starkaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Obviously it is either an exclusivity issue which is completely idiotic or Cryptic is having a problem with doing character creation for races with unique backgrounds. If unique backgrounds have unique costume options like tattoos, then the background screen would have to come before the face and/or body customization screens or else everyone with the Renegade background would have the same tattoo.
Obviously it is either an exclusivity issue which is completely idiotic or Cryptic is having a problem with doing character creation for races with unique backgrounds. If unique backgrounds have unique costume options like tattoos, then the background screen would have to come before the face and/or body customization screens or else everyone with the Renegade background would have the same tattoo.
The second thing is easily avoided simply by having the unique background be its own playable race.
Quick clarification regarding Drow in the Hero of the North Packs.
Taken straight from the newly clarified and shinily posted Extended FAQ:
"The Menzo-Renegade look, tattoo, racial background, racial ability, and special companion will remain permanently exclusive to Hero of the North Pack purchases. The vanilla, non-Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow race will be unavailable for at least first 60 days after release. We are currently planning to do a future update that will allow all players will be able to create a regular Drow character."
This means that Hero of the North Pack purchasers will have exclusive access to the Menzoberranzan Renegade Drow, but everyone will be able to create regular drow after 60 days post-launch.
Hope this is clear, and we apologize for any prior confusion.
If your favorite race (the race you wanted to roll as your MAIN) was denied to you for 2 months I would think you'd be pretty **** irritated. It's a legit complaint. The only way to get a drow at launch that we know of is getting the insanely expensive Hero pack and MAYBE the guardian pack. That's pretty messed up imho.
Nope. The class I want to play isn't even going to be in at launch and I am going to have to play a different one. While I may have made some off-handed sarcastic comments about it, it is not going to stop me from playing and I can't even spend the almighty buck to get it. Leveling is SO fast that by the time they release the class I want to play I will probably have already maxed out every class HAMSTER around waiting, and I only have about 8 to 10 hours a week to play most weeks.
Oh and I totally disagree that $200 is insanely expensive. Well let me rephrase it is not insanely expensive in my opinion. Insanely expensive to me is a $250,000 car or a multimillion dollar piece of modern art that looks like something my 4 year old niece made, or a solid gold toilet or spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to cryogenicly freeze your head after you die or something. However to the seriously rich I guess those things wouldn't be insanely expensive to them.
While I agree that it is a legit complaint, the level it is being taken to is more than a little comical to me. Honestly I expect this level of outrage for hate crimes, pedophiles, and companies dumping carcinogenic waste in our water supplies but I just can't get behind it for a video game. I am expecting certain World War 2 references to start being thrown around soon.
Now when I say this level of outrage, I am not specifically speaking of xarallei I am talking about the total community outrage.
PS. Isn't there a disclaimer in the FAQ or something that says something about all this is subject to change? Yeah yeah I know it is "politician talk" but that is kind why it is said so in case something has to change for some reason they are not liable.
Nope. The class I want to play isn't even going to be in at launch and I am going to have to play a different one. While I may have made some off-handed sarcastic comments about it, it is not going to stop me from playing and I can't even spend the almighty buck to get it. Leveling is SO fast that by the time they release the class I want to play I will probably have already maxed out every class HAMSTER around waiting, and I only have about 8 to 10 hours a week to play most weeks.
Oh and I totally disagree that $200 is insanely expensive. Well let me rephrase it is not insanely expensive in my opinion. Insanely expensive to me is a $250,000 car or a multimillion dollar piece of modern art that looks like something my 4 year old niece made, or a solid gold toilet or spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to cryogenicly freeze your head after you die or something. However to the seriously rich I guess those things wouldn't be insanely expensive to them. Now I know we are not all from the US, but that is kinda the US way, got more money, get more stuff.
Now when I say this level of outrage, I am not specifically speaking of xarallei I am talking about the total community outrage.
So the class you want to play. What if it was in the game, had been since square 1, and now they told you you had to wait 60 days to play it? You'd be pissed. Not just because you can't play it, but because you could, and are now being told you can't for 2 months.
250,000 for a car is 10 times the normal price you'd pay. 200 for a race, is ten times the normal price you'd pay. Where's the difference?
And honestly this community hasn't even been that bad. No ones lost their marbles and been banned or posts having to be snipped. They're pissed off, rightfully so, but for the most part they've kept their composure. Venture on to other forums that have this happening and take a gander at the ignorant hate mongering spittle that's tossed about.
Nope. The class I want to play isn't even going to be in at launch and I am going to have to play a different one. While I may have made some off-handed sarcastic comments about it, it is not going to stop me from playing and I can't even spend the almighty buck to get it. Leveling is SO fast that by the time they release the class I want to play I will probably have already maxed out every class HAMSTER around waiting, and I only have about 8 to 10 hours a week to play most weeks.
Oh and I totally disagree that $200 is insanely expensive. Well let me rephrase it is not insanely expensive in my opinion. Insanely expensive to me is a $250,000 car or a multimillion dollar piece of modern art that looks like something my 4 year old niece made, or a solid gold toilet or spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to cryogenicly freeze your head after you die or something. However to the seriously rich I guess those things wouldn't be insanely expensive to them. Now I know we are not all from the US, but that is kinda the US way, got more money, get more stuff.
While I agree that it is a legit complaint, the level it is being taken to is more than a little comical to me. Honestly I expect this level of outrage for hate crimes, pedophiles, and companies dumping carcinogenic waste in our water supplies but I just can't get behind it for a video game. I am expecting certain World War 2 references to start being thrown around soon.
Now when I say this level of outrage, I am not specifically speaking of xarallei I am talking about the total community outrage.
PS. Isn't there a disclaimer in the FAQ or something that says something about all this is subject to change? Yeah yeah I know it is "politician talk" but that is kind why it is said so in case something has to change for some reason they are not liable.
the problem is the Drow was announced as a playable race whereas your specific class wasnt. My Favorite class is the Swordmage which prolly wont see the light of day for a long time but at least it wasnt announced then underhandingly changed seemingly at the last second. This stinks of a cash grab to get more people to buy the $200 pack.
Character is what a man is in the dark
the problem is the Drow was announced as a playable race whereas your specific class wasnt. My Favorite class is the Swordmage which prolly wont see the light of day for a long time but at least it wasnt announced then underhandingly changed seemingly at the last second. This stinks of a cash grab to get more people to buy the $200 pack.
Cash grab, I guess by this you mean product placement? A sound business strategy? Finding what people want, creating a market and then monetizing the product? If they actually did that yeah it is a little slimy, but only a little. It is not like they are not giving it away for free in 60 days.
Oh and that part that says subject to change...It is actually there.
Like I said I understand peoples disappointment just not the there is a baby eater on the lose outrage of it.
xaralleiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 101Arc User
edited February 2013
$200 for a race (many people aren't interested in all those other extras) is very expensive.
250,000 for a car is 10 times the normal price you'd pay. 200 for a race, is ten times the normal price you'd pay. Where's the difference?
While the other things in the pack may not hold value to you they are not valueless and you are not paying $200 for a race. You are paying $200 for a package that the race is in. I payed $200 and will most likely never play a Drow. Or you can wait 60 days. The difference is $249,800 one you can make with a paper route (ok a long paper route), picking up cans and returning them 40 hours of work at less than minimum wage, the other you can make in the same amount of time by insider trading, winning at lotto, being a sports hero, being on Cryptic's Board of directors (I am totally guessing here). Big difference, to me. Like I said in the post, TO ME.
the problem is the Drow was announced as a playable race whereas your specific class wasnt. My Favorite class is the Swordmage which prolly wont see the light of day for a long time but at least it wasnt announced then underhandingly changed seemingly at the last second. This stinks of a cash grab to get more people to buy the $200 pack.
The Drow is still a playable race, they never said it wouldn't be. It just wont be at launch. I don't think they EVER said the Drow would be available at launch, that was just assumed by the community.
$200 for a race (many people aren't interested in all those other extras) is very expensive.
I like Black Panthers (Well actually Black Jaguars and Leopards) If they had a Black and Grey Jaglion I would have spent more. I even have little leopard cats. They rock and right now they are telling me to flee before the crazy people eat me. It's true!!
While the other things in the pack may not hold value to you they are not valueless and you are not paying $200 for a race. You are paying $200 for a package that the race is in. I payed $200 and will most likely never play a Drow. Or you can wait 60 days. The difference is $249,800 one you can make with a paper route (ok a long paper route), picking up cans and returning them 40 hours of work at less than minimum wage, the other you can make in the same amount of time by insider trading, winning at lotto, being a sports hero, being on Cryptic's Board of directors (I am totally guessing here). Big difference, to me. Like I said in the post, TO ME.
If the pack holds nothing of value to the consumer, than it IS valueless. If all I'd be buying is a race for 200 because I don't want the other things, than yes, that pack is ten times over priced. And I assure you, anyone planning on getting the founder pack for what was in it, already has. The rest aren't interested in the fluff. And since the drow isn't a store option you can't even buy it separately for a regular price. Even making that an option would appease me. It covers both the "Yes cryptic needs to make money" and the "they promised drow" arguments. The bottom line is they need their 200 pack to look more appealing. And everyone can see it.
Edit: and for those that weren't here in the old forums, drow was one of the first starting races shown.
If the pack holds nothing of value to the consumer, than it IS valueless. If all I'd be buying is a race for 200 because I don't want the other things, than yes, that pack is ten times over priced. And I assure you, anyone planning on getting the founder pack for what was in it, already has. The rest aren't interested in the fluff. And since the drow isn't a store option you can't even buy it separately for a regular price. Even making that an option would appease me. It covers both the "Yes cryptic needs to make money" and the "they promised drow" arguments. The bottom line is they need their 200 pack to look more appealing. And everyone can see it.
Edit: and for those that weren't here in the old forums, drow was one of the first starting races shown.
But it also gives you 750,000 astral diamonds which have an intrinsic value in the game even if you don't want them. While it may not have value to you, it does have value. So it is not valueless. The same way a I may think of an expensive painting as HAMSTER and worth nothing, that does not negate its value if I buy it for the antique frame it is in.
The Drow is still a playable race, they never said it wouldn't be. It just wont be at launch. I don't think they EVER said the Drow would be available at launch, that was just assumed by the community.
Drow and Mezzo Renegade have separate creation species entries.
So you'll have Mezzo most likely being $200 pack unique with a generic Drow coming 60 days later.
If anyone is really upset about the drow, start a petition thread for Heroes to wave their right to be the only one to have the drow race available and get people to /sign or not sign. I don't really care about the drow race and would sign it just to make more people happy. I doubt there are many people who bought founders packs that did so just for the race etc.
$200 is alot to spend on a game you are not even playing yet, nor can even really try first. It's a leap of faith, and I think those of us who have spent money on the game already have done so because we have faith in the game and want to support it, not for any of the specific bonuses we get for doing so.
I, personally, would like to see as much content available to everyone as possible, with mostly cosmetic options sold to help support the store (along with additional character slots since that could be a steady way to make cash over time as more classes are released). You don't need to sell the classes, if people need to buy new character slots to play them hehe.
I would prefer ALL races, classes etc and the full game (all content) being available to everyone. Character slots and cosmetic options (for the most part) being the only real advantages we get for the founders packs.
As far as the drow.....I really don't care if there are 2000 drizzts running around at launch. I don't actually like drow myself and have even recently come to find drizzt a bit of a downer. If I could transfer my right to play a drow to someone else, I would do so in a second.
If anyone is really upset about the drow, start a petition thread for Heroes to wave their right to be the only one to have the drow race available and get people to /sign or not sign. I don't really care about the drow race and would sign it just to make more people happy. I doubt there are many people who bought founders packs that did so just for the race etc.
$200 is alot to spend on a game you are not even playing yet, nor can even really try first. It's a leap of faith, and I think those of us who have spent money on the game already have done so because we have faith in the game and want to support it, not for any of the specific bonuses we get for doing so.
I, personally, would like to see as much content available to everyone as possible, with mostly cosmetic options sold to help support the store (along with additional character slots since that could be a steady way to make cash over time as more classes are released). You don't need to sell the classes, if people need to buy new character slots to play them hehe.
I would prefer ALL races, classes etc and the full game (all content) being available to everyone. Character slots and cosmetic options (for the most part) being the only real advantages we get for the founders packs.
As far as the drow.....I really don't care if there are 2000 drizzts running around at launch. I don't actually like drow myself and have even recently come to find drizzt a bit of a downer. If I could transfer my right to play a drow to someone else, I would do so in a second.
If I could transfer my right to play a drow to someone else, I would do so in a second.
Oh me too. I think I would give mine to hmm visionstorm01 I think, he/she/it seems like someone deserving. Not a crazy zealot. Sometimes a little over the top but I respect that The table flipping thing was funny
Unfortunately I doubt it will happen
Hey, can you buy a founders pack as a gift?
argoyletMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In the linked thread I asked-
When was the decision to put a 60 day hold on the vanilla Drow made? Why was this quietly added to the faq on 2/20, but not officially revealed until today (2/25) after someone stumbled across the change?
The official answer-
-In house it has been decided for a while. It was officially revealed, it just didn't get a huge banner stating 'read this to get angry'
This was of course going to be an unpopular decision. As mean as it sounds it wouldn't make sense to point it out and have the forums blow up like they are currently...and likely will continue to through the 60 days past launch.
That's unbelievable. That's deliberate misdirection. Ninja edit the faq and hope people don't notice?! I couldn't care less about not being able to play a Drow at launch myself, but this is ridiculous.
So it's not even a matter of poor communication or a misunderstanding. They simply made a change and decided not to tell people.
I'm hoping that the answer was simply a poor choice of words, and that there is a better explanation, because I'm not sure I want to deal with a company that thinks so little of its customers.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited February 2013
There was no ninja edit to the FAQ. The FAQ was completely re-done with a lot of new information included in it two weeks ago.
Sominator did update the wording today to be clearer yesterday but the general gist has remained the same and it has been there since the FAQ has been updated. Dezstravus also stated in a response about a week or two ago which said the Drow would become free to all players a period of time after launch.
And while you may look at me as "official" I am anything but that unless I specifically state I am relaying information directly from a Cryptic Employee. I don't work for the company and the company does not control my wording.
They had a change in their marketing plan and didn't put up a news post which would do nothing but tick people off.
The information was there. That's not misdirection. All I said was that the decision has to have been made with the knowledge it wouldn't be received with open arms. Why on earth would they advertise that with a huge public announcement...?
You'll find the same action done by *every* single company in the world. Doesn't matter if it's the Mom and Pop store down the street of a Fortune 500 Global Company.
*utters a long string of profanities, flips a table and ends up having a fit of seizures on the floor before standing up nonchalantly like nothing happened and taking a deep calming breath*
...I'll start playing 60 days after launch.
*goes back to work like nothing happened*
Good! Good! Let the hated flow throw you ! (joking )
You were the one defening this game and PW like a paladin. Here is your reward
soapylandMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 33Arc User
edited February 2013
Bah picture didn't work, but really do we need 3 different if not more threads about the same issue?
It is what it is, grow a pair and live with it.
This is as bad as if they held out Foundry for 60 days.
IMO, it's much worse than that.
I could understand if the foundry were delayed. It's a major undertaking and I would understand if they delayed it because it had bugs and other technical issues to work out. But in the case of the Drow race, it's not being witheld for technical reasons, and some people are going to be able to play it at launch. Not letting the rest of us play a Drow for 60 days is a purely arbitrary move, and it stinks. I'm sure they are doing it just to get more people to buy the absurdly overpriced Founder's Packs. I've been very excited for this game, but now I'm much less so. I feel like this company just flipped me the bird.
I could understand if the foundry were delayed. It's a major undertaking and I would understand if they delayed it because it had bugs and other technical issues to work out. But in the case of the Drow race, it's not being witheld for technical reasons, and some people are going to be able to play it at launch. Not letting the rest of us play a Drow for 60 days is a purely arbitrary move, and it stinks. I'm sure they are doing it just to get more people to buy the absurdly overpriced Founder's Packs. I've been very excited for this game, but now I'm much less so. I feel like this company just flipped me the bird.
Let us play devil's advocate then. When did they promise you that you could play the drow? I am just curious. Otherwise, they owe you nothing more than what you did pay for.
Let us play devil's advocate then. When did they promise you that you could play the drow? I am just curious. Otherwise, they owe you nothing more than what you did pay for.
It has nothing to do with being owed anything, though they have repeatedly said in interviews that all classes and races would be available for free for everyone. That said, if they had made the Drow a pay race from the very beginning, I wouldn't have minded that. I understand that they need to make money. I'm just not going to pay $200, 4x what I normally pay for ENTIRE games, for it. But if they had sold it for around $10 or something, I'd have been willing to buy it. Instead, I now have only two options, pay a ridiculous sum of money, or wait 2 months to play the race I want to play. Neither of those is a good option for me. All they've done now is make alot of people angry. I don't understand what the hell they are thinking.
thecainMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
What I don't get is why they don't make the Drow basic race for all Founders, if they REALLY have to do it this way. Every founder has paid into the game, given them money even before it's out. That would rapidly drive up the $20 pack sales, which were already useful, and affordable, and it'd reward anyone that paid in with D&D's most beloved race. I think it's frelling cheap of them to do this, but I was going to buy the $20 pack anyway... at least, I was before all this malarkey.
It has nothing to do with being owed anything, though they have repeatedly said in interviews that all classes and races would be available for free for everyone. That said, if they had made the Drow a pay race from the very beginning, I wouldn't have minded that. I understand that they need to make money. I'm just not going to pay $200, 4x what I normally pay for ENTIRE games, for it. But if they had sold it for around $10 or something, I'd have been willing to buy it. Instead, I now have only two options, pay a ridiculous sum of money, or wait 2 months to play the race I want to play. Neither of those is a good option for me. All they've done now is make alot of people angry. I don't understand what the hell they are thinking.
I only posted what I did, because alot of posts seem, to me, to have a sense of entitlement. I cannot find any interview where Cryptic states that anyone can play a drow at launch. I have found where they say they eventually what to have every class/race in the game, and that drow will be a playable race. No statements on who can and cant play them prior to the FAQ update. In fact at least Cryptic has clarified this by updating the faq prior to launch. My point is no one really has a right, imo, to be angry at Cryptic, since their only argument thus far is based off their own assumptions.
Please understand this is not aimed at any one person, or meant to offend. These are merely my opinions.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited February 2013
Unfortunately, the whole issue is due to confusion over wrongly calling the Menzoberranzan "a unique playable race" instead of a background choice on the product description page. Now they are stuck with delaying the actual Drow race for the sake of those who purchased the HotN pack. They can't put out the standard Drow for anyone else at launch because the argument that Menzoberranzan is not a race, while still true, has been nullified by the inaccurate wording. They could change the wording going forward, but that would not address the fact that possibly thousands of customers have already purchased under the old terms. They would still have to delay Drow to allow for exclusivity for those people. It's too late.
This is what they have to do as a result of the wrong wording on the product. It is arguable that this contradicts their statements that all classes and races would be free at launch. But, the wording on the actual page where you click the button to give them actual money must take precedence. That is the official label on the product and that is what they must honor.
The second thing is easily avoided simply by having the unique background be its own playable race.
Neverwinter Official Wiki -
Hero of the North purchasers. So no drow for you for 60 days.
Nope. The class I want to play isn't even going to be in at launch and I am going to have to play a different one. While I may have made some off-handed sarcastic comments about it, it is not going to stop me from playing and I can't even spend the almighty buck to get it. Leveling is SO fast that by the time they release the class I want to play I will probably have already maxed out every class HAMSTER around waiting, and I only have about 8 to 10 hours a week to play most weeks.
Oh and I totally disagree that $200 is insanely expensive. Well let me rephrase it is not insanely expensive in my opinion. Insanely expensive to me is a $250,000 car or a multimillion dollar piece of modern art that looks like something my 4 year old niece made, or a solid gold toilet or spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to cryogenicly freeze your head after you die or something. However to the seriously rich I guess those things wouldn't be insanely expensive to them.
While I agree that it is a legit complaint, the level it is being taken to is more than a little comical to me. Honestly I expect this level of outrage for hate crimes, pedophiles, and companies dumping carcinogenic waste in our water supplies but I just can't get behind it for a video game. I am expecting certain World War 2 references to start being thrown around soon.
Now when I say this level of outrage, I am not specifically speaking of xarallei I am talking about the total community outrage.
PS. Isn't there a disclaimer in the FAQ or something that says something about all this is subject to change? Yeah yeah I know it is "politician talk" but that is kind why it is said so in case something has to change for some reason they are not liable.
So the class you want to play. What if it was in the game, had been since square 1, and now they told you you had to wait 60 days to play it? You'd be pissed. Not just because you can't play it, but because you could, and are now being told you can't for 2 months.
250,000 for a car is 10 times the normal price you'd pay. 200 for a race, is ten times the normal price you'd pay. Where's the difference?
And honestly this community hasn't even been that bad. No ones lost their marbles and been banned or posts having to be snipped. They're pissed off, rightfully so, but for the most part they've kept their composure. Venture on to other forums that have this happening and take a gander at the ignorant hate mongering spittle that's tossed about.
the problem is the Drow was announced as a playable race whereas your specific class wasnt. My Favorite class is the Swordmage which prolly wont see the light of day for a long time but at least it wasnt announced then underhandingly changed seemingly at the last second. This stinks of a cash grab to get more people to buy the $200 pack.
Character is what a man is in the dark
Cash grab, I guess by this you mean product placement? A sound business strategy? Finding what people want, creating a market and then monetizing the product? If they actually did that yeah it is a little slimy, but only a little. It is not like they are not giving it away for free in 60 days.
Oh and that part that says subject to change...It is actually there.
Like I said I understand peoples disappointment just not the there is a baby eater on the lose outrage of it.
While the other things in the pack may not hold value to you they are not valueless and you are not paying $200 for a race. You are paying $200 for a package that the race is in. I payed $200 and will most likely never play a Drow. Or you can wait 60 days. The difference is $249,800 one you can make with a paper route (ok a long paper route), picking up cans and returning them 40 hours of work at less than minimum wage, the other you can make in the same amount of time by insider trading, winning at lotto, being a sports hero, being on Cryptic's Board of directors (I am totally guessing here). Big difference, to me. Like I said in the post, TO ME.
The Drow is still a playable race, they never said it wouldn't be. It just wont be at launch. I don't think they EVER said the Drow would be available at launch, that was just assumed by the community.
I like Black Panthers (Well actually Black Jaguars and Leopards) If they had a Black and Grey Jaglion I would have spent more. I even have little leopard cats. They rock and right now they are telling me to flee before the crazy people eat me. It's true!!
I spent $200 for a Black Panther not even a race.
If the pack holds nothing of value to the consumer, than it IS valueless. If all I'd be buying is a race for 200 because I don't want the other things, than yes, that pack is ten times over priced. And I assure you, anyone planning on getting the founder pack for what was in it, already has. The rest aren't interested in the fluff. And since the drow isn't a store option you can't even buy it separately for a regular price. Even making that an option would appease me. It covers both the "Yes cryptic needs to make money" and the "they promised drow" arguments. The bottom line is they need their 200 pack to look more appealing. And everyone can see it.
Edit: and for those that weren't here in the old forums, drow was one of the first starting races shown.
But it also gives you 750,000 astral diamonds which have an intrinsic value in the game even if you don't want them. While it may not have value to you, it does have value. So it is not valueless. The same way a I may think of an expensive painting as HAMSTER and worth nothing, that does not negate its value if I buy it for the antique frame it is in.
So you'll have Mezzo most likely being $200 pack unique with a generic Drow coming 60 days later.
$200 is alot to spend on a game you are not even playing yet, nor can even really try first. It's a leap of faith, and I think those of us who have spent money on the game already have done so because we have faith in the game and want to support it, not for any of the specific bonuses we get for doing so.
I, personally, would like to see as much content available to everyone as possible, with mostly cosmetic options sold to help support the store (along with additional character slots since that could be a steady way to make cash over time as more classes are released). You don't need to sell the classes, if people need to buy new character slots to play them hehe.
I would prefer ALL races, classes etc and the full game (all content) being available to everyone. Character slots and cosmetic options (for the most part) being the only real advantages we get for the founders packs.
As far as the drow.....I really don't care if there are 2000 drizzts running around at launch. I don't actually like drow myself and have even recently come to find drizzt a bit of a downer. If I could transfer my right to play a drow to someone else, I would do so in a second.
Im surprised there is not a poll already
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
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Oh me too. I think I would give mine to hmm visionstorm01 I think, he/she/it seems like someone deserving. Not a crazy zealot. Sometimes a little over the top but I respect that
Unfortunately I doubt it will happen
Hey, can you buy a founders pack as a gift?
In the linked thread I asked-
When was the decision to put a 60 day hold on the vanilla Drow made? Why was this quietly added to the faq on 2/20, but not officially revealed until today (2/25) after someone stumbled across the change?
The official answer-
-In house it has been decided for a while. It was officially revealed, it just didn't get a huge banner stating 'read this to get angry'
This was of course going to be an unpopular decision. As mean as it sounds it wouldn't make sense to point it out and have the forums blow up like they are currently...and likely will continue to through the 60 days past launch.
That's unbelievable. That's deliberate misdirection. Ninja edit the faq and hope people don't notice?! I couldn't care less about not being able to play a Drow at launch myself, but this is ridiculous.
So it's not even a matter of poor communication or a misunderstanding. They simply made a change and decided not to tell people.
I'm hoping that the answer was simply a poor choice of words, and that there is a better explanation, because I'm not sure I want to deal with a company that thinks so little of its customers.
Sominator did update the wording today to be clearer yesterday but the general gist has remained the same and it has been there since the FAQ has been updated. Dezstravus also stated in a response about a week or two ago which said the Drow would become free to all players a period of time after launch.
And while you may look at me as "official" I am anything but that unless I specifically state I am relaying information directly from a Cryptic Employee. I don't work for the company and the company does not control my wording.
They had a change in their marketing plan and didn't put up a news post which would do nothing but tick people off.
The information was there. That's not misdirection. All I said was that the decision has to have been made with the knowledge it wouldn't be received with open arms. Why on earth would they advertise that with a huge public announcement...?
You'll find the same action done by *every* single company in the world. Doesn't matter if it's the Mom and Pop store down the street of a Fortune 500 Global Company.
My main would be a marksman ranger half elf. Which i cant play.
My second a dwarf Guardian fighter.
My thrid a half orc GWF.
My fourth an elf or human Devoute cleric.
My fifth a human rougue
So we cant play drow, oh well, sucks but its not like the game is unplayable.
Good! Good! Let the hated flow throw you ! (joking
You were the one defening this game and PW like a paladin. Here is your reward
It is what it is, grow a pair and live with it.
IMO, it's much worse than that.
I could understand if the foundry were delayed. It's a major undertaking and I would understand if they delayed it because it had bugs and other technical issues to work out. But in the case of the Drow race, it's not being witheld for technical reasons, and some people are going to be able to play it at launch. Not letting the rest of us play a Drow for 60 days is a purely arbitrary move, and it stinks. I'm sure they are doing it just to get more people to buy the absurdly overpriced Founder's Packs. I've been very excited for this game, but now I'm much less so. I feel like this company just flipped me the bird.
Let us play devil's advocate then. When did they promise you that you could play the drow? I am just curious. Otherwise, they owe you nothing more than what you did pay for.
It has nothing to do with being owed anything, though they have repeatedly said in interviews that all classes and races would be available for free for everyone. That said, if they had made the Drow a pay race from the very beginning, I wouldn't have minded that. I understand that they need to make money. I'm just not going to pay $200, 4x what I normally pay for ENTIRE games, for it. But if they had sold it for around $10 or something, I'd have been willing to buy it. Instead, I now have only two options, pay a ridiculous sum of money, or wait 2 months to play the race I want to play. Neither of those is a good option for me. All they've done now is make alot of people angry. I don't understand what the hell they are thinking.
I only posted what I did, because alot of posts seem, to me, to have a sense of entitlement. I cannot find any interview where Cryptic states that anyone can play a drow at launch. I have found where they say they eventually what to have every class/race in the game, and that drow will be a playable race. No statements on who can and cant play them prior to the FAQ update. In fact at least Cryptic has clarified this by updating the faq prior to launch. My point is no one really has a right, imo, to be angry at Cryptic, since their only argument thus far is based off their own assumptions.
Please understand this is not aimed at any one person, or meant to offend. These are merely my opinions.
This is what they have to do as a result of the wrong wording on the product. It is arguable that this contradicts their statements that all classes and races would be free at launch. But, the wording on the actual page where you click the button to give them actual money must take precedence. That is the official label on the product and that is what they must honor.
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