cthalhurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited February 2013
Waterdeep !!!
xxxreplicantxxxMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited February 2013
Answer: Arabel
Why: Arabel in Cormyr is where my groups I play (played) in tend to find as our first bigger city. A lot of our adventuring tends to come out of the Dalelands and we'd get to Arabel and have that "Country Boy in the Big City" type of moment. It's one thing to see a cart or small caravan of traders coming about here and there, but quite another to see a bustling trade zone. It's not the biggest place in the world or most exciting, but it beats the snot out of the mud hole known as Tilverton.
saqcatMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Nobody said it had to be a city in our plane
Why: Arabel in Cormyr is where my groups I play (played) in tend to find as our first bigger city. A lot of our adventuring tends to come out of the Dalelands and we'd get to Arabel and have that "Country Boy in the Big City" type of moment. It's one thing to see a cart or small caravan of traders coming about here and there, but quite another to see a bustling trade zone. It's not the biggest place in the world or most exciting, but it beats the snot out of the mud hole known as Tilverton.
Yo ho ho, HAMSTER!!! Avast ye scallywags and land lubbin' whelps!;)
Thats where we alway startet from in P&P
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Gawdammit! Ye beat me by 3 bloody minutes. Argh!
neverwinter all the way
(or maybe Waterdeep, that's a really good one too
I'm not sure if any PC game featured that "city", but it has plenty of surrounding space where developers could unleash their imagination.
But if it had to be the Sword coast i'd stay with Neverwinter.