For starters i am so excited that neverwinter has an MMO coming out. I have watched the videos, and lets just say that I am stoked!! My experiences with D&D started way back in 1989 when I was 12 yrs old, at my aunt Maxine and Uncle Leons house...I got a book from them that my cousin David had read called Sojourn...and thats when I totally fell in love with the story Drizzt... From there I went to dragonlance, spending my $5 a week allowance on books that I bought in order from Darkness and Light, all the way to Dragons of Summer Flame which came out when I went to my permanent duty station in Ft. Hood. (as well as numerous books in between from Ravenloft, and the Forgotten Realms too!!) My child hood friend and I did many quests in D&D, as well as spend countless hours debating if our favorite characters would beat the others in actualy "dream matches' Then I played characters based off of Raistlin Majere and Drizzt Do' magic users, and Ranger/Fighter classes...which I had fun with...but my favorite character was from 2nd edition...a Blade bard, that would swing from light fixtures, and surf down bannisters...(Jayden Ravensbreath), and from there played Rogues and thieves as my predominant class.
I have some experience with online MMO's...mainly DDO which i have poured hours into in the last 6 months...My favorite character on that is Daglitch, a TR'd artificer that is now a sorceror, looking to TR again into a Ranger...probly Arcane Archer. I want to bring my knowledge of the forgotten realms, and its lore to the game, and maybe make a few quests of my own for everyone to try out. Now from what i understand, this is going to be based off of the 4th edition, or is it 5th? I am not real sure, but am glad to know that D&D has gone to the strategic aspect of hack n slash, thus making the role playing a memorable experience. BUt I would like to learn more about this 4th or 5th edition, so where can i? Are Deities going to play a vital role, or are they like they were in Dragonlance after the Cataclysm? What about classes...i saw the Control Wizard, the Great Weapon Fighter, and the Trickster Rogue (which looks fun as heck!!:eek:)...but I saw nothing on Clerics, or sublcasses of fighters, or rangers, paladins, let alone the different classes of magic users...just curious.
So yeah folks...i have been doing D&D for 24 years, reading the books and playing the games, whether table top, to PC!! Which btw my favorite one is the Baldurs Gate Series!!! John Irenicus is the ultimate villain...anyhoo..I cant wait...If anyone has any idea as to what guilds need a good thief, or you just want a good questing buddy, let me know..I love D&D, and alot my favorite child hood memories come from it, and i hope to be able to pass that love and experience on to others to come and appreciate the stories that have and will be told. So here we go, i will raise my flagon of ale, and say to all of you, "Let the questing begin!!"
Hi there fellow DnD enthusiast and Welcome to Neverwinter.
If you have not read The New User FAQ put together by Iamtruthseeker, it is probably best you do that.
The Directory of the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter will help with guild shopping.
I also invite you to have a look at ,and if you like it join my guild. I keep a link in my signature.
Also we have a giveaway that includes 3 US mount codes from PCGamer magazine, you can comment on this thread to enter.
Again welcome comenplay,
I hope to see you around the Forums and ingame
...John Irenicus is the ultimate villain...anyhoo..I cant wait...
Well said. Welcome to Neverwinter - a city which offers death to meek, glory for bold and danger to all.
I hope your ... "certain discreet skills" help us to dig up the archives from Oghma's tmple "House of Knowledge" and bring back the clockwork technology to Neverwinter back again - one of the few things for which this city was famous for in the sword coast.
bluesteel8Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
Hi there, I am also excited with this release. I have tried playing their other games while I wait for the release but there seems to be alot of problems actually logging in with the games not recognising my account. I hope this doesnt happen with NW. I havent been this excited abut a release for some time!
If you have not read The New User FAQ put together by Iamtruthseeker, it is probably best you do that.
The Directory of the Founders Guilds of Neverwinter will help with guild shopping.
I also invite you to have a look at ,and if you like it join my guild. I keep a link in my signature.
Also we have a giveaway that includes 3 US mount codes from PCGamer magazine, you can comment on this thread to enter.
Again welcome comenplay,
I hope to see you around the Forums and ingame
Anyone still searching for guilds you can check out HCG Hardcore Christian Gamers.
NW FAQ | HCG NW Host Site
Well said. Welcome to Neverwinter - a city which offers death to meek, glory for bold and danger to all.
I hope your ... "certain discreet skills" help us to dig up the archives from Oghma's tmple "House of Knowledge" and bring back the clockwork technology to Neverwinter back again - one of the few things for which this city was famous for in the sword coast.
The Older Gamers (25+) - Never too old to play games