A lot are going to be upset about this being reported, but I am tired of having the flowers I am fighting mobs for being stolen and players not having to learn and work for items.
So, the bug being reported is that the kobolds in The Blooming Bought area of Summer Festival zone don't attack players if they travel into their agro circle and this is allowing players to gather flowers without having to play the game.
But friends account all toons agro regardless of level.
Sorry to hear you've found flower gathering with other gatherers a frustration.
I do have a different perspective. First though, I want to point out that you can gather flowers even in the middle of combat. This is an important feature that helps make the event work so smoothly. Regardless of the aggro issue you mentioned (and I'll get to that in a bit) when you get to a flower patch with kobolds it's your choice what to do - gather, fight, do both in whichever order - it's all up to you. Both fighting and gathering activities will give you flowers, harvest how you like.
I think you need to understand though, if you kill the kobolds near a flower patch, that does not make it your flower patch to harvest. If you get there around the same time as someone else, choose which harvest you want most - if gathering, ignore the kobolds and gather right away. The other person may clear the kobolds while you do that, harvesting flowers that way, and that's ok.
Now for the aggro issue you mentioned, I'm not sure any change there will actually help with the frustration you described. But I do agree that it's nice to have any strong character be equally able to gather flowers without being attacked by the kobolds.
For the sake of accuracy I did some testing with a tribe of my friends and found that it does seem to be working that way just fine. However there are some toons dealing with severe event glitching, which can include kobold aggro. We found the following:
In general any character with item level over about 35k will be left alone by the kobolds (don't be wearing the aggro ring). We tested well over twenty toons including all classes and almost all disciplines.
Having said that, we do have people with toons that are badly glitched for the summer festival, for example not able to do or get credit for many of the festival activities. One of those, a warlock dps with high item level run by our buddy Dorius, did also aggro kobolds for some glitchy reason. However a non-glitched warlock dps with IL above 35k was left alone by the kobolds.
Special thanks to Pete, ISBO, Snow, Abrams and Dorius for testing assistance.
There is no need to defend or make excuses for others that feel they are intitled to the items that others or myself are clearing mobs to get. As killing the mobs makes it easier to get the flowers. I could gather flowers without killing mobs but that would be exploiting a glitch and not playing the game as intended.
Leave the kobolds alone , they are friendly when undisturbed .
If you aren't aggroing them, it's easier to gather and leave them alone.
If you really want to kill the kobolds, just gather the flowers first, before anyone else poaches them, and THEN kill the kobolds. This is my third or fourth Summer Festival and my tank has always been able to gather flowers mid-fight. Or my Barb can do it with barkshield.
This doesn't sound so much like a bug report as a whine because someone beat you to it.
As was mentioned elsewhere, the real bug with this part of the event is the flowers respawning with no loot. (which is something that happens in other events that take place in PE iirc)
There is no point to go for the flower location when other player is already there. It is just waste of time. Just go to the next "unoccupied" to gather flower and then "walk away".