I can't break it down into exact numbers but here is a brief breakdown.
First the astral diamonds can be worth almost all of it just by themselves. The rate of exchange for stral diamonds goes from 20 (might be 25) to 500 astral diamonds per zen. It's 100 zen per dollar. So at a 25 rate of exchange that would be $300 worth of zen right there.
Obviously that may not be the exchange rate (since its' based on player demand) but it's possibly worth $300 all by itself.
Next you have 3 character slots. We don't know how much they are going to sell for, but initially you are limited to only 2 slots. Lets say $20 a pop for new character slots, so thats $60 more...or $360 total.
Then you have a new race (drow), again no clue how much it'll sell for, but lets just go with $20...so $380 total.
You also have a 12 slog bag, respect token, special mount and companion. Say those are all worth $20 as well. Thats another 80, or $460 total.
The rest of the stuff (tavern vip, cosmetic stuff etc...would have to be worth about $100 total according to them to reach the $549 total. If the min ratio between astral diamonds and zen is actually 20, that could boost the total up alot more as well.
No matter what, it's a highly inflated number since if nothing else they have given you the best ratio of astral diamonds to zen possible (or the worst if you were purchasing them)...which will probably never be the case.
The real value of the pack is probably less then what we are paying for it to be honest. If they sold the individual items in the pack, you would probably be able to get it all for less then $200 once the game goes live. You would not get access to the beta though (really shouldn't be charged for that though), and you wouldn't get titles etc. You also wouldn't be supporting an excellent game (which is why many of us have bought the packs in the first place.)
Probably not the best idea in the world to list it as having a value of $549 though as it sure can cause people to worry about how high other content in the game is going to be valued.
I can't break it down into exact numbers but here is a brief breakdown.
First the astral diamonds can be worth almost all of it just by themselves. The rate of exchange for stral diamonds goes from 20 (might be 25) to 500 astral diamonds per zen. It's 100 zen per dollar. So at a 25 rate of exchange that would be $300 worth of zen right there.
Obviously that may not be the exchange rate (since its' based on player demand) but it's possibly worth $300 all by itself.
Next you have 3 character slots. We don't know how much they are going to sell for, but initially you are limited to only 2 slots. Lets say $20 a pop for new character slots, so thats $60 more...or $360 total.
Then you have a new race (drow), again no clue how much it'll sell for, but lets just go with $20...so $380 total.
You also have a 12 slog bag, respect token, special mount and companion. Say those are all worth $20 as well. Thats another 80, or $460 total.
The rest of the stuff (tavern vip, cosmetic stuff etc...would have to be worth about $100 total according to them to reach the $549 total. If the min ratio between astral diamonds and zen is actually 20, that could boost the total up alot more as well.
No matter what, it's a highly inflated number since if nothing else they have given you the best ratio of astral diamonds to zen possible (or the worst if you were purchasing them)...which will probably never be the case.
The real value of the pack is probably less then what we are paying for it to be honest. If they sold the individual items in the pack, you would probably be able to get it all for less then $200 once the game goes live. You would not get access to the beta though (really shouldn't be charged for that though), and you wouldn't get titles etc. You also wouldn't be supporting an excellent game (which is why many of us have bought the packs in the first place.)
Probably not the best idea in the world to list it as having a value of $549 though as it sure can cause people to worry about how high other content in the game is going to be valued.
What worries me is 750k sounds like a massive amount but when i saw lv 40 ish gear in game cost 53k for 1 piece that kind of says to me, a) diamonds are worth very little or b) the game is going to be one mega hell of a grind.
So just 14 pieces of mid lv gear can cost us all our diamonds? that's $300 on 14 items? sounds insane...
adamchattawayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
I dont want to comment, im making my own post on my thoughts etc, so as 99% of people only read the first post on a large thread and then comment, adding my comments to page 17 when people read post 1 page 1 is not that helpful is it?
What worries me is 750k sounds like a massive amount but when i saw lv 40 ish gear in game cost 53k for 1 piece that kind of says to me, a) diamonds are worth very little or b) the game is going to be one mega hell of a grind.
So just 14 pieces of mid lv gear can cost us all our diamonds? that's $300 on 14 items? sounds insane...
I admit to being a bit worried about it myself. We both have already laid down a chunk of money on this game, and it's normal to be worried that money went to waste.
I don't know if you got a chance to play in the last beta or not, but I was very impressed by the game and think it will be well worth the money I invested in it. As far as future content etc, well, I will be willing to invest more money in it then most people probably so if they do go crazy on the value of sture, or cost to buy upgrades, I think it will get fixed quickly.
Most of the stuff being sold that I saw could be obtained other ways in game. Astral diamonds real value won't really be known till much later. At first though, I think it's going to be worth a very small amount since so many players are going to have large amounts of it from founders packs...and not many will probably buy zen (which they would have to use to buy astral diamonds) instead of just buying a founders pack directly.
In the long run though (not the first few months) the value of astral diamonds will increase. I still do think we should have all recieved zen as well as astral diamonds for purchasing founders packs. I initially thought astral diamonds were the acount upgrade currency. I am a bit , but I figure the game is worth the money I spent no matter what, and I'm not going to worry about it.
I think he's allowed to ask the question since he's already put down $200 towards the game. It has been asked alot, but instead of having to search a huge post, he can just get a quick answer this way.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
I think it's pretty evident that a majority of the packs 'value' can be found in the cash shop currency given.
5-day early access - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
Access to all 3 betas - negligible/priceless depending on the individual(Twitch/Justin.tv/youtube viewer spikes/subscriptions?)
Skin - $25
Mount - $25
Pet - $10
Regalia Mask - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
Priority log in - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
Aura(reusable?) - $15
12 slot bag - $5
Early Foundry - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
Lev 60 Weapon box - $10
Access to mask tavern - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
Helper pack - $5
Respec token - $10
Enchantment(reusable) - $5
Robe of Useless Items - negligible/priceless depending on the individual
3 character slots - $25
750,000 Astral Diamonds - after assessment
Estimated Value - $549
Totaling: $135
Difference = $412
750,000 / $412 = 1820 Astral Diamonds per $1.00
Given PWE's notoriety for 100 zen = $1.00, I could easily see 100 zen = 1,000 Astral Diamonds. At that conversion rate, they are essentially giving you almost double the zen for the same price.
Assuming Foundry will have cash shop items unlocking events/tools/triggers/traps/mobs, if you are a fan of making campaigns then this is a great deal.
Given PWE's history of costumes costing anywhere from $5 - $20, if you like cosmetic stuff, again it's a great deal. They are simply asking players to take advantage of their gratuity up front, instead of slowly grinding in-game currency for zen exchange or slowly spending $400 on cash shop items throughout the course of your experience.
As I said in that other thread this post makes complete sense to me though I would change a few of the numbers around a bit. This is how it's worth the $549.
Next on the agenda, with all due technicality this is a duplicate thread. If I followed guidelines 100% I would simply throw this thread onto the end of that thread since it is basically the same topic...
So technically, no he's not allowed to simply make a new thread and ask this question. I'm just not that much of a stickler, haha!
Let's leave the modding to the moderators. If you don't it turns into flame real fast
As I said in that other thread this post makes complete sense to me though I would change a few of the numbers around a bit. This is how it's worth the $549.
Next on the agenda, with all due technicality this is a duplicate thread. If I followed guidelines 100% I would simply throw this thread onto the end of that thread since it is basically the same topic...
So technically, no he's not allowed to simply make a new thread and ask this question. I'm just not that much of a stickler, haha!
Let's leave the modding to the moderators. If you don't it turns into flame real fast
Wow, I had not seen that thread/post (thought I was keeping up with the boards pretty well).
Hmm the estimate on value of astral diamonds seem different then what I had come up with. I believe that is because someone said there is a maximum you can buy/sell astral diamonds at (think it was 25 astral diamonds per zen at the best rate).
You don't get zen, or dollars from the founders pack, just Astral Diamonds. If the min ratio of astral diamonds to zen is 25 diamonds per zen..and that is what it starts at (which isn't likely since you need people to buy zen to trade for astral diamonds...so demand would be very high at first), then 750,000 astral diamonds would be exchanged for 30,000 zen which is worth $300.
That is the absolute best case scenario though and since people have to purchase the astral diamonds with zen themselves...the opposite end of the scale...500 astral diamonds per zen is far more likely. At that ratio 750k astral diamonds only nets you 1500 zen or $15 worth of zen.
I'm thinking that is far more likely at release, but no matter what I don't think it's even POSSIBLE for the astral diamonds to be worth over $300 based on the min/max exchange rate. That just means the other stuff has to be worth more I guess.
That just means the other stuff has to be worth more I guess.
Well there's an L60 rare weap, a special glow, and access to a special elite type tavern area nobody else can get to, I suspect those things have oddly high prices (especially the rare weap and the special wittle glow).
adamchattawayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well there's an L60 rare weap, a special glow, and access to a special elite type tavern area nobody else can get to, I suspect those things have oddly high prices (especially the rare weap and the special wittle glow).
Remember how SWTOR CE/Deluxe got exclusive accses to thew VIP lounge on fleet, then turns out anyone can buy it for 100k credits or something lol...
Either one of two things is true, or perhaps some mixture of the two.
1. The "$549 value!" is just a typical marketing lie, a number made up to make the pack seem more attractive and thus sell more.
2. Things in the cash shop are going to be stupidly expensive.
I hope it's the first one.
I am going to just hope they jacked up the prices of the weirder stuff in that pack (the glow, the tavern access, L15 foundry access, special racial background thingy, and the L60 rare weap). Hoping the pets and mounts and character slots are reasonably priced, or we have trouble on the horizon :eek:
Based on the value of items buyable in the 1st closed beta, astral diamonds is like Zimbabwe's hyper inflated currency. 750,000 dollars to buy a T-shirt...
PW can print as much astral diamonds as they want... In their case, it's about 750,000 astral diamonds or 135 USD for a T-shirt after "adjustment".
So 500+ dollars value in actual item or 500+ dollars value in hot air. You can be a trillionaire in Zimbabwe, likewise Perfect World can offer you 1 trillion astral diamonds as long as you can only buy 1 T-shirt with that...
Don't forget the other end of the Astral Diamond Spectrum. A 500/1 exchange would make them worth only $15...
Yeah, I've pointed that out a few times because....i'm pretty sure it's going to start out at least at around 500/1 ratio.
Main reason why is the founders packs themselves. If we didn't have a huge flood of diamonds into the game.....well the ratio would probably be alot better (although still pretty bad at first since most people would probably want zen to purchase character slots etc...more then diamonds initially). But with founders packs giving a huge influx of refined diamonds right away....basically you need as many people to spend money buying diamonds with zen, as spent money buying the founders packs for players that bought the founders packs to break even.
It's possible that will happen, but since founders packs are still going to be on sale, if you really wanted astral diamonds right at launch, why wouldn't you just buy the founders packs directly instead of from players (unless the ratio was something crazy like 500 astral diamonds per zen..so you could get 50k astral diamonds for a dollar.)
Still alot we can't know yet though, but I'm worried about how this is all starting off. I'm afraid one way or another some players are going to be unhappy. I guess that it's almost impossible to please everyone....but I'm mostly worried about those who have already paid/contributed to the game...since they are the most likely people to do so in the future as well.
mount and pet worth 500$+ or even more since they are like from lock box and to win something from lockbox u will need to spend tons of $,like i did opened 800+orbs for pet in one other pw game and each lockbox,orb in pwe game is 1$-1.25$
shiaikaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
That farmers get a misery while movie stars get millions, yet I cannot feed my body with movies.
Artificial values are artificial. And luxury items tend to be overpriced.
ashrox10Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
That farmers get a misery while movie stars get millions, yet I cannot feed my body with movies.
Artificial values are artificial. And luxury items tend to be overpriced.
You post weird posts on both my topics
adamchattawayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Do you think the account unlocks will be exclusive to the hero pack or will they sell them on the item store? priority log in, moon tavern vip etc.
I am operating under the assumption that, with the exception of the items that are unlikely to be sold separately (VIP access) and items where the value can only be estimated (Astral Diamonds, where the value could be anywhere from $15 to $375, based on fluctuations in a market that doesn't even exist yet), those prices represent the prices they expect to charge in the Z-Store for identical or comparable items.
So it's pretty much a literal statement of their value; they will charge you that much for comparable items, once you take out the value of VIP access (which is a total swag, so no idea how much they'd charge for it), and based on whatever assumption they're using for what AD will shake out to.
I personally made my decision based on the notion that 750k AD will be somewhere between $50 and $79 long-term, and that VIP access was assigned a value of $180. I have no logic to present to you on that latter figure, I just took $15 and multiplied it by 12 months. I will make no attempt to justify that decision; I present it to you so you can make your own estimation of the value.
Based on that, the totals of the other items would appear to have been assigned a value of $290; so I expect that's how much I would have had to spend on them if I decided to buy them. I would not have purchased all of them separately, however.
One thing I don't think we can do is expect that things will cost the same as they do in any specific one of PWE's other games; their Cryptic games have very different models, both business and data, that affect value, and their other games are ports from another market.
Also keep in mind, you cannot go into value estimation comparing the prices for account unlocks in this game with those in games with a subscription model. Account unlocks *HAVE TO BE* more expensive in a pure F2P model, unless that model heavily relies on nearly-mandatory real money consumables costs.
It is economically infeasible to have 100% of your player base paying you NOTHING AT ALL to play the game. Developing and operating the game costs just as much for F2P as it does for P2P or a hybrid "Freemium" model, but you don't have that segment of your base that pays $15/month for piece of mind and hardly plays. You have to get all the overhead of something up front, because no more is coming.
So expect account unlocks to be more expensive than in a subscription game, but take into account the fact that you keep them forever once you buy them, and that you can get AD by selling gear drops in the Auction House; you're not held to just what you can grind directly. You don't have anything that you can only access for a $15/month subscription, so if the only reason you were going to subscribe was to get some thing you wanted, and you were going to subscribe for a year, anything less than $180 for that item is a bargain.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
Yeah, I've pointed that out a few times because....i'm pretty sure it's going to start out at least at around 500/1 ratio.
Main reason why is the founders packs themselves. If we didn't have a huge flood of diamonds into the game.....well the ratio would probably be alot better (although still pretty bad at first since most people would probably want zen to purchase character slots etc...more then diamonds initially). But with founders packs giving a huge influx of refined diamonds right away....basically you need as many people to spend money buying diamonds with zen, as spent money buying the founders packs for players that bought the founders packs to break even.
It's possible that will happen, but since founders packs are still going to be on sale, if you really wanted astral diamonds right at launch, why wouldn't you just buy the founders packs directly instead of from players (unless the ratio was something crazy like 500 astral diamonds per zen..so you could get 50k astral diamonds for a dollar.)
Still alot we can't know yet though, but I'm worried about how this is all starting off. I'm afraid one way or another some players are going to be unhappy. I guess that it's almost impossible to please everyone....but I'm mostly worried about those who have already paid/contributed to the game...since they are the most likely people to do so in the future as well.
As a player driven market, it will start at whatever the first player puts theirs up for. Hopefully, no one would be likely to open the bidding at the worst possible rate. Likewise, it would be foolish to undercut the market and accept a lower return until the AD aren't selling at the better rate anymore.
The issue is going to be that during head start everyone on the server is going to have a chunk of AD and not everyone will have any ZEN to buy them with. If the market were to hold at 25 until launch day, all the founders would have a better chance of getting the most dollar value out of their AD. But, with limited buyers the exchange value will probably be driven down fairly quickly. The influx of non-founders a few days later will change things as players will be more likely to have large amounts of ZEN than large amounts of AD since it takes game time to earn the AD. This will likely drive prices back up.
So, my prediction is that by launch day prices will be around 150-200 AD/ZEN but will go to around 50 AD/ZEN for a few days after launch and creep their way back up to whatever the market stabilizes at. Probably 200-250 AD/ZEN.
I still think the potential for up to $300 worth of ZEN is probably a big part of the HotN pack's stated value.
Always see people talking bout the low value off AD... the founders pack is so much more.
A mount on EACH char.
A pet on EACH char.
An extra bag on EACH char
A box with a lvl 60 weapon or visual effect on EACH char
3 bonus character slots.
Start counting out what all that is worth, also IF in the future you buy more character slots they also get ALL those items and you dont have to buy them anymore from the shop.
As a player driven market, it will start at whatever the first player puts theirs up for. Hopefully, no one would be likely to open the bidding at the worst possible rate. Likewise, it would be foolish to undercut the market and accept a lower return until the AD aren't selling at the better rate anymore.
The issue is going to be that during head start everyone on the server is going to have a chunk of AD and not everyone will have any ZEN to buy them with. If the market were to hold at 25 until launch day, all the founders would have a better chance of getting the most dollar value out of their AD. But, with limited buyers the exchange value will probably be driven down fairly quickly. The influx of non-founders a few days later will change things as players will be more likely to have large amounts of ZEN than large amounts of AD since it takes game time to earn the AD. This will likely drive prices back up.
So, my prediction is that by launch day prices will be around 150-200 AD/ZEN but will go to around 50 AD/ZEN for a few days after launch and creep their way back up to whatever the market stabilizes at. Probably 200-250 AD/ZEN.
I still think the potential for up to $300 worth of ZEN is probably a big part of the HotN pack's stated value.
I actually wasn't counting the head start because it makes no sense for ANYONE in the head start to buy AD at all (no way even guardians are going to need more then 125k refined AD in the first 3 days of playing. If you can only sell AD if someone is willing to pay zen for it...then there will be no market for AD at all until after the head start is over.
Once the head start is over...then you might start to see people willing to purchase AD with zen, but most would probably still just buy the founders packs...since it has already been stated they will still be available only with something else taking the place of beta access.
The ratio after the game goes live (after the head start), might not actually start at 500/1, but the way I understand it...you don't directly trade with another player. That player puts his or her AD up for auction (on the auction house) and the price it sells at is determined by the demand. I am not sure how they are going to determine what the correct ratio is, but while a few very lucky people may get a lower ratio initially...it probably won't be for large amounts of AD (but only a small amount), eventually the high number of people with AD to spend, vs the small number of people who want to purchase AD with zen...should max out the ratio at 500/1.
If you can sell your AD for anything under 200/1 initially....your probably going to make a big profit later on, especially if the auction house does not take a percentage off each sale.
Say you could initially sell your AD at a ratio of 100/1, and then a day or two later you can buy it at 500/1....you would multiply your total AD by 5 almost instantly that way.
First the astral diamonds can be worth almost all of it just by themselves. The rate of exchange for stral diamonds goes from 20 (might be 25) to 500 astral diamonds per zen. It's 100 zen per dollar. So at a 25 rate of exchange that would be $300 worth of zen right there.
Obviously that may not be the exchange rate (since its' based on player demand) but it's possibly worth $300 all by itself.
Next you have 3 character slots. We don't know how much they are going to sell for, but initially you are limited to only 2 slots. Lets say $20 a pop for new character slots, so thats $60 more...or $360 total.
Then you have a new race (drow), again no clue how much it'll sell for, but lets just go with $20...so $380 total.
You also have a 12 slog bag, respect token, special mount and companion. Say those are all worth $20 as well. Thats another 80, or $460 total.
The rest of the stuff (tavern vip, cosmetic stuff etc...would have to be worth about $100 total according to them to reach the $549 total. If the min ratio between astral diamonds and zen is actually 20, that could boost the total up alot more as well.
No matter what, it's a highly inflated number since if nothing else they have given you the best ratio of astral diamonds to zen possible (or the worst if you were purchasing them)...which will probably never be the case.
The real value of the pack is probably less then what we are paying for it to be honest. If they sold the individual items in the pack, you would probably be able to get it all for less then $200 once the game goes live. You would not get access to the beta though (really shouldn't be charged for that though), and you wouldn't get titles etc. You also wouldn't be supporting an excellent game (which is why many of us have bought the packs in the first place.)
Probably not the best idea in the world to list it as having a value of $549 though as it sure can cause people to worry about how high other content in the game is going to be valued.
Could you post in one of the other 6,871 threads on this instead?
What worries me is 750k sounds like a massive amount but when i saw lv 40 ish gear in game cost 53k for 1 piece that kind of says to me, a) diamonds are worth very little or b) the game is going to be one mega hell of a grind.
So just 14 pieces of mid lv gear can cost us all our diamonds? that's $300 on 14 items? sounds insane...
Try like page 15 I think maybe 16.
Oh 17 that is it.
I admit to being a bit worried about it myself. We both have already laid down a chunk of money on this game, and it's normal to be worried that money went to waste.
I don't know if you got a chance to play in the last beta or not, but I was very impressed by the game and think it will be well worth the money I invested in it. As far as future content etc, well, I will be willing to invest more money in it then most people probably so if they do go crazy on the value of sture, or cost to buy upgrades, I think it will get fixed quickly.
Most of the stuff being sold that I saw could be obtained other ways in game. Astral diamonds real value won't really be known till much later. At first though, I think it's going to be worth a very small amount since so many players are going to have large amounts of it from founders packs...and not many will probably buy zen (which they would have to use to buy astral diamonds) instead of just buying a founders pack directly.
In the long run though (not the first few months) the value of astral diamonds will increase. I still do think we should have all recieved zen as well as astral diamonds for purchasing founders packs. I initially thought astral diamonds were the acount upgrade currency. I am a bit
Hi Keirkin,
I think he's allowed to ask the question since he's already put down $200 towards the game. It has been asked alot, but instead of having to search a huge post, he can just get a quick answer this way.
As I said in that other thread this post makes complete sense to me though I would change a few of the numbers around a bit. This is how it's worth the $549.
Next on the agenda, with all due technicality this is a duplicate thread. If I followed guidelines 100% I would simply throw this thread onto the end of that thread since it is basically the same topic...
So technically, no he's not allowed to simply make a new thread and ask this question. I'm just not that much of a stickler, haha!
Let's leave the modding to the moderators. If you don't it turns into flame real fast
Wow, I had not seen that thread/post (thought I was keeping up with the boards pretty well).
Hmm the estimate on value of astral diamonds seem different then what I had come up with. I believe that is because someone said there is a maximum you can buy/sell astral diamonds at (think it was 25 astral diamonds per zen at the best rate).
You don't get zen, or dollars from the founders pack, just Astral Diamonds. If the min ratio of astral diamonds to zen is 25 diamonds per zen..and that is what it starts at (which isn't likely since you need people to buy zen to trade for astral diamonds...so demand would be very high at first), then 750,000 astral diamonds would be exchanged for 30,000 zen which is worth $300.
That is the absolute best case scenario though and since people have to purchase the astral diamonds with zen themselves...the opposite end of the scale...500 astral diamonds per zen is far more likely. At that ratio 750k astral diamonds only nets you 1500 zen or $15 worth of zen.
I'm thinking that is far more likely at release, but no matter what I don't think it's even POSSIBLE for the astral diamonds to be worth over $300 based on the min/max exchange rate. That just means the other stuff has to be worth more I guess.
Well there's an L60 rare weap, a special glow, and access to a special elite type tavern area nobody else can get to, I suspect those things have oddly high prices (especially the rare weap and the special wittle glow).
Remember how SWTOR CE/Deluxe got exclusive accses to thew VIP lounge on fleet, then turns out anyone can buy it for 100k credits or something lol...
Also, because it was so exclusive, nobody went there at all (was always empty)
Neverwinter Wiki
1. The "$549 value!" is just a typical marketing lie, a number made up to make the pack seem more attractive and thus sell more.
2. Things in the cash shop are going to be stupidly expensive.
I hope it's the first one.
I am going to just hope they jacked up the prices of the weirder stuff in that pack (the glow, the tavern access, L15 foundry access, special racial background thingy, and the L60 rare weap). Hoping the pets and mounts and character slots are reasonably priced, or we have trouble on the horizon :eek:
PW can print as much astral diamonds as they want...
So 500+ dollars value in actual item or 500+ dollars value in hot air. You can be a trillionaire in Zimbabwe, likewise Perfect World can offer you 1 trillion astral diamonds as long as you can only buy 1 T-shirt with that...
Yeah, I've pointed that out a few times because....i'm pretty sure it's going to start out at least at around 500/1 ratio.
Main reason why is the founders packs themselves. If we didn't have a huge flood of diamonds into the game.....well the ratio would probably be alot better (although still pretty bad at first since most people would probably want zen to purchase character slots etc...more then diamonds initially). But with founders packs giving a huge influx of refined diamonds right away....basically you need as many people to spend money buying diamonds with zen, as spent money buying the founders packs for players that bought the founders packs to break even.
It's possible that will happen, but since founders packs are still going to be on sale, if you really wanted astral diamonds right at launch, why wouldn't you just buy the founders packs directly instead of from players (unless the ratio was something crazy like 500 astral diamonds per zen..so you could get 50k astral diamonds for a dollar.)
Still alot we can't know yet though, but I'm worried about how this is all starting off. I'm afraid one way or another some players are going to be unhappy. I guess that it's almost impossible to please everyone....but I'm mostly worried about those who have already paid/contributed to the game...since they are the most likely people to do so in the future as well.
Artificial values are artificial. And luxury items tend to be overpriced.
I'm thinking it's the first one, however not a lie, more an exaggeration.
PvE Enthusiast.
500$ really?:)))
Just like a trip in Greece...
You post weird posts on both my topics
IMO values:
750,000 Astral Diamonds = $175
Mount - $5
Panther - $3
Regalia Set - $5
Armor Aura - $3
Dungeon Master Unlock - $5
Treasure Box - $1
Adventurer's Helper - $1
Respec Token - $1
3 Character Slots - $5
Robe of Useless Items - $1
MoonStone Regular - $1
VIP Access - $10
Promo packs
So it's pretty much a literal statement of their value; they will charge you that much for comparable items, once you take out the value of VIP access (which is a total swag, so no idea how much they'd charge for it), and based on whatever assumption they're using for what AD will shake out to.
I personally made my decision based on the notion that 750k AD will be somewhere between $50 and $79 long-term, and that VIP access was assigned a value of $180. I have no logic to present to you on that latter figure, I just took $15 and multiplied it by 12 months. I will make no attempt to justify that decision; I present it to you so you can make your own estimation of the value.
Based on that, the totals of the other items would appear to have been assigned a value of $290; so I expect that's how much I would have had to spend on them if I decided to buy them. I would not have purchased all of them separately, however.
One thing I don't think we can do is expect that things will cost the same as they do in any specific one of PWE's other games; their Cryptic games have very different models, both business and data, that affect value, and their other games are ports from another market.
It is economically infeasible to have 100% of your player base paying you NOTHING AT ALL to play the game. Developing and operating the game costs just as much for F2P as it does for P2P or a hybrid "Freemium" model, but you don't have that segment of your base that pays $15/month for piece of mind and hardly plays. You have to get all the overhead of something up front, because no more is coming.
So expect account unlocks to be more expensive than in a subscription game, but take into account the fact that you keep them forever once you buy them, and that you can get AD by selling gear drops in the Auction House; you're not held to just what you can grind directly. You don't have anything that you can only access for a $15/month subscription, so if the only reason you were going to subscribe was to get some thing you wanted, and you were going to subscribe for a year, anything less than $180 for that item is a bargain.
As a player driven market, it will start at whatever the first player puts theirs up for. Hopefully, no one would be likely to open the bidding at the worst possible rate. Likewise, it would be foolish to undercut the market and accept a lower return until the AD aren't selling at the better rate anymore.
The issue is going to be that during head start everyone on the server is going to have a chunk of AD and not everyone will have any ZEN to buy them with. If the market were to hold at 25 until launch day, all the founders would have a better chance of getting the most dollar value out of their AD. But, with limited buyers the exchange value will probably be driven down fairly quickly. The influx of non-founders a few days later will change things as players will be more likely to have large amounts of ZEN than large amounts of AD since it takes game time to earn the AD. This will likely drive prices back up.
So, my prediction is that by launch day prices will be around 150-200 AD/ZEN but will go to around 50 AD/ZEN for a few days after launch and creep their way back up to whatever the market stabilizes at. Probably 200-250 AD/ZEN.
I still think the potential for up to $300 worth of ZEN is probably a big part of the HotN pack's stated value.
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A mount on EACH char.
A pet on EACH char.
An extra bag on EACH char
A box with a lvl 60 weapon or visual effect on EACH char
3 bonus character slots.
Start counting out what all that is worth, also IF in the future you buy more character slots they also get ALL those items and you dont have to buy them anymore from the shop.
I actually wasn't counting the head start because it makes no sense for ANYONE in the head start to buy AD at all (no way even guardians are going to need more then 125k refined AD in the first 3 days of playing. If you can only sell AD if someone is willing to pay zen for it...then there will be no market for AD at all until after the head start is over.
Once the head start is over...then you might start to see people willing to purchase AD with zen, but most would probably still just buy the founders packs...since it has already been stated they will still be available only with something else taking the place of beta access.
The ratio after the game goes live (after the head start), might not actually start at 500/1, but the way I understand it...you don't directly trade with another player. That player puts his or her AD up for auction (on the auction house) and the price it sells at is determined by the demand. I am not sure how they are going to determine what the correct ratio is, but while a few very lucky people may get a lower ratio initially...it probably won't be for large amounts of AD (but only a small amount), eventually the high number of people with AD to spend, vs the small number of people who want to purchase AD with zen...should max out the ratio at 500/1.
If you can sell your AD for anything under 200/1 initially....your probably going to make a big profit later on, especially if the auction house does not take a percentage off each sale.
Say you could initially sell your AD at a ratio of 100/1, and then a day or two later you can buy it at 500/1....you would multiply your total AD by 5 almost instantly that way.
750,000 Astral Diamonds = $175 : $75 (based on assumptions from CO and STO)
Mount - $5 : $15
Panther - $3 : $10
Regalia Set - $5 : $10
Armor Aura - $3 : $5
Dungeon Master Unlock : $10
Treasure Box - $1 : $5
Adventurer's Helper - $1 : $10
Respec Token - $1 : $15
3 Character Slots - $5 : $25
Robe of Useless Items - $1 : $5
MoonStone Regular - $1 : $10
VIP Access - $10 : $10
About $200 worth. Face it you are supporting the game.