This seems to be my favourite, as it gives a preview of the current state of the game graphics, etc.
Also, the guy speaking in the video has that voice, that goes pretty awesome with the rest of it. Makes me laugh (no offense.)
Trickster Rogue Trailer
Why? 1) It's actual gameplay footage. As nice as cinematic trailers are, I prefer seeing actual footage from games so I know what to expect. 2) The class looks right up my alley, and not just because I like dual-wielding. Well, okay, dual-wielding might be the biggest factor but it's not the only one. I tend to enjoy dishing out damage so I play DPS classes more than anything else, and dual-wielding DPS is just fun.
Reason being: the control wizard is what attracted me to this game and what is hyping me up the most, I finally get to be a mage that isn't forced to walk around with a dorky staff and walk around like a HAMSTER.
I like this video because it makes me feel for the characters, but my favorite part is the male Tiefling wizard, watching him use the debris to shield themselves against the lich dragon is pretty sweet as well as his remarks while he is using his powers to fight and get the attention of the lich dragon. Will definitely be playing a tiefling!
darksidious2Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Video Link:
Why it's my favorite: I thought this was the best class. I generally like tanks so I am biased but the class looks highly useful to parties especially with the support abilities displayed. I will definitely learn to play this class to maximum efficiency as I think more than any other class it will be a required class for any group.
revchanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited February 2013
Video Link:
Why it's my favourite: Why? I allways liked tanky paladin/warior classes and on the video his skills feel soo good, animation on abilities is great and his armor looks cool.I also like how guard works.
This cinematic is my favorite, as it gives good examples of the strengths on all the classes, and how well they work together. Plus, the rogue backstabbing the orcish growth hormone abuser like that was just awesome.
chongwanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited February 2013
the e3 release with the forge becouse it let me know the game was coming
angrywookie99Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The Siege of Neverwinter Part 3 was hedged out by the Control Wizard class video. Normally, I'm a sucker for cinematics; but I had to go with a gameplay video on this one. Any class vid that'll make me change what class I want to play gets my vote!
This is my favorite video because it portrays what an adventuring party should be! Everyone knows that a group isn't complete without a Wizard (all things arcane), a Cleric (healing and divine intervention), a Rogue (traps, locks and cunning), all buffered by some meaty front-line class. And this video shows exactly how these various elements work together!
kaliwenMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited February 2013
My favorite video is The Siege of Neverwinter - Part 3.
Why it's my favorite: Because the whole battle is epic! The wizard's fight against the bone dragon, the healing skills and purges from the cleric, the mighty fighter reaping undeads and, of course, that epic trickster rogue, avenging her family, using her amazing teleporting skills, fighting till the last breath... Oh God! I want to be part of it NOW!
Otherworldy monstrosities coming out of the ground and you have to beat them down and enter the chasm to stop them that just sounds epic i cant wait to get some friends and take them down with my great weapon fighter
palada1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 9Arc User
This video is just amazing! We can see the base classes using their main powers against an army of undead and a terrifyng enemy, a dracolitch, classic monsters of any D&D tiles. The video is masterpiece! I can't wait to get my beta key and play all the weekend!
cerebjastrusMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Video Link:
Why it's my favorite: For one it's the longest But really to be honest it's because of the undead queen. Something about the way she looks and moves just makes me want to see more of her! In game, cgi, just what ever!
hankdashankMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited February 2013
Control Wizard!
It sounds like it will be a challenge to play well and I am up for that. I think the big lure for your game is the nostalgia effect it has for me. I called all my old group of D&D tabletop players and told them we are getting the pack back together and will be setting up weekly D&D nights out to do campaigns like the old days but this time in this great game.
It's the one which shines over all the other, even there're truly awesome ones like the Siege trilogy or the class videos. But i'm into the gameplay vids cause they are the truly reflection of what will be the game for us players, they put us into the action and the options and this one have snow, Utghardt, dungeons, howling werewolves and all the lore and tone of a truly Neverwinter campaign.
Until our swords meet again
I'm The Guardian, death is my business be it yours or mine.
This is my favorite one because you get to see the cleric healing the rogue and it has a more intense feel to it. Cleric and Rogue are my 2 most anticipated classes for the game as well.
This seems to be my favourite, as it gives a preview of the current state of the game graphics, etc.
Also, the guy speaking in the video has that voice, that goes pretty awesome with the rest of it. Makes me laugh (no offense.)
That last cinematic was real cool, it was good to see the diversity of classes and characters in the last one. It hyped me up a bit.
A close second would be Part 1 of the cinematic.
Simply because introducing Valindra was just epic
My favorite is the first part of the siege of neverwinter. Short sweet, yet still bad-HAMSTER
Why it's my favorite: Dragon !!! need i say more?
Why? 1) It's actual gameplay footage. As nice as cinematic trailers are, I prefer seeing actual footage from games so I know what to expect. 2) The class looks right up my alley, and not just because I like dual-wielding. Well, okay, dual-wielding might be the biggest factor but it's not the only one. I tend to enjoy dishing out damage so I play DPS classes more than anything else, and dual-wielding DPS is just fun.
Reason being: the control wizard is what attracted me to this game and what is hyping me up the most, I finally get to be a mage that isn't forced to walk around with a dorky staff and walk around like a HAMSTER.
It's my favourite because it makes trickster rogues look so stealthy and cunning, can't wait to play as one.
I like this video because it makes me feel for the characters, but my favorite part is the male Tiefling wizard, watching him use the debris to shield themselves against the lich dragon is pretty sweet as well as his remarks while he is using his powers to fight and get the attention of the lich dragon. Will definitely be playing a tiefling!
Why it's my favorite: I thought this was the best class. I generally like tanks so I am biased but the class looks highly useful to parties especially with the support abilities displayed. I will definitely learn to play this class to maximum efficiency as I think more than any other class it will be a required class for any group.
Why it's my favourite: Why? I allways liked tanky paladin/warior classes and on the video his skills feel soo good, animation on abilities is great and his armor looks cool.I also like how guard works.
This cinematic is my favorite, as it gives good examples of the strengths on all the classes, and how well they work together. Plus, the rogue backstabbing the orcish growth hormone abuser like that was just awesome.
The Siege of Neverwinter Part 3 was hedged out by the Control Wizard class video. Normally, I'm a sucker for cinematics; but I had to go with a gameplay video on this one. Any class vid that'll make me change what class I want to play gets my vote!
Siege of Neverwinter part 3
This is my favorite video because it portrays what an adventuring party should be! Everyone knows that a group isn't complete without a Wizard (all things arcane), a Cleric (healing and divine intervention), a Rogue (traps, locks and cunning), all buffered by some meaty front-line class. And this video shows exactly how these various elements work together!
Video Link:
Why it's my favorite: Because the whole battle is epic! The wizard's fight against the bone dragon, the healing skills and purges from the cleric, the mighty fighter reaping undeads and, of course, that epic trickster rogue, avenging her family, using her amazing teleporting skills, fighting till the last breath... Oh God! I want to be part of it NOW!
I love how the Cleric heals the Rogue at the last minute and then the Rogue teleports in behind the Minotaur for the kill!
My birthday is Friday (2/8/79) - The Guardian of Neverwinter pack would be a most excellent birthday present!
It's quite rare making a high quality CG like that and still, have good voice acting on it. Really good job on that video.
Not the first time Neverwinter has been besieged, but by Ao it's the prettiest.
Gotta love the tanks!
I like this video because its shows a bit of everyones skills so that you have more of an idea what each class has to offer.
Why it's favorite :
It contains lore, action , in game action and Big monsters that need to be slain!
Why: the huge boss made out of bones and it has a drow. awesome video, can't wait for the game to go live.
Otherworldy monstrosities coming out of the ground and you have to beat them down and enter the chasm to stop them that just sounds epic i cant wait to get some friends and take them down with my great weapon fighter
This video is just amazing! We can see the base classes using their main powers against an army of undead and a terrifyng enemy, a dracolitch, classic monsters of any D&D tiles. The video is masterpiece! I can't wait to get my beta key and play all the weekend!
Why it's my favorite: For one it's the longest
It sounds like it will be a challenge to play well and I am up for that. I think the big lure for your game is the nostalgia effect it has for me. I called all my old group of D&D tabletop players and told them we are getting the pack back together and will be setting up weekly D&D nights out to do campaigns like the old days but this time in this great game.
It's the one which shines over all the other, even there're truly awesome ones like the Siege trilogy or the class videos. But i'm into the gameplay vids cause they are the truly reflection of what will be the game for us players, they put us into the action and the options and this one have snow, Utghardt, dungeons, howling werewolves and all the lore and tone of a truly Neverwinter campaign.
Until our swords meet again
This is my favorite one because you get to see the cleric healing the rogue and it has a more intense feel to it. Cleric and Rogue are my 2 most anticipated classes for the game as well.
Why it's my Favorite: because it brings the old school feel of pen and paper gaming, the tales of courage and valor told about the fire in the local tavern. <--D&D nerd from Way back!