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If you are having trouble after combat rework, read this!



  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Post edited by ultramath#3953 on
  • netherdragon#0997 netherdragon Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited January 2021

    I'm lvl 60 now and I just finished Mt Hotenow! This no doubt has been the WORSE area in the game for my archer so far, the damage those fire elemental archers did to me was insane. I had a feeling after the first few quests that this place would be brutal and it was. I died a handful of times but I managed to get through that zone, the only thing that was hard was dealing with those ranged mobs.

    LOL you are a hero! I don't know how you managed it unless you can self-heal. I'm running my cleric through Mount Buggednow and the only reason I am doing as well as I am is because of Soothe and Hallowed Ground. I tried trashGWF but it wasn't happening -- not without health potions. It's too much.

    There's no way they are going to leave it like this. After the next patch I'll run trashGWF and Giggles through there to check it, but there's no point right now. Whispering Caverns is like 2 times easier and it's supposed to be harder.

    I took out the melee then hid behind cover to pick off one archer at a time. I'm also using the wizard companion now because you recommended it and since my ranger is meant for rooting enemies the combination seems to slow them down even further. But I do have that healing power ability attached to my wizard that I got from my minstrel I think so that seems to heal me up without having to use so many potions.

    I can't imagine doing that place as a melee class right now
  • gputz#4291 gputz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Horrible game now, no fun, Devs wrecked it. And I'm level 80.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    I took out the melee then hid behind cover to pick off one archer at a time. I'm also using the wizard companion now because you recommended it and since my ranger is meant for rooting enemies the combination seems to slow them down even further. But I do have that healing power ability attached to my wizard that I got from my minstrel I think so that seems to heal me up without having to use so many potions.

    I can't imagine doing that place as a melee class right now

    I have a feeling you are going to run through Whispering Caverns without breaking a sweat. Well... maybe a little sweat. There are mobs in WC that LOVE to use dazes and stuns (which are telegraphed as red areas, but still) and you will have to watch for that stuff or you might get into trouble. Rooting them won't stop them from trying to CC you back.
  • stark760stark760 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 654 Arc User

    Thats why people are complaining.
    If you had a viable build in the last meta, you have to switch a lot of HAMSTER around now.

    Agreed 100%


    Let's not get things lost in translation for the benefit of newer players who don't realize it:
    When we are saying "viable" with regards to Neverwinter, it is code for "best".

    We do this all the time in the forums here. But new folks reading our very civil discussion here might get the impression from our word choices that they NEED to spend perhaps 8 million AD and over 5k tradebars just to play. Because that's what "viable" means to them if they don't know the lingo.

    Don't worry new people, you don't need to spend 8 million AD to play this game. LOL
    Since they nerfed companions and made many useless, not like 2 companions and upgrades cost 8 million.
  • stark760stark760 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 654 Arc User

    stark760 said:

    The difference is you didnt have time/money invested into the game, like being a guild leader that worked the boons from lvl 1-10. You not having that invested, means your opinion is about just starting players, and you ignore that the game changed the actual boon now. Are they going to let us choose a new boon of equivilant lvl? No

    I have been playing this game, off and on, in its many forms since about launch. Mod 1 maybe? Mod 2?

    Anyway, when I was around I have seen with each new change in the game mechanics or... anything, really... the mountain of inevitable grief from the playerbase. This has happened a bunch of times. I just can't be bothered to be worried or angry anymore. I never really was in the first place.

    People are coming in this thread telling me that they're level 63 and can't fight mobs in Blacklake? Come on, man. I was clearing that area no problem naked with the starter weapon at level 5. I get that people are upset -- I have seen this many times before -- but exaggerating things WAAAAAY out of proportion isn't helpful to anyone. Neither is unloading a bunch of retaliatory grief back at the griefers.

    You just can't stop this reactionary stuff. All you can do is get caught up in it or not. I'm choosing NOT. I'm allowed to do that. I am not some shill for Cryptic trying to get people to buy stuff -- in fact you can plainly see I am advocating for the exact opposite with my playthru. I am making it work, even with gimping myself on purpose. You don't need to buy anything with real money.
    The guild boons were already built...they made them suck now. Please tell us that's ok too, from your infinite knowledge of not building a guild. If they allowed a new guild boon to be swapped with one already built, many would be very happy. Instead, if unsatisfied and want to try a new boon, we have to rip a maxed boon and rebuild from scratch. Glad that's OK by you.
  • silente07#2597 silente07 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    > @stark760 said:
    > The guild boons were already built...they made them suck now. Please tell us that's ok too, from your infinite knowledge of not building a guild. If they allowed a new guild boon to be swapped with one already built, many would be very happy. Instead, if unsatisfied and want to try a new boon, we have to rip a maxed boon and rebuild from scratch. Glad that's OK by you.

    Especially with Fey currency getting nerfed way down making it that much harder to level your guild.
  • flyball#6248 flyball Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    Considering how much I had to work to get to level 60 prior to the initial change I cannot for the life of me see why any change was needed. Now the game is simply too difficult and thus no longer any fun. Going back to play previously cleared content has just been an exercise in frustration. With the best weapons I currently have my melee character inflict the equivalent of paper cuts....where as even the smallest hit from a kobald, goblin, etc takes 1/3 to 1/2 my hp. I only have the FREE companions available as well as the FREE mounts. I play solo excepting skirmishes and the dragons. I tried starting a new character and can't even get past Blacklake as the orc ax throwers kill be before I can take 2 steps towards them.

    I'll try again on the next patch....but still expecting much the same....a game that is unplayable and no fun. BTW my bet char item level at L63 is still sub10k so because your 26k or even 15k toon survived the cloak tower still is no encouragement to me. In fact its just insulting.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Well, i dropped my IL below 10k, but that didn't matter much during the last Cloak Tower run, tested it up to halfway into the dungeon, but then equipped my regular items again and continued the run. But even with an over the top level 80 healer in our group, the fight against Vansi Bloodscar was still very hard.

    Btw. had to wait nearly half an hour before that run finally started, feels like there're not enough healer left joining RDQs now, so thanks to the one for jumping in and helping us out.

    Now level 40 Vanguard signing off...
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    "They aren't some balancing yet" And why wasn't that done before live launch????????????????????

    You have to be a shill, or fortunate enough to have been able to stack the required resources needed to carry you through relevant areas.

    Lol you think it is fun spending literal hours fighting trash mobs, all while effectively playing a stagnated game that literally just has had progression ripped out of it. Progression isn't becoming so strong and good that you go back to the beginning and suffer the same levels of difficulty. All of this BS should have been strictly for end game content... But i wouldn't even be surprised if you knew what that was after everything i have seen from you.

    Kind of not fair for me to match up with people and out DPS them in less than a week because of "scaling" don't you think so?
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    Guys, thank you for posting your negative (and somewhat personal) comments. It's obvious a lot of people are frustrated. I have seen this kind of backlash happen this exact way, with this exact game, at many separate times in the past. In every single other instance of this happening, things got tweaked a little bit, most people calmed down, and then life went on. Some people ragequit, some people made entire websites devoted to bashing Neverwinter -- heck, some people still are upset on the forums about the loss of the Foundry and that was a long time ago.

    The hard truth of all this is: nobody is forcing you to play this game right now as it is. If you are having mental health issues, do something else for a while. Come back in a month. Or don't. They are obviously not done tweaking this thing yet. Obviously. If playing "the beta" here is freaking you out, make the healthy choice and put it down until it's fixed. For example, I am parking trashGWF until they fix Hotenow because it's messed up and I can't manage it yet.

    The posts in the Bug Report section are made. Have you guys actually posted relevant and constructive and specific feedback in the bug report section about things that the developers might want to look at? Specific feedback might be helpful. Maybe just chime in on my bug reports and confirm stuff to add your voice, or maybe even add more stuff that you have noticed that I didn't mention.

    Try to think about this from my perspective, if you can: I have watched people freak out and say stuff like "this is the death of this game, i am never playing again, the devs are idiots, etc." and then the game went on just fine for years afterwards, with every new change bringing THE EXACT SAME BACKLASH every single time. It is exactly what is happening now. So after seeing this multiple times, I already know how this ends. So do you.

    So you are left with a choice. I already made mine even before this patch because I already knew that the forums were going to be on fire, because they ALWAYS ARE after this kind of thing happens. I knew my thread would get flamed at least a little bit, because... DUH... but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth it to do it.

    I know I've helped some people with pointers to get through the bugged leveling areas. Some of you hollered at me for not being mad, and then proceeded to be very helpful right here by posting the results of bugged dungeon runs and things that you felt were missing or not tweaked correctly. Hey, if you have to call me a shill in order to offer constructive feedback afterwards then call me a shill! You're not hurting MY feelings. And... what if... what if the devs really ARE reading this thread? Maybe? Probably not, but... you never know. I still think that posting feedback in the bug section about bugs might be more visible to whoever, but there it is.
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    So if they decide to roll back the changes because there is clearly not much good from it, do we get to tell you to quit because you don't like that? Is that cool? You are literally telling the vast majority of the player base to quit, you realise that? What you going to do when the biggest funders stop paying money because they don't liek these changes? Who are you going to tell to quit after if it sinks? I joined the game before the changes, and clearly there was push back before then.

    See when a F2P like me can march in less than a week get to 19k il and out DPS 33k ils who have spent thousands of hours and money, there is a severe problem.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    So if they decide to roll back the changes because there is clearly not much good from it, do we get to tell you to quit because you don't like that? Is that cool? You are literally telling the vast majority of the player base to quit, you realise that?

    I said exactly that if this game was freaking you out, to put it down for a while. Read what I actually wrote. As for the other thing you mentioned about low level players outDPSing end game guys in scaled content, I agree with you 100% and always have. In fact, if you go back a page or two you can see where I warned folks not to put too much faith in the scaling fixes they rolled out right away because Cryptic has a history of not getting things tuned perfectly on the first try. I even offered the example we all had to deal with for months when they introduced scaling to the Tyranny of Dragons campaign and nobody could solo the daily mini-dungeon instance for that if they weren't max level -- because the "scaling up" system was borked!
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    So you are saying these scaling issues were already in the game? And they decided to roll it out to ALL content? Lmao. And yet you defend what was an already broken system according to you when they applied the exact same broken system throughout the entire game??? You knew it was broken before they applied it everywhere yet you defend it?????????.... Lmao. Even if it wasn't broken it is a bad idea. No1 in the world should be able to walk in to anywhere and instantly match people who have spent unfathomable amounts of time to build a character, that is absolutely insane... this whole update debacle is and the DEVCS methods acknowledgement and acts to rectify this is insane, 30+ years of gaming and i have never seen such insanity, and that is counting CDpRs disaster and the likes of mincrostransaction AAA leech companies.

    Just admit it, you are a DEV and you have spewed so much nonsense you are tripping over everything you are saying and you can't keep track of any of it while now admitting you made an update that was broken then applied the broken update into live and you guys are so stubborn and ignorant you can't even admit the catastrophic disaster you just created... It is really hard to not see that.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    So you are saying these scaling issues were already in the game? And they decided to roll it out to ALL content? Lmao. And yet you defend what was an already broken system according to you when they applied the exact same broken system throughout the entire game??? You knew it was broken before they applied it everywhere yet you defend it?????????.... Lmao. Even if it wasn't broken it is a bad idea. No1 in the world should be able to walk in to anywhere and instantly match people who have spent unfathomable amounts of time to build a character, that is absolutely insane... this whole update debacle is and the DEVCS methods acknowledgement and acts to rectify this is insane, 30+ years of gaming and i have never seen such insanity, and that is counting CDpRs disaster and the likes of mincrostransaction AAA leech companies.

    Just admit it, you are a DEV and you have spewed so much nonsense you are tripping over everything you are saying and you can't keep track of any of it while now admitting you made an update that was broken then applied the broken update into live and you guys are so stubborn and ignorant you can't even admit the catastrophic disaster you just created... It is really hard to not see that.

    Yes yes, this is the worst thing ever. The very worst in all of gaming. People are going to quit in droves, and already are. The devs are idiots.

    I wonder where I have heard this before?

    Guys, I swear I am not also posting under a different account as this player above me for a comedy bit. That is a real person saying this, who obviously cares very deeply about this issue. Please don't mock them. shadowstarhtid is right about the scaling issue, and it's okay to be upset about all the other stuff, too. Being mad or frustrated is a normal reaction to some things, and I daresay the game changes were pretty severe and kinda dumped in our laps with not too terribly much warning as to when EXACTLY it was coming. They said the changes were coming, but not really a specific date. A lot of folks were caught off guard.

    I already explained pretty thoroughly why I'm not mad about this rework. It's an inconvenience, but not an insurmountable one. Heck, leveling my cleric I hardly notice things were changed much at all except now I heal better. Obviously, this has not been the case for every single other player out there. Read my first post. Those tips work. Especially the combat advantage stuff.
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I had my 43 cleric in a dungeon and scaling made me massively out agro the level 75 tank, poor dude never even had a chance if i was doing anything at all. there are problems you do not even know about lol.

    Love how you defend the game while admitting it is a disaster, lmao. Nice job kiddo.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    Hey, sorry shadowstarhtid. I did indeed assume you were mad, based on your personal attacks and accusations. Maybe you can understand why I would assume that? We can have a discussion and not agree about everything and still be civil.

    You kinda haven't been very civil to me, and one could make the case that you've assumed A LOT more about me than I have about you! :)
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    On a different note, the patch notes mention more nerfs this morning. They are finally fixing the Nest Egg kobold sewers. A lot of general minion adjustments, and they're taking another stab at the scaling issue. Maybe dungeons will be better after the patch this morning? I'll check out Mt Hotenow with trashGWF to see if it's fixed later.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    Lol it isn't personal attacks, i have nothing against you, i disagree with you. And think you are not offering anything that can help any1 here. I haven't assumed though, dude i have watched you defend this game till you are red in the face and no matter what you just can't seem to admit everything about this is bad... Maybe they had good intentions, maybe there IS a silver lining, maybe it even makes sense somewhere.... but the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and trying is not doing. Lets forget that i think this is a bad idea, almost everything about the update has something wrong with it 1 way or another... people pay cash for this they have every right to be upset. When you pay people for something and they change everything from under you.... why wouldn't they be pissed? If you buy a blue tshirt and they say nah and give you red shoes... what do you do? Damn right they are dude, 2 days old and it pissed me off, was looking for a new home cos i got sick of the DEVs there came here and to had no time to learn anything because it is all subject to change, i likely put hours and hours into content that is either already or about to be obselete.

    An update like this, should have been tested for months and months and months as it contains months and months of gameplay before even considering endgame content, they messed up here and messed up big, they made a garbage update never fully tested it, then rolled it out. They know fine well how backlash goes with these things and they done it anyway knowing fine well it wasn't a product worth releasing.

    Don't take it personally man, this is just how i am, a product of my environment.

    Just a reply to this, and thank you:

    I have been trying to help people that wanted to play to get through this patch as it exists. That was the whole point of this thread to begin with. When I started playtesting from level 1, it became apparent that there were numerous bugged mobs and tricky areas that made things pretty tough. I made some suggestions for how to deal with that. Now I am stopped completely because of bugs. Mt Hotenow cannot be done with trashGWF and no health potions. It's pretty severe enough to where having health pots may not even help that much. It's bad.

    I don't know if that's technically "defending" the patch. I have always maintained that scaling is "weird" (my exact wording). I'm pretty sure I never said this was release was perfect, in fact I'm pretty sure I said that they were probably going to nerf some stuff, fix the dungeons, fix some bugs, and that's about it. I maintain that they very very likely won't roll back to before the combat rework. I can almost guarantee that this new stat system is here to stay, just based on how important they have said the new system is for making new content in the future. The Power creep was a THING to them. I mean, they have an enchantment trade-in vendor for a reason, lol.

    Since you've been running dungeons (I haven't AT ALL since the patch), could you give some pointers for folks to get through? Could you make some bug reports for some stuff? Are they simply unplayable, and we should wait for more fixes?
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    As an aside, I have something that might help folks in dungeons who are in a premades - this probably isn't going to work in a pug, but....

    In my first post in this thread, I mention that a Ghost companion is kinda awesome for dealing with OP minions. If everyone on the team -- or maybe a couple could be enough -- had Ghost comps out then you are going to eliminate the minion mobs very quickly. You don't get much faster than instant death! lol Plus, the more OP and bugged the mobs are... well, if they turncoat and start helping you...


    Also about the ghost: I won't spoil it entirely, but I can add that any turncoat minion who dies after being possessed by the Ghost who spawns another mob from their dying -- in that case, when that happens, the mob that spawns is also friendly to you. For example, in the Rothe Valley instances there are mobs called Egg Sacs that spawn Spiderlings when they are killed. Your Ghost can possess the Egg Sacs, and when she is done with it, the three Spiderlings pop out and start helping you until they are killed or you leave the area. These helper mobs can be healed and last longer if you take care of them, obviously.

    Is there some place in this game where monsters spawning from killed minion enemies can become really tiresome and/or deadly? Hmm...
  • johnnystranger#5900 johnnystranger Member Posts: 467 Arc User
    I just hope they get this figured out on pc before they screw up PS4 with this update .
    As for power creep ( if this indeed was the goal to stop ) , could have just capped power say at 175k , js

    Still can’t fathom making going back to old , low level areas just to battle like I was a noob with rank 3 enchantment and blue gear . Progression is null n void if this remains the same
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User

    Still can’t fathom making going back to old , low level areas just to battle like I was a noob with rank 3 enchantment and blue gear . Progression is null n void if this remains the same

    It's not THAT bad. Don't worry, you can still wreck lower level areas (except Hotenow) just fine even with things not quite perfect yet. Also, people have reported that some legacy campaign areas are crazy right now. Apparently the River District is a nightmare, but Well of Dragons is not borked at all. Go figure. I played around on my 80 wizard in Avernus with no enchants and no mount insignias and was doing just fine even though my stat caps were completely bonkers on my Wizard with the gear that had been at least passable decent before. I was still killing stuff just fine. If anything, my control powers were more effective there.
  • jules#6770 jules Member Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    Not everything is a singular bug. Its poor implemenation. You say if people don't like the systems change they should leave - but others should carry a "bug" sheet with them so they can note what should have never been patched onto the game. My customers irl are not supposed to fix my business for me either. But alright.
    My pointers - do not run content that will be a net loss.
    1) If you run a dungeon that you ran before or a zone you ran before and you die and or spend a lot more of resources on, you will not gain more rewards for it.
    Why? Because the company hasn't had time for it.
    1.1) Whiteside wrote himself: "Very busy over here but a quick PSA that rewards in multiple areas are being buffed to better match the experience/time (as well as some new ones) for Mod 20. Now that one dot mobs are in a better place we can work on balancing the reward output." https://www.reddit.com/r/Neverwinter/comments/l5mphp/the_new_changes_are_fine_if_rewards_are_increased/
    So hang in if you want. Or not.

    1.2) while you are waiting, you can try out other things about the game (I guess) that are interesting - to be absolutely honest: If leveling a toon is not fun for you, don't force yourself. Why would you? The game is not running away, and your enjoyment should be your first priorities. (Or you will end up a salty vet complaining on the forum. A HA)
    There is professions, there are guilds, there are still active alliances that can help you - and they can show you aspects of the game you didn't know. As in: Why you do not only rely on dungeons (that you might not be able to run) to farm AD (especially once you hit 80, but since there is a learning curve...) a good guild will also help you out with where you can find what, which is hella confusing at first.

    2) if you want to help by providing the obstacle you have encountered - and have seen that players already have reported several broken mechanics and uploaded videos of skirm and dungeon runs without any acknowledgement, and you still want to do it: report it in forum (supports help with what occured due to the changes would prob be to send you to the forums again) with some info. When did you run what, what happened (even if you post a video) - party/solo content, who did you run it with, why do you perceive it as "a bug".

    3) Even if they increase rewards and decrease the effort/perceived difficulty, it will not go back to before. Find something you like about the game and stick to it if you want to keep playing it. Or, as OP put it: Leave. This is what you get by playing NW, I have known this, OP has known this, most people on the forum know this: NW released like this before, and the uproar is quite big because we kind of believed that it would change. With all that talk about release quality and whatnot. But appearently that was wrong, so here is a little battle plan for releases of "reworks" and mods:
    - first few hours after it: either something marketbreaking was broken or not. You will hear it. You might even see it. Just because everybody is suddenly opening the same lockboxes or selling the same thing in bulk doesn't mean you should. (Read the ToS)
    - first day: might not want to play. you will see. try it, don't spend your whole accounts fortune on it. You will understand with time what to sell on first day of releases, but you probably don't want to BUY.
    - first week: first patch to get it "on track" because rushed releases with poor quality are the new trademark of most businesses in the gaming industry and they mostly get away with it. Wait for it. Often an adjustment of rewards for quests/HEs etc.
    - first month: oh, can't hurt to check it out. Hopefully it has a time gate.

    Yeah I am serious. Well as much as I can be. If you are in a guild, talk about dungeons. If not, try to find one, or a channel, something that lets you hear the newest gossip. Try a dungeon. Do not despair. You can just leave the instance at any time. Talk to your group.
    First sneak peak into endgame: Stand in PE. Try on fashion. Listen to the voice of the flat eartheners.
    - bye bye -
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    Thanks, jules. I'm not being facetious, those are good tips. Especially #3. You gotta be able to walk away from this thing. The devs aren't going to learn their lesson -- if they were going to, it would have been after at most the third time the volcano of player grief erupted, but here we are at number seven or eight? More? Yeesh. Every single time. There has never been a smooth rollout. Not one that I have seen.

    If you wanna play this as it is, you might need to do some stuff differently, at least for the time being. Maybe forever. The combat advantage stuff is pretty different. That might turn into a permanent thing or they might nerf it. Who knows? But for now, you gotta care about it if you want to play this thing and be most effective.
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User

    Hardly, i don't even know the dungeons. All i know is i was healer and clearly my heal agro was a lot... enough to out agro a 75 tank with 1 heal sometimes even a couple of the fireball strikes (forget the name) Best thing i can think of is for players to stack and and try not to split up so healer can try keep on top of people and if damage splits then thats great too.
    Tank do tank things but try keep enemies close.... might be a good idea to bring an offtank or something in places with large mobs until it is all fixed.... Or a crowd controller if you get them in this game.

    No point in kiting (i don't like that anyway) especially if you are melee, it will make mobs longer to kill and inturn much harder. Melee get hunted and killed quite easy, not sure about ranged. And if you heal try your very best to not move a muscle until everything is going nuts... Maybe distance management can help with agro management for heal agro?? I duno.... I mean dude i don't even know if heal agro is a thing here i am just assuming based on me only healing plus it being a thing over on CO.
    With mobs speed seems to be key atm plus a surplus of potions.... But again i'm brand new i'm sure there is a whole bunch of stuff i am missing or still to learn.

    Duno if any of this will be any help, and personally i leveled a barbarian through this mayhem and focused on single target attacks (again not sure but barbarian aoes seem to suck big time) which let me snipe them 1 at a time to soften everything else, i have burned an easy300-400+ potions though after update and for newbs they ain't cheap so buyers beware.

    Things might change after the update.... I will agree with you on 1 thing, it is doable... But i am hardly a slouch at gaming if i find it brutal sometimes i can only imagine the pain others are suffering right now... It defo is doable but is far from time or cost efficient to be killing mobs, especially for newbs.

    If you are going to start now, make a healer it really does help a lot.

    But i'm not anywhere near experienced enough or knowledgeable enough to properly give advice. So i just tell you how i managed it.... Also quite funny they slammed me into a wall and then i leveled almost 3 times faster, i think the place is called the underdark a little guy in there gives a repeatable quest and with the goodies the DEVs gave me i had 175% exp boost and was getting 15k exp per mission and they are infinitely repeatable all the time... Update might change some of this, but if not this is how i managed.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    Well, one thing is for sure, the Devs haven't tested the lower level dungeons with a "level appropriate" character, otherwise they wouldn't say things like "Now that one dot mobs are in a better place...", one dot mobs in Cloak Tower hit my Vanguard like a HAMSTER truck, what the hell am i supposed to equip a level 40 character with to actually tank these beasts?!

    And if everything is in such perfect butterflies frolicking in the sunshine peachy order, why the HAMSTER does it take nearly half an hour for my tank to find a group for a single RDQ run?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    And if everything is in such perfect butterflies frolicking in the sunshine peachy order, why the HAMSTER does it take nearly half an hour for my tank to find a group for a single RDQ run?

    I'd guess lack of healer, on my dps i struggle to get groups but my healer gets sucked in pretty quick... But maybe that was just when i was on. I was on my healer just before daily rollover and got into 2 really quickly... Maybe i'm wrong, probably am but my healer was having a better time in the Q that is for sure.
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2021
    I also can vouch for healer, mega-easy compared to trashGWF. Melees are in a really tight spot right now unless they can heal themselves. shadowstarhtid, I forgot to remind you that clerics have that threatdown ability Divine Glow that also recovers divinity. Maybe you wont ever really need it to recover div because of how much easier it is to manage now with forte, but the threatdown part of divine glow might be invaluable for group content... at least for now?

    Edit: just checked Hotenow after the patch. Unplayable for trashGWF still. I continue to advise players skip this area and go on to Whispering Caverns.
  • shadowstarhtid#1607 shadowstarhtid Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    It doesn't help much, if i'm lucky it drops my red bar by 75% for a few seconds. The problem i'd say is the severe amounts of damage people take means healers need to do a severe amount of healing... And i doubt the DEVs have considered that in the slightest at all. I'd think maybe the tank build was awful, but i doubt it a level 75 shouldn't lose to heal agro like it was. They could give me a literal full scale threat wipe and it will not help as soon as heals and big numbers show tank struggles, i'v seen plenty complain about tank agro too, so mix those 2 together and you have a wild dungeon guaranteed. I'm talking like instant i could wait run in heal once get agro threat wipe 1 tap a fireball and they be on me again. I was effectively an offtank more than i was a healer, i was just too squishy to OT the full thing cos mob strength.
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