Ok s I was asked today if Hardcore Christian Gamers will be our official name when the game release, because it doesnt really fit with Forgotten Realms, DnD, and RPing. Well most of the time people just use HCG for our guild. I got a thought, Keep the official name the same, but come up with "RP codenames" for guilds like this. You see I dont want to change the guilds name, but this may help, it is just an alternate name, usually based off the acronym of the Guild or part of the guilds name, for example I can take HCG and use it and get (Holy Champions of the Gundan). See just codenames, nicknames for use in RPing outside of RPing they dont matter.
Fixed the sig, and this is just an Idea of Heroic City of God though Id prefer Champions, to Make it Heroic Champions of God.
Yah I just thought other guilds with with names not very RP friendly could try using a "nickname" or"codename" when RPing to help them with that problem. Having both an Official name and a "codename".
By the way, its controversial thing, but many consider Illmater to be similar to Christ. His abode has a version of excalibur, and in his heaven/astral home is no suffering. FR secific Celestia also has trinity.
Lots and lots of differences but closer in some ways.
Personally I like to fully immerse myself in a roleplaying game, so I see OP's point. (in the end its up to the people and they should, of course, do whatever they want). In the end, I suppose, it's about what is perceived as In Character knowledge and what is Out Of Character.
I would like to see guilds and names appear fitting for the fearun setting to be sure. However, the OOC name of a guild does not need to be referred to by the same name IC. Say your charactername is Michaeljackson, but my character does not know your character's IC name. So my character says: 'Hello and good day to you sire, what happens to be your name?' Then MichaelJackson replies: "I am Lord Commander Izichael, Baron of Ferdyfell, but my friends call me Michael. Might I add you are looking rather dreadful? You may address me as Lord Commander Izichael"
Say the guild name, in this case, is Hardcore Christian Gamers. It just might be the IC name of the guild in the game (and that's fine, and they look like nice people). But my IC character would have a harder time acknowledging such a title as a serious IC affiliation (if only because of Hardcore and Gamers, which is a larger part of the problem if you think about it). However, even though this is an mmoRPG I'm fine with people acting crazy/OOC/metagaming/funny names etc. Again, a guild may serve as a metagaming platform, and perhaps as a metagaming platform only, and have no part in the lore of the setting just fine.
I'll try and fine some people to build IC (platonic) relationships with, and I'll be on my merry way. (Also, there is always tabletop). *and I'm looking for a guild
When it comes to guilds, I'd like to see them formed based on the MOTIVES of the participants. Just saying, "I can use a sword with BOTH hands," or, "I'm an elf," shouldn't be enough to qualify as acceptance. That's the roleplayer in me talking, though, and obviously not everyone is into the RP aspect (right gillrmn?)
I'll tell you, my players are a lot more cautious about who they bring into the party after I gave them a locksmith to travel with for 4 months, only to clean them out of all their valuables, run off in the middle of the night, and sabotage to lock to the dungeon they were in so they couldn't get out. They hated me that day, and thank me for it every session afterward.
Personally I like to fully immerse myself in a roleplaying game, so I see OP's point. (in the end its up to the people and they should, of course, do whatever they want). In the end, I suppose, it's about what is perceived as In Character knowledge and what is Out Of Character.
I would like to see guilds and names appear fitting for the fearun setting to be sure. However, the OOC name of a guild does not need to be referred to by the same name IC. Say your charactername is Michaeljackson, but my character does not know your character's IC name. So my character says: 'Hello and good day to you sire, what happens to be your name?' Then MichaelJackson replies: "I am Lord Commander Izichael, Baron of Ferdyfell, but my friends call me Michael. Might I add you are looking rather dreadful? You may address me as Lord Commander Izichael"
Say the guild name, in this case, is Hardcore Christian Gamers. It just might be the IC name of the guild in the game (and that's fine, and they look like nice people). But my IC character would have a harder time acknowledging such a title as a serious IC affiliation (if only because of Hardcore and Gamers, which is a larger part of the problem if you think about it). However, even though this is an mmoRPG I'm fine with people acting crazy/OOC/metagaming/funny names etc. Again, a guild may serve as a metagaming platform, and perhaps as a metagaming platform only, and have no part in the lore of the setting just fine.
I'll try and fine some people to build IC (platonic) relationships with, and I'll be on my merry way. (Also, there is always tabletop). *and I'm looking for a guild
Im glad you understand and like the idea, Also if you ever want to come by HCG you are welcome to join, as long as you are ok with being with us.
How about,
Heroic City of God :- doesn't break the meaning nor does it changes the abbreviation.
Other name:-
H:- Helical, Helix, honorable
C:- Core, comfort, Class
G:- garden, greatness
HCG:- Honor Comfort Gratitude
always be honorable, always comfort others(like Illmater), always express gratitude.
Fixed the sig, and this is just an Idea of Heroic City of God though Id prefer Champions, to Make it Heroic Champions of God.
Yah I just thought other guilds with with names not very RP friendly could try using a "nickname" or"codename" when RPing to help them with that problem. Having both an Official name and a "codename".
Thanks Gillrmn
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Lots and lots of differences but closer in some ways.
This sounds great.
Personally I like to fully immerse myself in a roleplaying game, so I see OP's point. (in the end its up to the people and they should, of course, do whatever they want). In the end, I suppose, it's about what is perceived as In Character knowledge and what is Out Of Character.
I would like to see guilds and names appear fitting for the fearun setting to be sure. However, the OOC name of a guild does not need to be referred to by the same name IC. Say your charactername is Michaeljackson, but my character does not know your character's IC name. So my character says: 'Hello and good day to you sire, what happens to be your name?' Then MichaelJackson replies: "I am Lord Commander Izichael, Baron of Ferdyfell, but my friends call me Michael. Might I add you are looking rather dreadful? You may address me as Lord Commander Izichael"
Say the guild name, in this case, is Hardcore Christian Gamers. It just might be the IC name of the guild in the game (and that's fine, and they look like nice people). But my IC character would have a harder time acknowledging such a title as a serious IC affiliation (if only because of Hardcore and Gamers, which is a larger part of the problem if you think about it). However, even though this is an mmoRPG I'm fine with people acting crazy/OOC/metagaming/funny names etc. Again, a guild may serve as a metagaming platform, and perhaps as a metagaming platform only, and have no part in the lore of the setting just fine.
I'll try and fine some people to build IC (platonic) relationships with, and I'll be on my merry way. (Also, there is always tabletop). *and I'm looking for a guild
I'll tell you, my players are a lot more cautious about who they bring into the party after I gave them a locksmith to travel with for 4 months, only to clean them out of all their valuables, run off in the middle of the night, and sabotage to lock to the dungeon they were in so they couldn't get out. They hated me that day, and thank me for it every session afterward.
Im glad you understand and like the idea, Also if you ever want to come by HCG you are welcome to join, as long as you are ok with being with us.
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site