Genuine feedback on lockboxs as they really are outdated now and. Used to have fun opening them and didn’t mind spending money but now I have no reason to
. Unless a companion pack contains either xuna or an augment or a small handful of useful companions they are pretty much useless. More variety of companions are needed that either rival or better the few that are considered best in slot. Last few packs the companions were pretty much useless. Leprechaun anyone? 😂
. Bring back lower versions of weapon or armor enchantments. I’m sure more people would buy zen if they could upgrade enchantments themselves and not wait around once or twice a year for the premium pack to be released. Also would make potency wards coal wards viable again as most just buy maxed instead of building themselves as it works out cheaper.
. Mounts need to be seriously looked at we all love new mounts even new reskins but the armor griffon with a daisy chain is just ridiculous. A child in art class could do better
. Add insignia powder jackpot along with trade bar jackpot. I don’t want to be farming insignias until I’m 80to get 15 legendary to mythic. 15 x 2500powder = too much math 😂especially when an epic will give you just 50
.heck even add a gold jackpot or an rp jackpot or a reroll jackpot something to make us feel like the money we spent was worth it. Have more tabs with more rewards as nobody wants to receive the dreaded 10tbar x1 alexanderite x blood ruby combo
.Bring back vouchers even if it’s in lockboxs as rewards add a timer to them all an expiration date but they have often given me reason to buy silly things I don’t need
The past while it just feels like nerf city in this game and y’all used to be so kind to the players and gave us great reasons to spend our cash in game now any news we get is nerf this remove that throw a few flowers on a mount and call it fey. We need some good news in this game besides the bard class and desperately
Feel free to add your own ideas below everyone and who knows maybe they might listen 🙂
Take away the pointless rank 9 enchantments and replace with at LEAST Rank 12 Enchants.
Get rid of pretty much all the refinement point jewels, really is a waste of time for anyone these days as refining most stuff is a waste of time and effort.
On the side guys MOD 21, the adventures gives a rank 8 weapon enchant for completing a newly redone adventure zone. I think all of our alts can run this? So its a possible solution coming soon.