Will there be raid type content requiring large groups of players to complete (any details on plans for this would be nice)?
I dont think so, according to the video there will be quests at the final of each zone/area called dungeon dales which are 5 man dungeon but i think its raid-like but with 5 players lol which i dont know what it means :P
I dont think so, according to the video there will be quests at the final of each zone/area called dungeon dales which are 5 man dungeon but i think its raid-like but with 5 players lol which i dont know what it means :P
A Dungeon Delve usually is a more challenging dungeon with the great risk great reward setup. There also is an official released product by said name from Wizards. While not a typical MMO Raid, it is the elite of "dungeon crawling."
Sorry I haven't managed to get back until now, Champions just launched a major update which stole my attention. I'm going to start going through these now, here's the first batch:
My questions:) I know I'll be very tempted to add more later, but perhaps I'll just edit this post later when that happens.
1. How strong is the soft targeting in ranged and in melee? I don't really understand the question, so, I would ask you to clarify if my this doesn't do the trick:
Targeting in Neverwinter is different than in most other MMOs. TAB Targetting doesn't exist, you'll use a targeting reticule to mouse over an enemy, and activate the attack/power/ability you wish to use. It works really well, and makes combat very fluid. Rogues can jump from enemy to enemy, Control Wizards (what you saw at PAX East) can easily switch targets, lifting one enemy up to take it out of the fight with Bigsby's grasping hand, flinging an ice spear at another, and then channeling ray of frost to slow down, and eventually lock another in it's place. It works very well, and is incredibly fluid.
2. How common are the spots where powers can be exchanged?
This could be changing from here to launch, but right now, it's as easy as bringing up your powers window and dragging a new power into your action bar.
3. The numbers 1 utility, 2 at wills, 2 encounters and 1 daily are lowish. Will they be constant or will they be lower at start and perhaps increase beyond that?
I can't say right now. I know it "seems" low, especially when you're used to more traditional MMO controls. But it feels great when you're playing. In fact, I think if there were many more, it may start to become cumbersome.
4. Could you perhaps throw us a bone about the combat mechanics here?:p
What kind of a bone, precisely, would you like? Does the description above work? It's very fast, very involved, and a ton of fun.
5. What (besides gear, level and player skill) are the aspects of the character progression that the player can influence?
We'll talk more about player progression as we get closer to release.
And that's it for now. Great job answering above already! Edit. On closer inspection.. you seem to have taken evasion feat and have high reflex saves:p Great job answering fast anyway:)
Got it. I don't have a solid answer for that right now. However, I'm pretty sure we'll be talking more about character customization and creations as we get closer to release.
Q: Are you planning on more (even if small) releases of information out of big dates like that of PaxEast and before the next E3?
I'm going to see what I can do. Expect Major release to come around those trade shows (and others!) though.
Q: Can the Foundry, at this point in time, link different quests together carrying some specific information from one to the next? (quest 1: optional kid is saved/killed --> quest 2: optional kid may be present or not based on quest 1)
I can't answer that right now, but we'll get more into The Foundry later.
Q: Can you explain a bit how armour works in the current stage of the game?
This is another question I can't really answer at this time. We will answer it though, just not yet.
Q: Have henchmen dissapeared from the game or maybe I can hope/dream for something similar to SWTOR's companions but in mercenary style?
This is another one I can't answer, right now.
Q: How has affected the change to MMORPG to the campaign that you were developing?
From what I understand, the primary campaign we were originally developing is still there. However, there is also now a large amount of other, equally awesome stuff to do as well.
Q: Is there (toggeable for Foundry quests) day/night cycle?
We'll get more into The Foundry later, I really do promise!
How much variety will we have in making characters appearances?
I think if Cryptic were to ever release a game without a strong and robust character creator, we'd be lynched. It's something that we really love doing, and that our fans really enjoy having access to, so you shouldn't be disappointed.
My only question: Could you release slightly information once in a while (once per 2weeks?) just to keep forums alive?
I'm going to do my best. I know the past few months have been hard on the community, but, we are back in full swing now, so the information drought should be almost non-existent from here out.
If somone offers you to wash your car, will you reward him/her with a betakey?
Probably not, since I can get my car washed whenever I want. However, there will be other, more exciting ways, to earn beta keys in the future.
Will there be shards with different rulesets, like in PvE, RP-PvE, etc?
No, we have some pretty solid tech that allows us to have a "one server" solution. So you don't have to worry about whether your friends are on the X or Y server before starting out. You can just jump right in game! The downside, is this means no enforced rule sets.
Q: Are there plans for voice acted cutscenes, just typical mmo quest text popup, or something in between?
I can't comment on this right now.
Q: Will it be possible for a player to take on the role of a DM for foundry-created content, like in NWN?
Yes, and no. Yes, you will be able to create adventures for your friends to play through. No, you will not be able to jump in and modify those scenarios on the fly, or take over certain NPCs. Remember more info on The Foundry will be forthcoming.
Q: Is there any content planned to tie in with the recently announced 'Rise of the Underdark' cross-media campaign-event-thingie?
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be allowed to answer that question under any circumstances.
Q: I know it's a long shot, but any content planned outside of the Prime Material?
The future can hold almost anything!
Q: Miniature giant space hamster social pet. Yes or HELL YES?
I'm not 100%, but Bioware may hold the rights to Boo. I'll suggest looking into this though.
Alright folks,
That's all I have time for right now. More to come!
I'm not 100%, but Bioware may hold the rights to Boo. I'll suggest looking into this though.
Well, Giant space hamster are part of D&D (spelljammer) lore.
I doubt that a miniature version of a proper D&D game element would be a breach of Bioware's Rights, it would just be like a pet mini-dragon or a pet mini-owlbear.
What I am really curious if Cryptic has plans to reward notable Foundry creators. The amount of time and effort in creating a well designed and rich module takes a lot of dedication and passion. Some modules of NWN2 takes months and months of effort. It would be nice to see those who put in that kind of effort into the community being rewarded either say quarterly/semi-annual/annual contests with computer hardware or something that goes beyond a pat on the back.
Know that you, SS, cannot answer that question in any detail but perhaps you can comment on whether or not Cryptic intends to reward gifted Foundry users in some form or fashion besides a Hall of Fame title.
Well, Giant space hamster are part of D&D (spelljammer) lore.
I doubt that a miniature version of a proper D&D game element would be a breach of Bioware's Rights, it whould just be like a pet mini-dragon or a pet mini-owlbear.
By the way, what about an owlbear pet?
Again, the Fey Beast Tamer theme which has a pet owlbear as one of the companion choices. This is why I love D&D 4E themes!
That's all I have time for right now. More to come!
Thanks a lot stormshade!:)
I aske about the targeting, because at times it seemed the rogue hit the target even if the reticule was a bit off. This is understandable and I'm sure further videos will shed some light on how accurate (what's the acceptable angle of error) must be and whether it needs to be on target for the duration of the attack.
The combat mechanics bone I had in mind would have been on to-hit, ac, dmg, incoming dmg reduction, spell power, incoming spell power reduction.. anything you'd wish and could share with us would do. I.e. how have you translated d&d combat rolls into mmo environment.
It's great that you've taken your time answering here and I hope you'll find the chance to do so sometime again:)
Regarding the question
"Q: Will it be possible for a player to take on the role of a DM for foundry-created content, like in NWN?"
Your answer was that we can build adventures but not actually control them as DM. Is this never going to happen? Or is it just something that won't be present at launch? That was an aspect that interested my friends and I as it would make playing a D&D game on a new level.
Q: Any information about flying you want to share? (Flying ability, carpet, mounts etc.?)
{Also, : Is it possible to assign macro so that whenever I cast a spell, an incantation is automatically spoken by my PC(e.g. in local chat by macro-ing a key, So whenever I press Q for Cure Light Wounds, my chracter types, "I call upon XXY deity to help my allies!" in locl chat)
Thanks a lot
It a great game, please don't get complacent in polishing it to perfection
Just wondering if we're going to be getting the feats as listed in the 4e handbook or if you're going to edit/create your own.
Also will there be regional benefits? Say if we select that our characters from Cormyr they start out with +2 insight and +2 saves against fear?
And this is going to be regarded as one of those you can't answer questions but can you pleaaaaase let genasi be a playable race
Actually on the topic of a race like genasi, how would you handle their liquid move for watersoul and flying ability for windsoul?
and lastly is the game just going to feature neverwinter and associated dungeons or will it stretch out to luskan, silverymoon or farther?
Edit: For the foundry, are we going to be able to script scenes? and are we going to be able to make multi level quests? How detailed will the scripting can? Can we impose skill checks during conversations?
Q : Will there be some cosmetics even for those who dont want to use real life money o have i understanded something completly wrong that we'll be able to buy cosmetics and some bonuses using real life money?
1) Will there be flying monsters in the game and is the game a true 3d environment to allow combat from above?
2) will i be able to climb and if so can i fall off a cliff or throw a monster over one?
3) How interactive is the environment? Other than smashing crates and stuff will i be able to let's say use my skills to bend bars and lift gates and other stuff of that nature that use special animations like digging?
4) Will each weapon have it's own combat animations or will everyone have the same set no matter what they are fighting with?
5) What kind of customization will i have over making monsters in the foundry? Will all orcs for example look the same no matter what or can i make each one look different? Can i make my boss monsters look bigger?
6) Can i make a real looking castle and is there going to be castle ruins or ruins of any kind in the game? This is huge for me as nwn1 and 2 didn't have this option! How can you have a D&D game without castles and drawbridges and ruins?
7) How many enemies can i fight on screen at a time? Is it possible to make battles with npc's fighting each other to simulate an epic battle?
1. When any class get max lvl how many skills will have ?
1-5, 5-10,10-15, more than 15
2. Items will have random stats (like in Diablo) or same ?
3. Do the stuf you do in fundry merge to main server characters ?
I remember myself creating in nvn1 map full of dragons with max stats but movement was close to 0 and 1 hp so i could power lvl my sorcerer with chain lightning faster.
4. Is the campaign plot a simple fantasy story or something more deep ?
5. When sin use basic attack can the slash colour be changed to black so it's not that flashy.
6. Did any dev post made change to stuf you guys made from beginig ?
(if yes please give example )
3. Do the stuff you do in foundry merge to main server characters ?
I remember myself creating in nvn1 map full of dragons with max stats but movement was close to 0 and 1 hp so i could power lvl my sorcerer with chain lightning faster.
Can't find where, but I'm pretty sure monsters are going to be drag and drop, you won't be able to edit stats for this very reason. The same as you won't be able to create custom items, the treasures will pull from random loot tables.
Will the weapon and equipment power variations be on a more random generation like DDO or more like STO's loot set up where you basically have the same people using the same items?
Hey storm, first of all thx for answering our questions
Heres a new few questions i will like to make:
1. Not sure if any info was already release about this but will neverwinter have skill, skill challenge, etc... ??
2. Does items will have random properties on "trash mobs", will the dungeons bosses have a loot table. Would like to hear more about items
3. In the interview with devs i heard about daily events, will they be a important part of the story line, does the end of those events will make any diference in the game ?
I also am grateful for your answering questions. Thank you.
Let me try to post some of mine. I fully respect a "No," "I cannot answer that right now" or "I don't know (yet,") answer of course with the "Yes" and "Maybe" ones. Here we go:
Are there any "misses" in the combat, or do PC's and all enemies hit?
I cannot answer that right now.
How does Armor and AC/Fort/Ref/Will work? Can you take no damage (and see above question as for hit or miss) or does every hit damage you?
We'll be talking more about the nitty gritty of combat mechanics later.
Can you customize your character's class generation, or do you simply select from the class' several builds? Are Builds mandatory? Do we have skills we train?
More on character progression will come later.
Are all classes that are immediately available on release (and planned to be in a future build: )
released playable (or will be playable) for free immediately
some be available for free after an "unlock" of some kind
some classes must be paid for or are "premium?"
We're still working out the details of our MT/Cash Shop Strategy. So, I can't answer this right now. What I can say, is to take a look at the idea of Questionite and Dilithium in CO and STO.
Will there be Rituals? If yes (and you can talk about them,) how will the gameplay implement them?
I can't answer this right now.
Can we have a group or team set up for a foundry creation or does it have to be only through one person (and one single person's account) when we have that social display in the game world that users see?
That's an interesting idea, I'll pass it along and see what we can do. However, please remember that not only will this likely be difficult to implement, it would also likely open up the possibility for all kinds of trolling/griefing.
Since you have had the Pax Demo, could you post a short video of gameplay form each of the classes that were previewed at Pax? Maybe a glimpse of the character creation?
1. What will be done to avoid the Leeeeroooooy!!! factor? Will there be combat techniques to enhance simply hack n slash? Will there be useful, powerful crowd control spells that will make questing a lot more fun for many?
Yes, and yes.
2. Will you REMOVE the silly Batman/Mortal Combat sparkly combat animations? Some of those sunbursts hit half the screen in length. Spending 4-6 hours of watching flashing lights every swing is going to get old fast. Just cutting back on the color intensity and size of the effect would go a long way to improve this issue. I've spoken two two guildies that will not move from my current game, DDO, solely because of these sunburst animations. One, who is planning to be our co-guild leader (if in name only) and another guildie who has eye problems that would force him not to play because of the sparklies. All this from only ONE character on the screen, could you imagine a full group/ Or worse a raid? I hope this gets addressed now, before its too late.
Remember, there's still alot of time before the game is released, so what you've seen in the PAX East Demo is likely not will be in game at release. Also, remember that there will be options to tone down some of those FX.
3. Will you create a crafting system that does not break the game economy/auction house? Crafting built into the character, selectable at character creation would be my personal preference, like it was done in 3.5e. DDO failed here, Im hoping you folks will succeed at doing it right.
We'll be talking more about crafting later on.
4. Will guild leaders get robust guild leader tools? Strong guilds make a strong game. Guild leaders should have an alts database so we know who's alts are who's! There should be an easy way for the guild leader to know if someone left the guild... as well as how long its been since they've "been away".
Guilds will also be covered later on.
5. Will we get a real multi-level dungeon mapping system that can be resized and/or turned off? DDOs mapping was a joke, and still cant handle multiple level dungeons. Naturally locations should remain blacked out if you havent visited. You should also be able to attach notes (think sticky notes or google earth) to any locations, and even save maps.
I don't know if we'll be as robust as Google Earth, but our maps are pretty good in CO and STO, so I think we should be pretty solid on that front. This being said, we do love getting feedback from our community, and we can look at ways to improve mapping later on down the line if what we ship with doesn't do it for you all.
6. Will bards be master of crowd control, sonic and illusions? Spells that distract and fool the enemy... Mirror image, disguise self, dancing lights, ventriloquism etc. This ties into my wish for more strategy and creative solutions in quest solving.
I can't say anything about Bards right now.
7. Will there be Alignment consequences? Having choices that open and close future doors? Having some items/quests/paths that can only be gained by certain alignments (beyond needing a 20 UMD to wield Pure Good etc)? For example: Making a choice at a point in your character development that will define your future like taking an item that will make an enemy later or making a sacrifice that will gain an ally in the future.
I can't answer this right now either.
8. Will we have varied quest types? A lot of the fun of P&P was having political quests, outdoor sprawling quests, military battles etc. Quests feel too contained and boxed. I realize that this is a factor of the video game format but some things could be done. Like for example, a military quest where you command troops and give simple orders before the quest starts (where they are deployed, what stance they take (defensive/aggressive etc)?
Things like this are definitely possible. We'll have to wait and see what the Content Designers cook up for us!
9. Will stealth mean something? What about rangers and rogues? Tracking and outdoor skills aren't used in DDO effectively or at all. That was the ranger's primary strength in P&P.
We'll be talking more about skills later on, right around the same time we talk Character progression.
10. What are your plans for community involvement? Why stop at the foundry? How about player designed server events?<--- contests/awards for the best designed event that goes to development/storytelling etc.
I love empowering communities to do as much as they can, and this is a part of what The Foundry is all about. I'm not sure about server wide events, but we'll have a good relationship.
11. We know we are getting a few races. How about the Gnome race? Gnomes are naturally friendly, highly social and fun loving people. They are respected by Elves for their communion with nature and knowledge of arcane magic, admired by Halflings for their humor, and sought out by Dwarves for their gemcutting skills. (masters of illusions) make great bards!
We'll be talking more about additional races and classes as we get closer to launch and beyond.
12. Don't let exploiters ruin this game. Will you stand by your EULA and Code of Conduct? DDO failed time and time again... letting exploiters run hog wild... when they did catch the big offenders, they'd give em lifetime bans, then let them right back after some telephone begging. Please make the rules clear, and stand firm. If they break the rules, do you have a plan to get rid of them after a certain level of abuse has accured?
Of course! We have a pretty strong reputation for standing by our rules, and enforcing them here.
1: Will there be voiced DM flavor text like in DDO? I can't answer this right now.
2: Will Rangers have true Animal companions Again, I can't answer anything questions about Rangers at this time.
3: If we get a cloak of Elvin Kind will we actually be able to see it on our avatars (IE Visible cloaks) Cloaks shouldn't pose a problem. You can even see some in our trailers!
1) Watching the gameplay videos (like the dev one) you can pretty clearly see a tab that says "Pets" on it in the character equipment page. What can you tell us about this?
Absolutely nothing! But, I promise we will tell you all about it... eventually.
Will there be raid type content requiring large groups of players to complete (any details on plans for this would be nice)?
We may add things like this later on, but right now, we're focusing on the core D&D experience. Small bands of adventurers coming together to defeat overwhelming odds.
Q: Any information about flying you want to share? (Flying ability, carpet, mounts etc.?)
{Also, : Is it possible to assign macro so that whenever I cast a spell, an incantation is automatically spoken by my PC(e.g. in local chat by macro-ing a key, So whenever I press Q for Cure Light Wounds, my chracter types, "I call upon XXY deity to help my allies!" in locl chat)}
This should be possible.
Thanks a lot
It a great game, please don't get complacent in polishing it to perfection
Q : Will there be some cosmetics even for those who dont want to use real life money o have i understanded something completly wrong that we'll be able to buy cosmetics and some bonuses using real life money?
There will definitely be ways to earn cosmetic things in-game, as well as through the MT store.
1) Will there be flying monsters in the game and is the game a true 3d environment to allow combat from above?
I can't answer this right now, sorry.
2) will i be able to climb and if so can i fall off a cliff or throw a monster over one?
I can't answer this right now either.
3) How interactive is the environment? Other than smashing crates and stuff will i be able to let's say use my skills to bend bars and lift gates and other stuff of that nature that use special animations like digging?
More details will be coming on this.
4) Will each weapon have it's own combat animations or will everyone have the same set no matter what they are fighting with?
Well, you swing a sword like a sword, and daggers like daggers... Regardless of whether they're a +1 flaming weapon, or just a normal weapon. Please remember that adding in a different set of animations for most every weapon n the game would be very time consuming and expensive. The animation time alone might add on another few years to development time. That said, I'm sure there will be some variations between different weapon types.
6) Can i make a real looking castle and is there going to be castle ruins or ruins of any kind in the game? This is huge for me as nwn1 and 2 didn't have this option! How can you have a D&D game without castles and drawbridges and ruins?
I think you should watch our Story Trailer That's all captured in-game.
3. In the interview with devs i heard about daily events, will they be a important part of the story line, does the end of those events will make any diference in the game?
We'll be talking more about events as we get closer to launch.
Alright guys, I think that's all the questions I can answer, answered. Please remember that if your specific question didn't get answered, it's not that I don't you, it most likely means that either A) I don't have a solid answer at this time, or someone else already got your question answered earlier in the thread.
We may add things like this later on, but right now, we're focusing on the core D&D experience. Small bands of adventurers coming together to defeat overwhelming odds.
You are officially my hero!
My entire month has been made by that one statement.
Since you have had the Pax Demo, could you post a short video of gameplay form each of the classes that were previewed at Pax? Maybe a glimpse of the character creation?
I'll see what I can make happen.
Since I am on a roll ... here are a couple more questions.
1. In the character customization for the male tiefling - can we make one without the facial spikes? There are a few source pictures that have a normal face with horns but most have the face spikes. I would really like a normal face with horns myself.
2. Do you have any information on the grouping mechanics yet? Is there a LFG/LFM menu? (kind of like DDO has) or is there some form of dungeon queuing?
3. Are other NW books besides the Drizzt ones being used for information? Brimstone angels and Cold Steel and Secrets were both written in and around Neverwinter.
4. As I know you guys have had some awesome events in champions, will release have a "Rise of the Underdark" tie in event?
5. Champions has climbing, so will our rogues be able to climb? If so can I climb a tree and drop down from above on unsuspecting kobalds?
6. There are many Earthmotes around Neverwinter (even the brothel The Moonstone Mask), will we be able to visit them?
7. What are the odds of us getting to visit Gauntlgrym?
8. Will we have a pre-release guild registration? So that on day 1 the guild can be in place with players already in? (I am trying to recruit my friends from DDO)
9. Can we have a "Clue" based adventure? I heard that EQ has one where you have to figure out the murder and it changes every time. That would be awesome to have quests like that in the game. Quests that are semi random, invite replay and are based on using your mind and skills vs just fighting.
10. Will my Deva Swordmage be able to customize his tattoos?
Man, I really wish it was late enough in the process we could get an answer other than "I can't talk about that quite yet," but I completely understand why those cards are held close to the vest. Doesn't mean I don't keep wishing for an information leak or an informative slip of the tongue, though.
I dont think so, according to the video there will be quests at the final of each zone/area called dungeon dales which are 5 man dungeon but i think its raid-like but with 5 players lol which i dont know what it means :P
A Dungeon Delve usually is a more challenging dungeon with the great risk great reward setup. There also is an official released product by said name from Wizards. While not a typical MMO Raid, it is the elite of "dungeon crawling."
1. When are you going to start answering questions ? haha :cool:
Sorry I haven't managed to get back until now, Champions just launched a major update which stole my attention. I'm going to start going through these now, here's the first batch:
Here, I'm going to start deleting questions that already have an answer above...
Alright folks,
That's all I have time for right now. More to come!
Thank you Stormshade!
*disappointedly picks up his car-washing gear and leaves*
I doubt that a miniature version of a proper D&D game element would be a breach of Bioware's Rights, it would just be like a pet mini-dragon or a pet mini-owlbear.
By the way, what about an owlbear pet?
Know that you, SS, cannot answer that question in any detail but perhaps you can comment on whether or not Cryptic intends to reward gifted Foundry users in some form or fashion besides a Hall of Fame title.
Again, the Fey Beast Tamer theme which has a pet owlbear as one of the companion choices. This is why I love D&D 4E themes!
Thanks a lot stormshade!:)
I aske about the targeting, because at times it seemed the rogue hit the target even if the reticule was a bit off. This is understandable and I'm sure further videos will shed some light on how accurate (what's the acceptable angle of error) must be and whether it needs to be on target for the duration of the attack.
The combat mechanics bone I had in mind would have been on to-hit, ac, dmg, incoming dmg reduction, spell power, incoming spell power reduction.. anything you'd wish and could share with us would do. I.e. how have you translated d&d combat rolls into mmo environment.
It's great that you've taken your time answering here and I hope you'll find the chance to do so sometime again:)
"Q: Will it be possible for a player to take on the role of a DM for foundry-created content, like in NWN?"
Your answer was that we can build adventures but not actually control them as DM. Is this never going to happen? Or is it just something that won't be present at launch? That was an aspect that interested my friends and I as it would make playing a D&D game on a new level.
Q: Any information about flying you want to share? (Flying ability, carpet, mounts etc.?)
{Also, : Is it possible to assign macro so that whenever I cast a spell, an incantation is automatically spoken by my PC(e.g. in local chat by macro-ing a key, So whenever I press Q for Cure Light Wounds, my chracter types, "I call upon XXY deity to help my allies!" in locl chat)
Thanks a lot
It a great game, please don't get complacent in polishing it to perfection
Just wondering if we're going to be getting the feats as listed in the 4e handbook or if you're going to edit/create your own.
Also will there be regional benefits? Say if we select that our characters from Cormyr they start out with +2 insight and +2 saves against fear?
And this is going to be regarded as one of those you can't answer questions but can you pleaaaaase let genasi be a playable race
Actually on the topic of a race like genasi, how would you handle their liquid move for watersoul and flying ability for windsoul?
and lastly is the game just going to feature neverwinter and associated dungeons or will it stretch out to luskan, silverymoon or farther?
Edit: For the foundry, are we going to be able to script scenes? and are we going to be able to make multi level quests? How detailed will the scripting can? Can we impose skill checks during conversations?
2) will i be able to climb and if so can i fall off a cliff or throw a monster over one?
3) How interactive is the environment? Other than smashing crates and stuff will i be able to let's say use my skills to bend bars and lift gates and other stuff of that nature that use special animations like digging?
4) Will each weapon have it's own combat animations or will everyone have the same set no matter what they are fighting with?
5) What kind of customization will i have over making monsters in the foundry? Will all orcs for example look the same no matter what or can i make each one look different? Can i make my boss monsters look bigger?
6) Can i make a real looking castle and is there going to be castle ruins or ruins of any kind in the game? This is huge for me as nwn1 and 2 didn't have this option! How can you have a D&D game without castles and drawbridges and ruins?
7) How many enemies can i fight on screen at a time? Is it possible to make battles with npc's fighting each other to simulate an epic battle?
1-5, 5-10,10-15, more than 15
2. Items will have random stats (like in Diablo) or same ?
3. Do the stuf you do in fundry merge to main server characters ?
I remember myself creating in nvn1 map full of dragons with max stats but movement was close to 0 and 1 hp so i could power lvl my sorcerer with chain lightning faster.
4. Is the campaign plot a simple fantasy story or something more deep ?
5. When sin use basic attack can the slash colour be changed to black so it's not that flashy.
6. Did any dev post made change to stuf you guys made from beginig ?
(if yes please give example
Can't find where, but I'm pretty sure monsters are going to be drag and drop, you won't be able to edit stats for this very reason. The same as you won't be able to create custom items, the treasures will pull from random loot tables.
2.Will Player Characters have voice emotes to use? It always fun to have your character have a personality.
3.How will death of your character work? Loss of xp, zoned, perma death etc. Perma death would be awesome.
5.Will there be any ability to climb walls or jump higher via feats or skills?
Heres a new few questions i will like to make:
1. Not sure if any info was already release about this but will neverwinter have skill, skill challenge, etc... ??
2. Does items will have random properties on "trash mobs", will the dungeons bosses have a loot table. Would like to hear more about items
3. In the interview with devs i heard about daily events, will they be a important part of the story line, does the end of those events will make any diference in the game ?
Thats all for now :P
Thanks, Macabrius
One more to come...
Alright guys, I think that's all the questions I can answer, answered. Please remember that if your specific question didn't get answered, it's not that I don't
You are officially my hero!
My entire month has been made by that one statement.
I do what I can yo.
Since I am on a roll ... here are a couple more questions.
1. In the character customization for the male tiefling - can we make one without the facial spikes? There are a few source pictures that have a normal face with horns but most have the face spikes. I would really like a normal face with horns myself.
2. Do you have any information on the grouping mechanics yet? Is there a LFG/LFM menu? (kind of like DDO has) or is there some form of dungeon queuing?
3. Are other NW books besides the Drizzt ones being used for information? Brimstone angels and Cold Steel and Secrets were both written in and around Neverwinter.
4. As I know you guys have had some awesome events in champions, will release have a "Rise of the Underdark" tie in event?
5. Champions has climbing, so will our rogues be able to climb? If so can I climb a tree and drop down from above on unsuspecting kobalds?
6. There are many Earthmotes around Neverwinter (even the brothel The Moonstone Mask), will we be able to visit them?
7. What are the odds of us getting to visit Gauntlgrym?
8. Will we have a pre-release guild registration? So that on day 1 the guild can be in place with players already in? (I am trying to recruit my friends from DDO)
9. Can we have a "Clue" based adventure? I heard that EQ has one where you have to figure out the murder and it changes every time. That would be awesome to have quests like that in the game. Quests that are semi random, invite replay and are based on using your mind and skills vs just fighting.
10. Will my Deva Swordmage be able to customize his tattoos?
Additionally, Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!