Trying to do the Elemental Questline. I go to Arch Druid Early Dawn and get the crevice mission (Ebon Downs) long story short I get in the cave Minsc kicks open the first barrier fight the enemies before the second barrier everything is fine. When I get up to the second barrier stone I can't open it. Minsc is using his combat trash talking (sorry folks I can't stand Minsc), I can't open the barrier however my companion morphs through and is in combat with the Cultists on the other side. I have made the attempt now fifteen times only to have to burn a teleport scroll either to Protectors or Moonstone Mask. Has anyone else had this issue before I go through the hassles of a bug report, or is there a work around I haven't heard about to address this problem?
Just a couple of thoughts that I don't see specifically mentioned here. It seems like it might be a 'stuck in combat' issue, so have you tried:
a) waiting until your companion wins the fight on the other side where it teleported? or,
b) dismissing your companion before approaching so that it cannot get through and initiate combat?
Also, I fully agree - I'd pay good Zen for an option to muzzle Minsc.
Sorry, no other ideas here. If you haven't already, I suggest submitting the bug report.