Artisan/ Workshop 4/ Unable to dismiss artisan -PC
When i enter my workshop, go to the office, and open the master"s desk (manage artisan) the info says 26/26 artisans
You currently have 26 artisans (26 max) - Unable to accept any new applicants
When I look under the "All" tab in "manage artisans" and count the artisans, I have 25 artisans
When I look at each individuals profession tab and count my artisans, I have 25 artisans
My blacksmith says I have 4 artisans but the artisans management only lists 3 of them under the tab
It wasn't until I went to my workbench blacksmith crafting that I saw "Ulfberht" +100 commission multiplier (i want to dismiss)
But "Ulfberht" is not listed among my artisans at the workshop Master"s desk so I have no option to dismiss the artisan
Thanks to "I have a phantom alchemist" and "Glitch in professions" bug notes I see this isn't a stand alone issue
If anyone know if the issue has a fix would be happy to hear it.
I have reported this several times over the last few months, in-game & via e-mail ( as suggested by a GM, but nothing has been done so far.
It seems like either they don't care (they just want your money) or they don't know how to fix the bug (not up to the job). Either way, not good.
It's this sort of thing (poor problem resolution) that makes me feel as if I should stop playing this game & move onto something else. And, yeah, I have paid money for some things in the game.
Hiring more than 3 per profession is a waste of your slots. I know Wendy doesn't hire adventures, she collects the needed materials herself. With 7 professions at 3 per slot the most you should need is 21, or 24 assuming you use adventurers to collect materials. It sounds like you hit the developers cap and it broke?
Personally I got by on just the few I have. Unless you are attempting to do the story, there is no huge payoff at the end. The story ends and you then are promised better staff will show up in the applications. As far as I know, the purples will appear at random after the story ends, but they charge you more commission and their benefits are no better than what you have with current workers. Sounds to me you have more than enough staff.
@azghaban, in-game & via e-mail ( would be my last stop, did you file a support ticket asking them to remove the worker by name? Not that I believe support has that authority. Support center here seems more like it is an outsourced help desk service and nothing more. If it is only a "help desk", ethically Cryptic Studios should make that clear to the users. A simple disclaimer, "Note: Help Desk does not operate within Cryptic Studios and are limited to answering questions about the game.".
I assume you also spoke to support to remove the unwanted worker Ulfberht? If not ask support, find out if it is within their job description to remove your unwanted staff. My wife keeps getting told by support, all her requests are outside their limitations. This makes me wonder what is within their limitations? Assuming they can delete Ulfberht, maybe it will fix whatever broke.
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
I hope it all goes well for both of you.
There are 4 kinds of 'features'.
1. can save gold and AD.
2. craft speed.
3. help success rate
4. help to do +1 (focus).
Most (if not all) do not have all 4. An artisan who is good for #3 and/or #4 usually is bad for #1 and #2.
You don't want to use those who is bad in #1 and #2 for general purpose stuff. You keep that one for specific task.
If you don't care about Masterwork (for the future), you shouldn't really care about profession regardless.
So far, I have 15 full workshops and that did not take much effort to do so. Just let the artisans to do the work in the background. You won't get 26 artisan slots until you have a full workshop.
#2 is rendered pointless, as I drain morale to do all crafting on each character. Crafting is completed in minutes and I can spend the remainder of my time playing the game.
#3 can be over come by rank, tools, and improving the artisan level.
#4 see #3
No I don't do Masterwork, I jump on in the morning and can quickly drain the morale down making jewelry (hartshorn rings) for quick gold. Otherwise I can make AD creating the Greater Jewels or the Major Jewels in the AH, to be honest, I don't think these have sold well recently due to the game's current state of inactivity. Each character can go through their 400 morale in about 5 minutes or less. I don't care to focus on it all day long. If the chest refills, while I am playing, I might collect it remotely or teleport to PE and collect in person. Otherwise I ignore it for the rest of the day. When the shop runs short on supplies, I just buy them from the merchant or the AH as needed.
Currently I have literally too much gold, sometimes I go to PE and give it away. I gave a lot out during the Halloween Party last year, I will fill my banks up for more gold and prizes this October.
Oh, did you have any input on how they should solve their issue?
PSN Zen AD Exchange - Forecasting Spreadsheet
What I care about certain thing also does not matter to others.
What you think it is not important does not mean it is not important to others.
You and I are not typical players anyway.
Everyone has their own goal/reasoning. I am not using profession to make gold (although I could) but you are/were.
And they do say to report bugs, right?
It would be awesome, if all 200 people remaining in the game shows up this October!
Since you don't know anything about it, try to refrain from commenting on them.
Your advices will make smile at best.