...Sorry my bad english...
I didn't see any changes in both paragons yet, but I think Fighters, specially the DPS role, need some "love". The class have good burst damage, but will never be a top tier damage like melee Rangers or Rogues.
Some enchantments like Bilethorn, are BiS for almost all DPS classes, but not for Fighter, because all their at-wills but Reave, are slow, leaving the Vorpal the only good option.
Are there any changes planned for this class in this module?
Commander's Strike: Base damage increased to 600 magnitude (from 560), cooldown decreased to (edit) 18 seconds (from 21 seconds).
Weight of Vengeance: Damage bonus increased to 380 magnitude (from 300), Vengeance cost decreased to 15 (from 25)
Crushing Blows: Fixed a bug where Crushing Blows was not calculating your Power correctly (note: speculation on my part based on data I gathered in Mod 18), base damage per proc increased to 150 mag (from 100 mag).
Also, in a case of hilarious irony, this post from noworries many months ago claimed that, in Mod 19, GF DPS and SW DPS were the main targets of rework. Whereas in reality, Barbarian and Hunter spec Ranger seemed to be the main targets of reworks (aside from things like healer changes).
Also, yes for you random Owlbear players reading this post, I'm aware of the irony of me pointing out this hilarious irony. Unfortunately, I think the devs' hands are tied figuring out how to rework some aspects of GF DPS without breaking others.But the Barbies will get some big changes. Maybe they can become one of the best dps classes in mod 19. That's pretty cool for them.
i wonder if they will write a complete patch notes for all the changes in the classes...
Anyway, you do not need to fear that a league of mighty hunters now overshadow your dps contribution. If it was not happening up till now, hardly will become common after taking that must-have-feat away.
Non cheesing GFs are down there in the bottom tier with Hunter as well.
I was merely pointing out the irony of noworries comment saying that Mod 19 is a SW/GF focused module, where in reality, Barbarian and Hunter (to a lesser extent) got the most changes.
I would also note that it is the Trapper set of feats/powers that got changes: Rate of Change, Cordon getting roots, changes to Forestbond, and a strange nerf to Biting Snares.
I think that it's very likely that Archer focused changes could happen depending on how open the devs are to ideas.
OK, so we add the roots here and there... while there were already other alternatives with bigger damage magnitudes and shorter cooldowns. I mean... so much work and the result can be summarised in AP gain nerf? Devs are bored. Really.
So, if your class gets anything useful - anything at all, cherish it. Even if it is only a single thing... Because they attempted to fix Hunter's low single target damage output by nerfing the AP gain...
Testing yesterday an Archer against dummies I could see bursts of 2 million dmg in two seconds going Disruptive Shot-Commanding Shot-Longstrider Shot-Constrictive Arrow (with Seeker's Vengeance, Aspect of the Falcon, Apprentice Spoil's set and More than Disruptive) but then it's basically low-damage at-wills until you refresh the rotation.
Adding a cooldown reduction to Aimed Shot could make an Archery set-up interesting, and it would be good to bring Binding Arrow to the Hunter side. Bringing back Longstrider's buff (only for the ranger) would also be an option to close the gap wity other specs and the code is probably still there.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
@noworries#8859: Some little changes could make us more competitive:
- Remove that long animation on Griffons Wraths third hit. It could be like the first hit.
- Vigorous Strikes with Crit Severity instead of Crit Chance.
- Vengeful damage buff 25% (up from 20%).
- Vigorous Strikes with Crit Severity instead of Crit Chance.
- Vengeful damage buff 25% (up from 20%).
- Remove power=arm pen on crushing blows
- cooldown on commanders needs to be 14 sec, 18 still too long
I am not even going to bring up potty squat as I assume we will be stuck with that horrendous thing forever
The problem are the powers that suck and are unreliable (Iron Warrior, Knight's Valor, Knight's Challenge) and the fact that, compared to the pre mod 16 version, it's boring to play, there is no resource management, only long cooldowns encounters, nearly irrelevant at-wills and that terrible dig-in. Apparently the only things we are supposed to do is to try to "maximize" our damage. All the pre mod 16 support and marking went out of the window (not to mention that encounters had generally lower cooldowns, so everything happened faster and there were less dead times).
Also, the AoE aggro kinda sucks, especially if you miss with a Shield Slam or the Vanguard charge-like encounter (I even forgot the name) charges in a completely different direction because the enemy is headin towards you at great speed (boy does that happen).
Paladin tanks have the edge in terms of "fun" since they get the choice between encounters with a cooldown and encounters without a cooldown but with resource management, that opens up options and makes the gameplay much less monotonous, heck when they are low on Divinity, swapping encounters in the middle of the combat becomes even a viable strategy for them!
Fighter Vanguard needs to be funnier to play and to provide reliable group benefits. Also, dig-in needs to go, plain and simple.
I agree, however, with those who say that we can't go to those conqueror mod 15 builds with with Knight's Challenge, Gripphon Wrath and Into the Fray one shotted Orcus... yeah, that was silly and it's a good thing that it's gone.
Edit: HAMSTER, I posted this in the wrong thread! oh well..