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Antisocial behavior of players

sirian#5710 sirian Member Posts: 15 Arc User
I would like to talk about the antisocial behavior of players. Especially in the context of hunts. In both Sharandar and Avernus, I have noticed that there are some players who do not behave socially and kill the hunt targets with the strongest attacks possible so that no one else can attack them. I have also seen players hide and then kill the target out of nowhere with daily powers, even if it is obvious that other players are waiting next to the target. Often the players run away afterwards, or even log out, which clearly shows that they know their behavior is not good.
I have noticed this behavior on other occasions as well, such as in Echoes of Prophecy quests where you have to kill certain types of enemies as a quest objective. Here, the targets are also killed without concern for others....

I would like to know from you how best to deal with this. Reporting the player probably won't do much.
I would also be interested in the opinion of the developers on this, since apparently nothing is done about this.


  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    A lot of players are used to how things used to be where only the person who did the most damage gets credit and don't realize that special mobs like Avernus and Sharandar special mobs are sharable in their credit of death/loot. Echoes of Prophecy likewise is the first that share quest kill credit. The stem of this behavior though is just simple lack of knowledge, so it must therefore be more widely shared by the community.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,185 Arc User
    edited December 2021

    I would like to talk about the antisocial behavior of players. Especially in the context of hunts. In both Sharandar and Avernus, I have noticed that there are some players who do not behave socially and kill the hunt targets with the strongest attacks possible so that no one else can attack them. I have also seen players hide and then kill the target out of nowhere with daily powers, even if it is obvious that other players are waiting next to the target. Often the players run away afterwards, or even log out, which clearly shows that they know their behavior is not good.
    I have noticed this behavior on other occasions as well, such as in Echoes of Prophecy quests where you have to kill certain types of enemies as a quest objective. Here, the targets are also killed without concern for others....

    I would like to know from you how best to deal with this. Reporting the player probably won't do much.
    I would also be interested in the opinion of the developers on this, since apparently nothing is done about this.

    It's simple reason why some players stay away from social activity.. The whole game is more about solo play than team work. Personally since I started play as Warlock( mod 4) I done all campaing stuffs solo. Only trial/dungeon and skirmish I done with party.
    This game lack regular mmo content and stuffs.
    Even Stronghold, which should be quests about guild or allaince, is just individual quests. And only Dragon Flight + marauder events are where guild/alliance assitance required.

    For me this game is more single player online then mmorpg.
    Game is about casual player, who play his own Story line. Thats why social stuffs in this game is not even required.

    This Casual gameplay is Neverwinter online only advantage over other games, and it's own biggest weakness.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • sagakaiyume#0847 sagakaiyume Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    This issue has followed forever. We hated it during avernus, we hated it during vallenhas, we hated it during chult, but that's never going to change. We've asked to be able to make private instances to avoid this, asked to have the bounties/hunts show up in solo dungeons, asked for these things to be marked per player, asked for the player to be able to interact with an object to summon the creature...but we just end with ways for people to scrw each other over again and again.
  • irene#2829 irene Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    I don't think they travel to Avernus or Sharandar just to do that with people. It is very tiring to farm the monsters. When it spawns, they just want to kill it and change channel immediately. In their shoes, the other players insult them and scold them as they work really hard to get their gear, and to them those are anti-social.

    Personally I dislike farming. It is a lot of time wasted doing the same things over and over. I have support the game, gained item level 64000 and I did not farm the ribcage or anything that could boost character to 90%. As a result the many 50k free / paid players can still do better than me.

    I agree with hadestemplar's comment that it's the design issue. In other games such as monster hunter world, players will feel happy that you're around. They are thankful that you could down a difficult monster for them. There is hardly any unhappy or anti-social experience. Back to Neverwinter, we have all tried so hard to farm the small monsters. We got upset when someone else kills it before us. I think it's just pathetic that we behave or feel that way. It make us look childish.

    Though the farming design had it's good and bad, it is rewarding for players to gain good items in their flexible time. How can we ensure things are rare, not everyone will get the best items, yet it is simple and open to all and not create a hierarchy of elites? I feel RC is the system that have captured the solution. Everyone logs in to complete a difficult challenge and earn a token. After 30days they can exchange it for a legendary mount. Perhaps for Avernus, more monster can spawn but limit it to just a few kills daily. Requires 150 kills to get the rare item. The best player will be the old player who had spent many months logging in daily and helping others.
  • silente07#2597 silente07 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    They know what they are doing, being lazy and selfish. I have asked other players to quit or please change instance as our Alliance had taken it over and was farming.
    Same with siege, don’t kill the boss we are farming vouchers.
    They don’t care. They never will. Kill steal, afk and all the rest.
    People being people. There is no solution for that.
    I can only suggest asking your Alliance for help farming. We do it specifically for this reason.
    Hunting in Chult was the worst, because if you get no hits in, you get no drops.
    I feel your pain and I’m sorry there are so few solutions.
  • finality999#7648 finality999 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    Antisocial or just impatient... Both of these behaviors and attitudes, are abundant in this game.

    I'm sorry to say, but I share a good dose of both in my play style. I am also at the other end of the spectrum as well, helping and doing things with another player when they are online, but that is sporadic at best, so how do you deal with this? Being upset when another player waits in hiding, in a spot where they won't aggro the trash while waiting for the elite bounties, (like in the Sharandar Ruins up top), to spawn, (the pair of huge ogre types,) and attack them. They wipe them out in seconds, where as I tended to get killed a few times before getting the job done is a really good example. That player has the gear/stats to do this, I didn't then and while I don't die now, I still take half a minute or more and use a healing potion or two to survive the combat.

    I see how people just want to get the quest done and move on to the next quest as they have their plate full of things to do in a day and honestly, if you have to wait on several others to get to the spot to share in the kill of the mob, spawned elite, etc, your time, which you believe is important to you is dragged out and so you end up just playing for yourself, kill the target, move on and do the next. Another player just so happens to drop in, see the results, and boom! They label you as a kill-steal thief, an anti-social individual or whatever they want to type in the chat box to have everyone else read their thoughts onscreen.

    Lets see, hunts, a topic I have already posted on, you know how hard it is to get say one infected manes to spawn, you have to run over about 10 normal manes in the wastelands. Statistically, from my experience, as I have done this for like 4 months non stop this past summer/fall, you get maybe one chain from seven or eight kills on the elite, so that means after running over 70-80 normal manes, you might get one chain. There is one issue with this type of 'farming' whether done solo or by teamwork, someone will always pop into the instance you are in and drive by, see an elite on their way to one town or the other and stop and kill that elite, there goes one of your hard earned targets. Recently, on another post I issued, a player made a clear cut response on their strategy on how they and their gang, farm chains. But the point is that day to day, area by area, players want to enjoy their game, the one they see on their computer's monitor. These people do not always pay attention to their chat box, (I actually have all chat channels turned off except for friends and private messages) and as well, when they see something they need to complete a task/quest/hunt, they go for it. An example of my own is I clear the Scab from the the citadel to the mid point where the camp fire circle is, for the gems and loot I get with my dragon's hoard and quartermaster's enchantments. I don't wait for anyone, I don't really care either when an elite Hezrou spawns, I generally pass it by, it is all for the gems as 20 stacks are 100 gold, and several dozen maps and other assorted goods drop, when the scab boss spawns, if I am there, I kill it, I don't wait for others as I have experienced many times in the past, I am the only one in the Scab area, the boss spawns and as I make my way back to the spawn area, a few others are there already killing him or already killed him, so I just cycle my gem farming, if I get him, whatever, I sell everything I get to run my shops, I only play one character, no alts, they are bank slots for me only. Why waste time building up alts, then you have to do even more work in the game to stay on top which only takes away from you in the end, as a six hour day turns into a twelve hour day, If I were married, I'd soon be divorced as would spend more time online than with my spouse. If I were a kid playing that much, I'd fail my grades in school and be in trouble with my parents, If I were retired and an older person who had no one else in their lives, well, I could do that and not care as the world passed me by as my good days are where I wish them to be, in my memories. :)

    There are what, maybe 10 million active accounts for Neverwinter online? The real issue here is not that there are too many players who don't want to integrate into a guild community, or social network while playing online or do team-play only in their gaming. The real issue here is the number of available servers/realms that can support multiple players in this particular game. Having approximately 20 players only on one version of an area (instance) is just pathetic. That honestly can not even be considered an mmorpg. If there were several hundred on that one single instance, maybe, a few thousand, then yes, That would be an mmorpg. The guilds alone have a minimum of 5 player accounts to be formed, many have dozens or hundreds of players who log in and when there is a team greater than what an instance supports, they have to delegate who goes where and does what to build their guild stronghold, play and enjoy this game as they view fit for themselves as a group.

    There is nothing perfect in this world we live in, we have all kinds of social unrest, political, religious economic and social/cultural differences as a race and recently really horrific behavior by seemingly normal looking people world wide that are broadcast on news networks for us all to see. Turn on your news channels for an hour and you'll see what I mean. These games offered by software companies are an outlet for people to play out their everyday stresses and relax so they can have some form of control or contentment in their individual lives. Most really are not here online to socially interact with others and form communities or friendships. It is really hard if not impossible to have a relationship with a person you have never met nor seen in real life. All we are online, here in Neverwinter or whatever mmorpg you chose to play, is an avatar, and more to the point, if you truely understand and embrace the mmorpg (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) Then you are 'Role Playing' meaning that maybe in real life, you are an all around great fun loving and and very personable individual, but here in Neverwinter, you are playing a hulking brute of masculine power and command, one-shoting everything in your path like Conan the Barbarian reborn etc. Or perhaps you are playing a super seductive looking elf who is seeming cold hearted, distant, considered even to be cruel because you are silent. Maybe you are playing a powerful Dwarven cleric, who disdains wearing dirty grubby clothing, who loves to solve puzzles and wants to help but does not like to hurt others. This is AD&D online, doing what role playing is meant to be. Played as a role where the world we live in is not the one we chose to play in.

    I see your point of view on sharing the hard to get targets, I also see that patience is a virtue not everyone shares and I also see and hear in the context of your observations that you are upset at how many players are not as social and helpful as you would like them to be. Did you know that this is a world wide available online game? Not every culture on Earth shares in the same socio-economic/socio-cultural values. We have a great variety of countries who put honor or life or money first in their goals, many who disagree with what others view as good in their point of view but are not a good choice from the others point of view. We have dozens of different languages and those impose a huge barrier as to how communications are carried out.

    Last but most important: varying age and gender categories playing this and many other online games: men, women, teens, boys and girls ranging in ages from children who can figure out how to turn on their parents pc/laptop and install Neverwinter to older seniors, all of whom just want to escape their realities and be someone else. I find if I try to categorize the players I see in my travels through the areas I play in Neverwinter, the time of day means nothing as most of the people whose names/guild names I see kind of dictate what part of the world they are from, well, they bouncy erratic ones are generally children, the 'sit in one spot and do nothing' even when a spawn materializes, they are either afk or chatting with someone and playing the game is not their priority. Everyone else just goes about their day. My point of view is going to be very different from yours if I have half a century of age between us because my values as I grew up are going to be a part of who I am and yours are likely never going to gel with mine. Alec Guiness, who played Obiwan Kenobi in the first 3 Starwars movies (episodes 4-5-6) said it best when Luke Skywalker (played by Mark Hamill) asked about is father who turned to the dark side of the force, "its all a point of view." There are obviously factions in Neverwinter, like in other games and in real life, where groups of players/people believe things should be done a certain way and that this way they think is the ONLY way. That is not going to get them anywhere, it will only hurl issues at an already overwhelmed customer service, development support team who can only do so much.

    Take your choice, make your opinion and say what you like as long as you are diplomatic in your context, but mostly try to enjoy the game, if you can't because someone else is doing what you think is not acceptable, report the player, customer service will review all of the actions of that player (yeah, the servers record everything, motion, chat, combat engagement to npc's etc) and they will do what they believe is best. Its a free game to play and if you find you are not liking the way the game is panning out for you personally, (I am in tis boat too) just play a different game and enjoy your life. With the way things are spiraling out of control between several major counties, who knows what to expect in the future.

    In the end, you get what you put into this game.

  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    I've suggested it before, but for special monsters like dragons and hunt targets, it would be nice if they added a 5 second damage immunity to the target when it first appears - registering any hits during that time so everyone gets credit.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • xenocide#6577 xenocide Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    I think the real issue is that these monsters are too easy to kill.

    Hunts and Bounties should be powerful creatures that require some teamwork to take down,
    Its a shame the residents of sharandar are so weak that they are putting out bounties on creatures so weak that even a simple adventurer can take them down with such ease.
  • chaderickrax#3780 chaderickrax Member Posts: 245 Arc User

    I think the real issue is that these monsters are too easy to kill.

    Hunts and Bounties should be powerful creatures that require some teamwork to take down,
    Its a shame the residents of sharandar are so weak that they are putting out bounties on creatures so weak that even a simple adventurer can take them down with such ease.

    God I hope this never happens. I don't play NeverWinter to make friends; I spend all day with people. What attracted me to this game was the possibility of getting to play something that looks like D&D, largely alone. There are other ways to deal with this than forced teamwork. We have heroic encounters, and there's a reason they're usually a wasteland.

    When I work up the energy, I run a random queue, which usually goes to Demogorgon and fails.

    I ALSO don't play NeverWinter to make enemies. I am in 1000% agreement with the original poster, and I will say that--although I've only been playing for a little over a year now--this sort of behavior seems to be worse than at any point in the last year. People seem like selfish monsters much of the time, and the behavior is revolting.
  • chaderickrax#3780 chaderickrax Member Posts: 245 Arc User

    There will always be players who act like this. I remember back when we had the Gauntlgrym event, each team (Delzoun and Luskans) would compete to get the best dungeon at the end, and in those days it had the best gear in the game dropping from the end chest. After an hour or so of doing the event you would then run the dungeon to get the chest gear and would join a party not knowing that 3 of them were a premade group and they had already planned to vote kick the other two just before they opened the chest. You would kill the final boss and while you were running to the chest you would suddenly be booted and get no gear at all. I remember when the dragons were on the maps and you had to do it for Tyranny there would often be a player who killed the dragon before it even landed so that the melee players who had been waiting for ages didn't even get one hit in and therefore were not credited for it and had to wait for another dragon to get their quest done, even when you spoke in chat and requested people did not do this they still did it, once someone even told me 'Why should I be penalized for being so powerful'. There are idiots always. I don't know there is all that much you can do about it, the devs can take measures to deal with it to a point, but a lot of the time it's just unavoidable. The only thing I think which sometimes works is shaming people into realizing how bad a look it is but some people still don't care and some others do it on purpose as trolls thinking it's funny.

    I can't imagine experiencing this. This sounds absolutely miserable.
  • rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
    It was soul-crushing @chaderickrax#3780 all that time wasted. You could only run the dungeon two times before it reset if u were lucky and it was just wasting valuable time when you did the entire thing for nothing. It got so I was always paranoid about premades that I stopped doing it as much which is never a good thing.
    Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
  • tchefi#6735 tchefi Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    People are people of all kind.
    Selfishness is not really a Neverwinter issue, the issue is unfortunately on a bigger scale, the game is only mirroring what we can experienced elsewhere.
    I take an exemple : traffic-jam. The selfish who is jumping from lane to lane to get in "the one that is currently advancing" will get out faster. But he had overall slow down everyone else. (it is well know than in a traffic jam, the more people are changing lanes frequently, the slower the overall traffic will be).
  • edited December 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • sirian#5710 sirian Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Thank you for all the validated feedback.

    This shows me that I am not alone in thinking this way. Unfortunately, it will continue in the new module: There will be hunting targets with good loot again and it will be like in Avernus and Sharandar: A few kill the hunting targets with strong attacks and the rest go away empty-handed. Why do the developers encourage this destructive competition? Haven't enough players left Neverwinter yet?

  • arkai#8115 arkai Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited December 2021
    Today i was farming with 2 friend on avernus we had to change istance 3 time cuz a player keep Jump istance go look if the Hunt if up kill and log off..we found him pm him and he Say no Sorry i not see Yu was farming..(Yes, he killed Hunt in front of US...and we are killing the frog for sport lol) but if that player Just play honest ...Say hunt on chat wait for Ppl to reach Just hit with at Will and enjoy the drop whit the legit farmers. Idk why Ppl like troll player during Hunt farm this Is a toxic think... The Hunt dnt pop if Ppl dont clean the map so if Yu see a Hunt be sure to call for It because there farmers working on these think ...its a game try to be a Better community.
  • arkai#8115 arkai Member Posts: 191 Arc User
    And i agree barovia was the perfect Hunt set up more friendship thinks no scammers no competition no Hide and destroy
  • mystar#5733 mystar Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    It definitely gets frustrating, I sure was when more people were playing the areas when they first came out. I think this is a good example of hate the game not the player...don't really hate on game though.

    I started looking at it different when an alliance member corrected me for referring to them as hunts. He reminded me they're bounties not hunts.

    So now I look at it like we're all bounty hunting around Sharandar looking for the same marks...so far the map swapping has been quicker for me. I just don't have the patience to sit around waiting...especially when i get distracted from the screen and miss out to one of those other bounty hunters lol. Yeah I cuss them out, but I get it...they're just playing the game. I figure getting my toons stronger and faster will help.

    I usually kill the small spawns when I see them...I figure with them being dead it would create an opportunity for someone to get a bounty spawn there....what goes around comes around when swapping maps.

    It's kinda the same for Avernus. Players go through clearing areas to get the spawns for the lures, then we come together in parties to get the drops.
    Same with the manes for chains. It's a race to get the spawns for the drops before someone else...probably why they gave us turbo boost.

    It's kinda funny in these areas...I'll be sitting there waiting for something to spawn then some other guy comes along and starts waiting too...so I move along to check some other spots and sure enough there's a bounty or infected mane....and when i head back by where I was waiting, they're still sitting there.

    The best way to deal with this is to not take it too personally. It's the nature of the game...

    After reading this, I tried sharing a bounty with a random player in one of the Sharandar areas earlier...the player wasn't doing a whole lot of damage so I hit it a few times which dropped the bounties health to almost dead. It seemed like he wasn't doing much damage, but finally killed it. I checked my bounty quest and was still at 0%.

    I've been told you have to do 40% damage to get credit. I'm not sure about that now because I'm sure I did pretty close to twice that damage and got no credit.

    Yeah it sucks when someone else comes along and gets the kill for a fight you started...but all we can do is roll on in our infernal machine and zip around on our mounts to the next one.

    I really can't imagine stopping my game play to report players for getting the kill before me. I'd rather spend the time hunting the bounty or spotting infected manes and doing things to make my toons stronger and faster to get the kills before someone else comes along behind me to steal them. But even if they do steal them...I don't know how long they've been there putting in the effort running over little manes.
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