I am sooooo excited to play this class. The guardian fighter!!! Oh man. I used to be a MT back in the sunwell days of wow and this game and that class are getting me excited!
Seeing what can be done with the foundry, seeing how much work they have put into allowing the players to make content easily and knowing how talented the players of previous D&D games can be when given tools to create adventures made me the most excited about the game overall.
Also knowing that I have the tools to churn out some quality adventures also makes me pretty excited. I want to give players something memorable to play and hopefully stick around to see what new adventures I can give them. I love feeling that I can help make and keep this game fun and exciting for lots of people because this is my favorite D&D setting and everyone should experience it.
I am so ready for this game to go live or at least hit open beta.
If we have to choose of the videos listed on the Neverwinter Youtube channel it would have to be the Trickster Rogue video.
There is a rumor floating around that I am working on a new foundry quest. It was started by me.
matanui33Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
nuvisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, SilverstarsPosts: 26Arc User
edited February 2013
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fC_hxyrF4w
Why it's my favorite: The conclusion to the Siege of Neverwinter video series is by far my favorite of the videos on the Neverwinter page because it so perfectly exemplifies the setting and ambiance of a game in Neverwinter. I had DMed the 4e Encounters campaign, "The Lost Crown of Neverwinter," and the video, although not quite the same as the events in that campaign, brought the city of Neverwinter, its current condition, and the tense feeling of battling a dragon (although in Encounters it was Spellscarred instead of undead) to life. If nothing else, the game is sure to do the iconic Forgotten Realms city justice, and that alone has me excited for the game.
Why it is my favorite: This video shows mostly everything that I have seen that has made me fall in love with this game. It has lore about Neverwinter in general as well as showing off the superb art style that I have come to love with STO and Champions, it further goes on to make a tie in with one of my favorite Neverwinter Nights Henchmen (Though I do recognize that the Uthgardt were around before that). The lore that this game is going to add seems phenomenal, The art style itself is leaps and bounds above even the current cryptic titles, from the movement of cloth to the sheen on leather and metal and even further to the far clipping plane.
I have played D&D since I was little as both a DM as well as a player and everything you guys are doing with this game and everything I have seen makes it look like I will not be disappointed in the slightest, I have played nearly every MMO since the advent of MMOs, and every single one has been lacking in that D&D feel that I always craved while playing them. The other thing about the video is (aside from the cleric) It shows a little bit of game-play from each of the classes available.
Why it's my favorite: I really enjoyed seeing the rogue get her revenge, I was so upset at the end of part 2 when she didn't get to fight him and was really pleased to see it in part 3!
saltaraMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 1Arc User
Why it's my favorite:I have always been a rogue. In every aspect of my life it is deeply imbedded. This video is my favorite because it brings to life all the imagination and qualities that truly immerse your senses in what looks to be the adventure of a life time.
hakkaizennMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Why it's my favorite: This is my favourite video because it really displays the feeling the game will give when you play your class(Fighter, Rogue, Cleric). I love the cleric in there too. Very good scenes.
xerograyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
Until I learned that clerics would be in at launch, I wanted to play the control wizard. I love ranged classes and the skills so far look amazing. I feel like I would be a valuable asset to a group playing the control wizard. After having watched the MMORPG.com stream yesterday, Feb 6th, I am even more excited to play a wizard as I would be needed to open chests (not just rogues).
inixis1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Loved everything about this trailer. Reminded me of why I love the Forgotten Realms Universe so much.
Teamwork,classes working together just like in any good party, all to defeat a common enemy that has the very real possibility of wiping you from existence. The quality of the cgi brought some the characters to life in a way that I don't think I've ever experienced before. This trailer re-kindled my deep abiding love of the books,pen and paper gaming memories and most of all the lore of Neverwinter and Forgotten Realms in general.
It has also managed to evoke memories of some of the most happiest times of my life gaming with my best friend of 20+ years who passed away in tragic circumstances years before his time. Neverwinter just brings up so many good memories of happier days gaming with him, and now that his children have all grown up as gamers and fans of Neverwinter and the Forgotten Realms, I'll finally be able to come full circle and live in this amazing universe with them, recounting the good old days where their father led a fearless party of adventures on the most amazing journeys fighting against all manner of enemies who were trying their utmost to exterminate us.
The time is now, Are you ready?
Bring it on I say!
To all our fallen comrades. Tonight we toast your health,your bravery, your magnificence and fight with honor in your name.
Loved everything about this trailer. Reminded me of why I love the Forgotten Realms Universe so much.
Teamwork,classes working together just like in any good party, all to defeat a common enemy that has the very real possibility of wiping you from existence. The quality of the cgi brought some the characters to life in a way that I don't think I've ever experienced before. This trailer re-kindled my deep abiding love of the books,pen and paper gaming memories and most of all the lore of Neverwinter and Forgotten Realms in general.
It has also managed to evoke memories of some of the most happiest times of my life gaming with my best friend of 20+ years who passed away in tragic circumstances years before his time. Neverwinter just brings up so many good memories of happier days gaming with him, and now that his children have all grown up as gamers and fans of Neverwinter and the Forgotten Realms, I'll finally be able to come full circle and live in this amazing universe with them, recounting the good old days where their father led a fearless party of adventures on the most amazing journeys fighting against all manner of enemies who were trying their utmost to exterminate us.
The time is now, Are you ready?
Bring it on I say!
To all our fallen comrades. Tonight we toast your health,your bravery, your magnificence and fight with honor in your name.
So say we all!
this post was very touching and sums up my feelings on DND and the friendships it has given me in a nutshell
Video Link: Neverwinter Teaser Trailer for E3 2011
Why it's my favorite: Although so much is unknown about the game, it's one of the few that shows off a lot of the game. (I find it odd I didn't see one about the Foundry on the channel.)
Can't wait to join us on Friday for the start of Beta? One way to get access is by purchasing a Founder's Pack. We'll see you in the Forgotten Realms!
I can has for teh free? $200 seems a bit pricy to pay for a 100% free to download and play since it's not refundable. :eek::rolleyes:
I am sooooo excited to play this class. The guardian fighter!!! Oh man. I used to be a MT back in the sunwell days of wow and this game and that class are getting me excited!
This is my favourite video, because i like the rogue class
I got shivers everytime the cleric turn undeads. My players hate me because undeads adventures are my favorite setting.
Long live Ravenloft, as well as Neverwinter
Seeing what can be done with the foundry, seeing how much work they have put into allowing the players to make content easily and knowing how talented the players of previous D&D games can be when given tools to create adventures made me the most excited about the game overall.
Also knowing that I have the tools to churn out some quality adventures also makes me pretty excited. I want to give players something memorable to play and hopefully stick around to see what new adventures I can give them. I love feeling that I can help make and keep this game fun and exciting for lots of people because this is my favorite D&D setting and everyone should experience it.
I am so ready for this game to go live or at least hit open beta.
If we have to choose of the videos listed on the Neverwinter Youtube channel it would have to be the Trickster Rogue video.
because I'm very excited to play long range classes, especially those survivors through the spells.
Why it's my favorite: The conclusion to the Siege of Neverwinter video series is by far my favorite of the videos on the Neverwinter page because it so perfectly exemplifies the setting and ambiance of a game in Neverwinter. I had DMed the 4e Encounters campaign, "The Lost Crown of Neverwinter," and the video, although not quite the same as the events in that campaign, brought the city of Neverwinter, its current condition, and the tense feeling of battling a dragon (although in Encounters it was Spellscarred instead of undead) to life. If nothing else, the game is sure to do the iconic Forgotten Realms city justice, and that alone has me excited for the game.
Why it is my favorite: This video shows mostly everything that I have seen that has made me fall in love with this game. It has lore about Neverwinter in general as well as showing off the superb art style that I have come to love with STO and Champions, it further goes on to make a tie in with one of my favorite Neverwinter Nights Henchmen (Though I do recognize that the Uthgardt were around before that). The lore that this game is going to add seems phenomenal, The art style itself is leaps and bounds above even the current cryptic titles, from the movement of cloth to the sheen on leather and metal and even further to the far clipping plane.
I have played D&D since I was little as both a DM as well as a player and everything you guys are doing with this game and everything I have seen makes it look like I will not be disappointed in the slightest, I have played nearly every MMO since the advent of MMOs, and every single one has been lacking in that D&D feel that I always craved while playing them. The other thing about the video is (aside from the cleric) It shows a little bit of game-play from each of the classes available.
Why it's my favorite: well who doesnt love some dragons? that and its showing some good mage stuff which is my favorite class to play for the most part.
Why its my favorite: I really like the abilities displayed.
Neverwinter Official Wiki - http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/
Why it's my favorite: I really enjoyed seeing the rogue get her revenge, I was so upset at the end of part 2 when she didn't get to fight him and was really pleased to see it in part 3!
Why it's my favorite:I have always been a rogue. In every aspect of my life it is deeply imbedded. This video is my favorite because it brings to life all the imagination and qualities that truly immerse your senses in what looks to be the adventure of a life time.
Why it's my favorite: because it's a very awesome trailer.
Excellently displays teamwork aspects as well as use of movement and special skills in combat.
Why it's my favorite: This is my favourite video because it really displays the feeling the game will give when you play your class(Fighter, Rogue, Cleric). I love the cleric in there too. Very good scenes.
Until I learned that clerics would be in at launch, I wanted to play the control wizard. I love ranged classes and the skills so far look amazing. I feel like I would be a valuable asset to a group playing the control wizard. After having watched the MMORPG.com stream yesterday, Feb 6th, I am even more excited to play a wizard as I would be needed to open chests (not just rogues).
Loved everything about this trailer. Reminded me of why I love the Forgotten Realms Universe so much.
Teamwork,classes working together just like in any good party, all to defeat a common enemy that has the very real possibility of wiping you from existence. The quality of the cgi brought some the characters to life in a way that I don't think I've ever experienced before. This trailer re-kindled my deep abiding love of the books,pen and paper gaming memories and most of all the lore of Neverwinter and Forgotten Realms in general.
It has also managed to evoke memories of some of the most happiest times of my life gaming with my best friend of 20+ years who passed away in tragic circumstances years before his time. Neverwinter just brings up so many good memories of happier days gaming with him, and now that his children have all grown up as gamers and fans of Neverwinter and the Forgotten Realms, I'll finally be able to come full circle and live in this amazing universe with them, recounting the good old days where their father led a fearless party of adventures on the most amazing journeys fighting against all manner of enemies who were trying their utmost to exterminate us.
The time is now, Are you ready?
Bring it on I say!
To all our fallen comrades. Tonight we toast your health,your bravery, your magnificence and fight with honor in your name.
So say we all!
It looks like a lot of fun to play a Rogue! I can't wait to try playing one.
Why it's my favorite: It was my first video, first taste of the game, the spark that set off the anticipation.
Why it's my favorite: Because rogues rock!
Most likely the class I will play the most...and my bday is this weekend
Why? Call of adventure.
Why it's my favorite: Because I have always enjoyed getting in the baddie's face and showing them that this chic can swing a blade!
This by far is the best vid, cant wait to try the action combat, hopefully Neverwinter will be what KOA reckonings mmo would have been or better !!!
Why it's my favorite: Although so much is unknown about the game, it's one of the few that shows off a lot of the game. (I find it odd I didn't see one about the Foundry on the channel.)
I can has for teh free?
rabb1t's rambling podcast.
Why it's my favorite: It is my favorite because it shows the devoted cleric and I can't wait to play that class!