When you go to 'change character screen' after being logged in already, it shows your character as naked. This is the same bug which affects viewing other players ingame where they will initially show in only their underwear or partly dressed until you click back and forth and which has existed for a very long time now but has not been attended to. Similarly, this bug which I have not seen before on the character select screen can be fixed by clicking another character and then back again but still should not be happening in the first place.
If you discard the received "Glass enchantment" in the quest "How enchanting" it is not possible to complete it. It is also not possible to reject and re-take this task. So you're stuck with taking the Icepire Peak zone rewards forever. This bug has existed for years, you fixed it, and now with the new mod it's back. . . Interestingly, various (I won't hesitate to say), HAMSTER is impossible to discard by accident, because you have to type in the "discard" box. But so important to the path of quests the thing, was not secured at all. Please fix it!
Same thing in the quest "Artifact and Insignias", if you convert or discard the insignia they gave you, you can't continue the quest.
Hi, I've been not receiving the correct seals for random advanced dungeons and trials. It says seals of the wild when I queue, but when I finish I'm getting seal of the adventurer instead its been doing this for weeks not even sure I hit the cap I've been stuck at 160 since the mod. Can you please investigate this and explain to me why this is happening thanks.
Hi, I've been not receiving the correct seals for random advanced dungeons and trials. It says seals of the wild when I queue, but when I finish I'm getting seal of the adventurer instead its been doing this for weeks not even sure I hit the cap I've been stuck at 160 since the mod. Can you please investigate this and explain to me why this is happening thanks.
I would've thought this would've been one of their highest priorities, alas not...
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
1. Go to Companions tab and click "Apply to All Loadouts"
2. Switch to the bugged loadout. The bottom right companion slot is the bugged one (in my dc, that's an offense slot)
3. Rearrange position of companion in bugged bottom right slot (switched this to top right offense/utility)
The bottom right slot is not bugged, there is just a difference between companion powers in two loadouts, right there. The problem is the autocompletion in the game, which wants to push the same companion as in the previous loadout into the slot. So the bug can be on the top, bottom, right or left. It can apply to one or more slots. The solution is to remove this idiotic auto-completion.
Better to feed the troll than listen to the idiot .
the aggro mechanic of the sisters in castle ravenloft still doesn't work properly. In the radq i never had a run so far without this aggro bug. The active sister still completly ignores aggro sometimes no matter what the tank does.
Sometimes the sister gets bugged on the book wielder (happened today which made the fight unplayable) and sometimes on a random player that is not the tank.
Sidenote: Kabal in msp also suffers a problem like that for years now. He also kinda ignores aggro but there it is less of a problem because there it is just some damage on the wrong player.
hi, i have fully completed the under mountain campaign and have unlocked the tower of the mad mage trial but am unable to Que for lair of the mad mage dungeon specifically. when i try to Que for it, it shows that i need to complete the under mountain master expedition quest but i have definitely done this. This might be because i was on this quest on the day of the new leveling update.
The new update and class prompted me to get back into the game after a multi-year break (last time I played was back in 2018).
I have discovered that the companion system has been completely overhauled since then. However, all my old characters are missing the companion enhancements and powers from the companions they've obtained before the change to the companion system. And since the companions were automatically applied to my characters, I can't re-apply them to get their powers and enhancements.
An example of this is the minstrel, which all of my characters from 2018 to 2014 have. None of those characters have the minstrel's "Redemption" enhancement power, nor their player bonus power.
I was told in a reply to a support ticket I submitted to post about this here.
Post edited by zogara on
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
Mercenary Outpost Upgrade Tier 1: The task is to go to Harper Boward in PE and accept/complete Common Cause. Which is not possible.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Would be interesting to see all these post-mod rollout bugs in one numbered list in one place, I'm sure it would be quite overwhelming by now.
It would be interesting to see them all resolved before ever being rolled out for the players to find. Kind of how programming is supposed to work. Your clients aren't supposed to see the ugly.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
And, you can equip the weapon.... But for some reason the game doesn't recognise it as an actual weapon, so you can't attack anything (comes up saying you must equip a weapon), and you can't dodge (because... no weapon). And if you convert it to an appearance item and have that appearance item active, when you go into combat you see no combat animation.
My icon for adventure/campaign completion (2nd from right) will not go out, when I go to the adventure section in the book it's Tyranny of Dragons, it's showing I have to collect a reward but there is no reward to collect. I'm getting tired of seeing it lit up, I hate having icons lit up and always make sure they're dealt with asap and go off so I don't get distracted by them and I also like to have them all off so when something lights up it grabs my attention.
I have a similar issue. I have a few toons where the icon won't go out. There are no rewards to collect and nothing showing in the journal as being able to collect. The toons that this has happened on are ones that were lower level that were made level 20 with the mod. They had only finished through Tower district before. I took one of them through Neverdeath to see if finishing this and claiming the rewards would clear it, but it did not.
ETA: I just finished leveling up a new toon to 20 and claimed the adventure reward and an account unlock for Master Zariel. There's nothing else to claim and the icon is still lit.
Hello. I have discovered the bug with surplus/gear in stronghold. There is no option to put gear to stronghold chest. I do not know if it is down to the fact that current equipment is at a maximum level of 20 but stonghold chest have old system/option of paying 60lvl + equipment. Please check it if possible. Thanks
Stronghold utility boons don't give combined rating except treasure hunter boon, if i have other boon than treasure hunter boon and i switch to treasure hunter boon, i get 800 more on all ratings and if i go back to the previous boon, i keep this combined rating momentarily and if you switch to another map, dungeon or character, i lose 800 of combined rating again.
The Bag Of Ten Towns Treasures from the Storm King's Thunder campaign cant be bought in any character. Even if u hahe 100% advancements.. It needs 1x genie's gift to. Be bought. But it says Requirements not met. And since the 2x currency event is coming. Its very important to fix it as it will help lot of players progress in that campaign
There is no mirage set for Bard's in the cloacked ansendancy campaign. The campaign store is basically empty. Only the 1k astral diamonds there nothing else
I have done the quests to use the SKT store but when I try to use my genie gift it says I have not met requirements. in game bug report replied it was known issue and to report it here to get fixed
Did A RADQ Yesterday and we got Ravenloft, the q decided that we should be three dps and 2 healers, no tank, now after waiting 30 minutes to get the q to pop and actually getting the DPS bonus Rad which is rare we got that happen and of course we have to wait another 15 minutes getting owned by the sisters because we have no tank before we can vote to abandon, I have now given up on any dungeon q because I am sick of wasting my time and resources just to get a bugged dungeon, so far since the new mod dropped I have had 3 bugged Ravenloft 2 bugged Tomb of The nine Gods, 2 Bugged The Infernal Citadel and 1 Bugged Lair Of The Mad Mage which we did get through eventually when the Mimics stopped spawning while Arcturia was actively attacking.
The Genie Gift is not redeemable in the Storm King's Thunder campaign. Marked "Requirements not Met". Tried in both campaign store in campaign book and in actual locations (Sea of Moving Ice).
I dont know if this has been reported, but the Adventurers Guild in PE is not marked as a "safe zone" letting you swap loadout. You have to go to the campfire inside or exit to PE to swap loadouts
2. Elemental Evil Artifact Weapons No Longer Available
As reported in an ingame support ticket, and then referred to here, you can no longer get the old Elemental Evil artifact weapons. There doesnt seem to be a means to initiate the quest to farm the weapons anymore, or to buy them somewhere.
3. F Key and Q Key Quest Functions Not Working on Certain Characters
Some characters, not all, have an issue using the F key or Q key alternate functions that pop up with certain quests. They usually bring up an aiming circle to initiate completion, like jump or attack or other, and allow an action following. But the aiming circle isnt visible, nor can the action be initiated to complete the quest.
But more confusing is if you tap the Alt key the aiming circle is visible in the background, but if you return to a normal view the circle is no longer visible. I havent checked all my characters for the issue, since most dont have quests that provide conditions to check.
Specific quests or areas this affected:
Releasing the angels quest in Avernus Platform jumping in Garions demiplane Jumping in Spellplague Caverns
4. Queing For Random Trial Queues And Going to Demogorgon Results in DC and Ingame Prompts to Exit the Game
I Queued for RTD 3 times and went to Demogorgon on all 3 times. All of them resulted in disconnects. And then when forced normal logins, there were continual prompts when you transitioned phases asking to exit the game completely.
This may not be connected to this particular prompts issue, but I have had a thing for a long time now where I would sometimes hit esc to get out of a cutscene or an inspect window while running a dungeon, I would enter the next phase of the dungeon and at the exact moment it loaded and I was in, I'd instantly get the prompt did I want to completely exit the game, I would click no, return to the game and fight. That should have been the end of it. But each time it reloaded after that into a new phase/section of the map, when I entered it I would keep getting the prompt as soon as we were all in there and I hadn't done anything else expect fight, it would just keep repeating the prompt everytime it loaded me into a new part of the map asking me if I wanted to completely exit the game and I would keep having to click the prompt to exit out of it each time and it would keep doing it in each new phase until the dungeon was over.
I also notice this thread has now stopped being pinned to the top of the forum section and is now with all the other regular threads sinking slowly down into oblivion, so I guess that provides a clue that they are more or less finished reading this thread.
Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
I am also having problems with Graycloak's Rapier for the bard. Equipping it I can't use any skills and changing it into a appearance item results in no animations for skills.
I also noticed that bards don't have any craftable armours. There are rapiers and lutes, but no armour pieces.
I recently started nw after several years and now most of my companion powers are missing on my offense,defense and utility slots (not all of them but most). I can summon them but I can not use their powers. When I discard and bind the same one it returns normal but this costs me a lot.
1. Go to Companions tab and click "Apply to All Loadouts"
2. Switch to the bugged loadout. The bottom right companion slot is the bugged one (in my dc, that's an offense slot)
3. Rearrange position of companion in bugged bottom right slot (switched this to top right offense/utility)
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
The solution is to remove this idiotic auto-completion.
Sometimes the sister gets bugged on the book wielder (happened today which made the fight unplayable) and sometimes on a random player that is not the tank.
Sidenote: Kabal in msp also suffers a problem like that for years now. He also kinda ignores aggro but there it is less of a problem because there it is just some damage on the wrong player.
I have discovered that the companion system has been completely overhauled since then. However, all my old characters are missing the companion enhancements and powers from the companions they've obtained before the change to the companion system. And since the companions were automatically applied to my characters, I can't re-apply them to get their powers and enhancements.
An example of this is the minstrel, which all of my characters from 2018 to 2014 have. None of those characters have the minstrel's "Redemption" enhancement power, nor their player bonus power.
I was told in a reply to a support ticket I submitted to post about this here.
Ok great, so this pack is now openable by Bards.
And, you can equip the weapon.... But for some reason the game doesn't recognise it as an actual weapon, so you can't attack anything (comes up saying you must equip a weapon), and you can't dodge (because... no weapon). And if you convert it to an appearance item and have that appearance item active, when you go into combat you see no combat animation.
Co-Guild Leader
Ghost Templars L20
Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
Alt: Warlock
ETA: I just finished leveling up a new toon to 20 and claimed the adventure reward and an account unlock for Master Zariel. There's nothing else to claim and the icon is still lit.
I now find that if my character has the Graycloak weapon loaded - the system says the character is unarmed, and that I need to give it a weapon.
I had to unload the Graycloak weapon and load a different one before attack animations would work.
Since the weapon pack is a part of a long term Neverwinter pack - when will it be fixed?
1. Ingame Support Ticket Creation Not Functioning for Certain Characters
You can report bugs on some characters in game, but others arent recognized by the system.
2. Elemental Evil Artifact Weapons No Longer Available
As reported in an ingame support ticket, and then referred to here, you can no longer get the old Elemental Evil artifact weapons. There doesnt seem to be a means to initiate the quest to farm the weapons anymore, or to buy them somewhere.
3. F Key and Q Key Quest Functions Not Working on Certain Characters
Some characters, not all, have an issue using the F key or Q key alternate functions that pop up with certain quests. They usually bring up an aiming circle to initiate completion, like jump or attack or other, and allow an action following. But the aiming circle isnt visible, nor can the action be initiated to complete the quest.
But more confusing is if you tap the Alt key the aiming circle is visible in the background, but if you return to a normal view the circle is no longer visible. I havent checked all my characters for the issue, since most dont have quests that provide conditions to check.
Specific quests or areas this affected:
Releasing the angels quest in Avernus
Platform jumping in Garions demiplane
Jumping in Spellplague Caverns
4. Queing For Random Trial Queues And Going to Demogorgon Results in DC and Ingame Prompts to Exit the Game
I Queued for RTD 3 times and went to Demogorgon on all 3 times. All of them resulted in disconnects. And then when forced normal logins, there were continual prompts when you transitioned phases asking to exit the game completely.
I also notice this thread has now stopped being pinned to the top of the forum section and is now with all the other regular threads sinking slowly down into oblivion, so I guess that provides a clue that they are more or less finished reading this thread.
I am also having problems with Graycloak's Rapier for the bard. Equipping it I can't use any skills and changing it into a appearance item results in no animations for skills.
I also noticed that bards don't have any craftable armours. There are rapiers and lutes, but no armour pieces.