We play to have fun, to evade from real life, our problems, our stress... Right now, playing neverwinter is not fun. Scaling, healing, drop rates, new content, impossible dungeons, everything is worst in mod19. You want our money, earn it.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
You have a point. Game play feels less rewarding than it used to be. I have been considering taking a break from the game for a while to see if hings get fixed, but I'm not there yet...not quite.
yep. agree.. but alas. everyone will say. if you don't like it leave. just doesn't make sense. Why fix something that isn't broke? why not fix something that's broke. =(
This mod is garbage. Everything is locked behind layers of RNG and whether you get the last hit in. Have at it DPS players. You've got what it takes to kill mobs quickly and deliver the big hits that deal that death blow. Everyone else is out of luck.
My recommendation for the company is to hire someone to explain to them what fun is.
Absolutely correct. Now they did buff lionheart to 2nd best weapon and now all burnished set players are going to be compared against lionheart and gets feedback on low dps x.x so HAMSTER annoying. 3rd best weapon is hidden behind layers of RNG. Honestly neverwinter now is no fun at all for casual players..
We’re still waiting for this debacle on console . If it’s even worse rng with this mod , I’ll be on other games . My rng is so bad , 60 plus celestial coffers opened during this double refinement , 1 coal ward , 2 es 5 . I agree with OP , bring back the fun !!!
> @colemcm said: > Next up, the devs declare that the Celestial set does too much damage and cut the damage of all weapon sets in half.
I wouldn't doubt it. They nerfed the main healing encounter powers in 900-1000 magnitude, didn't even released a fvcking patch note about it and only a few days before this bootleg madmax RNG fest be released. After that we can expect literally anything from them.
I have to say, after four years I am wrapping it up. Everything after Undermountain has bored me to tears. It's one thing to be grindy, it's one thing to be time gated, it's one thing to be RNG with stoopid hard odds, but to put them all together is spirit shatteringly, brain numbingly boring. (And don't get me started on all the nerfs)
I am lucky in a way in that I have 30-ish toons and after so long playing levelling them up and all that is pretty fun and not to troublesome but once I finish Undermountion with a new toon it's like...meh... might as well start a new one because this new stuff just isn't fun.
I have a guild and all that and will be playing just to make sure I can support it and help all our guildies and alliance members but my play time has already went from 50+ hours a week to less then 10 and until I can taste some fun in this game again my purse strings are staying closed.
I am ok with the healing changes, the healing was too good. If you did not get one-shotted the healer would have you back to full immediately. This nerf was needed. It is good that the dps need to worry about taking damage
I am partially ok with the scaling changes. It is better than it was, with characters at cap staying at cap. However there still is an issue with that you can take off gear to improve your stats. That should be fixed. The power stat reduction that followed with the new scaling increases game challenge somewhat, I am personally OK with that, game has been getting too easy.
Messups in mod 19: * Hiding the new weapons behind a double RNG that gives a very low drop chance. Low drop chances gives a very big uncertainty of getting them at all, the statistical spread of the number of rolls required to get both items is very large. A system with currency drop like in ToMM should be used so you have a guarantee of eventually getting them. Make the currency a 50% drop from maps for instance, that would give a fair guarantee of getting the weapons in a reasonable and predictable time. * The map drop rate in general is too low making for very boring grinds * Hanging loot drops from the bosses on last hit. That is very unfair to anyone not top dps. Really Cryptic.. your game designers must be level 10 newbies to do such basic gameplay mistakes. Loot rolls should just depend on having a minimal presence on the mobs hatelist so even heals with no damage qualify for loot rolls. * Upgrading the ToMM weapons was a mistake. Old gear should not be upgraded but left as it is to make room for new stuff. What you did now was to insta-remove all challenge in the 'old' game for the ToMM geared people, and also make Zariel a lot easier for them. That was rather pointless, having gear outdated is a normal part of mmorpg play.
I am just signing in for my key until such time as my VIP runs out. I used to like levelling up characters but my attitude now is ‘ What’s the point’. I can’t quite bring myself to delete the game yet after all the time and money I invested. What a let down after all the hope that the arrival of Chris Whiteside generated
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
I think the fun is removed because of the frustration generated with all the rewards. I feel better playing a game where I have to kill 20.000 mobs to increase my dmg in 1% than chasing an item behind double (and very low) rng.
You dont see the light and you may play countless hours and still get nothing. That generates frustration and frustration removes all the fun.
Even the boons that are very grindy, dont generate this frustration.
Nerfs and changes arent the problem IMHO, people adapt. But playing for hours to get nothing, make people leave or take breaks.
andybones65Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 65Arc User
> @autumnwitch said: > > > I have a guild and all that and will be playing just to make sure I can support it and help all our guildies and alliance members but my play time has already went from 50+ hours a week to less then 10 and until I can taste some fun in this game again my purse strings are staying closed.
Feel the same, gameplay dropped so much, find it even hard to even invoke and do legacy, dailies weeklies.
Tbh i spend more time reading stuff here than i spend in game now, weekly caps were the worst idea ever implemented, you log in for 30-60 mins hit the cap and have nothing to do for a week, even storm's king thunder that was a pain in the HAMSTER gave me more stuff to do daily....
Yep I ve written many a long post on how unpleasant it is to play this game since mod 16...i have stopped for a little over a month now...just logged in by sheer morbid curiosity to see the new mod...it is on par with everything since 16...now they have been taking advice from end gamers it is even worst...they do give a lot of free stuff...but what is the use when playing the game is so boring and frustrating for casual gamers...people are too strong for the old dungeons...kill everything in 3 seconds...and the new dungeons are for elite mostly...bug o rama...but above all the repetitive nature of the game is just a drain...everyone with the same same setup and companion....horrible boon system...lenghty wait for queue...the grind is just not worth the reward anymore...the only thing stopping me from uninstall is the zen i got and really cant find anything worthy to spend on for months already...remnants from getting caught in the account wide legendary mount sale...you are right on friend...this "game" is just not fun anymore! More like unpleasant work!
We play to have fun, to evade from real life, our problems, our stress...
Right now, playing neverwinter is not fun. Scaling, healing, drop rates, new content, impossible dungeons, everything is worst in mod19. You want our money, earn it.
You want endgame runs like ToMM and the new one???? EARN IT
Absolutely correct. Now they did buff lionheart to 2nd best weapon and now all burnished set players are going to be compared against lionheart and gets feedback on low dps x.x so HAMSTER annoying. 3rd best weapon is hidden behind layers of RNG. Honestly neverwinter now is no fun at all for casual players..
First and second are debatable: Lionheart with 1200 IL, 10% damage bonus at max stam, 10% damage reduc at min Stam. Celestial set is 1300 IL with a buff that can be proc'ed once per minute. Legion set is third, 1150 set, bonus is +1k to some ratings +1k per person in your party with the set (which is what is being referred to as rng (map) on rng (in chest) ). Fourth set being the new restore-able 1100 set, purely fourth due to it's higher base damage than burnished, then finally burnished, alabaster and watcher sets, you can decide where they fall.
First and second are debatable: Lionheart with 1200 IL, 10% damage bonus at max stam, 10% damage reduc at min Stam. Celestial set is 1300 IL with a buff that can be proc'ed once per minute. Legion set is third, 1150 set, bonus is +1k to some ratings +1k per person in your party with the set (which is what is being referred to as rng (map) on rng (in chest) ). Fourth set being the new restore-able 1100 set, purely fourth due to it's higher base damage than burnished, then finally burnished, alabaster and watcher sets, you can decide where they fall.
and why is the 10% on 1 person is better for party buff cause ilv?? dont forget that can be stacked if all pt have legion set
louchristanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 50Arc User
edited July 2020
We all choose to play Neverwinter for different reasons,and even post here for differrent reasons. Some like to show off, some like to make friends, but I think most of all people play this game just to have some fun and to relax after a hard day, either at work or at school. I think this game has a lot to improve in the fun department. I don't mind spending a few hundreds of dollars here and there monthly if I see something worthy but so far I was very disappointed. The only reason I stay with this game is because I had invested a lot of time and money on it and I hope someday it will get better.
I can't say anything that hasn't been said so far. I can add to it though. For me, personally and having been with the game since the start - I am not seeing anything of value here on the new mod (19).
The grind is only amplified by the mono-orange landscape in Avernus that saturates the screen with hues of what can only be described as a visual depression. The new mod is not only boring, but the feel, story and grind can only aptly be described as abysmal.
It's breathtaking in that it only steals the breath away with every yawn, groan and sigh. This warrants a break, sadly.
Often this posts seem like people complaining they can't run the newest content. I see it often in game. Complaints end game is only for end gamers not casuals. Well there is plenty of content that doesnt include the most recent dungeons, that should be worked towards. Yes this is a mmo just like the rest, you won't be handed anything like they did start of mod 14 and start of mod 16 to insta gear yourself for talking to 1 npc. It is doable though and I see many trying every day to get better how and where they can. I applaud those on the grind to get stronger and even more so those that did get to end game and are looking back to help guildies/alliance mates/friends that haven't made it yet. "Keep on keeping on."
louchristanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 50Arc User
The subject of the post is "This is not fun", it is not about whether you can run the newest endgame or get the best new gears or not. I wonder why some people post here to tell other to earn their gears or learn how to run the endgame. Perhaps showing off their endgame gears and how good they are to other players are fun to them.
It is like they are trying to suck the soul right out of you and see how long they can keep you in game while they do it. Everything they implement is designed to NOT be any fun. I agree with everything in this post related to the current state of this games lack of enjoyment.
We play to have fun, to evade from real life, our problems, our stress...
Right now, playing neverwinter is not fun. Scaling, healing, drop rates, new content, impossible dungeons, everything is worst in mod19. You want our money, earn it.
You want endgame runs like ToMM and the new one???? EARN IT
EARN IT -----> by open your wallet and gear up indeed and this is why the game is dying cuz they have players like you
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,171Arc User
No. By grinding.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
louchristanMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 50Arc User
edited July 2020
Grinding is unrewarding unless you have the RNG God on your side in this game now. All mmo type of games require some sort of grinding but it can be presented in a more pleasant way. You shouldn't grinding all day and night and yet feel some of you characters going nowhere and some go by leaps and bounces without much effort. They should at least let us see the light at the end of the tunnel so that we don't get depress after we wasting all those gaming hours. This has more and more become a Casino game which attract players by a game of chance. Neverwinter starting out with lots of fun otherwise I wouldn't stay with it for so long and I don't know how it end up like this. LOL
We play to have fun, to evade from real life, our problems, our stress...
Right now, playing neverwinter is not fun. Scaling, healing, drop rates, new content, impossible dungeons, everything is worst in mod19. You want our money, earn it.
You want endgame runs like ToMM and the new one???? EARN IT
EARN IT -----> by open your wallet and gear up indeed and this is why the game is dying cuz they have players like you
If anything, they find new ways to screw my class in every patch and mod.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
My recommendation for the company is to hire someone to explain to them what fun is.
I agree with OP , bring back the fun !!!
> Next up, the devs declare that the Celestial set does too much damage and cut the damage of all weapon sets in half.
I wouldn't doubt it. They nerfed the main healing encounter powers in 900-1000 magnitude, didn't even released a fvcking patch note about it and only a few days before this bootleg madmax RNG fest be released. After that we can expect literally anything from them.
I am lucky in a way in that I have 30-ish toons and after so long playing levelling them up and all that is pretty fun and not to troublesome but once I finish Undermountion with a new toon it's like...meh... might as well start a new one because this new stuff just isn't fun.
I have a guild and all that and will be playing just to make sure I can support it and help all our guildies and alliance members but my play time has already went from 50+ hours a week to less then 10 and until I can taste some fun in this game again my purse strings are staying closed.
I am partially ok with the scaling changes. It is better than it was, with characters at cap staying at cap. However there still is an issue with that you can take off gear to improve your stats. That should be fixed. The power stat reduction that followed with the new scaling increases game challenge somewhat, I am personally OK with that, game has been getting too easy.
Messups in mod 19:
* Hiding the new weapons behind a double RNG that gives a very low drop chance. Low drop chances gives a very big uncertainty of getting them at all, the statistical spread of the number of rolls required to get both items is very large. A system with currency drop like in ToMM should be used so you have a guarantee of eventually getting them. Make the currency a 50% drop from maps for instance, that would give a fair guarantee of getting the weapons in a reasonable and predictable time.
* The map drop rate in general is too low making for very boring grinds
* Hanging loot drops from the bosses on last hit. That is very unfair to anyone not top dps. Really Cryptic.. your game designers must be level 10 newbies to do such basic gameplay mistakes. Loot rolls should just depend on having a minimal presence on the mobs hatelist so even heals with no damage qualify for loot rolls.
* Upgrading the ToMM weapons was a mistake. Old gear should not be upgraded but left as it is to make room for new stuff. What you did now was to insta-remove all challenge in the 'old' game for the ToMM geared people, and also make Zariel a lot easier for them. That was rather pointless, having gear outdated is a normal part of mmorpg play.
You dont see the light and you may play countless hours and still get nothing. That generates frustration and frustration removes all the fun.
Even the boons that are very grindy, dont generate this frustration.
Nerfs and changes arent the problem IMHO, people adapt. But playing for hours to get nothing, make people leave or take breaks.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
> I have a guild and all that and will be playing just to make sure I can support it and help all our guildies and alliance members but my play time has already went from 50+ hours a week to less then 10 and until I can taste some fun in this game again my purse strings are staying closed.
Feel the same, gameplay dropped so much, find it even hard to even invoke and do legacy, dailies weeklies.
The grind is only amplified by the mono-orange landscape in Avernus that saturates the screen with hues of what can only be described as a visual depression. The new mod is not only boring, but the feel, story and grind can only aptly be described as abysmal.
It's breathtaking in that it only steals the breath away with every yawn, groan and sigh. This warrants a break, sadly.
Believer in SMASH
Fairplay,no bots , no bugs, and play well
and this is why the game is dying cuz they have players like you