All of us want to be as unique as possible i think this is a very important aspect that sometimes gets overlooked
I will post a few ideas here on this and hope some will follow with some great ones !
- So what about a coloring system for mounts ?
- what about some flying mounts even if they don't fly high .. That will be like crazy awesome
- Please bring in more fashion and also bring back the old gear for transmutes PLEASE cause again we all want to be as unique as possible
- Bring in more organic transmutes for classes like Fighter and Paladin and not just the steel clanky and mechanical looking gear .. robes and cloaks will be great all can use them as they wish
- some players play dragonborn mostly for the extra dps and HP but dont like how it looks and i laugh when i see how they try to make it pretty pls change the dragonborn so that helmets and shoes etc can worn etc
- More spear , longblade and shield transmutes for fighter class and make the spears and longblades be on the back not side or offer an option to put spear or sword etc on either side or back that will be great ! ...the spears and longblades look so much better on the back of fighters imo as for example the Ebonised spear from Undermountain drags in the mud
- The old gear (example Trade bar Shop) in PE for all classes has been removed ? why ? was great transmutes ...
- Make all weapons transmutes for rogues possible to change both main and offhand to transmute (some cases not possible)
Why is their so much dark sinister gear vs more Holy light type gear ... 90% gear is skulls or devil horns or snakes or some evil pattern Bring back some light in all the darkness as an option !
- Alot more options ito fashion is defintly needed
- maybe discard the fact that theres fashion and battle wear - make us mix and match as we please Im sure theres many outhere that has just brilliant ideas ito of player and mount look and feel and what can be done to create more uniqueness for all the players in Neverwinter.
They chose to look like that as a tradeoff for the damage.
"maybe discard the fact that theres fashion and battle wear - make us mix and match as we please"
The slots don't match. They have head in common but otherwise the fashion is everything from neck to waist including arms for one piece and everything below the waist for the other. That won't mix with gear that has 5 slots covering that same area.
mmmh they kinda slide more than fly but i get ya ..i have a disc one of my fav but doesnt feel like flying more like riding a very cool skateboard .. was thinking more along the line of flying eagle or dragon or flying apparatus out of of Gonds shop ... what would you like to see ?