Here you don't even size 20% of the enemy around me and another, this was also after having taken several out, after countless times dying. Granted I know that it helps if you more quickly spawn the Guard's, yet this is afterward, and while also building the gates faster helps too, just the raw # of enemy is a bit too much.
Still I've often seen many greatly overwhelmed by this, I'd say they should 'tone' it down a bit by 25-35% in the # of enemy that spawn; my gut says could even use a reduction of 50%, but doubt they'd do that.
I'll try to get a better picture showing just the vast # of enemy that are shown here...
With the rise of newer players it can be harder to explain that they need to kill the spawners, and with RSQ sometimes being 5 dps it can be a tough ride.
I quite enjoy the challenge with a well co-ordinated party, but with a pug it can often be a fail. Good post though.
You need also dps using hard CC like smoke bomb or Oppressive Force for the initial pull.
In short, all the team must be very good to do it without deaths.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
The issue is probably same as always.. Some hot headed guys rush in high group of enemies, try wipe with one or two hits, fails, then come here and complain.
Not mentioned all builds now are kind of glass canons. While have high dps, you also are vunrable. So you need to be aware of enemies. Enemies gains CA against you means you get killed easily. Also if enemies hit crit also means you will not live long.
Each class have ability which can CC enemies. Time to put in use them. THey are not added just to view.:)
There is said. Best CC is fast killing, that's true. But there is also said that you can do damage as long you are alive..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
I don't think it is the same issue as always. While you can rush in and die quickly, this skirmish seems to have changed a bit "recently" with the number of adds that spawn. I agree that it is best to be coordinated with attacks/CC/heals, but several years ago, this particular skirmish didn't seem to work the same as it is working now. It's almost as if the same amount of mobs are spawning, but all front loaded. I say that because once you take the engineer beyond the barricades, there are maybe two sets of mobs to defeat and, if lucky, no tyrant lizard. I thought i remembered more mobs being outside the barricades in previous versions. At least I remember having more of a struggle outside than inside. Now the struggle is inside, not outside.
It very well could be the glass cannon issue though.
I do like your last statement --"you can only do damage as long as you live."
There is a huge difference in the difficulty of Yuan Ti and Undead who are manageable versus the Batiri who are mich deadlier. No Revive Reapers with Batiri is almost comedy in how painful it can get.
And back to my original question of is it normal MPF or RC MPF, RC is supposed to be much more challenging, and it is.
ControlWizards have far less control than rogues or even the significantly reduced control aspect of thehunterRanger class with their roots.