Hey guy so some of you may have
read about the Ranger in the
Great Weapon Fighter video, but there wasnt much talk about the Wizard in it(I know the Ranger is a "big thing"). I think it is the War Wizard. Anyone else think this? Any other Ideas? Could a Dev confirm this or not?
I have outlined the wizard in green in the old photo with Dusty outlined in Red

So lets get some info about this.
I am usually Deaths Crowbar.
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they said that the Ranger, "Dusty, is a NPC, but they did not mention the others. So it is quite possible it is a PC. Even if it is a NPC it has to be a War Wizard NPC since From what I understand of the Control Wizard he doesnt use that spell, and if they have a NPC they may be working on a PC version.
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But goodness knows if they are "Rangers" or "War Wizards." From one rumor I saw, and I will stress rumor, Dusty is a ranger but that isn't the same as the class ranger. If we look at NPC's even in NWN they don't necessarily have the same class settings as a standard class so it's entirely possible that Dusty and the "War Wizard" have their own NPC settings rather than actual Player Class abilities.
Just pointing out that NPC abilities don't directly mean Player Classes will be have the same options.
Though I certainly would love to start out as a Dual Weapon Ranger or War Wizard.
Most people on forums think it to be sorcerer or some kind of wizard.
I think it is warlock (as in the poll I created a while back. Truth seems to share my opinion)
That would make sense. Id understand it being a Warlock using fiery bolt
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When i think of warlock i think of dark energy and shadowy type of spell/powers. Warlock fiery bolt quite possibly (you call up a bolt of golden flame and hurl it at your foe. anyone standing close to him is burned as well).
blackdagger video
The War Wizard has scorching burst and burning hand, like you said, but also can get Flaming Sphere, Fireshroud, Fireball, Fireburst, Wall of Fire, Combust, and Black Fire, all before hitting Paragon Paths.
Also(for comparison, if they are sticking to 4.0 PH) in the PH it says about the Control Wizard
and the War Wizard
So I would say War Wizard is more plausible than a Warlock.
As Abm..*Why the heck do I keep doing that* Ambisinister said it could be a odd NPC(although I doubt it).
Maybe someone knows and wont tell us all the info.
I think it "looks" like a War Wizard though.
P.S. Can someone find out why I want to call Ambisinister "Abminster" and Elminster. (Maybe he actually is Elminster and he gained the ability to come to our world to tell Cryptic what the Forgotten Realms are really like, and I can somehow sense this)
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Uhh, nothing to speak about at all, I LOVE our protection against misinformation and early release of uncleared information, LONG LIVE SECURITY!
*the poison tipped blowgun exits the frame*
I will complete this sentence.
Well I suspected warlock because the person using it was a Tiefling.
*Exits the frame carrying the blowgun*
So any ideas on this?
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