of end game content story line explaining why the actual Drow are coming to the surface in greater numbers.
Oh I like this. It is a little bit conspiracy theory, a little bit rock and roll.
It wasn't decided that they would be put as an exclusive for the first 60 days past launch at that time.
As another player elegantly put, everything is subject to change during development. The choice to keep drow as a temporary exclusive was made later on.
Except when you bought a pack it was quite clear what was included and the drow "race" being exclusive wasn't part of the deal. Only the renegade background was. Not to mention forum mods, posting as volunteers accepted and chosen by Cryptic/PWE and therefore speaking in their names, backed this up in many many posts.
What is happening right now is that they are changing the 200$ pack after it was put on sale and therefore what people originally bought.
This is to the benefit of the people buying the pack so no biggie there but they are doing that at the detriment of those that didn't buy that pack including those that bought the 60$ pack with the clear understanding that Drows would be free just not the Drizzt background.
Can't say I really care though as the more I try out the game the less impressed with it I am, be that as it may this is still a shady thing to do and doesn't seem right to those that do want to play drows etc.
Except when you bought a pack it was quite clear what was included and the drow "race" being exclusive wasn't part of the deal. Only the renegade background was. Not to mention forum mods, posting as volunteers accepted and chosen by Cryptic/PWE and therefore speaking in their names, backed this up in many many posts.
No you see this is the rub. When the package first went up it said Race not backround. They changed it after a few days but it said Race at first. That very well may be the problem. It was first written as something like "Exclusive Race Renegade Drow" or something like that. It caused all kinds of chatter at the time.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2013
We told you they weren't charging for the drow race, they are not.
You do not have to buy a $200 dollar Founder's Pack to play as a drow.
The drow will be free for everybody to use...60 days post launch.
Call it shady if you will, personally I can't say I find it to be a big deal. The other alternative is making you play the game for two months to get a free unlock or pay to unlock it earlier and keep that ruling indefinitely.
Free forever two months after launch is a lot better than a certain other MMO...
You guys are certainly right. Cryptic can do whatever they want. Even without that little disclaimer. It just shows a poor business model, and a poor company. If they are indeed waiting for some big unleash the drow event (Which would be cool) than they are merely very very very bad at planning and communication. Otherwise its a cash grab. But I'm with Pilfer. The lack of what I consider dnd*, the amount this game is resembling CO, and with these shady practices coming to light, this game is impressing me less and less.
*This is my opinion only and is not backed by any facts what-so-ever.
We told you they weren't charging for the drow race, they are not.
You do not have to buy a $200 dollar Founder's Pack to play as a drow.
The drow will be free for everybody to use...60 days post launch.
Call it shady if you will, personally I can't say I find it to be a big deal. The other alternative is making you play the game for two months to get a free unlock or pay to unlock it earlier and keep that ruling indefinitely.
Free forever two months after launch is a lot better than a certain other MMO...
I understand the concept Ambi, I really really do. The issue I have is take this example will you. What if all of a sudden and without notice tomorrow Cryptic says the Foundry will not be available for 60 days post launch. Many people would be mad.
This is my issue with it, it was announced as a playable race long ago at launch, then they changed it. Many people, myself included had our hopes dashed with this ideal. I do not want to have to wait 60 days playing a race I know I will end up shelving in favor of my prferred race. It's not the same thing as say a Dragonborn race, which we know iwll come inevitably. Because that race has never been announced and it is speculation as to when it gets released.
Character is what a man is in the dark
Free forever two months after launch is a lot better than a certain other MMO...
This is so true.
But alas, gaming culture rarely focuses on the positive. It seems enamored only with entitlement and a fascinating lack of patience or tolerance.
I actually believe there will a pay-to-unlock the Drow earlier scheme in place, at launch. To me, that seems to be the angle here. They know Drow are popular and if you want a head start, you pay a bit, or you wait 60 days and play for free.
I have no proof of this, only it seems to make business sense. I am not convinced the Drow "just aren't ready", because I can't see their animation and models being much more difficult than regular Elves. So my guess is, this is angling to make a little coin out of the gate, by making Drow fans pay a little, IF they want a head start on Drow, otherwise they wait 60 days.
It's just 60 days kids, it's not eternity and it's not the apocalypse.
And I'll say this one more time, is it really so painful to play an alt for 60 days? You know, honestly, some of my favorite RP moments were when I tried something I had not tried before in terms of class/race.
I guess, I was never "hung up" on Drow to begin with, they were never a boiler-plate player race in D&D, until very recently, and they are, you know, so pervasive and popular, you know, like the Lady Gaga of player races.
I kid, I kid, but I just can't believe 60 days is such an apocalypse for some of you.
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No you see this is the rub. When the package first went up it said Race not backround. They changed it after a few days but it said Race at first. That very well may be the problem. It was first written as something like "Exclusive Race Renegade Drow" or something like that. It caused all kinds of chatter at the time.
Is that to suggest that this is damage control for wording their advertisement poorly?
No you see this is the rub. When the package first went up it said Race not backround. They changed it after a few days but it said Race at first. That very well may be the problem. It was first written as something like "Exclusive Race Renegade Drow" or something like that. It caused all kinds of chatter at the time.
Well see that is the thing when I bought the guardian pack I looked very carefully over the hero one and what was offered and it said menzo race background with unique tattoo and fearie fire racial etc. No where did it say the race was exclusive
@ryger5 It's not about entitlement but more about transparency. I personally don't care as I don't like drows, drizzt ruined it for me, the less there are the better IMO lol. I still dislike how they are dealing with us.
@amb please in that other game drow is so easy to unlock it's not even funny.
Like someone else put it, feels like some shady lawyer shenanigans to cover their asses legally.
Is that to suggest that this is damage control for wording their advertisement poorly?
It looks that way. I was a bit confused myself when I saw people saying "no, it's only a skin not the race" in some of the threads, I assumed I'd just got it wrong (which happens quite often). I don't care about the exclusivity myself but unfortunately it looks like they are going to have to make some tough decisions and annoy some of the player base now.
thecainMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Do half of you realize how desperate you sound, and how much you're willing to throw away just for early access? You want to pay them $20 for a race that they initially said was going to be in the launch, that they stripped out so they could make the $200 payers feel special (and slap as many Drow fans in the face as possible), now you're trying to bribe them... for treating you like HAMSTER. Don't PAY THEM to hurt you like that. The selling point of the $200 pack was all the neat stuff in it. Everything was going to be free, and come out at the same time. This was what drew me to the game, and why I almost plopped down $20 on the game (was waiting to try it out with a beta key).
Now? Now they've stabbed you in the back before release, and now you're holding money out to them, begging them to take it so you can play the class a little early. NO! You don't DO that! They'll just KEEP doing it, and KEEP milking you, and KEEP abusing you! Soon we'll have "early access classes"! Do you REALLY want that because of the precedent you set here? Hold them responsible for their lies. Get the word out that they lied to you, and took out a feature so they could sell it to you. Don't reward them for hurting you. That's not the sign of a good company, much less one that deserves your money.
If Cryptic is ANY sort of redeemable bone in their body from their years under Bill Roper, they'll fix this and put Drow back in. Otherwise they'll have hurt a LOT of customers, broken their trust, and without a community, you have NO GAME, or money coming in.
I wouldn't mind doing what you are saying if they hadn't had drow in the list of races since I have been aware of this game (for many months at least). BUT...To do that now would be extremely unfair and misleading to people who've been following the games. They just came up the with the founder's packs recently. The drow were always intended to be part of the game as far as I am aware. They had videos with drow in them months and months ago.
And we Guardians are supporting the game too you know...
I like this lawyery solution
It's 4th Edition D&D, Drow =/= Dark Elf.
In 4th edition, there are redeemed Drow who are called Dark Elves. They are brown skinned instead of black, and no longer have their light sensitivity or other Drow racial features. They are how they were before Lolth corrupted the original Dark Elves.
Kick *** storyline btw. Loved that series. I think this would be a sweet idea by itself anyways.
I agree! I'm surprised they didn't take advantage of the fact it's 4th ed. and bring in Dark Elves.
Personally, I really do not care even if it were free from day one, and I plunked down $200. I will be able to make Drow but will not, because I am not a fan of them, but even if I were I doubt I would care that others could make one freely. I got the Hero of the North pack for the whole thing and to support the game, not so I could flaunt being a Drow.
However, if the Drow race was free then some Heroes of the North would be upset because their precious exclusive is not exclusive, so Cryptic is in a bit of an unwinnable situation. Granted, they put themselves there by communicating the availability of the Drow race and the benefits of the various packages so poorly to begin with.
In short, the whole thing is a bit of a mess; Cryptic handled it poorly, but player reaction has been a bit insane, too. To satisfy Heroes of the North, Cryptic's need to generate revenue, and Drow fanatics, pricing the race at a fair value seems like the best solution. Keep in mind, the Menzoberranzan background will still always be exclusive to Heroes of the North, so they always have that to show off.
I'd be all for it, though. I know there is a subset of the D&D playerbase that loves them some drow. I do on occasion as well, and I plan to make a drow rogue at some point. It'd be a shame to make these people wait two months or more to play the characters they want to play.
I think paying $20 to buy the drow at launch is reasonable. Or maybe let us buy it with astral diamonds. I don't care to support the game but really, not everyone can just plunk down $200 like that for what is essentially a luxury.
They did really mislead the community on this one. Before founders packs were even presented, it was assumed that drow would simply be another race like the dwarves or halflings or regular old elves. Nothing ever indicated that they would be exclusive to anyone and they really put themselves in a hole trying to sell this Menzo Renegade thing (which I don't care about btw. I just want a regular drow!)
Dark Elf = Elf, so they have stats for Dark Elf in 4E, it's the same stats as a standard Elf.
I understand, but one thing you always seem developers do as they are designing games is they always tell people things are subject to change. Nothing is final until it's actually released; also, I don't think there was every an official post or announcement that said "Drow will be available at launch for everyone.", they have just said the Drow will be a free race for everyone to play. Sure, it's just semantics, but they have to capitalize on it somehow.
For that matter where are my moon and sun elves? They have a different racial bonus to ability scores than wild and wood elves do.
Why not just give Eladrin free from the start, those who have not bought packs must wait the 60 days before playing a drow, Guardians packs take 30 days and Hero of North get instantly.
Yes I know Eladrin and Drow are nearly if not opposite end of the elf spectrum, but it would give another elf race that is already in PH1 that would be playable at launch.
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Found an old interview from truths old FAQ Thread.
Check the 2:45 minute mark.
"Half-elfs, tieflings, halflings, and drow I believe, is the other one we've officially announced. That's just what we've announced, not even the full roster for launch"
A) That's less than the full roster.
There's also several interviews that state drow is a confirmed race. I know, they're still confirmed. You'd think they would have mentioned this tidbit earlier though.
As another player elegantly put, everything is subject to change during development. The choice to keep drow as a temporary exclusive was made later on.
If you go to the Home page, and scroll down to the bottom, this is what you'll see:
If (and this is a big IF) the problem is the mis-wording of the HotN founders pack in the beginning they can't do this.
My guess is that they have some sort of plan to release it with some sort of end game content story line explaining why the actual Drow are coming to the surface in greater numbers. Honestly it is the only thing that makes sense to me seeing as there are indeed very few surface Drow and those that have been on the surface long enough have indeed, as was stated, become almost transformed back to their original Dark Elf selves. At least this is where the 4e lore seems to be headed. Now there would not be an insane amount of these Dark Elves so it makes sense that they would want to keep the Menzo-Renegade(Dark Elf) class very limited by keeping it exclusive to the Hero of the North pack and then when this event occurs(something like the Underdark Drow start fleeing in fear of Lolth eating them all, idk haha) releasing the other Drow as a playable race finally. Maybe they are even making them better some how. Who knows. This might just be wishful thinking tho. My opinion on the whole situation.
Two months really isn't very long to wait if you would be creating an Underdark Drow to RP or even just play as. It does suck but all good things come to those who wait. It will give me plenty of time to perfect my class builds.
Oh I like this. It is a little bit conspiracy theory, a little bit rock and roll.
Except when you bought a pack it was quite clear what was included and the drow "race" being exclusive wasn't part of the deal. Only the renegade background was. Not to mention forum mods, posting as volunteers accepted and chosen by Cryptic/PWE and therefore speaking in their names, backed this up in many many posts.
What is happening right now is that they are changing the 200$ pack after it was put on sale and therefore what people originally bought.
This is to the benefit of the people buying the pack so no biggie there but they are doing that at the detriment of those that didn't buy that pack including those that bought the 60$ pack with the clear understanding that Drows would be free just not the Drizzt background.
Can't say I really care though as the more I try out the game the less impressed with it I am, be that as it may this is still a shady thing to do and doesn't seem right to those that do want to play drows etc.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
No you see this is the rub. When the package first went up it said Race not backround. They changed it after a few days but it said Race at first. That very well may be the problem. It was first written as something like "Exclusive Race Renegade Drow" or something like that. It caused all kinds of chatter at the time.
You do not have to buy a $200 dollar Founder's Pack to play as a drow.
The drow will be free for everybody to use...60 days post launch.
Call it shady if you will, personally I can't say I find it to be a big deal. The other alternative is making you play the game for two months to get a free unlock or pay to unlock it earlier and keep that ruling indefinitely.
Free forever two months after launch is a lot better than a certain other MMO...
Me too. I don't need a Drow per se but it would be nice to have the option of having a race very similar.
Character is what a man is in the dark
*This is my opinion only and is not backed by any facts what-so-ever.
I understand the concept Ambi, I really really do. The issue I have is take this example will you. What if all of a sudden and without notice tomorrow Cryptic says the Foundry will not be available for 60 days post launch. Many people would be mad.
This is my issue with it, it was announced as a playable race long ago at launch, then they changed it. Many people, myself included had our hopes dashed with this ideal. I do not want to have to wait 60 days playing a race I know I will end up shelving in favor of my prferred race. It's not the same thing as say a Dragonborn race, which we know iwll come inevitably. Because that race has never been announced and it is speculation as to when it gets released.
Character is what a man is in the dark
This is so true.
But alas, gaming culture rarely focuses on the positive. It seems enamored only with entitlement and a fascinating lack of patience or tolerance.
I actually believe there will a pay-to-unlock the Drow earlier scheme in place, at launch. To me, that seems to be the angle here. They know Drow are popular and if you want a head start, you pay a bit, or you wait 60 days and play for free.
I have no proof of this, only it seems to make business sense. I am not convinced the Drow "just aren't ready", because I can't see their animation and models being much more difficult than regular Elves. So my guess is, this is angling to make a little coin out of the gate, by making Drow fans pay a little, IF they want a head start on Drow, otherwise they wait 60 days.
It's just 60 days kids, it's not eternity and it's not the apocalypse.
And I'll say this one more time, is it really so painful to play an alt for 60 days? You know, honestly, some of my favorite RP moments were when I tried something I had not tried before in terms of class/race.
I guess, I was never "hung up" on Drow to begin with, they were never a boiler-plate player race in D&D, until very recently, and they are, you know, so pervasive and popular, you know, like the Lady Gaga of player races.
I kid, I kid, but I just can't believe 60 days is such an apocalypse for some of you.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
Is that to suggest that this is damage control for wording their advertisement poorly?
Well see that is the thing when I bought the guardian pack I looked very carefully over the hero one and what was offered and it said menzo race background with unique tattoo and fearie fire racial etc. No where did it say the race was exclusive
@ryger5 It's not about entitlement but more about transparency. I personally don't care as I don't like drows, drizzt ruined it for me, the less there are the better IMO lol. I still dislike how they are dealing with us.
@amb please in that other game drow is so easy to unlock it's not even funny.
Like someone else put it, feels like some shady lawyer shenanigans to cover their asses legally.
Neverwinter Thieves Guild
It looks that way. I was a bit confused myself when I saw people saying "no, it's only a skin not the race" in some of the threads, I assumed I'd just got it wrong (which happens quite often). I don't care about the exclusivity myself but unfortunately it looks like they are going to have to make some tough decisions and annoy some of the player base now.
Now? Now they've stabbed you in the back before release, and now you're holding money out to them, begging them to take it so you can play the class a little early. NO! You don't DO that! They'll just KEEP doing it, and KEEP milking you, and KEEP abusing you! Soon we'll have "early access classes"! Do you REALLY want that because of the precedent you set here? Hold them responsible for their lies. Get the word out that they lied to you, and took out a feature so they could sell it to you. Don't reward them for hurting you. That's not the sign of a good company, much less one that deserves your money.
If Cryptic is ANY sort of redeemable bone in their body from their years under Bill Roper, they'll fix this and put Drow back in. Otherwise they'll have hurt a LOT of customers, broken their trust, and without a community, you have NO GAME, or money coming in.