So, this is a first, but I was just in a Cradle run where Atropal simply teleported out of its "cradle" after one of those "push n pull" mechanics. We had Acerak's intermission, then the push n pull, and after that Atropal just disappeared from the center of the ring and reappeared outside.
Pictures aren't good because it's hard to focus when a baby god is going berserker at you.
Anyone seen this before?
I take it it's a new feature to make it more challenging.
Which is ok for the ranged dps who can stand back but for tanks and melee it sucks them in which really blows.
Look between 16:35 and 16:41. Also, the directions of pull/push are reversed !!!
Based on positioning, I'm fairly certain it was either the player Lunatic Queen or SuperSteve that pushed the Atropal. SuperSteve seemed to just be using his Barbarian powers so it most likely wasn't him. I can't quite make out the details of what Lunatic Queen was doing at that moment, but if anyone can identify what she might have used then that's likely the culprit.
Maybe some companions or summons pushed boss? Or maybe in some cases boss trying to move? I tried to repeat this bug in different cases, but nothing happened, I can't understand this bug.
I've fixed two instances of powers that were capable of pushing the Atropal that will be detailed in the patch notes for the build those changes get picked up on. I'm not confident I've found the source of the push that was shown on the video but fingers crossed. If anyone experiences the Atropal getting pushed around after my fixes go live then please respond to the thread. If we end up needing to revisit this then any information or guesses on what might be causing the push would help immensely, otherwise I'm searching for a needle in a haystack.