What is the reasoning behind removing nearly 2500 IL from every char that doesn't have r15 enchants/runestones and r14 wep/armor ench? For example, a char has all r9s in gear/comp slots pre mod22, so now that's 27 total that can be traded in for ZERO/ZIP/ZILCH/NADA. Now those chars have no enchantments whatsoever, lost both stats and IL, and no longer qualify to play content they had previously played and likely succeeded at. Even if they had all r10s, they still can't buy one r1 new enchantment. And what's with the zero percent chance to upgrade them? Now everything requires a Coal Mote to be successfully upgraded unless you have gobs of wards/motes/RP to burn through. I'd also like to know why you killed the usefulness of marks of potency and enchanting stones? Some high ranks of each no longer have any use. I don't see where this enchantment/refinement change helps the players at all, but I do see where it looks like another attempt to force players to spend money.
What is the reasoning behind removing nearly 2500 IL from every char that doesn't have r15 enchants/runestones and r14 wep/armor ench? For example, a char has all r9s in gear/comp slots pre mod22, so now that's 27 total that can be traded in for ZERO/ZIP/ZILCH/NADA. Now those chars have no enchantments whatsoever, lost both stats and IL, and no longer qualify to play content they had previously played and likely succeeded at. Even if they had all r10s, they still can't buy one r1 new enchantment. And what's with the zero percent chance to upgrade them? Now everything requires a Coal Mote to be successfully upgraded unless you have gobs of wards/motes/RP to burn through. I'd also like to know why you killed the usefulness of marks of potency and enchanting stones? Some high ranks of each no longer have any use. I don't see where this enchantment/refinement change helps the players at all, but I do see where it looks like another attempt to force players to spend money.
I don't think enchanting stone rank 6 have any use any longer, and yet they still drop from chests as a premium reward.
What is the logic of the overpricing in the sale of rank 1 in the medallion shop that should only cost 2.5 medallions and cost 30? 100,000 AD/40,000 AD (medallion price) =2.5
What is the logic of the overpricing in the sale of rank 1 in the medallion shop that should only cost 2.5 medallions and cost 30? 100,000 AD/40,000 AD (medallion price) =2.5
Prob several reasons. Milk the newer players of 100k AD per rank 1. Devalue the medallions at same time for players that had extra, and they cant sell the rank 1, or any other pack besides rank 2, at 600k on AH(60 medallions, so 10k on avg you get back per medallion, not even considering AH fee). They don't need an AD sink, if they just devalue everything.
Can we please have more communication about known bugs and where they are on the priority list for being fixed? A lot of dismay felt by players could be alleviated if they knew the status of the bugs
With such a slaughter amongst the combat enchantments, what lead the developers to keep the one that irritates the players by being bugged since the Rise of the Tiamat? (Lostmouth Vengeance does not proc on DoT enchantments)
Was the rework done by 3 separate people or why do some enchantments have IL+CR, some just IL and one neither?
How does Cryptic visualize the players' eagerness to spend money when the company repeatedly strike down the items' in game value right after those being on sale at Zen market?
Lead Systems Designer @noworries#8859 will join us on Tuesday, January 18, at 9am PT for a Refinement Q&A! We will be taking community questions related to Refinement live. If you are unable to attend, you may leave a question in this thread. We will try to answer as many questions as possible.
Please remember to keep your questions civil and on topic; we will not engage with bad faith arguments or abuse.
Is there a VOD somewhere? OP doesn't mention or link to a platform.
There are a couple of questions. Why are no longer relevant rewards still falling in the subways and in many other places due to the release of the latest update? For example - a level 2 sign of power or various "old" level 5 stones? What should be the rewards instead? Clear as day - glyph, dust, etc. And one more thing - Tiamat - add to the mandatory reward, like Dar Lin - 10% dust. Any work planned in this direction? Will the percentage of dust be recycled? These may be stupid questions, but please answer them.
Do you mean your question was not answered in the Q&A stream on Jan 18 at 9am PST?
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Do you mean your question was not answered in the Q&A stream on Jan 18 at 9am PST?
Well they did say that questions could be left here for those who could not attend so one would assume that those answers would be provided... Somewhere...
This is why I asked after the VOD. Either post a transcript with all of the Q&A, or link the VOD so people can watch it...
Do you mean your question was not answered in the Q&A stream on Jan 18 at 9am PST?
Here on the forum you can leave questions to which you can get answers. Here is the main question for me - Why do the old rewards still drop out in different places (locations, etc.) with the new update? Why haven't they improved it? Why are the particles not 10, 20, 50%? Why does the Mark of Power level 2 drop, various "old" stones? What should fall instead? Power glyphs, various "new" gems from levels 1 to 4, etc. When will the update be finalized? And many more similar questions.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Do you mean your question was not answered in the Q&A stream on Jan 18 at 9am PST?
Here on the forum you can leave questions to which you can get answers. Here is the main question for me - Why do the old rewards still drop out in different places (locations, etc.) with the new update? Why haven't they improved it? Why are the particles not 10, 20, 50%? Why does the Mark of Power level 2 drop, various "old" stones? What should fall instead? Power glyphs, various "new" gems from levels 1 to 4, etc. When will the update be finalized? And many more similar questions.
This thread was aimed for leaving question for the for Jan 18 at 9am PST Q&A stream session. Your question was posted hours after that Q&A session ended. You would notice none of the question posted here were answered here by dev at all. Because they were supposed to be answered in that stream session. I have no idea if all the questions before yours were answered but they probably will not even come to this thread anymore since the stream already ended. I actually expected this thread is closed by now.
So, if you have a question and hope for a higher possibility of an answer, make your own thread.
Post edited by plasticbat on
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Julia said in the livestream she would try to put together a summary of all q’s n answers. She is sick atm n will post if time permits. You can check out Twitch , search Cryptic Studios and watch
Julia said in the livestream she would try to put together a summary of all q’s n answers. She is sick atm n will post if time permits. You can check out Twitch , search Cryptic Studios and watch
Thank you, for finally being the someone that bothers to mention the platform. I have no idea why Cryptic themselves finds this so difficult...
Well, funny story, Customer Support knows nothing about compensating buyers of the 30k IL Character Boost - but hey, as long as the packs being sold now are already updated with a full set of new Rank 1 enchantments, who cares about the players that bought them before the Mod. 22 update, right?!
And here's another funny story, i had 3 armor pieces with legendary Quartermaster Enchantments in my shared bank, trying to get the best out of the QM bags on a few characters, and they're gone now. I mean, they should be in the shared bank with the equipment, but they're not. So where did they go?
I know it's a bit late for asking more questions regarding enchantments and refining, but i'm curious, how many enchantments were nuked into oblivion through this update, because they were slotted into something and stored in the bank?
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
And here's another funny story, i had 3 armor pieces with legendary Quartermaster Enchantments in my shared bank, trying to get the best out of the QM bags on a few characters, and they're gone now. I mean, they should be in the shared bank with the equipment, but they're not. So where did they go?
When I noticed how they deal with enchantment in preview, I suspected there would be something they would mess up.
I noticed: 1. the enchantment in gear is taken out and mail to the character. 2. the enchantment with extra RP will give those RP to the character's purse.
Hence, I suspected: 1. they would mess up the gear with enchantment because they could mess up the mail back because there is no character associated with the item in shared bank. Based on how they deal with this kind of stuff in the past, I doubt they thought about this situation. 2. they would mess up the extra RP in enchantment in shared bank because they could mess that up because there is no character's purse associated with shared bank.
I could not test my theory in preview server with shared bank but I believe in Murphy's law.
Hence, I did 2 things intentionally in live server: 1. move the gear from shared bank to a character 2. move enchantment with extra RP from shared bank and also from the storage alt to the characters that I care.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
And here's another funny story, i had 3 armor pieces with legendary Quartermaster Enchantments in my shared bank, trying to get the best out of the QM bags on a few characters, and they're gone now. I mean, they should be in the shared bank with the equipment, but they're not. So where did they go?
When I noticed how they deal with enchantment in preview, I suspected there would be something they would mess up.
I noticed: 1. the enchantment in gear is taken out and mail to the character. 2. the enchantment with extra RP will give those RP to the character's purse.
Hence, I suspected: 1. they would mess up the gear with enchantment because they could mess up the mail back because there is no character associated with the item in shared bank. Based on how they deal with this kind of stuff in the past, I doubt they thought about this situation. 2. they would mess up the extra RP in enchantment in shared bank because they could mess that up because there is no character's purse associated with shared bank.
I could not test my theory in preview server with shared bank but I believe in Murphy's law.
Hence, I did 2 things intentionally in live server: 1. move the gear from shared bank to a character 2. move enchantment with extra RP from shared bank and also from the storage alt to the characters that I care.
Mail can be sent to an account, making it visible on all characters. When mod22 launched, I received one of these mails with 100k RP attached.
This is to say, I know Cryptic understands how to create these kind of mails, so if there really are items that were in shared banks that went missing, someone messed up royally.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
And here's another funny story, i had 3 armor pieces with legendary Quartermaster Enchantments in my shared bank, trying to get the best out of the QM bags on a few characters, and they're gone now. I mean, they should be in the shared bank with the equipment, but they're not. So where did they go?
When I noticed how they deal with enchantment in preview, I suspected there would be something they would mess up.
I noticed: 1. the enchantment in gear is taken out and mail to the character. 2. the enchantment with extra RP will give those RP to the character's purse.
Hence, I suspected: 1. they would mess up the gear with enchantment because they could mess up the mail back because there is no character associated with the item in shared bank. Based on how they deal with this kind of stuff in the past, I doubt they thought about this situation. 2. they would mess up the extra RP in enchantment in shared bank because they could mess that up because there is no character's purse associated with shared bank.
I could not test my theory in preview server with shared bank but I believe in Murphy's law.
Hence, I did 2 things intentionally in live server: 1. move the gear from shared bank to a character 2. move enchantment with extra RP from shared bank and also from the storage alt to the characters that I care.
Mail can be sent to an account, making it visible on all characters. When mod22 launched, I received one of these mails with 100k RP attached.
This is to say, I know Cryptic understands how to create these kind of mails, so if there really are items that were in shared banks that went missing, someone messed up royally.
I know it can sent mail to account. I know they would mess up. Every mod, every patch. Seldom exception. Murphy's law always applies in this game one way and not the other direction. Before every mod launch, I always tried to think where they could mess up and tried to find a way to avoid it instead of confirming it when it launches.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well, the proverbial cherry on top is going to be that some players that have bought the 30k IL Character Boost are not going to get any compensation, since they bought it "too long ago"... Really?
The game is losing players left and right, and you think it's a good decision to just nuke something players have paid you real money for without any kind of compensation? Again, really?
A player bought the pack in question -> that player gets a compensation care package. The End. That's how this should work, no Ifs and Buts woven in there.
Anyway, still waiting for the Customer Support to reply after linking them the Twitch Q&A Stream and this thread, that hopefully will contain a link to the official summary at some point.
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Well, the proverbial cherry on top is going to be that some players that have bought the 30k IL Character Boost are not going to get any compensation, since they bought it "too long ago"... Really?
The game is losing players left and right, and you think it's a good decision to just nuke something players have paid you real money for without any kind of compensation? Again, really?
A player bought the pack in question -> that player gets a compensation care package. The End. That's how this should work, no Ifs and Buts woven in there.
Anyway, still waiting for the Customer Support to reply after linking them the Twitch Q&A Stream and this thread, that hopefully will contain a link to the official summary at some point.
Good luck getting anything. For your case, they do not even admit it is their fault.
For my cases, so far, 3 of them over time. Every time they admitted it is their bug. Every time they 'close' the tickets because their practice of closing a ticket is when they do not need more information from me because what I provided was already enough to prove the bug. However, they can't do anything. They need dev to work that out for me. They "ensure" me dev will take care of it. Well, no, never.
There is no point to report anything to support. It is waste of time.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well, got a reply today "The issue about the 30k Character Boost and compensation request has been forwarded to the next tier of our support team for review and I'll get back to you once I hear from them." which is starting to sound like a "One hand not knowing what the other hand is doing." situation.
And i have to create a new ticket for the missing legendary Quartermaster enchantments...
There's an extra "Service Alert" about a "heavy ticket load", but instead of keeping issues with one account inside one ticket, they're like "Please create another ticket and dump it on the large pile of tickets we already have. It will be fine."
/roll eyes
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Well, got a reply today "The issue about the 30k Character Boost and compensation request has been forwarded to the next tier of our support team for review and I'll get back to you once I hear from them." which is starting to sound like a "One hand not knowing what the other hand is doing." situation.
And i have to create a new ticket for the missing legendary Quartermaster enchantments...
There's an extra "Service Alert" about a "heavy ticket load", but instead of keeping issues with one account inside one ticket, they're like "Please create another ticket and dump it on the large pile of tickets we already have. It will be fine."
/roll eyes
It is more a standard script.
I also got the sentence "has been forwarded to the next tier of our support team for review and I'll get back to you once I hear from them". Then, the next email is "... it is forward to the dev team ....". Then, the ticket was close. I asked why it is close. Then, "it is close because we got all the necessary information .....". Then, the ticket was close again.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well, currently wondering why the Refiner's Cache is still rocking old enchantments... Or why some quests still give out old enchantments as well...
I mean, shouldn't there be a list of sources of all the old enchantments, and shouldn't there be a Dev going through that list making sure that any old enchantment is replaced by something useful from the new system?
Edit: Another update on the 30k IL Character Boost ticket, another message from a different GM that they'll be escalating the ticket to a specialists, there might be hope, but i'm not holding my breath on it.
Edit II: I'm checking the My Tickets page every now and then, and i can see a new date under the Last Update tab, but when i actually look into that ticket, there's still no new reply...
Edit III: Support is saying that i apparently got those 3x QM enchantments from the items stored in the shared bank per mail like all the other enchantments, which is a bit strange, since i'm rather sure that i only got enchantments that were either slotted inside items the characters were wearing or from something they had stored in their personal bank at the time of the update... now trying to find out which character got those 3x QM enchantments...
the rank 1 costs 100,000 AD in Bradda the sage and coal molten costs 1000 zen in zen shop 1 ZEN equivalent 750 AD 1 medallion costs 40,000AD therefore:
Coalescent Mote = 1000 Zen * 750AD = 750,000 AD / 40,000 = 18.75 medallions (19)
Was the rework done by 3 separate people or why do some enchantments have IL+CR, some just IL and one neither?
How does Cryptic visualize the players' eagerness to spend money when the company repeatedly strike down the items' in game value right after those being on sale at Zen market?
This is why I asked after the VOD. Either post a transcript with all of the Q&A, or link the VOD so people can watch it...
So, if you have a question and hope for a higher possibility of an answer, make your own thread.
You can check out Twitch , search Cryptic Studios and watch
For anyone interested, the VOD is here: https://twitch.tv/videos/1267868585
And here's another funny story, i had 3 armor pieces with legendary Quartermaster Enchantments in my shared bank, trying to get the best out of the QM bags on a few characters, and they're gone now. I mean, they should be in the shared bank with the equipment, but they're not. So where did they go?
I know it's a bit late for asking more questions regarding enchantments and refining, but i'm curious, how many enchantments were nuked into oblivion through this update, because they were slotted into something and stored in the bank?
I noticed:
1. the enchantment in gear is taken out and mail to the character.
2. the enchantment with extra RP will give those RP to the character's purse.
Hence, I suspected:
1. they would mess up the gear with enchantment because they could mess up the mail back because there is no character associated with the item in shared bank. Based on how they deal with this kind of stuff in the past, I doubt they thought about this situation.
2. they would mess up the extra RP in enchantment in shared bank because they could mess that up because there is no character's purse associated with shared bank.
I could not test my theory in preview server with shared bank but I believe in Murphy's law.
Hence, I did 2 things intentionally in live server:
1. move the gear from shared bank to a character
2. move enchantment with extra RP from shared bank and also from the storage alt to the characters that I care.
This is to say, I know Cryptic understands how to create these kind of mails, so if there really are items that were in shared banks that went missing, someone messed up royally.
The game is losing players left and right, and you think it's a good decision to just nuke something players have paid you real money for without any kind of compensation?
Again, really?
A player bought the pack in question -> that player gets a compensation care package.
The End.
That's how this should work, no Ifs and Buts woven in there.
Anyway, still waiting for the Customer Support to reply after linking them the Twitch Q&A Stream and this thread, that hopefully will contain a link to the official summary at some point.
For my cases, so far, 3 of them over time. Every time they admitted it is their bug. Every time they 'close' the tickets because their practice of closing a ticket is when they do not need more information from me because what I provided was already enough to prove the bug. However, they can't do anything. They need dev to work that out for me. They "ensure" me dev will take care of it. Well, no, never.
There is no point to report anything to support. It is waste of time.
"The issue about the 30k Character Boost and compensation request has been forwarded to the next tier of our support team for review and I'll get back to you once I hear from them."
which is starting to sound like a "One hand not knowing what the other hand is doing." situation.
And i have to create a new ticket for the missing legendary Quartermaster enchantments...
There's an extra "Service Alert" about a "heavy ticket load", but instead of keeping issues with one account inside one ticket, they're like "Please create another ticket and dump it on the large pile of tickets we already have. It will be fine."
/roll eyes
I also got the sentence "has been forwarded to the next tier of our support team for review and I'll get back to you once I hear from them". Then, the next email is "... it is forward to the dev team ....". Then, the ticket was close. I asked why it is close. Then, "it is close because we got all the necessary information .....". Then, the ticket was close again.
Or why some quests still give out old enchantments as well...
I mean, shouldn't there be a list of sources of all the old enchantments, and shouldn't there be a Dev going through that list making sure that any old enchantment is replaced by something useful from the new system?
Edit: Another update on the 30k IL Character Boost ticket, another message from a different GM that they'll be escalating the ticket to a specialists, there might be hope, but i'm not holding my breath on it.
Edit II: I'm checking the My Tickets page every now and then, and i can see a new date under the Last Update tab, but when i actually look into that ticket, there's still no new reply...
Edit III: Support is saying that i apparently got those 3x QM enchantments from the items stored in the shared bank per mail like all the other enchantments, which is a bit strange, since i'm rather sure that i only got enchantments that were either slotted inside items the characters were wearing or from something they had stored in their personal bank at the time of the update... now trying to find out which character got those 3x QM enchantments...
rank 1 = 3 medallions
rank 2 = 22 medallions
Combat 1 = 6 medallions
Combat 3 = 44 medallions
Combat 4 = 63 medallions
the rank 1 costs 100,000 AD in Bradda the sage and coal molten costs 1000 zen in zen shop 1 ZEN equivalent 750 AD 1 medallion costs 40,000AD therefore:
Coalescent Mote = 1000 Zen * 750AD = 750,000 AD / 40,000 = 18.75 medallions (19)
Rank 1 costs = 100,000 / 40,000 = 2.5 medallions (3)
Rank 2 costs = 100,000+750,000 = 850,000/40,000 = 21.25 medallions (22)
Combat 1 costs = 250,000 / 40,000 = 6.25 (6) medallions
Combat 3 costs = 250,000 + 750,000 + 750,000 =1,750,000 / 40,000 = 43.75 Medallions (44)
Combat 4 costs = 250,000 + 750,000 + 750,000 + 750,000 = 2,500,000 / 40,000 = 62.5 medallions (63)