- Start charging per month to expand Cryptics' company capabilities and improve general management of the relationship with the community, not in detriment of the online store (although shrinking it through the process)
- Ending ONCE and for ALL with the PRACTICAL not in-game useful (or barely practical/useful) at-wills, encounters, passives and dailies in ALL classes (Bounding Slam, in Barbarians, as an example of a both pve and pvp "out in your face" not "useless" at-will power)
- Ending ONCE and for ALL with the updated end-gameish gear in DETRIMENT of previous' expansions' gear (specially artifacts - major issue that started post Undermountain Mod >>cant recall if it was 15 or 16 so...); either by making the old end-game gear more accessible (and by that i mean... way, way, way more accessible), updating the previous campaigns as a whole etc ...
- Give crafting system a PERMANENT 'meaning'. Again, usefulness issue right over there
- As teased, implied, insinuated, purported and hinted for more than 4 years now, add a new class
- Lessen the level cap in dungeons and trials a bit (???)
...Now to more personal and not-so-popular ideas/requests (again, feel free to comment, agree, disagree, respectfully)
- Increase IN-DEPTH game content IN DETRIMENT of "horizontal" or "superficial" content: 'channel' a little bit of the time and resources to the current game-adding content in Neverwinter to retread old content and campaigns. This by itself will give a more immersing, realistic (or fantasy-ish) content not only for veteran players, but also for new ones (even and also attracting them to the game !)
- Explore more the Paragon possibilities, either by specializing more each paragon, or simply adding more paragons to each class (one more paragon would be satisfactory, i believe), in order to, once again, valorize playstyle and explore even more of the D&D game. This one's brought into discussion for the relative high similarities of the 2 paragons of each class which, imo, could and should be explored better ...
- Add new voice-acting into the created characters so at least when you pick a Wizard Tiefling, a Barbarian Dragonborn and a Rogue Halfling in your chars hall, they dont ALL reproduce that same male voice all over the time while jumping, attacking and even performing some encounters and/or dailies - same goes for the female gender chars. ***Advice: you could make a per-class or per-race voice action, just as an example ...
Thank you. Have a nice morning/noon/evening/night cheers.