Trial: Crown of Keldegonn
Greetings to all of you,
after running and completing the Crown of Keldegonn several times we gathered some bugs and feedback and wanted to list them here on the forums to discuss them and see, if other players had similar problems / experiences and what can be done about them. I´m sorry, that I don´t have actual video footage but I will try to record some runs and maybe the bugs will occur again. You guys are welcome to add, correct or confirm these.
So as you may know, these are points, that we encountered and so this is highly suggestive and can be seen as overview. I will divide the bugs into the phases, though most of the crucial elements are definitely in P5.
Key: (Phases)
P1 = Valindra-Dragon
P2 = Hook-Stuff
P3 = Valindra + Dragon seperate
P4 = Phylakterium phase
P5 = Dragon Solo
So let me start with the
- [P2]
Sometimes, people will collide in mid air, while attempting to cross the gaps. Resulting in wipe (in most cases)
- [P2-P5]
If you wipe in the phases P2-P5 you need to reset the entire queue list due to Valindra not spawing in P3 anymore
- [P3]
The "bomb" of Valindra is bugged in many ways.
-> It kinda detonates at the touch of artifacts or several dailies (Demogorgons reach, Barb´s Crescendo, rogues "Shocking execution"). Especially crucial here is demogorgons reach, since it´s one of the best potential debuff artifacts.
-> It sometimes one-shots the dps carrying it out of the group, eventhough the mechanic was played correctly.
-> It hovers too low in the group, randomly detonating there and pretty much one shotting everyone.
-> Jumping seems to mess with the bomb a lot. What I intend to say here is, that if jumps are performed the bomb detonates pretty wild card-like.
- [P3-P5]
Supporters may spawn at positions underneath the platform which leads to a deadlock and the group to wipe
- [P3-P5]
Visual bugs of stacked miasmas (rare, especially when phylacterium or Valindra are at the same position like the miasma) and "phantom" AOE´s occur (pretty much always).
- [P3-P5]
The dragon randomly teleports from time to time, chasing the tank, who has aggro.
- [P5]
After the 3rd cycle (the shorter of the phases iirc) of the dragon flying away he will reland and sometimes be invisible and not targetable, except by random AOE´s. (Pretty much like the golems disappearing in LOMM after the first boss when encountering them too fast)
- [P5]
The dragon will occasionally not land on the targeted person, but the person with the highest aggro. Especially problematic, when aggro was switched over before shortly
- [P5]
If the person dies, who has the red landing AOE around him, the dragon won´t land at all or somewhere wildcard-like. Also the dragon seems to land a few yards away from the position he originally intended to land, based on the speed of the char.
- [P5]
Sometimes the dragon will not land on the targeted person at all but in the middle of the platform. Thus a wipe occurs.
- [P5]
The dragon will occasionally ignore OP Tanks tab shield when landing before the push.
- [P5]
Again, when the dragon is landing it sometimes pushes a char over, launching them off the platform, eventhough it shouldn´t, Although you have to position him either at the very south or nord, so you you don´t get launched off the platform.
- [P5]
Sometimes, the dragons push doesn´t do anything at all.
- [P5]
His "roundhose-tail-kicks" of any kind occasionally hit two times.
- [P5]
Sometimes when dragon is landing, he gets stuck in mid air and even pushes from this position. He is halfway targetable though.
- General
Legendary Dragon Keys can´t be used for the end-chests.
- General
If you die too early in the trial, sometimes chests cannot be opened.
And here we go with some
- [P1]
The dragon in P1 is classified as undead iirc. In later phases it is a "dragon". Is that intended as well?
- [P1-P5]
The dragon is reacting very slowly to changes in aggro. He mostly turns around,does a mechanic and the very slowly repositions himself in direction of the aggro-holder.
- [P1-P5]
The dragon has an unreasonably big hitbox. Valindra as well. The dragon´s one is especially problematic if tanks want to switch aggro form afar (OP´s Smite e.g.)
- [P3]
The main-tank will occasionally get the hypo of Valindra. For the tank being very busy anyway, this is a bit problematic.
- [P4]
When the phylacterium changes it´s position, it is supposed (?) to push people away. The push is delayed a few seconds though. Is this intended?
- [P4-P5]
Classes with a teleport-like dodge can evade the pushback as well as the damage. Others classes can´t.
EDIT: Posted several new Bugs.