Greetings all, I recently returned to NW after a roughly 8 month absence (life in the time of COVID hasn’t been easy) and saw some players were Aasimars and I got really excited because I have always wanted to play a celestial to counter balance my other Tiefling character. Couldn’t find it in any of the in game markets so I looked it up online and found out that players had to purchase all four recorders blessings to unlock it.
Long story short, I came back at the tail end of milestone 3 and wasn’t able to play the first two milestones, does anyone know if there will be any other way to get it in the future or am I just SoL?
Main: Nidara Devilspawn- Ranger
Alt: Aradin Coldblood- Fighter
Alt: Lucrezia Vileborn- Warlock