Hello! Us xbox achievement hunters would love a bug fix for the three broken xbox live achievements so we can 100% the game.
Achievements have been preserved in the past, whether requirement changes or through NPCs who give out vaulted quest achievements. I have friends who dont play games with broken achievements and would love for them to play with me if they got fixed.
The three broken achievements are
"Earn 50,000 Astral Diamonds"
Confirmed personally by me, and by many others, this achievement hasnt unlocked in a long time, and its a very easy achievement to get. Concerning. Comments from other users look like this
https://gyazo.com/da2bfc8fce41585cbf3c9b075c62da98Next is "Would you look at it? Just look at it!"
Discover all Scrying Stones in 14 zones"
This achievement doesnt unlock because only certain zones are tied to the achievement. If players get 15 zones completed today, it wont unlock, because you need the tower district scrying stones to unlock it. A zone no longer in the game. This has been confirmed by other players and you can read their comments here
https://gyazo.com/2c43b12067dd44828e6a03b29adea5bdThird achievement that is broken is
"Mark of Devotion"
"Earn 60,000 Guild Marks"
Comments from users look like this
https://gyazo.com/ab2c6730a5c4e7f1fce4c10ceeb4d7fehttps://www.trueachievements.com/game/Neverwinter/achievements?unobsdiscos=1^ all comments are from gamers on this achievement hunting website if you want the source.
Looking forward to any information on this. thanks for your time.
I have a Microsoft associate willing to walk you through the process of fixing the achievements if you are confused about anything or need any help. They are more then willing to help you
Please have someone get in contact with us.
Sincerely, your xbox user base.