the nerf to heals wont make much change on content below level 80 because of the scale down. TIC TOMM will not be possible anymore without eating thousands of full heal pots. This is just another way for greedy craptic to make more money from people now having to rely on full heal pots instead of healers. I just spent an entire hour trying to beat bell and everyone was geting killed all over the place and there was nothing i could do about it. My heals went for 70% as cleric to 10% most the time on even just myself without even being split. Was not even able to get one wining run on bell today but thats my point. Sure the players were probaly under geared but if only pay to win or the oldest players can do any of the new content then this game will be dead in the next few weeks. Now all thats left is leveling up to levle 80 then quit the craptic game unless your the 10% that could already do TOMM.
Cleric: Marquis Elmdore - Current Main
Wizard: Iamblichus
Fighter: Anna the Titan
Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja
Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia
Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
Guild: She Looked Level 18.
Alliance: Imperium
That being said, they are killing the game. Making healing almost imposible only show that we ain't necesary for ANY group content, since they only need stones/potions and potion boons. If with this murderous nerf they at least gave us REAL buffs/debuffs, we COULD have a chance, but instead we have silence. Not ONE dev show its face and explained the WHY. Now we need to wait from 1 to 30 weeks to see if they fix this.
I sure know im waiting to see how they fuc---rework the Soulweaver again. Now i only need to change my whole lovely build for this.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
I have spent loads of AD,upgrade tokens etc and irl money for my healing companions, for no reason.
Refund lol.
Why dont u test ur changes before sending them live?
You can impossible have done that wtih this changes.
I dunno, maby doin as many others at this point.
Head over too another mmo.
I'll agree that there are some balancing concerns in game now, both because the new scaling system seems to hit us harder and because of the reduced heals.
There are some adaptations players need to do, and I don't want to cry wolf until things have settled down a little.
* Players need to play more defensively and be better at avoiding damage. People need to max out their defense stat. Up to now the dps players have more or less forgotten that THEY also have a responsibility for avoiding damage, keeping people up is not exclusively the healers job.
* Healers need to adapt the way they are healing. You can no longer as Cleric just chainspam Bastion. So we also have a bit of improvement available in the healing by adjusting healer gameplay.
I understand what they are trying to do: make healing more challenging so its more fun.
The hit is very very big. I am just not motivated to train myself in the new meta when I know that in the end im being much worse than i was before. I am too anticipating the blames healers will recieve on failures, so even less motivation to get into that.
I sometimes talk with my guildies about the difficulties of each role in TOMM, and for me the biggest challenge is being healer. As tank or dps is far more relaxed in there. If I think about stress, I prefer to be solo-tank than one of two healers. And Im talking about BEFORE this ultra-nerf.
I can just play as dps or tank.
I dont play any healing class but the channel divinity changes do seem like you could be running around more and doing stuff instead of channeling. On the other hand when I was getting crit healed for 54k HP by 26k IL cleric in Lomm it was quite ridiculous.
If you have someone targeted you can not always tell if you still have them targeted. If you die in combat you have to retarget the person and that may put you right in the line of combat. The tab key takes to long to charge by the time you charge it the tank might be dead. These are just some of the things I have noticed testing on mimic and on live yesterday.
I know a lot people put a lot of work into their build to make good healers in this game and now it feel like it is wasted. I have always enjoyed healing now I do not. Yesterday I did the campaign and then logged into a DPS alt I had. I created them so I could see why certain DPS stood where they did and how best to help the group.
But yesterday I did not log into them to learn, I logged in to have fun. Because that is the point of a game is to have fun not be stressed because you can not help the people you are playing with.
I just wanted to give honest feedback of why healing is no longer as fun in this game.
The marking mechanic is poorly done, you can’t even see the mark half of the time when zoomed out due to health bars blocking it. Targeting is a pain, mobs and your own allied can body block it and in 10 man content, it can just get completely lost. Also, people tend to move around a lot when they need healing the most, not great for marking.
We lost the ability to heal under stress, when everyone are spread out and taking massive damage. Just like how many DPS take pride in being able to kill things fast, a lot of healer takes pride in being able to keep their team alive through all woes. What am I suppose to feel as a healer when I can’t keep pugs alive in CoDG, when as a DPS, my group melted the boss so fast, Acererak didn’t even show up.
That means people will stay with low hp, and so in danger of dying, for much longer.
In the other hand when you are hit hard and drop to 20% HP, you can take a potion. By the moment the healer would have healed all those HP, the potion will be almost out of cooldown.
We have to try all options, but healers are dangerously near or even bellow than just healing with potions.
Soulweaver was reworked, from all the new encounters one is "useful" enough and only if the team can stay still, and even then nor them or you will see it since its particles are nearly invisible.
Feats are just sad, the first two has no impact, two are for the Lifespark but you won't even notice its there, one is for DPS and the rest is nearly useless.
Classfeatures are the same. One good enough, One dps, Two bad.
It it were just "re learning" or "redo my build" i wouldn't have that MUCH rage, but the problem is that the new kit + nerf = Soulweaver suck. The only class and role i really loved is trashed.
Soulweaver: The Lovely Red
Minstrel: The Rose Troubadour
Well the changes make a cleric less desirable to play, and all it has done is turned good healers into bad healers.
I did TIC with guild members, all of us were geared well, my cleric being the lowest geared at 26.7k . Normally the first boss goes fairly smooth and enjoyable. With the changes, we had a rough time, burning through Healing stones and res scrolls and it was definitely not enjoyable.
And good luck with a pug. I did two pug RTQ and they were all horrible.
I think these changes are going to cause a even greater cleric shortage
yeah we have more time to stand around using our HAMSTER at-wills because most of the encounter have huge coolwdons
let me explain to you how a soulweaver is, since you don't play healers
-eldritch blast - our only reliable dmg at-will now - 35 magnitude
with boons + off-hand cooldown reduction here are our encounter cooldowns:
Bova -15.1s
wraith's shadow - 19.8s
pillar of power - 23.6s
warlock's bargain - 28.3s
Hadar's grasp - 18.9s
we really do have a lot to do with all the free time we have now...
and that's not even the real problem
Tab mechanic is bugged, i did tiamat yesterday and out of 50 tries i managed to mark the target no more than 10 times, oh and when i finnaly marked someone it was hard to see it with all the health bars plus randoms animations.
Revitalize is pretty much useless in aoe - if we have 5 people on it each one gets a 160 magnitude heal (nice)
Soulstorm is almost invisible and on top of that in the current meta isn't worth it because you need to move a lot to dodge stuff and this encounter doesn't move with the player, oh but you can cast multiple times, yeah.. 220 soulweave cost for a 500 magnitude heal over time is garbage but it's the best aoe we have
If you really want to heal you can only depend on soul reconstruction at-will, and using it in dungeons is not hard you just need positioning but in trials when there's companions and 10 players good luck healing the player you want to heal
Not even bother with the rest, all of this was said in the mod19-healing changes thread and we were ignored
Few months ago I felt like the communication between the devs and players improved a lot but recently I feel like were back at the bottom with zero communication.
Scroll of Life, no. That was added as of this mod.
I am at the mercy of the divinity recharge speed. I had the option to channel divinity and keep it up in case some unexpected situation happens, providing more divinity in the long term. Channel divinity isn't fun, but it provided a better sense of insurance that if things went awry, I'd have enough to deal with multiple party members taking some immense damage.
Here's a typical breakdown of dungeon game play prior to this mod:
- If my divinity is full, use damaging-at will, use secondary at-will to keep increased healing, use a debuff encounter when available, re-position for granting combat advantage to fellow party members and keep an eye on health bars
- If party members needed healing, heal appropriately, use Divine Glow and begin channeling divinity
- While replenishing divinity, if another heal is required, heal as needed
- If running low on divinity, let other party members know and focus on regaining divinity, priority healing on tank in a pinch
- Keep daily at the ready to heal en-masse, allowing summoned angel to provide healing support as necessary.
No, I am not able to run around and do more stuff. I have to choose when I toss heals carefully based on how much divinity I have. Not only that, the healing is sub-par. I'm still doing what I did before it's just far less effective and I have to be more selective as to whom to heal. What other options are there? Switching to soothe and trying to properly aim at moving players hoping you heal the intended target? Is this an FPS now? I'd rather focus on being able to heal more frequently than do anything else -- not DPS, not buff (that was a few mods ago, which was real fun).Cleric: Marquis Elmdore - Current Main
Wizard: Iamblichus
Fighter: Anna the Titan
Barbarian: Anann Valkyrja
Ranger: Minerva Cory'phaia
Warlock: Suri Coralyne Reid
Guild: She Looked Level 18.
Alliance: Imperium