The heroic encounters in the Undermountain zones, aren't giving the runes to be able to open the chest's in ME's not sure if this issue has been brought up before but one of my alts cannot complete the Undermountain campaign without obtaining the runes from the Heroic encounters.
I was testing this content after fix, but only on one toon. As i done each step i got more drops from HEs, until i got option crystalize.
Can u provide more detail with specific case ?
what is worth mentionin that as some changes ago u will not see drop from HE until u check it manually in riches tab, plus crystalizin seems stuck but does work fine.
said questline will make u run back and forth before u upgrade device, and complete all steps - make sure to refresh runemaster shop while u progress;
if u not getting ur first etching (after sucessfully attunin) then u need to ticket support
As @ksell mentioned, an issue impacting the resonance have been recently fixed, but a display issue was still remaining. Could you share more details about this quest please?
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