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Ideas On How To Reduce The ZAX Backlog While Shrinking The AD Pool

deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 73 Arc User
During the maintenance we were having a discussion on stream, thinking of ways to add more AD sinks to the game that may potentially shrink the current AD <> Zen backlog on PC. Some of the ideas that came up were;

The ability to buy overload enchantments, such as the ones from the Hellpit Event, from the Wonderous Bazaar.
By having these available, with a finite use time, it would essentially serve as an AD sink, and furthermore if they are bought with the VIP discount at max level (25%) and re-sold on the Auction House, it'd serve as a furthermore AD sink. This idea can be extended to other finite use items.

Taxing players who use the ZAX when exchanging AD to Zen.
By imposing an AD tax on the player selling AD, AD would essentially be removed from the game each time an exchange happens, similar to what happens on the auction house. For example, when creating a listing you are charged a 5% non-refundable fee if the order goes through, else refunded if it doesn't or you cancel. To put this in numbers, take the current exchange of 5,000 Zen at 3,750,000 AD. To get the 5,000 Zen, you need to have 3,750,000 AD + the 5% fee of 187,500 = 3,937,500 AD.


  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    The first idea is a good one, you get value for the AD. The second idea is about like instituting a 5% tax on refining rAD. You get nothing of value for the AD you lose.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    The 2nd one increases the price to get Zen. It will not hurt AD rich players. It will only hurt casual players who usually is AD poorer. Harder for them to get Zen.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • exgardianexgardian Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    Put a 1000:1 rating in ZAX, just like happens in console versions and Drider server. Period
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    regenerde said:

    As allways on this topic, the ZAX itself isn't the real problem here, rather everything else around it...

    - They should start with getting their collective HAMSTER together when it comes to ZEN charge promotions, return the former additional rewards, make them account wide again and ensure that they're claimable in game without any issues.

    - Then improve the Wondrous Bazaar with items the player really needs at reasonable prices to create a working "AD sink". Rotate some special items through the bazaar every month to increase the "value" of AD every now and then.

    - Last but not least, there needs to be done more against afk'lers/botters that farm rAD 24/7, i mean they brought down the hammer on everyone during "Huntgate", but can't do something really noticeable against those [censored]? That makes no sense to me...

    Btw. increasing the exchange rate and/or removing the limit would only kill the game for new and non-bis players.

    In short, they've made their bed and now they can lie in it.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
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  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    Customization, customization, customization

    Every update should be accompanied by new customizations: skins, combat animations, colors, effects - in the zen store, in the bazaar - permanent customizations, as wells as limited time customizations.

    When you compare the amount of customization other mmos are churning out with the absolute dearth in Neverwinter, it's almost unbelievable. They must lose an incredible amount of revenue and players every year because of this.
  • vaultingfrog#2497 vaultingfrog Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    So long as it doesn't effect other other platforms economies that aren't completely broken yet (I'm looking at my Xbox atm...) then tax away.

    But you know that if they make a change on one they will not stop there.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    Let players buy mod specific gear from the campaign store (for AD of course) as soon as a new mod hits. I think many players would gladly dump their AD to get out of the horrible torture that is alt gearing.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    wilbur626 said:

    Let players buy mod specific gear from the campaign store (for AD of course) as soon as a new mod hits. I think many players would gladly dump their AD to get out of the horrible torture that is alt gearing.

    Well, they allready tried that one before, only problem was, the gear you could buy for AD wasn't worth a damn. The "equipment sets" (from the Undermountain intro quest for example) on the other hand were a real step up, and they should continue with that instead.
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    > @regenerde said:
    > (Quote)
    > Well, they allready tried that one before, only problem was, the gear you could buy for AD wasn't worth a damn. The "equipment sets" (from the Undermountain intro quest for example) on the other hand were a real step up, and they should continue with that instead.

    Maybe my original post was a bit unclear when using the term “mod specific”. I mean release all M16 companion gear and all armor pieces, all M17 rings and weapons, all M18 armor pieces and so on.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • xenocide#6119 xenocide Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    Open up.your wallets

    The only reason the backlog is so big is because you have too many free to players and not enough players who want to spend a few dollars on the game
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    Open up our wallets for WHAT.

    When Neverwinter's become a charity case,
    there's a problem.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    People do spend money. Then they tend to hoard their zen.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • xenocide#6119 xenocide Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    > @frogwalloper#6494 said:
    > Open up our wallets for WHAT.
    > When Neverwinter's become a charity case,
    > there's a problem.

    For what? So you have some Zen and don't have to complain about the backlog
  • frogwalloper#6494 frogwalloper Member Posts: 821 Arc User
    I'm not complaining about the backlog. I'm on console, so we rarely have one, and even when we do, it's not worth mentioning. I do feel bad for pc players, though. There are things that the powers that be could be doing to make life a little better for them, and what's good for them could be good for all of us.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    wilbur626 said:

    Maybe my original post was a bit unclear when using the term “mod specific”. I mean release all M16 companion gear and all armor pieces, all M17 rings and weapons, all M18 armor pieces and so on.

    Well, that would be nice, but i doubt that's going to happen, since it looks like all they can do to keep players busy in game is throwing various versions of completely crazy RNG grind at us.

    Anyway, the "problem" that players either spend less or no money here anymore is "selfmade", so it's up to them to change it... players have given more then enough reasonable feedback for improvements in that area, but all we got this far were discount cutbacks and some other HAMSTER no one really asked for.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    2 words - preservation wards

    remove them from zen store and put them on the ad store

    Hoard zen, wait for a sale buy them dirt cheap and isnta sell for almost double value in ah, repeat and you will start to get richer

    They are probably the most important item in the game and the only reliable way to get them is the zen store

    it won't fix the problem but it will help
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    And how will Cryptic make up for what is likely the largest source of revenue in the game if they put pres wards in the AD store?
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    kharkov58 said:

    And how will Cryptic make up for what is likely the largest source of revenue in the game if they put pres wards in the AD store?

    Players purchase Zen to exchange for AD because there are something they want is available in AD market.
    Putting ward to AD market will give more incentive for cash player to exchange for AD. Hence, reduce the backlog.

    Right now, the cash player A buys Zen to buy wards directly from Zen store. No AD is destroyed from the economy.
    If ward is moved to AD store, the same cash player A buys Zen, exchange to AD and buy it from AD store. Involved AD is destroyed in economy.
    There is no lose of money from the cash player A.
    This increases demand for AD and maintain the demand for Zen for cash player.
    This reduces the backlog.

    Right now, the AD player B put their AD to Zen exchange so that he can buy ward from Zen store. No AD is destroyed in the economy
    If ward is moved to AD store, the AD player B will not need to put their AD to the Zax queue. Hence, reduce the backlog. Involved AD is destroyed in the economy.
    There is no lose of money from AD player B because he was not paying cash to begin with.
    This reduces demand of Zen from the AD player who does not part with money anyway.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    kharkov58 said:

    And how will Cryptic make up for what is likely the largest source of revenue in the game if they put pres wards in the AD store?

    Well, they could start with bringing back improved versions of the former "Class Packs",
    then go on with "Module Packs" that have account-wide companions/mounts/bags in them for reasonable prices,
    restore the former extras in ZEN Charge Promotions,
    improve and increase ViP ranks,
    come up with better fashion items, i'm pretty sure several players spend money to get those "flapping wings" for their Clerics, imagine the potential in that area if they come up with fresh and interesting stuff introduced into it,
    "unify" discount coupons so that they range from 30-40% and work in all categories, ensuring that players spend money outside the bigger seasonal sales, that should also return to full 50% sales,
    give GMs proper tools, and make sure that the support starts doing their job, hint "help players",
    do better testing on the Preview Server, so that less bugs get onto the Life Server,
    and so on...
    Post edited by regenerde on
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User
    exgardian said:

    Put a 1000:1 rating in ZAX, just like happens in console versions and Drider server. Period

    So, what is the backlog on the Drider server's ZAX?

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    regenerde said:

    Well, they could start with bringing back improved versions of the former "Class Packs",
    then go on with "Module Packs" that have account-wide companions/mounts/bags in them for reasonable prices,
    restore the former extras in ZEN Charge Promotions,
    improve and increase ViP ranks,

    Reasonable to Cryptic or the players?
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    kharkov58 said:

    And how will Cryptic make up for what is likely the largest source of revenue in the game if they put pres wards in the AD store?

    The majority of people that buy pres wards from zen store are veterans who don't spend money, even though a spend money on vip during big sales, i don't do it for anything else, i just post ad and wait until i get my zen, wait for another sale and buy stuff cheap to sell later when the prices go up

    Also did you see the amount of people who spent money when they made available the account bound legendary mounts?

    like @regenerde said just do the same for other items, and update old packs, transmutes and people will buy it, even now i see some people in guild/alliance buying those stupid hair packs or whatever that is, or when they made available that pack with a reskin of jarl's gaze people bought it when they could have just go and farm msva

    They could also put limited time mounts (like the boots) or old/new weapon transmutes that some players have been asking for years.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    regenerde said:

    Well, they could start with bringing back improved versions of the former "Class Packs",
    then go on with "Module Packs" that have account-wide companions/mounts/bags in them for reasonable prices,
    restore the former extras in ZEN Charge Promotions,
    improve and increase ViP ranks,

    Reasonable to Cryptic or the players?
    I think they reduced the prices for old packs a while ago, and only went overboard with pricing the Delver's Expedition Pack, if they improve new(er) packs as mentioned above and get their discounts in order, prices should be within reason for both sides.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • blargskullblargskull Member Posts: 514 Arc User
    edited June 2020
    I keep hearing "ideas" on how to reduce the backlog. Cryptic Studios needs to create something I want to buy in this game. That is all they need to do to reduce the backlog. At present there is nothing in the zen store I want to own. I can't recall the last time I spent cash money for zen but it was probably more than a year now.

    Players like me are the ones who buy Zen, then we toss out our leftover zen for AD. Cryptic Studios doesn't sell you zen for AD, player like I do. Then the question should be what does a player like me, spending money on Zen want to see? New races like gnome, undead variants for all races, spell plagued races, etc.. Everyone that wanted the Gith race got the skin on week one for free. These would be a cash cow, people such as myself, who want a unique look and be different from the freebie players will buy them. Then not so much as classes, but new fighting styles. Such as brawler mode for barbarian that doesn't use the weapon but started punching and doing roundhouse kicks. These would ALL need to be zen store only BTA items. When I buy zen, I normally get a minimum $20 and this comes to 2000 Zen. Pricing would be key. Making the price 1900 Zen for any item, would leave a remainder of 100 zen that most of us are going to toss out there for 75,000 AD. Multiply that number by the total amount of paid customers and your backlog comes down.

    This doesn't put the game behind a paywall, the items I am seeking are a custom look. I don't want $100 buyout package with completions, gears, or buffs! Those items make me complete the game and I don't need to play or even be here to see the new stuff. The goal here is capitalism and Cryptic better start thinking like that or my next purchase will most likely be another DLC for my PS4 games or more tech gadgets. Currently they have nothing of interest to me or my friends.

    I guess I will see what is "new" this Tuesday night? If there is nothing in the zen store, I will return to my PS4 games.

    Just killing time...
  • akichidakichid Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    One thing that's always been popular as an AD sink to just about everyone I've spoken to is a way to transform Bound to Character items to Bound to Account items for an AD fee of say 1,000 AD's or so.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    akichid said:

    One thing that's always been popular as an AD sink to just about everyone I've spoken to is a way to transform Bound to Character items to Bound to Account items for an AD fee of say 1,000 AD's or so.

    But that does not sink much AD. How many BtC to BtA for one player to do everyday? 10? That is only 10K per player per day. Hardly doing anything to reduce AD.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
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